Releases: pkerspe/ESP-StepperMotor-Server
0.4.1: fixed issue 11
FIxed bug (issue 11) that caused no more than 4 stepper configs to be shown in UI even if limit has been increased in macro.
Also improved static ISR so that different limit switch types are now respected rather than having hardcoded limit switch with type SWITCHTYPE_LIMITSWITCH_POS_BEGIN_BIT only
Also updated UI to Version 0.4.1
0.3.3 - added build flags to reduce compiled code size
Build flags have been added to reduce the size of the compiled code.
See file in the section "Reducing code size" for more details (
also added latest UI version 0.3.3 with fixed WS Url
0.3.2 - support for position updates via websocket
In this release, the UI has been improved on the Control view. Now position data of the steppers is updated in near-real-time using a websocket connection to the ESP.
Also, the distance to move can now be specified in different units (steps, millimeter, and revolutions) in the control view
0.3.1 - support for external motor brake
added support in UI and REST API for external motor brake configuration. An IO Pin can be configured to engage an external motor brake and delay for engaging and disabling the brake can be configured
0.2.5 - dependency updates and latest UI version
Updated dependency information for ESP-FlexyStepper and added the latest UI Version (Version 0.2.2 of ESP-StepperMotor-Server-UI) to the example script / data folder
0.2.4 - cleanup and fixed dependencies
some code cleanup by adding propper destructors and copy constructors
added fixed dependency versions to prevent errors caused by some incompatible changes in external libraries
0.2.3 - improvements, fixes and new stepper library
In this release the following changes have been implemented:
- added library.json for Arduino support (hope it does not interfere with PlatformIO Library manager again)
- the stepper library used in the background has been replaced by ESP-FlexyStepper
- emergency stop functionality has been added (with support in UI and REST API)
- limit switch support improved
- updated documentation
- fixed some potential memory leaks and array out of bound exceptions to improve stability
- passwords for wifi and ap are no longer visible when downloading the config json file from the server for security reasons
- added new CLI commands to control wifi, AP and http port settings via serial port
- other minor cleanups in the code
0.2.2 - fixed emergency button function
- In this release mainly the function of emergency stop buttons / kill switch has been fixed.
- Also warning are output on the console if the user tries to configure an active low switch on a IO pin that does not support internal pullups
- Some minor cleanups have been done in the code
0.2.1 - performance tuning and WDT turned off on core 0
Due to the bad performance of the stepper updates in 0.2.0 this release addresses this issue by:
- removing the delay calls in the motor control task
- disabling the TWDT on Core 0 (since the removal of the delay causes watchdog timer issues, which I could not quick-fix in another way for now)
v0.2.0. - a huge step ahead
This release provides a lot of promised, yet so far missing functionality.
New with this release:
- a working serial command line interface with so far 17 commands to control the stepper server via the serial port
- new rest api endpoints and lot of bug fixes
- a non blocking approach to stepper controls, now calling the move to or move by functions will no longer block and will be performed as an asynchronous task in the background also allowing for movement of more than one stepper at a time
- updated documentation in the file
- updated Web Interface in the provided example with the latest version 0.2.0 of the Web UI