In this guide we assume you start from scratch, you just need a Google account and a billing account enabled for Google Cloud.
The fastest way to be efficient with GCP is to use their SDK, start by installing it.
curl | bash
Restart your shell with
exec -l $SHELL
If you already have it on your system, update it.
gcloud components update
gcloud projects create <PROJECT_NAME> --organization=<ORGANIZATION_ID> --set-as-default
Associate a Billing Account to this project.
Initialize your SDK and when doing so, when asked, choose the project you created earlier.
gcloud init
From now on all gcloud
commands will target this project.
Your project is brand new, so you need to enable the required APIs. You can list all of them with
gcloud services list --available
Enable the following ones
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable [for account binding]
gcloud services enable [for SQL managed services]
gcloud services enable [for SQL managed services]
gcloud services enable [for Vault GCP Secret Engine]
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
A Service Account is like a robot account used to automate provisioning on GCP. Terraform will use a Service Account Key to authenticate to GCP.
Create one like this
gcloud iam service-accounts create <PROJECT_NAME>-tf --display-name "<PROJECT_NAME>-tf Account"
And create and download a corresponding JSON credentials
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create \
~/.config/gcloud/<PROJECT_NAME>-tf.json \
--iam-account <PROJECT_NAME>-tf@<PROJECT_NAME>
Protect this file as well as you can, it gives access to your project.
Now grant service account project ownership
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding <PROJECT_NAME> --member \
'serviceAccount:<PROJECT_NAME>-tf@<PROJECT_NAME>' \
--role 'roles/owner'
This ends the setup of your Google Cloud environment ! Congrats.
You can get back to the main documentation.