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Auto Delete Log

MrDoobPG edited this page Mar 2, 2019 · 4 revisions

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Table of Contents

  1. Intro
  2. The Script

1. Intro

Today I will tell you how to use this script to blur its tracks and login traces. In advance: any change you make or similar is on a responsibility

The files of logs are in /var/log

tree -u -L 2 /var/log/

tree -u -L 2 /var/log/
├── [root]  alternatives.log         <---- that`s log file !!
├── [root]  apt                      <---- never delete the folder !!
├── [root]  fail2ban.log             <---- never delete this file !!
├── [root]  fu.log                   <---- that`s log file !!
├── [root]  installer                <---- never delete the folder !!
├── [root]  sysstat                  <---- never delete the folder !!
└── [root] unattended-upgrades       <---- never delete the folder !!

2. The Script

  1. su > to root access !
  2. cd /root/
  3. nano
  4. add the lines below ( )
  5. CTRG + X
  6. choma a+x /root/
  7. crontab -e ( below the script )
  8. CTRG + X

and finish !



# settings

# file names to filter



# advanced settings

FIND=$(which find)
FIND_ADD_NAME='-o -name'
FIND_ACTION=' -delete'

#Folder Setting
#Folder Setting


if [ ! -d "${TARGET_FOLDER}" ]; then
        echo 'Target directory does not exist.'
        exit 1

condition="-name '${UNWANTED_FILES[0]}'"
for ((i = 1; i < ${#UNWANTED_FILES[@]}; i++))
    condition="${condition} ${FIND_ADD_NAME} '${UNWANTED_FILES[i]}'"

command="${FIND} '${TARGET_FOLDER}' ${FIND_BASE_CONDITION} \( ${condition} \) ${FIND_ACTION}"
echo "Executing ${command}"
eval ${command}
exit 0


*/5 * * * * bash -x /root/ >/dev/null 2>&1
@reboot bash /root/ >/dev/null 2>&1

You can add more variables if you add the name of the log file in -->

UNWANTED_FILES=( 'name of file'

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