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Table of Contents

  1. Intro
  2. How to Utilize
  3. Commands
  4. Summary
  5. FAQ Guide

1. Intro

PGTrakt is a combination of a seamless user experience developed by PlexGuide along with the modified use of Traktarr to provide an effortless installation! PGTrakt does three basic things.

  • Provides a series of checkers to ensure that the user is able to install the program (sonarr and/or radarr)
  • Provides a user intuitive interface that enables the user to install PGTrakt from setup to deployment in under two minutes. But
  • Provides the user to utilize Traktarr, but with modified variables to enable hasty installation of the process (basically you do not need to be a Linux Guru to get this up and going).

2. How To Setup

Follow the series of steps to ensure that your deployment is successful.

a. First Things First

  • Prior to deploying PGTrakt, Radarr and/or Sonarr need to be deployed to prevent problems. PGTrakt will stop the user from executing portions of PGTrakt if the program targeted is not executed! Furthermore, the user needs to login to the programs and at least import or setup one TV show! Why? Because PGTrakt will fail because it does not detect a drive! Users are not required to deploy both programs; just at least one!

  • Next, GDrive and PGBlitz users must have UnionFS deployed, meaning that the user needs to setup PG Move, PG Blitz, or PG Drives deployed! This is required for the path set portion!

  • Finally, keep in mind that if PGTrakt is deployed and you wish to make changes; do so... but you must redeploy PGTrakt again! If not, the changes made will never go into effect.

b. Trakt API-Key

To obtain the Trakt API, conduct the following steps:

c. Sonarr Path / Radarr Path

In regards to the path's, ensure that you have pgdrives, pgblitz, or pgmove deployed! It's required for /unionfs unless you radarr and sonarr are using mounts outside of unionfs!

For most users, the following paths would be:

Sonarr: /mnt/unionfs/tv

Radarr: /mnt/unionfs/movies

Note: If your paths are different after /unionfs, please enter it correctly! Once set and you decided to mass deploy PGTrakt, many of your movies and tv shows will have the paths you set (meaning a mistakes will cost you time).

d. Sonnar Profile / Radarr Profile

The profile is simple to set. Listed are the default profiles!

If you created your own profile, you may enter here; but be aware that everything is case sensitive. If you deploy a bad profile (which PG cannot check for), you will have to correct everything accordingly! In most cases, it's easy to put Any and then adjust Any in both Sonarr/Radarr for simplification.

e. Deploy PGTrak

Simple! Once everything is set, you can select this option. If both Sonarr and Radarr are not running, PG will stop you! If you are running one of the programs, PG will warn of the program that is not running and continue to deploy.

Please note that if you make any changes AFTER you deploy PGTrakt, the program must be redeployed! If not, the user will be confused on why the changes did not apply!

3. Commands

To execute the PGTrakt commands, please click here

4. Summary

Utilizing PGTrakt is simple. Just setup, run, and go.

5. FAQ Guide

  • Check on Service, type sudo systemctl status pgtrakt (as shown below)

  • Want to advance edit the file? A user can, but DO NOT redeploy! Just follow the current steps

    1. sudo systemctl stop pgtrakt
    2. nano /opt/appdata/pgtrakt/config.json
    3. sudo systemctl restart pgtrakt

Installing PlexGuide

  1. PlexGuide Install Information

Preplanning & Information

  1. PG Folder Structure

Domain and Port Control

  1. CloudFlare Tunnel

Primary Applications

  1. Plex

Useful Links

  1. PG YouTube Channel
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