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.tool-versions elixir 1.12.3
elixir 1.12.3
docker-compose.yml postgres 14 rabbitmq 3-management influxdb 1.8
postgres 14
rabbitmq 3-management
influxdb 1.8
Dockerfile bitwalker/alpine-elixir 1.12.3 alpine 3.17.0 erlang ai/Dockerfile python 3.9-slim dockerfiles/Dockerfile.dump www/Dockerfile node 18.12.1-slim nginxinc/nginx-unprivileged 1.23.3-alpine www/e2e/cypress.Dockerfile cypress/included 11.2.0
bitwalker/alpine-elixir 1.12.3
alpine 3.17.0
python 3.9-slim
node 18.12.1-slim
nginxinc/nginx-unprivileged 1.23.3-alpine
cypress/included 11.2.0
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actions/checkout v3
docker/metadata-action v4
docker/setup-qemu-action v2
docker/setup-buildx-action v2
docker/login-action v2
docker/build-push-action v3
github/codeql-action v2
ubuntu 20.04
actions/setup-node v3
EndBug/add-and-commit v9
FirebaseExtended/action-hosting-deploy v0
mheap/github-action-required-labels v3
erlef/setup-beam v1
azure/setup-helm v3
actions/cache v3
8398a7/action-slack v3
google-github-actions/auth v1
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pluralsh/setup-plural v0.1.9
pluralsh/setup-plural v0.1.8
softprops/action-gh-release v1
pluralsh/chart-releaser v0.1.3
peter-evans/create-pull-request v5
hashicorp/setup-terraform v2
pluralsh/chart-releaser v0.1.1
stoat-dev/stoat-action v0
tj-actions/verify-changed-files v17
trymbill/cypress-slack-video-upload-action v1.3.0
.gitlab-ci.yml gcr.io/pluralsh/docker 19.03.13-dind gcr.io/pluralsh/circleci/elixir 1.9.4 gcr.io/pluralsh/plrl-base 0.1.9
gcr.io/pluralsh/docker 19.03.13-dind
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gcr.io/pluralsh/plrl-base 0.1.9
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gcr.io/pluralsh/oryd/hydra v2.0.3
gcr.io/pluralsh/registry 2.7.2
gcr.io/pluralsh/postgres 11.7.0-debian-10-r9
gcr.io/pluralsh/postgres-exporter 0.8.0
plural/helm/plural/Chart.yaml hydra 0.26.5 test-base 0.1.10
hydra 0.26.5
test-base 0.1.10
apps/api/mix.exs sentry 8.0.6 phoenix ~> 1.6.0 phoenix_pubsub ~> 2.0 phoenix_ecto ~> 4.4.0 ecto_sql ~> 3.9.0 postgrex >= 0.0.0 phoenix_html ~> 3.2.0 basic_auth ~> 2.2.2 phoenix_live_reload ~> 1.2 gettext ~> 0.20 jason ~> 1.0 guardian ~> 1.2.1 cors_plug ~> 2.0 plug_cowboy ~> 2.6.0 reverse_proxy_plug ~> 2.1.1 libcluster ~> 3.3.1 prometheus_ex ~> 3.0 prometheus_plugs ~> 1.1.1 remote_ip ~> 0.2.0 apps/core/mix.exs sentry 8.0.6 ecto_sql ~> 3.9.0 libvault ~> 0.2.0 ecto ~> 3.9.0 postgrex >= 0.0.0 ex_machina ~> 2.7.0 comeonin ~> 5.3.0 argon2_elixir ~> 2.0 inet_cidr ~> 1.0.0 dns ~> 2.4.0 bamboo ~> 2.0 parallax ~> 1.0 bourne ~> 1.1 flow ~> 0.15.0 joken ~> 2.5.0 guardian ~> 1.2.1 arc ~> 0.11.0 arc_gcs ~> 0.2.0 porcelain ~> 2.0 ex_aws ~> 2.4.0 ex_aws_s3 ~> 2.3.3 ex_aws_sts ~> 2.3.0 configparser_ex ~> 4.0 sweet_xml ~> 0.7.3 arc_ecto ~> 0.11.3 dictionary ~> 0.1.0 mojito ~> 0.7.0 nebulex == 2.4.2 workos ~> 0.1.2 decorator ~> 1.3 x509 ~> 0.8.5 yaml_elixir ~> 2.4 timex ~> 3.6 oauth2 ~> 2.0 websockex ~> 0.4 hackney ~> 1.18.0 tzdata ~> 1.1.0 prometheus_ex ~> 3.0 stripity_stripe ~> 2.17.1 conduit ~> 0.12 conduit_amqp ~> 0.6.3 rabbit_common ~> 3.9 amqp ~> 3.2 mime ~> 1.2 ex_image_info ~> 0.2.4 instream ~> 1.0 swarm ~> 3.4.0 poison ~> 3.0 cloudflare ~> 0.2 mint ~> 1.0 mimic ~> 1.1 google_api_iam ~> 0.40 google_api_cloud_resource_manager ~> 0.41 google_api_cloud_billing ~> 0.23 google_api_service_usage ~> 0.18 apps/cron/mix.exs apps/email/mix.exs phoenix ~> 1.6.0 phoenix_html ~> 3.2.0 phoenix_live_reload ~> 1.2 phoenix_live_dashboard ~> 0.5.3 telemetry_metrics ~> 0.6.1 telemetry_poller ~> 1.0.0 bamboo_phoenix ~> 1.0 gettext ~> 0.20 jason ~> 1.0 plug_cowboy ~> 2.6.0 apps/graphql/mix.exs absinthe ~> 1.7.0 absinthe_relay ~> 1.5.2 absinthe_plug ~> 1.5.8 dataloader == 1.0.10 apq ~> 1.2.1 hammer ~> 6.1 apps/rtc/mix.exs sentry 8.0.6 phoenix ~> 1.6.0 phoenix_html ~> 3.2.0 phoenix_live_reload ~> 1.4.0 telemetry_metrics ~> 0.6.1 telemetry_poller ~> 1.0.0 gettext ~> 0.20 jason ~> 1.0 plug_cowboy ~> 2.6.0 absinthe_phoenix ~> 2.0.2 libcluster ~> 3.3.1 prometheus_ex ~> 3.0 prometheus_plugs ~> 1.1.1 websockex ~> 0.4 briefly b0fd495bf0c5ef2c44de2791a8cc7a20813c7d36 apps/worker/mix.exs mix.exs distillery ~> 2.1 x509 ~> 0.8.5 shards ~> 1.0 ecto ~> 3.9.0 hackney ~> 1.18.1 absinthe_plug ~> 1.5.8 credo ~> 1.6 sobelow ~> 0.8 excoveralls ~> 0.10 junit_formatter ~> 3.3
sentry 8.0.6
phoenix ~> 1.6.0
phoenix_pubsub ~> 2.0
phoenix_ecto ~> 4.4.0
ecto_sql ~> 3.9.0
postgrex >= 0.0.0
phoenix_html ~> 3.2.0
basic_auth ~> 2.2.2
phoenix_live_reload ~> 1.2
gettext ~> 0.20
jason ~> 1.0
guardian ~> 1.2.1
cors_plug ~> 2.0
plug_cowboy ~> 2.6.0
reverse_proxy_plug ~> 2.1.1
libcluster ~> 3.3.1
prometheus_ex ~> 3.0
prometheus_plugs ~> 1.1.1
remote_ip ~> 0.2.0
libvault ~> 0.2.0
ecto ~> 3.9.0
ex_machina ~> 2.7.0
comeonin ~> 5.3.0
argon2_elixir ~> 2.0
inet_cidr ~> 1.0.0
dns ~> 2.4.0
bamboo ~> 2.0
parallax ~> 1.0
bourne ~> 1.1
flow ~> 0.15.0
joken ~> 2.5.0
arc ~> 0.11.0
arc_gcs ~> 0.2.0
porcelain ~> 2.0
ex_aws ~> 2.4.0
ex_aws_s3 ~> 2.3.3
ex_aws_sts ~> 2.3.0
configparser_ex ~> 4.0
sweet_xml ~> 0.7.3
arc_ecto ~> 0.11.3
dictionary ~> 0.1.0
mojito ~> 0.7.0
nebulex == 2.4.2
workos ~> 0.1.2
decorator ~> 1.3
x509 ~> 0.8.5
yaml_elixir ~> 2.4
timex ~> 3.6
oauth2 ~> 2.0
websockex ~> 0.4
hackney ~> 1.18.0
tzdata ~> 1.1.0
stripity_stripe ~> 2.17.1
conduit ~> 0.12
conduit_amqp ~> 0.6.3
rabbit_common ~> 3.9
amqp ~> 3.2
mime ~> 1.2
ex_image_info ~> 0.2.4
instream ~> 1.0
swarm ~> 3.4.0
poison ~> 3.0
cloudflare ~> 0.2
mint ~> 1.0
mimic ~> 1.1
google_api_iam ~> 0.40
google_api_cloud_resource_manager ~> 0.41
google_api_cloud_billing ~> 0.23
google_api_service_usage ~> 0.18
phoenix_live_dashboard ~> 0.5.3
telemetry_metrics ~> 0.6.1
telemetry_poller ~> 1.0.0
bamboo_phoenix ~> 1.0
absinthe ~> 1.7.0
absinthe_relay ~> 1.5.2
absinthe_plug ~> 1.5.8
dataloader == 1.0.10
apq ~> 1.2.1
hammer ~> 6.1
phoenix_live_reload ~> 1.4.0
absinthe_phoenix ~> 2.0.2
briefly b0fd495bf0c5ef2c44de2791a8cc7a20813c7d36
distillery ~> 2.1
shards ~> 1.0
hackney ~> 1.18.1
credo ~> 1.6
sobelow ~> 0.8
excoveralls ~> 0.10
junit_formatter ~> 3.3
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node 18.16.0
ai/requirements.txt aiohttp ==3.9.0 aiosignal ==1.3.1 anyio ==3.7.1 async-timeout ==4.0.2 attrs ==23.1.0 beautifulsoup4 ==4.12.2 certifi ==2023.7.22 charset-normalizer ==3.2.0 click ==8.1.4 dataclasses-json ==0.5.9 exceptiongroup ==1.1.2 fastapi ==0.100.0 frozenlist ==1.3.3 fsspec ==2023.6.0 h11 ==0.14.0 httptools ==0.6.0 idna ==3.4 langchain ==0.0.329 langchainplus-sdk ==0.0.20 llama-index ==0.7.4 marshmallow ==3.19.0 marshmallow-enum ==1.5.1 multidict ==6.0.4 mypy-extensions ==1.0.0 nest-asyncio ==1.5.6 numexpr ==2.8.4 numpy ==1.24.4 openai ==0.27.8 openapi-schema-pydantic ==1.2.4 packaging ==23.1 pandas ==2.0.3 pydantic ==1.10.11 python-dateutil ==2.8.2 python-dotenv ==1.0.0 pytz ==2023.3 PyYAML ==6.0 regex ==2023.6.3 requests ==2.31.0 six ==1.16.0 sniffio ==1.3.0 soupsieve ==2.4.1 SQLAlchemy ==2.0.18 starlette ==0.27.0 tenacity ==8.2.2 tiktoken ==0.4.0 tqdm ==4.65.0 typing-inspect ==0.8.0 typing_extensions ==4.5.0 tzdata ==2023.3 urllib3 ==1.26.18 uvicorn ==0.22.0 uvloop ==0.17.0 watchfiles ==0.19.0 websockets ==11.0.3 yarl ==1.9.2 bin/requirements.txt
aiohttp ==3.9.0
aiosignal ==1.3.1
anyio ==3.7.1
async-timeout ==4.0.2
attrs ==23.1.0
beautifulsoup4 ==4.12.2
certifi ==2023.7.22
charset-normalizer ==3.2.0
click ==8.1.4
dataclasses-json ==0.5.9
exceptiongroup ==1.1.2
fastapi ==0.100.0
frozenlist ==1.3.3
fsspec ==2023.6.0
h11 ==0.14.0
httptools ==0.6.0
idna ==3.4
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llama-index ==0.7.4
marshmallow ==3.19.0
marshmallow-enum ==1.5.1
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numpy ==1.24.4
openai ==0.27.8
openapi-schema-pydantic ==1.2.4
packaging ==23.1
pandas ==2.0.3
pydantic ==1.10.11
python-dateutil ==2.8.2
python-dotenv ==1.0.0
pytz ==2023.3
PyYAML ==6.0
regex ==2023.6.3
requests ==2.31.0
six ==1.16.0
sniffio ==1.3.0
soupsieve ==2.4.1
SQLAlchemy ==2.0.18
starlette ==0.27.0
tenacity ==8.2.2
tiktoken ==0.4.0
tqdm ==4.65.0
typing-inspect ==0.8.0
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yarl ==1.9.2
plural/terraform/aws/main.tf terraform-aws-modules/iam/aws 3.16.0 plural/terraform/aws/node-groups.tf github.com/pluralsh/module-library 20e64863ffc5e361045db8e6b81b9d244a55809e plural/terraform/aws/shell.tf github.com/pluralsh/module-library 20e64863ffc5e361045db8e6b81b9d244a55809e
terraform-aws-modules/iam/aws 3.16.0
github.com/pluralsh/module-library 20e64863ffc5e361045db8e6b81b9d244a55809e
Dockerfile helm/helm v3.11.0 alco/goon v1.1.1 pluralsh/plural-cli v0.7.8 accurics/terrascan v1.17.1 aquasecurity/trivy v0.36.1
helm/helm v3.11.0
alco/goon v1.1.1
pluralsh/plural-cli v0.7.8
accurics/terrascan v1.17.1
aquasecurity/trivy v0.36.1
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