Releases: pnbruckner/ha-illuminance
Add config flow, service info & translations
Support adding & configuring illuminance sensors via the UI. Change YAML configuration from platform
under sensor:
(which is now deprecated) to illuminance:
. Add YAML reload service for illuminance integration.
Remove all support for darksky
Confirmed that Dark Sky API has, indeed, shut down and is no longer usable.
DarkSky removed from HA as of 2023.4.0b6
This release handles DarkSky no longer being available.
Use common condition mapping when possible
Improve HACS support
Replaces broken 3.2.1 release.
Fixes dependency setup error by putting darksky in after_dependencies instead of dependencies.
Add unique IDs
Allows entities to be managed on UI Entities page.
Support HA versions 2021.12 and newer.
Use configurable divider fallback value when weather data not available
Add support for Buienradar.
Add support for cloud coverage sensors.
Use regular expressions to analyze attribution.
Handle unavailable & unknown states.
Use US Naval Observatory algorithm to estimate sun illuminance
Use an algorithm from the US Naval Observatory for estimating sun illuminance based on the sun's elevation (aka altitude.)
Add a new configuration item - mode - that selects this new algorithm (normal, default), or the previous one (simple.)
Remove support for Weather Underground & YR.