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File metadata and controls

55 lines (44 loc) · 7.32 KB


An opinionated HashiCorp Packer template for Raspberry Pi images, built around the packer-builder-arm ARM Packer builder plugin. It implements cloud-init for last-mile OS configuration and management.

See pi.pkr.hcl.


1. Configuration values

Copy example.pkrvars.hcl and edit.

(See Packer docs for more ways to set input variables)

2. Build

(e.g. using usb-gadget/usb_gadget.pkrvars.hcl)

docker run --rm --privileged \
    -v /dev:/dev \
    -v ${PWD}:/build \
    mkaczanowski/packer-builder-arm \
        build \
        -var-file=usb-gadget/usb_gadget.pkrvars.hcl \
        -var "git_repo=$(git remote get-url origin)" \
        -var "git_commit=$(git rev-parse HEAD)" \

(Using the above Docker image and run command is the easiest way to build cross-platform ARM images. See packer-builder-arm for alternative ways to run Packer with the packer-builder-arm plugin)


Name Description Type Default Required
boot_cmdline /boot/cmdline.txt config.

Linux kernel boot parameters, as a list. Will be joined as a space-delimited string.

boot_cmdline = [
Will create /boot/cmdline.txt as
abc def
boot_config /boot/config.txt

Raspberry Pi system configuration, as a list. Will be joined by newlines.

boot_cmdline = [
Will begin /boot/config.txt with:
list(string) [] no
boot_config_filters /boot/config.txt

Raspberry Pi system conditional filters configuration, as a list.

boot_config_filters = [
Will end /boot/config.txt with:
cloudinit_metadata_file The local path to a cloud-init metadata file.

See the cloud-init NoCloud datasource
string n/a yes
cloudinit_userdata_file The local path to a cloud-init userdata file.

See the cloud-init NoCloud datasource
string n/a yes
file_checksum The checksum value of file_url.

See packer-builder-arm.
string "" no
file_checksum_type The checksum type of file_checksum_url.

See packer-builder-arm.
string "sha256" no
file_checksum_url The checksum file URL of file_url.

See packer-builder-arm.
string "" no
file_target_extension The file extension of file_url.

See packer-builder-arm.
string "zip" no
file_url The URL of the OS image file.

See packer-builder-arm.
string n/a yes
git_commit The current git commit to pass to the build. It will be prepended to /boot/config.txt

Use on the command-line, i.e. -var "git_commit=$(git rev-parse HEAD)"
string "" no
git_repo The current git remote to pass to the build. It will be prepended to /boot/config.txt

Use on the command-line, i.e. -var "git_repo=$(git remote get-url origin)"
string "" no
image_path The file path the new OS image to create. string n/a yes
kernel_modules List of Linux kernel modules to enable, as seen in /etc/modules list(string) [] no
locales List of locales to generate, as seen in /etc/locale.gen. list(string)
"en_CA.UTF-8 UTF-8",
"en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8"
wpa_supplicant_country The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code in which the device is operating.

Required by the wpa_supplicant.
string "CA" no
wpa_supplicant_enabled Create a wpa_supplicant.conf file on the image.

If wpa_supplicant_path exists, it will be copied to the OS image, otherwise a basic wpa_supplicant.conf file will be created using wpa_supplicant_ssid, wpa_supplicant_pass and wpa_supplicant_country.
bool true no
wpa_supplicant_pass The WiFi password. string "" no
wpa_supplicant_path The local path to existing wpa_supplicant.conf to copy to the image. string "/tmp/dummy" no
wpa_supplicant_ssid The WiFi SSID. string "" no