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@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ Developer Documentation
 `Developing the Documentation <dev_docs.html>`_
+`Running PUMI Pipelines on a SLURM Cluster <running_on_slurm_cluster.html>`_
 `Running PUMI pipelines in a docker container <running_with_docker.html>`_
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+# Running PUMI Pipelines on a SLURM Cluster
+This tutorial will guide you through the steps of running PUMI pipelines on a SLURM cluster using the
+`cluster-pipeline-executor.sh` script.
+## Prerequisites
+- Verify that your cluster uses SLURM and that you have access to a node for job submission.
+- Ensure Git and Apptainer are available.
+## Step 1: Clone PUMI repository
+Clone the PUMI repository using the following command:
+git clone https://github.com/pni-lab/PUMI.git
+## Step 2: Navigate to Scripts Directory
+cd PUMI/scripts
+## Step 3: Run the Script with sbatch
+The cluster-pipeline-executor.sh script will automatically generate and submit a SLURM batch job for each subject in the dataset.
+While doing so, it will enforce a delay between submissions, as well as a user-bound job upper-limit, to avoid overloading the cluster.
+The script will handle the job submission, resource allocation, and execution of each job.
+You just have to run `sbatch cluster-pipeline-executor.sh` with a set of command-line parameters.
+### Command-line Parameters
+#### Mandatory Parameters
+- **`-i`**: **Input Dataset (`-i`)**
+  - **Description**: Path to the input dataset in BIDS format.
+  - **Example**: `/path/to/input/dataset`
+  - **Note**: This dataset will be processed by the pipeline.
+- **`-o`**: **Output Directory (`-o`)**
+  - **Description**: Path where the processed results will be saved.
+  - **Example**: `/path/to/output/directory`
+  - **Note**: Ensure that the output directory is writable.
+- **`-t`**: **Temporary Directory (`-t`)**
+  - **Description**: Path to store temporary files for each subject. This must be an absolute path within `/local/`.
+  - **Example**: `/local/tmp/pumi`
+  - **Note**: This directory is where temporary data will be stored during processing.
+- **`-l`**: **Log Directory (`-l`)**
+  - **Description**: Path to an NFS directory where log files will be stored.
+  - **Example**: `/nfs/log/directory`
+  - **Note**: Log files for each job will be saved in this directory.
+#### Optional Parameters
+- **`-p`**: **Pipeline to Run (`-p`)**
+  - **Description**: Name of the PUMI pipeline to run.
+  - **Example**: `rcpl.py`
+  - **Default Value**: `rcpl.py`
+  - **Note**: Ensure that the pipeline file exists in the `pipelines` folder of the PUMI repository.
+- **`-r`**: **Nipype Plugin Params (`-r`)**
+  - **Description**: Nipype plugin params.
+  - **Example**: `--plugin MultiProc --memory_gb 50 --n_procs 10`
+  - **Default Value**: `--plugin MultiProc --memory_gb 50 --n_procs 10`
+  - **Note**: Customize this according to the resources available on your cluster.
+- **`-m`**: **Maximum Jobs (`-m`)**
+  - **Description**: Maximum number of jobs to run simultaneously.
+  - **Example**: `10`
+  - **Default Value**: `16`
+  - **Note**: This ensures that no more than the specified number of jobs are running concurrently.
+- **`-n`**: **Nice Value (`-n`)**
+  - **Description**: The SLURM nice value for job priority. Higher values lower the job's priority.
+  - **Example**: `5`
+  - **Default Value**: `5`
+  - **Note**: This can be useful for managing resource allocation on the cluster.
+- **`-b`**: **Branch (`-b`)**
+  - **Description**: The GitHub branch of PUMI to use. If you don’t need a specific branch, you can leave it as `main`.
+  - **Example**: `main`
+  - **Default Value**: `main`
+  - **Note**: Specify the branch of the repository from which to run the pipeline.
+- **`-d`**: **Submit Delay (`-d`)**
+  - **Description**: Minimum delay between job submissions, in seconds. This is used to avoid submitting jobs too quickly.
+  - **Example**: `72`
+  - **Default Value**: `72`
+  - **Note**: This helps manage job submission rates, ensuring you don’t overload the queue.
+- **`-c`**: **CPUs per Task (`-c`)**
+  - **Description**: The number of CPUs allocated for each task.
+  - **Example**: `15`
+  - **Default Value**: `15`
+  - **Note**: Adjust this according to the number of CPUs you want each job to use.
+- **`-s`**: **Path to Image SIF File (`-s`)**
+  - **Description**: Path to the Apptainer Image (SIF file) for running the pipeline. If not provided, the script will pull the latest PUMI image and convert it to a SIF file.
+  - **Example**: `/path/to/PUMI.sif`
+  - **Default Value**: Not specified. If not provided, the script will pull the latest PUMI image and convert it to a SIF file.
+  - **Note**: This is necessary for running the pipeline inside the container.
+### Example Command
+Here’s an example of how to run the script:
+  sbatch cluster-pipeline-executor.sh \
+    -i /path/to/input/dataset \
+    -o /path/to/output/directory \
+    -t /local/tmp/pumi \
+    -l /nfs/log/directory \
+    -p rcpl.py \
+    -m 10 \
+    -d 72 \
+    -c 15 
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