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+# Partner API SDK for NodeJS
+## Installation
+$ npm install --save pokepay-partner-sdk
+import ppsdk from "pokepay-partner-sdk";
+// もしくは
+import { Client, SendEcho } from "pokepay-partner-sdk";
+## Getting started
+- ライブラリをロード
+- 設定ファイル(後述)から `Client` オブジェクトを作る
+- リクエストオブジェクトを作り、`Client` オブジェクトの `send` メソッドに対して渡す
+- レスポンスオブジェクトを得る
+import { Client, SendEcho } from "pokepay-partner-sdk";
+const client = new Client("/path/to/config.ini");
+const request = new SendEcho({ message: 'hello' });
+const response = await client.send(request);
+## Settings
+設定はINIファイルに記述し、`Client` のコンストラクタにファイルパスを指定します。
+SDKプロジェクトルートに `config.ini.sample` というファイルがありますのでそれを元に必要な情報を記述してください。特に以下の情報は通信の安全性のため必要な項目です。これらはパートナー契約時にお渡ししているものです。
+- `CLIENT_ID`: パートナーAPI クライアントID
+- `CLIENT_SECRET`: パートナーAPI クライアント秘密鍵
+- `SSL_KEY_FILE`: SSL秘密鍵ファイルパス
+- `SSL_CERT_FILE`: SSL証明書ファイルパス
+- `API_BASE_URL`: パートナーAPI サーバURL
+CLIENT_ID = xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
+CLIENT_SECRET = yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
+API_BASE_URL = https://partnerapi-sandbox.pokepay.jp
+SSL_KEY_FILE = /path/to/key.pem
+SSL_CERT_FILE = /path/to/cert.pem
+## Overview
+### APIリクエスト
+Partner APIへの通信はリクエストオブジェクトを作り、`Client.send` メソッドに渡すことで行われます。
+また `Client.send` は `async function` で `Promise` を返します。`await` することができます。
+たとえば `SendEcho` は送信した内容をそのまま返す処理です。
+const request = new SendEcho({ message: 'hello' });
+const response = await client.send(request);
+# => Response 200 OK
+# => 200
+# => {
+ response_data: 'T7hZYdaXYRC0oC8oRrowte89690bYL3Ly05V-IiSzTCslQG-TH0e1i9QYNTySwVS9hiTD6u2---xojelG-66rA',
+ timestamp: '2021-07-20T02:03:07.835Z',
+ partner_call_id: '7cd52e4a-b9a2-48e4-b921-80dcbc6b7f4c'
+# => { status: 'ok', message: 'hello' }
+# => 'hello'
+利用可能なAPI操作については [API Operations](#api-operations) で紹介します。
+### ページング
+- rows : 列挙するレスポンスクラスのオブジェクトの配列
+- count : 全体の要素数
+- pagination : 以下のインスタンス変数を持つオブジェクト
+ - current : 現在のページ位置(1からスタート)
+ - per_page : 1ページ当たりの要素数
+ - max_page : 最後のページ番号
+ - has_prev : 前ページを持つかどうかの真理値
+ - has_next : 次ページを持つかどうかの真理値
+ページングクラスは `Pagination` で定義されています。
+const request = new ListTransactions({ "page": 1, "per_page": 50 });
+const response = await client.send(request);
+if (response.object.pagination.has_next) {
+ const next_page = response.object.pagination.current + 1;
+ const request = new ListTransactions({ "page": next_page, "per_page": 50 });
+ const response = await client.send(request);
+### エラーハンドリング
+JavaScript をご使用の場合、必須パラメーターがチェックされます。
+TypeScript は型通りにお使いいただけます。
+const request = new SendEcho({});
+=> Error: "message" is required;
+API呼び出し時のエラーの場合は `axios` ライブラリのエラーが `throw` されます。
+参考: [axios handling errors](https://github.com/axios/axios#handling-errors)
+const axios = require('axios');
+const request = SendEcho.new({ message: "hello" });
+try {
+ const response = await client.send(request);
+} catch (error) {
+ if (axios.isAxiosError(error)) {
+ if (error.response) {
+ // The request was made and the server responded with a status code
+ // that falls out of the range of 2xx
+ // APIサーバーがエラーレスポンス (2xx 以外) を返した場合
+ console.log(error.response.data);
+ console.log(error.response.status);
+ console.log(error.response.headers);
+ } else if (error.request) {
+ // The request was made but no response was received
+ // `error.request` is an instance of http.ClientRequest
+ // リクエストは作られたが、レスポンスが受け取れなかった場合
+ // `error.request` に `http.ClientRequest` が入ります
+ console.log(error.request);
+ } else {
+ // Something happened in setting up the request that triggered an Error
+ // リクエストを作る際に何かが起こった場合
+ console.log('Error', error.message);
+ }
+ }
+## API Operations
+### Transaction
+- [GetCpmToken](./transaction.md#get-cpm-token): CPMトークンの状態取得
+- [ListTransactions](./transaction.md#list-transactions): 【廃止】取引履歴を取得する
+- [CreateTransaction](./transaction.md#create-transaction): 【廃止】チャージする
+- [ListTransactionsV2](./transaction.md#list-transactions-v2): 取引履歴を取得する
+- [CreateTopupTransaction](./transaction.md#create-topup-transaction): チャージする
+- [CreatePaymentTransaction](./transaction.md#create-payment-transaction): 支払いする
+- [CreateCpmTransaction](./transaction.md#create-cpm-transaction): CPMトークンによる取引作成
+- [CreateTransferTransaction](./transaction.md#create-transfer-transaction): 個人間送金
+- [CreateExchangeTransaction](./transaction.md#create-exchange-transaction):
+- [GetTransaction](./transaction.md#get-transaction): 取引情報を取得する
+- [RefundTransaction](./transaction.md#refund-transaction): 取引をキャンセルする
+- [GetTransactionByRequestId](./transaction.md#get-transaction-by-request-id): リクエストIDから取引情報を取得する
+- [GetBulkTransaction](./transaction.md#get-bulk-transaction): バルク取引ジョブの実行状況を取得する
+- [ListBulkTransactionJobs](./transaction.md#list-bulk-transaction-jobs): バルク取引ジョブの詳細情報一覧を取得する
+- [RequestUserStats](./transaction.md#request-user-stats): 指定期間内の顧客が行った取引の統計情報をCSVでダウンロードする
+### Transfer
+- [GetAccountTransferSummary](./transfer.md#get-account-transfer-summary):
+- [ListTransfers](./transfer.md#list-transfers):
+- [ListTransfersV2](./transfer.md#list-transfers-v2):
+### Check
+- [CreateCheck](./check.md#create-check): チャージQRコードの発行
+- [ListChecks](./check.md#list-checks): チャージQRコード一覧の取得
+- [GetCheck](./check.md#get-check): チャージQRコードの表示
+- [UpdateCheck](./check.md#update-check): チャージQRコードの更新
+- [CreateTopupTransactionWithCheck](./check.md#create-topup-transaction-with-check): チャージQRコードを読み取ることでチャージする
+### Bill
+- [ListBills](./bill.md#list-bills): 支払いQRコード一覧を表示する
+- [CreateBill](./bill.md#create-bill): 支払いQRコードの発行
+- [UpdateBill](./bill.md#update-bill): 支払いQRコードの更新
+### Cashtray
+- [CreateCashtray](./cashtray.md#create-cashtray): Cashtrayを作る
+- [GetCashtray](./cashtray.md#get-cashtray): Cashtrayの情報を取得する
+- [CancelCashtray](./cashtray.md#cancel-cashtray): Cashtrayを無効化する
+- [UpdateCashtray](./cashtray.md#update-cashtray): Cashtrayの情報を更新する
+### Customer
+- [GetAccount](./customer.md#get-account): ウォレット情報を表示する
+- [UpdateAccount](./customer.md#update-account): ウォレット情報を更新する
+- [DeleteAccount](./customer.md#delete-account): ウォレットを退会する
+- [ListAccountBalances](./customer.md#list-account-balances): エンドユーザーの残高内訳を表示する
+- [ListAccountExpiredBalances](./customer.md#list-account-expired-balances): エンドユーザーの失効済みの残高内訳を表示する
+- [UpdateCustomerAccount](./customer.md#update-customer-account): エンドユーザーのウォレット情報を更新する
+- [GetCustomerAccounts](./customer.md#get-customer-accounts): エンドユーザーのウォレット一覧を表示する
+- [CreateCustomerAccount](./customer.md#create-customer-account): 新規エンドユーザーをウォレットと共に追加する
+- [GetShopAccounts](./customer.md#get-shop-accounts): 店舗ユーザーのウォレット一覧を表示する
+- [ListCustomerTransactions](./customer.md#list-customer-transactions): 取引履歴を取得する
+### Organization
+- [ListOrganizations](./organization.md#list-organizations): 加盟店組織の一覧を取得する
+- [CreateOrganization](./organization.md#create-organization): 新規加盟店組織を追加する
+### Shop
+- [ListShops](./shop.md#list-shops): 店舗一覧を取得する
+- [CreateShop](./shop.md#create-shop): 【廃止】新規店舗を追加する
+- [CreateShopV2](./shop.md#create-shop-v2): 新規店舗を追加する
+- [GetShop](./shop.md#get-shop): 店舗情報を表示する
+- [UpdateShop](./shop.md#update-shop): 店舗情報を更新する
+### User
+- [GetUser](./user.md#get-user):
+### Account
+- [ListUserAccounts](./account.md#list-user-accounts): エンドユーザー、店舗ユーザーのウォレット一覧を表示する
+- [CreateUserAccount](./account.md#create-user-account): エンドユーザーのウォレットを作成する
+### Private Money
+- [GetPrivateMoneys](./private_money.md#get-private-moneys): マネー一覧を取得する
+- [GetPrivateMoneyOrganizationSummaries](./private_money.md#get-private-money-organization-summaries): 決済加盟店の取引サマリを取得する
+- [GetPrivateMoneySummary](./private_money.md#get-private-money-summary): 取引サマリを取得する
+### Bulk
+- [BulkCreateTransaction](./bulk.md#bulk-create-transaction): CSVファイル一括取引
+### Event
+- [CreateExternalTransaction](./event.md#create-external-transaction): ポケペイ外部取引を作成する
+- [RefundExternalTransaction](./event.md#refund-external-transaction): ポケペイ外部取引をキャンセルする
+### Campaign
+- [CreateCampaign](./campaign.md#create-campaign): ポイント付与キャンペーンを作る
+- [ListCampaigns](./campaign.md#list-campaigns): キャンペーン一覧を取得する
+- [GetCampaign](./campaign.md#get-campaign): キャンペーンを取得する
+- [UpdateCampaign](./campaign.md#update-campaign): ポイント付与キャンペーンを更新する
+### Webhook
+- [CreateWebhook](./webhook.md#create-webhook): webhookの作成
+- [ListWebhooks](./webhook.md#list-webhooks): 作成したWebhookの一覧を返す
+- [UpdateWebhook](./webhook.md#update-webhook): Webhookの更新
+- [DeleteWebhook](./webhook.md#delete-webhook): Webhookの削除
+### Coupon
+- [ListCoupons](./coupon.md#list-coupons): クーポン一覧の取得
+- [CreateCoupon](./coupon.md#create-coupon): クーポンの登録
+- [GetCoupon](./coupon.md#get-coupon): クーポンの取得
+- [UpdateCoupon](./coupon.md#update-coupon): クーポンの更新
+### UserDevice
+- [CreateUserDevice](./user_device.md#create-user-device): ユーザーのデバイス登録
+- [GetUserDevice](./user_device.md#get-user-device): ユーザーのデバイスを取得
+- [ActivateUserDevice](./user_device.md#activate-user-device): デバイスの有効化
+### BankPay
+- [CreateBank](./bank_pay.md#create-bank): 銀行口座の登録
+- [ListBanks](./bank_pay.md#list-banks): 登録した銀行の一覧
+- [CreateBankTopupTransaction](./bank_pay.md#create-bank-topup-transaction): 銀行からのチャージ
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+# Account
+## ListUserAccounts: エンドユーザー、店舗ユーザーのウォレット一覧を表示する
+const response: Response = await client.send(new ListUserAccounts({
+ user_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // ユーザーID
+ page: 9970, // ページ番号
+ per_page: 7800 // 1ページ分の取引数
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+## CreateUserAccount: エンドユーザーのウォレットを作成する
+const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateUserAccount({
+ user_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // ユーザーID
+ private_money_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // マネーID
+ name: "musaHN4dAo0kcMwrj6lsuth9pSzmqVAxW3BZh2UFG0NdobuyCqKAyF8XBloHn7nUM7l934bPMQ7DIwFMXGuPCrmdUDxKggDFfFvOJkxhc8IPvtQD4QxNm6tX3Guvbo2vDNfvQpElqxJKgNyOMeXS2rUoCJ5iHqor", // ウォレット名
+ external_id: "IswPc2cB", // 外部ID
+ metadata: "{\"key1\":\"foo\",\"key2\":\"bar\"}" // ウォレットに付加するメタデータ
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 256
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 50
+- フラットな構造のJSONを文字列化したものであること。
+- keyは最大32文字の文字列(同じkeyを複数指定することはできません)
+- valueには128文字以下の文字列が指定できます
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "json"
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+# BankPay
+## CreateBank: 銀行口座の登録
+アプリの場合はDeep Linkを使うことを想定しています。
+const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateBank({
+ user_device_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // デバイスID
+ private_money_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // マネーID
+ callback_url: "", // コールバックURL
+ kana: "ポケペイタロウ", // ユーザーの氏名 (片仮名で指定)
+ email: "qC15yVJZpc@8KVp.com", // ユーザーのメールアドレス
+ birthdate: "19901142" // 生年月日
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 256
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 30
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "email",
+ "maxLength": 300
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 8
+## ListBanks: 登録した銀行の一覧
+const response: Response = await client.send(new ListBanks({
+ user_device_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // デバイスID
+ private_money_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+## CreateBankTopupTransaction: 銀行からのチャージ
+const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateBankTopupTransaction({
+ user_device_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // デバイスID
+ private_money_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // マネーID
+ amount: 7742, // チャージ金額
+ bank_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // 銀行ID
+ request_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" // リクエストID
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
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+# Bill
+## ListBills: 支払いQRコード一覧を表示する
+const response: Response = await client.send(new ListBills({
+ page: 8308, // ページ番号
+ per_page: 5622, // 1ページの表示数
+ bill_id: "laKx", // 支払いQRコードのID
+ private_money_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // マネーID
+ organization_code: "CMf-9Tbr-uA-3dv2K1u-t2aU848H--", // 組織コード
+ description: "test bill", // 取引説明文
+ created_from: "2020-01-14T03:21:13.000000Z", // 作成日時(起点)
+ created_to: "2020-09-03T11:53:51.000000Z", // 作成日時(終点)
+ shop_name: "bill test shop1", // 店舗名
+ shop_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // 店舗ID
+ lower_limit_amount: 3745, // 金額の範囲によるフィルタ(下限)
+ upper_limit_amount: 6172, // 金額の範囲によるフィルタ(上限)
+ is_disabled: true // 支払いQRコードが無効化されているかどうか
+### Parameters
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ "type": "string"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 32,
+ "pattern": "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$"
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 200
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 256
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "integer",
+ "format": "decimal",
+ "minimum": 0
+ "type": "integer",
+ "format": "decimal",
+ "minimum": 0
+ "type": "boolean"
+## CreateBill: 支払いQRコードの発行
+const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateBill({
+ private_money_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // 支払いマネーのマネーID
+ shop_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // 支払い先(受け取り人)の店舗ID
+ amount: 6991.0, // 支払い額
+ description: "test bill" // 説明文(アプリ上で取引の説明文として表示される)
+### Parameters
+ "type": "number",
+ "format": "decimal",
+ "minimum": 0
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 200
+## UpdateBill: 支払いQRコードの更新
+const response: Response = await client.send(new UpdateBill({
+ bill_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // 支払いQRコードのID
+ amount: 3919.0, // 支払い額
+ description: "test bill", // 説明文
+ is_disabled: true // 無効化されているかどうか
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "number",
+ "format": "decimal",
+ "minimum": 0
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 200
+ "type": "boolean"
diff --git a/docs/bulk.md b/docs/bulk.md
new file mode 100644
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+# Bulk
+## BulkCreateTransaction: CSVファイル一括取引
+const response: Response = await client.send(new BulkCreateTransaction({
+ name: "skU0m8hSr1melepO9LnwIsUc", // 一括取引タスク名
+ content: "mvb4", // 取引する情報のCSV
+ request_id: "GOUqCz9cGDIhlPt52zP7YS2DWusWLcKpd2P3", // リクエストID
+ description: "35Nv6jpCTg7cI", // 一括取引の説明
+ private_money_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" // マネーID
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 32
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 128
+- `type`: 取引種別
+ - 必須。'topup' または 'payment'
+- `sender_id`: 送金ユーザーID
+ - 必須。UUID
+- `receiver_id`: 受取ユーザーID
+ - 必須。UUID
+- `private_money_id`: マネーID
+ - 必須。UUID
+- `money_amount`: マネー額
+ - 任意。ただし `point_amount` といずれかが必須。0以上の数字
+- `point_amount`: ポイント額
+ - 任意。ただし `money_amount` といずれかが必須。0以上の数字
+- `description`: 取引の説明文
+ - 任意。200文字以内。取引履歴に表示される文章
+- `bear_account_id`: ポイント負担ウォレットID
+ - `point_amount` があるときは必須。UUID
+- `point_expires_at`: ポイントの有効期限
+ - 任意。指定がないときはマネーに設定された有効期限を適用
+ "type": "string"
+ "type": "string",
+ "minLength": 36,
+ "maxLength": 36
+マネーIDです。 マネーを指定します。
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
diff --git a/docs/campaign.md b/docs/campaign.md
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+# Campaign
+## CreateCampaign: ポイント付与キャンペーンを作る
+const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateCampaign({
+ name: "jgcPmkAEumRe3ajMg8VGC0KZL7VMaMEGv2NsNRGCHkqW6b190Xf2yHeAyBqIIySMiYLD3kq3Znz8pepfEmpSiLZTFdERWScAwFtubDUWmymMiDwFFfcNNLAfTp6G3m2S11HDiNC2T6Z1NRFWi9xNJqHv5TG4qAHZdsob31R", // キャンペーン名
+ private_money_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // マネーID
+ starts_at: "2020-01-23T17:23:33.000000Z", // キャンペーン開始日時
+ ends_at: "2023-11-29T10:51:14.000000Z", // キャンペーン終了日時
+ priority: 9775, // キャンペーンの適用優先度
+ event: "external-transaction", // イベント種別
+ bear_point_shop_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // ポイント負担先店舗ID
+ description: "FcTjCHIRk6EOKDYDfh7IyYBf", // キャンペーンの説明文
+ status: "disabled", // キャンペーン作成時の状態
+ point_expires_at: "2022-05-31T13:43:18.000000Z", // ポイント有効期限(絶対日時指定)
+ point_expires_in_days: 1075, // ポイント有効期限(相対日数指定)
+ is_exclusive: false, // キャンペーンの重複設定
+ subject: "money", // ポイント付与の対象金額の種別
+ amount_based_point_rules: [{
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
+ "subject_less_than": 5000
+}, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
+ "subject_less_than": 5000
+}], // 取引金額ベースのポイント付与ルール
+ product_based_point_rules: [{
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "is_multiply_by_count": true,
+ "required_count": 2
+}], // 商品情報ベースのポイント付与ルール
+ blacklisted_product_rules: [{
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+}, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+}], // 商品情報ベースのキャンペーンで除外対象にする商品リスト
+ applicable_days_of_week: [4, 5, 2], // キャンペーンを適用する曜日 (複数指定)
+ applicable_time_ranges: [{
+ "from": "12:00",
+ "to": "23:59"
+}], // キャンペーンを適用する時間帯 (複数指定)
+ applicable_shop_ids: ["xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"], // キャンペーン適用対象となる店舗IDのリスト
+ minimum_number_of_products: 3677, // キャンペーンを適用する1会計内の商品個数の下限
+ minimum_number_of_amount: 9333, // キャンペーンを適用する1会計内の商品総額の下限
+ minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 1069, // 複数種類の商品を同時購入するときの商品種別数の下限
+ exist_in_each_product_groups: true, // 複数の商品グループにつき1種類以上の商品購入によって発火するキャンペーンの指定フラグ
+ max_point_amount: 7906, // キャンペーンによって付与されるポイントの上限
+ max_total_point_amount: 1642, // キャンペーンによって付与されるの1人当たりの累計ポイントの上限
+ dest_private_money_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // ポイント付与先となるマネーID
+ applicable_account_metadata: {
+ "key": "sex",
+ "value": "male"
+}, // ウォレットに紐付くメタデータが特定の値を持つときにのみ発火するキャンペーンを登録します。
+ budget_caps_amount: 1315895000 // キャンペーン予算上限
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 256
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
+ "type": "integer"
+1. topup
+ 店舗からエンドユーザーへの送金取引(チャージ)
+2. payment
+ エンドユーザーから店舗への送金取引(支払い)
+3. external-transaction
+ ポケペイ外の取引(現金決済など)
+ "type": "string",
+ "enum": [
+ "topup",
+ "payment",
+ "external-transaction"
+ ]
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 200
+1. enabled
+ 有効
+2. disabled
+ 無効
+ "type": "string",
+ "enum": [
+ "enabled",
+ "disabled"
+ ]
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ "type": "boolean"
+1. money
+2. all
+all を指定すると決済額全体を対象にします (「ポイント」での取引額を含む)
+注意: event を topup にしたときはポイントの付与に対しても適用されます
+ "type": "string",
+ "enum": [
+ "money",
+ "all"
+ ]
+amount_based_point_rules と product_based_point_rules はどちらか一方しか指定できません。
+ // 1000円以上、5000円未満の決済には 5%
+ {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
+ "subject_less_than": 5000
+ },
+ // 5000円以上の決済には 10%
+ {
+ "point_amount": 10,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "subject_more_than_or_equal": 5000
+ },
+ "type": "array",
+ "items": {
+ "type": "object"
+ }
+amount_based_point_rules と product_based_point_rules はどちらか一方しか指定できません。
+event が payment か external-transaction の時のみ有効です。
+ // 対象商品の購入額から5%ポイント付与。複数購入時は単価の5%が付与される。
+ {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ },
+ // 対象商品の購入額から5%ポイント付与。複数購入時は購入総額の5%が付与される。
+ {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "is_multiply_by_count": true,
+ },
+ // 対象商品を2つ以上購入したら500ポイント付与(固定額付与)
+ {
+ "point_amount": 500,
+ "point_amount_unit": "absolute",
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "required_count": 2
+ },
+ // 書籍は10%ポイント付与
+ // ※ISBNの形式はレジがポケペイに送信する形式に準じます
+ {
+ "point_amount": 10,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "product_code": "978-%",
+ },
+ // 一部の出版社の書籍は10%ポイント付与
+ {
+ "point_amount": 10,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "product_code": "978-4-01-%", // 旺文社
+ }
+ "type": "array",
+ "items": {
+ "type": "object"
+ }
+取引時には、まずここで指定した除外対象商品が除かれ、残った商品に対して `product_based_point_rules` のルール群が適用されます。
+ "type": "array",
+ "items": {
+ "type": "object"
+ }
+ "type": "array",
+ "items": {
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 0,
+ "maximum": 6
+ }
+ "type": "array",
+ "items": {
+ "type": "object"
+ }
+ "type": "array",
+ "items": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ }
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+このパラメータを指定するときは product_based_point_rules で商品毎のルールが指定されている必要があります。
+例えば、A商品とB商品とC商品のうち、キャンペーンの発火のために2商品以上が同時購入される必要があるときは 2 を指定します。
+例1: 商品A, Bが同時購入されたときに固定ポイント額(200ポイント)付与
+ minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 2,
+ product_based_point_rules: [
+ {
+ "point_amount": 100,
+ "point_amount_unit": "absolute",
+ "product_code": "商品Aの商品コード"
+ },
+ {
+ "point_amount": 100,
+ "point_amount_unit": "absolute",
+ "product_code": "商品Bの商品コード"
+ }
+ ]
+例2: 商品A, Bが3個ずつ以上同時購入されたときに固定ポイント額(200ポイント)付与
+ minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 2,
+ product_based_point_rules: [
+ {
+ "point_amount": 100,
+ "point_amount_unit": "absolute",
+ "product_code": "商品Aの商品コード",
+ "required_count": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "point_amount": 100,
+ "point_amount_unit": "absolute",
+ "product_code": "商品Bの商品コード",
+ "required_count": 3
+ }
+ ]
+例2: 商品A, B, Cのうち2商品以上が同時購入されたときに総額の10%ポイントが付与
+ minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 2,
+ product_based_point_rules: [
+ {
+ "point_amount": 10,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "product_code": "商品Aの商品コード",
+ "is_multiply_by_count": true,
+ },
+ {
+ "point_amount": 10,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "product_code": "商品Bの商品コード",
+ "is_multiply_by_count": true,
+ },
+ {
+ "point_amount": 10,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "product_code": "商品Cの商品コード",
+ "is_multiply_by_count": true,
+ }
+ ]
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+このパラメータを指定するときは product_based_point_rules で商品毎のルールが指定され、さらにその中でgroup_idが指定されている必要があります。group_idは正の整数です。
+exist_in_each_product_groupsが指定されているにも関わらず商品毎のルールでgroup_idが指定されていないものが含まれている場合はinvalid_parametersエラー(missing group_id, エラーコード400)が返ります。
+例えば、商品グループA(商品コードa1, a2)、商品グループB(商品コードb1, b2)の2つの商品グループがあるとします。
+ exist_in_each_product_groups: true,
+ product_based_point_rules: [
+ {
+ "point_amount": 100,
+ "point_amount_unit": "absolute",
+ "product_code": "a1",
+ "group_id": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "point_amount": 100,
+ "point_amount_unit": "absolute",
+ "product_code": "a2",
+ "group_id": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "point_amount": 200,
+ "point_amount_unit": "absolute",
+ "product_code": "b1",
+ "group_id": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "point_amount": 200,
+ "point_amount_unit": "absolute",
+ "product_code": "b2",
+ "group_id": 2
+ }
+ ]
+このキャンペーンが設定された状態で、商品a1、b1が同時に購入された場合、各商品に対する個別のルールが適用された上での総和がポイント付与値になります。つまり100 + 200=300がポイント付与値になります。商品a1、a2、 b1、b2が同時に購入された場合は100 + 100 + 200 + 200=600がポイント付与値になります。 商品a1、a2が同時に購入された場合は全商品グループから1種以上購入されるという条件を満たしていないためポイントは付与されません。
+ max_point_amount: 100,
+ exist_in_each_product_groups: true,
+ product_based_point_rules: [
+ {
+ "point_amount": 100,
+ "point_amount_unit": "absolute",
+ "product_code": "a1",
+ "group_id": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "point_amount": 100,
+ "point_amount_unit": "absolute",
+ "product_code": "a2",
+ "group_id": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "point_amount": 100,
+ "point_amount_unit": "absolute",
+ "product_code": "b1",
+ "group_id": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "point_amount": 100,
+ "point_amount_unit": "absolute",
+ "product_code": "b2",
+ "group_id": 2
+ }
+ ]
+このキャンペーンが設定された状態で、商品a1、b1が同時に購入された場合、各商品に対する個別のルールが適用された上での総和がポイント付与値になりますが、付与値の上限が100ポイントになります。つまり100 + 200=300と計算されますが上限額の100ポイントが実際の付与値になります。商品a1、a2、 b1、b2が同時に購入された場合は100 + 100 + 200 + 200=600ですが上限額の100がポイント付与値になります。 商品a1、a2が同時に購入された場合は全商品グループから1種以上購入されるという条件を満たしていないためポイントは付与されません。
+ "type": "boolean"
+このパラメータが指定されている場合、amount_based_point_rules や product_based_point_rules によって計算されるポイント付与値がmax_point_amountを越えている場合、max_point_amountの値がポイント付与値となり、越えていない場合はその値がポイント付与値となります。
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ポイント付与先のマネーはキャンペーンを駆動するイベントのマネーと同一発行体が発行しているものに限ります。その他のマネーIDが指定された場合は private_money_not_found (422) が返ります。
+別マネーに対するポイント付与は別のtransactionとなります。 RefundTransaction で元のイベントをキャンセルしたときはポイント付与のtransactionもキャンセルされ、逆にポイント付与のtransactionをキャンセルしたときは連動して元のイベントがキャンセルされます。
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+メタデータの属性名 key とメタデータの値 value の組をオブジェクトとして指定します。
+デフォルトは equal で、その他に not-equalを指定可能です。
+例1: 取引が行なわれたウォレットのメタデータに住所として東京が指定されているときのみ発火
+ "key": "prefecture",
+ "value": "tokyo"
+例2: 取引が行なわれたウォレットのメタデータに住所として東京以外が指定されているときのみ発火
+ "key": "prefecture",
+ "value": "tokyo",
+ "test": "not-equal"
+ "type": "object"
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1,
+ "maximum": 10000000000
+## ListCampaigns: キャンペーン一覧を取得する
+閲覧権限がない場合は unpermitted_admin_user エラー(422)が返ります。
+const response: Response = await client.send(new ListCampaigns({
+ private_money_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // マネーID
+ is_ongoing: true, // 現在適用可能なキャンペーンかどうか
+ available_from: "2021-02-12T14:30:23.000000Z", // 指定された日時以降に適用可能期間が含まれているか
+ available_to: "2021-11-23T20:11:23.000000Z", // 指定された日時以前に適用可能期間が含まれているか
+ page: 1, // ページ番号
+ per_page: 20 // 1ページ分の取得数
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "boolean"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+1ページ分の取得数です。デフォルトでは 20 になっています。
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1,
+ "maximum": 50
+## GetCampaign: キャンペーンを取得する
+閲覧権限がない場合は unpermitted_admin_user エラー(422)が返ります。
+const response: Response = await client.send(new GetCampaign({
+ campaign_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" // キャンペーンID
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+## UpdateCampaign: ポイント付与キャンペーンを更新する
+const response: Response = await client.send(new UpdateCampaign({
+ campaign_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // キャンペーンID
+ name: "eLppJ33CkMXXFMJbGPqbgq29Gzz59vVOvin5VZAtZIBDPoHNl5n64I544K0pgRwqKcwLRpyfhvSp3huvf9ISSZ1V5b6lHxDKXrcl2EVGtJV2Ntce9IqiVZ5m5eyekXLeKtBuImxNnX45R5ZNIieikdp8w9LWlkrqUcz43dBm26Or7FE7oxXwqyeP95WFsrDTZsTHaLMAx4xhJmPNb2Vt3kMgTz", // キャンペーン名
+ starts_at: "2022-04-04T12:36:17.000000Z", // キャンペーン開始日時
+ ends_at: "2020-11-10T23:55:36.000000Z", // キャンペーン終了日時
+ priority: 4845, // キャンペーンの適用優先度
+ event: "external-transaction", // イベント種別
+ description: "uCtm4tM4rQ7TMWwQQegAiqW5G", // キャンペーンの説明文
+ status: "enabled", // キャンペーン作成時の状態
+ point_expires_at: "2023-01-16T12:50:59.000000Z", // ポイント有効期限(絶対日時指定)
+ point_expires_in_days: 1695, // ポイント有効期限(相対日数指定)
+ is_exclusive: true, // キャンペーンの重複設定
+ subject: "money", // ポイント付与の対象金額の種別
+ amount_based_point_rules: [{
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
+ "subject_less_than": 5000
+}, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
+ "subject_less_than": 5000
+}], // 取引金額ベースのポイント付与ルール
+ product_based_point_rules: [{
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "is_multiply_by_count": true,
+ "required_count": 2
+}], // 商品情報ベースのポイント付与ルール
+ blacklisted_product_rules: [{
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+}, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+}], // 商品情報ベースのキャンペーンで除外対象にする商品リスト
+ applicable_days_of_week: [3, 5, 3], // キャンペーンを適用する曜日 (複数指定)
+ applicable_time_ranges: [{
+ "from": "12:00",
+ "to": "23:59"
+}], // キャンペーンを適用する時間帯 (複数指定)
+ applicable_shop_ids: ["xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"], // キャンペーン適用対象となる店舗IDのリスト
+ minimum_number_of_products: 3650, // キャンペーンを適用する1会計内の商品個数の下限
+ minimum_number_of_amount: 7375, // キャンペーンを適用する1会計内の商品総額の下限
+ minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 3509, // 複数種類の商品を同時購入するときの商品種別数の下限
+ exist_in_each_product_groups: true, // 複数の商品グループにつき1種類以上の商品購入によって発火するキャンペーンの指定フラグ
+ max_point_amount: 3498, // キャンペーンによって付与されるポイントの上限
+ max_total_point_amount: 6455, // キャンペーンによって付与されるの1人当たりの累計ポイントの上限
+ applicable_account_metadata: {
+ "key": "sex",
+ "value": "male"
+}, // ウォレットに紐付くメタデータが特定の値を持つときにのみ発火するキャンペーンを登録します。
+ budget_caps_amount: 976430174 // キャンペーン予算上限
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 256
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
+ "type": "integer"
+1. topup
+ 店舗からエンドユーザーへの送金取引(チャージ)
+2. payment
+ エンドユーザーから店舗への送金取引(支払い)
+3. external-transaction
+ ポケペイ外の取引(現金決済など)
+ "type": "string",
+ "enum": [
+ "topup",
+ "payment",
+ "external-transaction"
+ ]
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 200
+1. enabled
+ 有効
+2. disabled
+ 無効
+ "type": "string",
+ "enum": [
+ "enabled",
+ "disabled"
+ ]
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ "type": "boolean"
+1. money
+2. all
+all を指定すると決済額全体を対象にします (「ポイント」での取引額を含む)
+注意: event を topup にしたときはポイントの付与に対しても適用されます
+ "type": "string",
+ "enum": [
+ "money",
+ "all"
+ ]
+amount_based_point_rules と product_based_point_rules はどちらか一方しか指定できません。
+ // 1000円以上、5000円未満の決済には 5%
+ {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
+ "subject_less_than": 5000
+ },
+ // 5000円以上の決済には 10%
+ {
+ "point_amount": 10,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "subject_more_than_or_equal": 5000
+ },
+ "type": "array",
+ "items": {
+ "type": "object"
+ }
+amount_based_point_rules と product_based_point_rules はどちらか一方しか指定できません。
+event が payment か external-transaction の時のみ有効です。
+ // 対象商品の購入額から5%ポイント付与。複数購入時は単価の5%が付与される。
+ {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ },
+ // 対象商品の購入額から5%ポイント付与。複数購入時は購入総額の5%が付与される。
+ {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "is_multiply_by_count": true,
+ },
+ // 対象商品を2つ以上購入したら500ポイント付与(固定額付与)
+ {
+ "point_amount": 500,
+ "point_amount_unit": "absolute",
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "required_count": 2
+ },
+ // 書籍は10%ポイント付与
+ // ※ISBNの形式はレジがポケペイに送信する形式に準じます
+ {
+ "point_amount": 10,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "product_code": "978-%",
+ },
+ // 一部の出版社の書籍は10%ポイント付与
+ {
+ "point_amount": 10,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "product_code": "978-4-01-%", // 旺文社
+ }
+ "type": "array",
+ "items": {
+ "type": "object"
+ }
+取引時には、まずここで指定した除外対象商品が除かれ、残った商品に対して `product_based_point_rules` のルール群が適用されます。
+ "type": "array",
+ "items": {
+ "type": "object"
+ }
+ "type": "array",
+ "items": {
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 0,
+ "maximum": 6
+ }
+ "type": "array",
+ "items": {
+ "type": "object"
+ }
+ "type": "array",
+ "items": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ }
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+このパラメータを指定するときは product_based_point_rules で商品毎のルールが指定されている必要があります。
+例えば、A商品とB商品とC商品のうち、キャンペーンの発火のために2商品以上が同時購入される必要があるときは 2 を指定します。
+例1: 商品A, Bが同時購入されたときに固定ポイント額(200ポイント)付与
+ minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 2,
+ product_based_point_rules: [
+ {
+ "point_amount": 100,
+ "point_amount_unit": "absolute",
+ "product_code": "商品Aの商品コード"
+ },
+ {
+ "point_amount": 100,
+ "point_amount_unit": "absolute",
+ "product_code": "商品Bの商品コード"
+ }
+ ]
+例2: 商品A, Bが3個ずつ以上同時購入されたときに固定ポイント額(200ポイント)付与
+ minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 2,
+ product_based_point_rules: [
+ {
+ "point_amount": 100,
+ "point_amount_unit": "absolute",
+ "product_code": "商品Aの商品コード",
+ "required_count": 3
+ },
+ {
+ "point_amount": 100,
+ "point_amount_unit": "absolute",
+ "product_code": "商品Bの商品コード",
+ "required_count": 3
+ }
+ ]
+例2: 商品A, B, Cのうち2商品以上が同時購入されたときに総額の10%ポイントが付与
+ minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 2,
+ product_based_point_rules: [
+ {
+ "point_amount": 10,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "product_code": "商品Aの商品コード",
+ "is_multiply_by_count": true,
+ },
+ {
+ "point_amount": 10,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "product_code": "商品Bの商品コード",
+ "is_multiply_by_count": true,
+ },
+ {
+ "point_amount": 10,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "product_code": "商品Cの商品コード",
+ "is_multiply_by_count": true,
+ }
+ ]
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+このパラメータを指定するときは product_based_point_rules で商品毎のルールが指定され、さらにその中でgroup_idが指定されている必要があります。group_idは正の整数です。
+exist_in_each_product_groupsが指定されているにも関わらず商品毎のルールでgroup_idが指定されていないものが含まれている場合はinvalid_parametersエラー(missing group_id, エラーコード400)が返ります。
+例えば、商品グループA(商品コードa1, a2)、商品グループB(商品コードb1, b2)の2つの商品グループがあるとします。
+ exist_in_each_product_groups: true,
+ product_based_point_rules: [
+ {
+ "point_amount": 100,
+ "point_amount_unit": "absolute",
+ "product_code": "a1",
+ "group_id": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "point_amount": 100,
+ "point_amount_unit": "absolute",
+ "product_code": "a2",
+ "group_id": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "point_amount": 200,
+ "point_amount_unit": "absolute",
+ "product_code": "b1",
+ "group_id": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "point_amount": 200,
+ "point_amount_unit": "absolute",
+ "product_code": "b2",
+ "group_id": 2
+ }
+ ]
+このキャンペーンが設定された状態で、商品a1、b1が同時に購入された場合、各商品に対する個別のルールが適用された上での総和がポイント付与値になります。つまり100 + 200=300がポイント付与値になります。商品a1、a2、 b1、b2が同時に購入された場合は100 + 100 + 200 + 200=600がポイント付与値になります。 商品a1、a2が同時に購入された場合は全商品グループから1種以上購入されるという条件を満たしていないためポイントは付与されません。
+ max_point_amount: 100,
+ exist_in_each_product_groups: true,
+ product_based_point_rules: [
+ {
+ "point_amount": 100,
+ "point_amount_unit": "absolute",
+ "product_code": "a1",
+ "group_id": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "point_amount": 100,
+ "point_amount_unit": "absolute",
+ "product_code": "a2",
+ "group_id": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "point_amount": 100,
+ "point_amount_unit": "absolute",
+ "product_code": "b1",
+ "group_id": 2
+ },
+ {
+ "point_amount": 100,
+ "point_amount_unit": "absolute",
+ "product_code": "b2",
+ "group_id": 2
+ }
+ ]
+このキャンペーンが設定された状態で、商品a1、b1が同時に購入された場合、各商品に対する個別のルールが適用された上での総和がポイント付与値になりますが、付与値の上限が100ポイントになります。つまり100 + 200=300と計算されますが上限額の100ポイントが実際の付与値になります。商品a1、a2、 b1、b2が同時に購入された場合は100 + 100 + 200 + 200=600ですが上限額の100がポイント付与値になります。 商品a1、a2が同時に購入された場合は全商品グループから1種以上購入されるという条件を満たしていないためポイントは付与されません。
+ "type": "boolean"
+このパラメータが指定されている場合、amount_based_point_rules や product_based_point_rules によって計算されるポイント付与値がmax_point_amountを越えている場合、max_point_amountの値がポイント付与値となり、越えていない場合はその値がポイント付与値となります。
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+メタデータの属性名 key とメタデータの値 value の組をオブジェクトとして指定します。
+デフォルトは equal で、その他に not-equalを指定可能です。
+例1: 取引が行なわれたウォレットのメタデータに住所として東京が指定されているときのみ発火
+ "key": "prefecture",
+ "value": "tokyo"
+例2: 取引が行なわれたウォレットのメタデータに住所として東京以外が指定されているときのみ発火
+ "key": "prefecture",
+ "value": "tokyo",
+ "test": "not-equal"
+ "type": "object"
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1,
+ "maximum": 10000000000
diff --git a/docs/cashtray.md b/docs/cashtray.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32cd0b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/cashtray.md
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+# Cashtray
+## CreateCashtray: Cashtrayを作る
+const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateCashtray({
+ private_money_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // マネーID
+ shop_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // 店舗ユーザーID
+ amount: 1704.0, // 金額
+ description: "たい焼き(小倉)", // 取引履歴に表示する説明文
+ expires_in: 9821 // 失効時間(秒)
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "number"
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 200
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+## GetCashtray: Cashtrayの情報を取得する
+レスポンス中の `attempt` には、このCashtrayをエンドユーザーが読み取った試行結果が入ります。
+`account` はエンドユーザーのウォレット情報です。
+成功時には `attempt` 内の `status_code` に200が入ります。
+まだCashtrayが読み取られていない場合は `attempt` の内容は `NULL` になります。
+エラーの詳細は `attempt` 中の `error_type` と `error_message` にあります。主なエラー型と対応するステータスコードを以下に列挙します。
+- `cashtray_already_proceed (422)`
+ - 既に処理済みのCashtrayをエンドユーザーが再び読み取ったときに返されます
+- `cashtray_expired (422)`
+ - 読み取り時点でCashtray自体の有効期限が切れているときに返されます。Cashtrayが失効する時刻はレスポンス中の `expires_at` にあります
+- `cashtray_already_canceled (422)`
+ - 読み取り時点でCashtrayが無効化されているときに返されます
+- `account_balance_not_enough (422)`
+ - 支払い時に、エンドユーザーの残高が不足していて取引が完了できなかったときに返されます
+- `account_balance_exceeded`
+ - チャージ時に、エンドユーザーのウォレット上限を超えて取引が完了できなかったときに返されます
+- `account_transfer_limit_exceeded (422)`
+ - マネーに設定されている一度の取引金額の上限を超えたため、取引が完了できなかったときに返されます
+- `account_money_topup_transfer_limit_exceeded (422)`
+ - マネーに設定されている一度のマネーチャージ金額の上限を超えたため、取引が完了できなかったときに返されます
+- `account_not_found (422)`
+ - Cashtrayに設定されたマネーのウォレットをエンドユーザーが持っていなかったときに返されます
+レスポンス中の `transaction` には、このCashtrayをエンドユーザーが読み取ることによって作られる取引データが入ります。まだCashtrayが読み取られていない場合は `NULL` になります。
+- エンドユーザーのCashtray読み取りによって取引が成功した場合
+ - レスポンス中の `attempt` と `transaction` にそれぞれ値が入ります
+- 何らかの理由で取引が失敗した場合
+ - レスポンス中の `attempt` にエラー内容が入り、 `transaction` には `NULL` が入ります
+- まだCashtrayが読み取られていない場合
+ - レスポンス中の `attempt` と `transaction` にそれぞれ `NULL` が入ります。Cashtrayの `expires_at` が現在時刻より前の場合は有効期限切れ状態です。
+if (attempt == null) {
+ // 状態は未確定
+ if (canceled_at != null) {
+ // 無効化済み
+ } else if (expires_at < now) {
+ // 失効済み
+ } else {
+ // まだ有効で読み取られていない
+ }
+} else if (transaction != null) {
+ // 取引成功確定。attempt で読み取ったユーザなどが分かる
+} else {
+ // 取引失敗確定。attempt で失敗理由などが分かる
+const response: Response = await client.send(new GetCashtray({
+ cashtray_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" // CashtrayのID
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+## CancelCashtray: Cashtrayを無効化する
+これにより、 `GetCashtray` のレスポンス中の `canceled_at` に無効化時点での現在時刻が入るようになります。
+エンドユーザーが無効化されたQRコードを読み取ると `cashtray_already_canceled` エラーとなり、取引は失敗します。
+const response: Response = await client.send(new CancelCashtray({
+ cashtray_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" // CashtrayのID
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+## UpdateCashtray: Cashtrayの情報を更新する
+const response: Response = await client.send(new UpdateCashtray({
+ cashtray_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // CashtrayのID
+ amount: 3126.0, // 金額
+ description: "たい焼き(小倉)", // 取引履歴に表示する説明文
+ expires_in: 5432 // 失効時間(秒)
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "number"
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 200
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
diff --git a/docs/check.md b/docs/check.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d43ce7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/check.md
@@ -0,0 +1,675 @@
+# Check
+QRコードを読み取る方法以外にも、このURLリンクを直接スマートフォン(iOS/Android)上で開くことによりアプリが起動して取引が行われます。(注意: 上記URLはsandbox環境であるため、アプリもsandbox環境のものである必要があります) 上記URL中の `xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx` の部分がチャージQRコードのIDです。
+## CreateCheck: チャージQRコードの発行
+const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateCheck({
+ account_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // 送金元の店舗アカウントID
+ money_amount: 5226.0, // 付与マネー額
+ point_amount: 465.0, // 付与ポイント額
+ description: "test check", // 説明文(アプリ上で取引の説明文として表示される)
+ is_onetime: false, // ワンタイムかどうかのフラグ
+ usage_limit: 8334, // ワンタイムでない場合の最大読み取り回数
+ expires_at: "2020-10-23T06:09:39.000000Z", // チャージQRコード自体の失効日時
+ point_expires_at: "2023-06-27T19:49:26.000000Z", // チャージQRコードによって付与されるポイント残高の有効期限
+ point_expires_in_days: 60, // チャージQRコードによって付与されるポイント残高の有効期限(相対日数指定)
+ bear_point_account: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" // ポイント額を負担する店舗のウォレットID
+### Parameters
+ "type": "number",
+ "format": "decimal",
+ "minimum": 0
+ "type": "number",
+ "format": "decimal",
+ "minimum": 0
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 200
+ "type": "boolean"
+ "type": "integer"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+## ListChecks: チャージQRコード一覧の取得
+const response: Response = await client.send(new ListChecks({
+ page: 4590, // ページ番号
+ per_page: 50, // 1ページの表示数
+ private_money_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // マネーID
+ organization_code: "4vZ", // 組織コード
+ expires_from: "2022-07-06T19:27:10.000000Z", // 有効期限の期間によるフィルター(開始時点)
+ expires_to: "2023-12-18T20:25:22.000000Z", // 有効期限の期間によるフィルター(終了時点)
+ created_from: "2022-01-02T00:20:43.000000Z", // 作成日時の期間によるフィルター(開始時点)
+ created_to: "2022-02-12T08:10:50.000000Z", // 作成日時の期間によるフィルター(終了時点)
+ issuer_shop_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // 発行店舗ID
+ description: "HzNm8wd", // チャージQRコードの説明文
+ is_onetime: false, // ワンタイムのチャージQRコードかどうか
+ is_disabled: true // 無効化されたチャージQRコードかどうか
+### Parameters
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 32
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string"
+`true` の場合はワンタイムかどうかでフィルターし、`false`の場合はワンタイムでないものをフィルターします。
+ "type": "boolean"
+`true` の場合は無効なものをフィルターし、`false`の場合は有効なものをフィルターします。
+ "type": "boolean"
+## GetCheck: チャージQRコードの表示
+const response: Response = await client.send(new GetCheck({
+ check_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" // チャージQRコードのID
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+## UpdateCheck: チャージQRコードの更新
+const response: Response = await client.send(new UpdateCheck({
+ check_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // チャージQRコードのID
+ money_amount: 2931.0, // 付与マネー額
+ point_amount: 9794.0, // 付与ポイント額
+ description: "test check", // チャージQRコードの説明文
+ is_onetime: false, // ワンタイムかどうかのフラグ
+ usage_limit: 783, // ワンタイムでない場合の最大読み取り回数
+ expires_at: "2021-04-18T03:44:15.000000Z", // チャージQRコード自体の失効日時
+ point_expires_at: "2020-12-06T19:49:13.000000Z", // チャージQRコードによって付与されるポイント残高の有効期限
+ point_expires_in_days: 60, // チャージQRコードによって付与されるポイント残高の有効期限(相対日数指定)
+ bear_point_account: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // ポイント額を負担する店舗のウォレットID
+ is_disabled: true // 無効化されているかどうかのフラグ
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "number",
+ "format": "decimal",
+ "minimum": 0
+ "type": "number",
+ "format": "decimal",
+ "minimum": 0
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 200
+ "type": "boolean"
+ "type": "integer"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "boolean"
+## CreateTopupTransactionWithCheck: チャージQRコードを読み取ることでチャージする
+通常チャージQRコードはエンドユーザーのアプリによって読み取られ、アプリとポケペイサーバとの直接通信によって取引が作られます。 もしエンドユーザーとの通信をパートナーのサーバのみに限定したい場合、パートナーのサーバがチャージQRの情報をエンドユーザーから代理受けして、サーバ間連携APIによって実際のチャージ取引をリクエストすることになります。
+const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateTopupTransactionWithCheck({
+ check_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // チャージ用QRコードのID
+ customer_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // エンドユーザーのID
+ request_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" // リクエストID
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+取引作成APIで結果が受け取れなかったなどの理由で再試行する際に、二重に取引が作られてしまうことを防ぐために、クライアント側から指定されます。指定は任意で、UUID V4フォーマットでランダム生成した文字列です。リクエストIDは一定期間で削除されます。
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
diff --git a/docs/coupon.md b/docs/coupon.md
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+++ b/docs/coupon.md
@@ -0,0 +1,703 @@
+# Coupon
+## ListCoupons: クーポン一覧の取得
+const response: Response = await client.send(new ListCoupons({
+ private_money_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // 対象クーポンのマネーID
+ coupon_id: "bkQVRY8Muh", // クーポンID
+ coupon_name: "wDy", // クーポン名
+ issued_shop_name: "lFo5mD", // 発行店舗名
+ available_shop_name: "Jw8V3XaTOk", // 利用可能店舗名
+ available_from: "2022-05-02T17:52:06.000000Z", // 利用可能期間 (開始日時)
+ available_to: "2023-06-21T19:23:15.000000Z", // 利用可能期間 (終了日時)
+ page: 1, // ページ番号
+ per_page: 50 // 1ページ分の取得数
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string"
+ "type": "string"
+ "type": "string"
+ "type": "string"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+1ページ分の取得数です。デフォルトでは 50 になっています。
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+## CreateCoupon: クーポンの登録
+const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateCoupon({
+ private_money_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
+ name: "DFDXkJRYuzmNrD0IPFMYcPpoEq",
+ starts_at: "2023-02-03T19:51:10.000000Z",
+ ends_at: "2021-11-27T11:49:55.000000Z",
+ issued_shop_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // 発行元の店舗ID
+ description: "qYNWKYupHW3vkZPbupwOmpLyfcnvR24ekndSEuijqLz34cJjz9WzSXV2waIpnDEjnPuGDOLqsy43AtWyT6hyzJkPIxd",
+ discount_amount: 8182,
+ discount_percentage: 1010.0,
+ discount_upper_limit: 4673,
+ display_starts_at: "2022-12-25T05:08:47.000000Z", // クーポンの掲載期間(開始日時)
+ display_ends_at: "2021-10-02T17:22:12.000000Z", // クーポンの掲載期間(終了日時)
+ is_disabled: false, // 無効化フラグ
+ is_hidden: true, // クーポン一覧に掲載されるかどうか
+ is_public: true, // アプリ配信なしで受け取れるかどうか
+ code: "n", // クーポン受け取りコード
+ usage_limit: 1090, // ユーザごとの利用可能回数(NULLの場合は無制限)
+ min_amount: 3250, // クーポン適用可能な最小取引額
+ is_shop_specified: true, // 特定店舗限定のクーポンかどうか
+ available_shop_ids: ["xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"], // 利用可能店舗リスト
+ storage_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" // ストレージID
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 128
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 256
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 0
+ "type": "number",
+ "minimum": 0
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 0
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
+ "type": "boolean"
+ "type": "boolean"
+ "type": "boolean"
+ "type": "string"
+ "type": "integer"
+ "type": "integer"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "boolean"
+ "type": "array",
+ "items": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ }
+Storage APIでアップロードしたクーポン画像のStorage IDを指定します
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+## GetCoupon: クーポンの取得
+const response: Response = await client.send(new GetCoupon({
+ coupon_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" // クーポンID
+### Parameters
+UUIDv4フォーマットである必要があり、フォーマットが異なる場合は InvalidParametersエラー(400)が返ります。
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+## UpdateCoupon: クーポンの更新
+const response: Response = await client.send(new UpdateCoupon({
+ coupon_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // クーポンID
+ name: "JrtrRhEmEhncAz9T8Jn6tKv842hmKtJWGe0W2JoBVxOBG6QSEaMM6DcJjfAtdrmKAg3KBKDu0vlbYdVC6n9nVLo43cE33CQPF6kxIlI0u",
+ description: "guDnziraNYM7VX5YLnlD8HOOCDlP4GZ7jbmXMO5zVMwfk3fyCehTHNb57OPgysrQCIrNbKg5EGtS1CRG8HTOfVnvp3qGXZFBsOSpPHbliv7UIdhUMzObVJcG5btiH5rur7GsubMGTjIcOXKD9o8Kba3zToGBURahT5P",
+ discount_amount: 1159,
+ discount_percentage: 1312.0,
+ discount_upper_limit: 1476,
+ starts_at: "2023-04-10T09:31:34.000000Z",
+ ends_at: "2023-02-12T20:04:21.000000Z",
+ display_starts_at: "2024-01-04T08:26:32.000000Z", // クーポンの掲載期間(開始日時)
+ display_ends_at: "2023-07-30T04:28:05.000000Z", // クーポンの掲載期間(終了日時)
+ is_disabled: true, // 無効化フラグ
+ is_hidden: true, // クーポン一覧に掲載されるかどうか
+ is_public: false, // アプリ配信なしで受け取れるかどうか
+ code: "j", // クーポン受け取りコード
+ usage_limit: 9892, // ユーザごとの利用可能回数(NULLの場合は無制限)
+ min_amount: 8114, // クーポン適用可能な最小取引額
+ is_shop_specified: true, // 特定店舗限定のクーポンかどうか
+ available_shop_ids: ["xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"], // 利用可能店舗リスト
+ storage_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" // ストレージID
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 128
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 256
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 0
+ "type": "number",
+ "minimum": 0
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 0
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
+ "type": "boolean"
+ "type": "boolean"
+ "type": "boolean"
+ "type": "string"
+ "type": "integer"
+ "type": "integer"
+ "type": "boolean"
+ "type": "array",
+ "items": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ }
+Storage APIでアップロードしたクーポン画像のStorage IDを指定します
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
diff --git a/docs/customer.md b/docs/customer.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2984f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/customer.md
@@ -0,0 +1,1001 @@
+# Customer
+## GetAccount: ウォレット情報を表示する
+const response: Response = await client.send(new GetAccount({
+ account_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" // ウォレットID
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+## UpdateAccount: ウォレット情報を更新する
+- ウォレットの凍結/凍結解除の切り替え(エンドユーザー、店舗ユーザー共通)
+- 店舗でチャージ可能かどうか(店舗ユーザのみ)
+エンドユーザーのウォレット情報更新には UpdateCustomerAccount が使用できます。
+const response: Response = await client.send(new UpdateAccount({
+ account_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // ウォレットID
+ is_suspended: true, // ウォレットが凍結されているかどうか
+ status: "active", // ウォレット状態
+ can_transfer_topup: true // チャージ可能かどうか
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "boolean"
+ "type": "string",
+ "enum": [
+ "active",
+ "suspended",
+ "pre-closed"
+ ]
+ "type": "boolean"
+## DeleteAccount: ウォレットを退会する
+const response: Response = await client.send(new DeleteAccount({
+ account_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // ウォレットID
+ cashback: false // 返金有無
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "boolean"
+## ListAccountBalances: エンドユーザーの残高内訳を表示する
+const response: Response = await client.send(new ListAccountBalances({
+ account_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // ウォレットID
+ page: 4864, // ページ番号
+ per_page: 2363, // 1ページ分の取引数
+ expires_at_from: "2022-10-29T13:58:49.000000Z", // 有効期限の期間によるフィルター(開始時点)
+ expires_at_to: "2022-12-20T05:38:25.000000Z", // 有効期限の期間によるフィルター(終了時点)
+ direction: "desc" // 有効期限によるソート順序
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
+有効期限によるソートの順序を指定します。デフォルト値はasc (昇順)です。
+ "type": "string",
+ "enum": [
+ "asc",
+ "desc"
+ ]
+## ListAccountExpiredBalances: エンドユーザーの失効済みの残高内訳を表示する
+const response: Response = await client.send(new ListAccountExpiredBalances({
+ account_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // ウォレットID
+ page: 9610, // ページ番号
+ per_page: 2603, // 1ページ分の取引数
+ expires_at_from: "2020-05-11T07:12:37.000000Z", // 有効期限の期間によるフィルター(開始時点)
+ expires_at_to: "2022-01-18T11:04:15.000000Z", // 有効期限の期間によるフィルター(終了時点)
+ direction: "asc" // 有効期限によるソート順序
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
+有効期限によるソートの順序を指定します。デフォルト値はdesc (降順)です。
+ "type": "string",
+ "enum": [
+ "asc",
+ "desc"
+ ]
+## UpdateCustomerAccount: エンドユーザーのウォレット情報を更新する
+const response: Response = await client.send(new UpdateCustomerAccount({
+ account_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // ウォレットID
+ status: "pre-closed", // ウォレット状態
+ account_name: "kLnY7y5P2vTc2kTDF85U9g31HpRLtjhMxgRT9FEddBtVan5HyW6Uan9MoYMbee", // アカウント名
+ external_id: "KUX", // 外部ID
+ metadata: "{\"key1\":\"foo\",\"key2\":\"bar\"}" // ウォレットに付加するメタデータ
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "enum": [
+ "active",
+ "suspended",
+ "pre-closed"
+ ]
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 256
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 50
+- フラットな構造のJSONを文字列化したものであること。
+- keyは最大32文字の文字列(同じkeyを複数指定することはできません)
+- valueには128文字以下の文字列が指定できます
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "json"
+## GetCustomerAccounts: エンドユーザーのウォレット一覧を表示する
+const response: Response = await client.send(new GetCustomerAccounts({
+ private_money_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // マネーID
+ page: 8901, // ページ番号
+ per_page: 9982, // 1ページ分のウォレット数
+ created_at_from: "2022-05-12T14:01:20.000000Z", // ウォレット作成日によるフィルター(開始時点)
+ created_at_to: "2021-08-01T07:54:25.000000Z", // ウォレット作成日によるフィルター(終了時点)
+ is_suspended: true, // ウォレットが凍結状態かどうかでフィルターする
+ status: "active", // ウォレット状態
+ external_id: "vqgIch5W6XuTL0vlIdvd", // 外部ID
+ tel: "072777-896", // エンドユーザーの電話番号
+ email: "BXoKUl0tR0@7369.com" // エンドユーザーのメールアドレス
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
+ "type": "boolean"
+ "type": "string",
+ "enum": [
+ "active",
+ "suspended",
+ "pre-closed"
+ ]
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 50
+ "type": "string",
+ "pattern": "^0[0-9]{1,3}-?[0-9]{2,4}-?[0-9]{3,4}$"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "email"
+## CreateCustomerAccount: 新規エンドユーザーをウォレットと共に追加する
+Partner APIのみから操作可能な特殊なユーザになります。
+システム全体をPartner APIのみで構成する場合にのみ使用してください。
+const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateCustomerAccount({
+ private_money_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // マネーID
+ user_name: "ポケペイ太郎", // ユーザー名
+ account_name: "ポケペイ太郎のアカウント", // アカウント名
+ external_id: "BiPR32MXZafz3jf" // 外部ID
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 256
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 256
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 50
+## GetShopAccounts: 店舗ユーザーのウォレット一覧を表示する
+const response: Response = await client.send(new GetShopAccounts({
+ private_money_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // マネーID
+ page: 5375, // ページ番号
+ per_page: 7186, // 1ページ分のウォレット数
+ created_at_from: "2020-02-09T06:31:25.000000Z", // ウォレット作成日によるフィルター(開始時点)
+ created_at_to: "2020-04-03T10:25:10.000000Z", // ウォレット作成日によるフィルター(終了時点)
+ is_suspended: false // ウォレットが凍結状態かどうかでフィルターする
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
+ "type": "boolean"
+## ListCustomerTransactions: 取引履歴を取得する
+const response: Response = await client.send(new ListCustomerTransactions({
+ private_money_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // マネーID
+ sender_customer_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // 送金エンドユーザーID
+ receiver_customer_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // 受取エンドユーザーID
+ type: "topup", // 取引種別
+ is_modified: false, // キャンセル済みかどうか
+ from: "2021-06-10T14:16:07.000000Z", // 開始日時
+ to: "2022-04-02T20:02:52.000000Z", // 終了日時
+ page: 1, // ページ番号
+ per_page: 50 // 1ページ分の取引数
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+1. topup
+ 店舗からエンドユーザーへの送金取引(チャージ)
+2. payment
+ エンドユーザーから店舗への送金取引(支払い)
+3. exchange
+ 他マネーへの流出(outflow)/他マネーからの流入(inflow)
+4. transfer
+ 個人間送金
+5. cashback
+ ウォレット退会時返金
+6. expire
+ ウォレット退会時失効
+ "type": "string",
+ "enum": [
+ "topup",
+ "payment",
+ "exchange",
+ "transfer",
+ "cashback",
+ "expire"
+ ]
+ "type": "boolean"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
diff --git a/docs/error-response.csv b/docs/error-response.csv
index 63c2c89..6cb1bc5 100644
--- a/docs/error-response.csv
+++ b/docs/error-response.csv
@@ -387,6 +387,7 @@ GET,/checks,403,unpermitted_admin_user,"この管理ユーザには権限があ
,,422,private_money_not_found,,Private money not found
POST,/checks,400,invalid_parameter_both_point_and_money_are_zero,,One of 'money_amount' or 'point_amount' must be a positive (>0) number
,,400,invalid_parameter_only_merchants_can_attach_points_to_check,,Only merchants can attach points to check
+,,400,invalid_parameter_bear_point_account_identification_item_not_unique,"ポイントを負担する店舗アカウントを指定するリクエストパラメータには、アカウントID、またはユーザIDのどちらかを含めることができます",Request parameters include either bear_point_account or bear_point_shop_id.
,,400,invalid_parameter_combination_usage_limit_and_is_onetime,,'usage_limit' can not be specified if 'is_onetime' is true.
,,400,invalid_parameters,"項目が無効です",Invalid parameters
,,400,invalid_parameter_expires_at,,'expires_at' must be in the future
@@ -395,6 +396,7 @@ POST,/checks,400,invalid_parameter_both_point_and_money_are_zero,,One of 'money_
,,422,account_private_money_is_not_issued_by_organization,,The account's private money is not issued by this organization
,,422,shop_account_not_found,,The shop account is not found
,,422,account_money_topup_transfer_limit_exceeded,"マネーチャージ金額が上限を超えました",Too much amount to money topup transfer
+,,422,bear_point_account_not_found,"ポイントを負担する店舗アカウントが見つかりません",Bear point account not found.
GET,/checks/:uuid,403,unpermitted_admin_user,"この管理ユーザには権限がありません",Admin does not have permission
,,404,notfound,,Not found
,,422,account_private_money_is_not_issued_by_organization,,The account's private money is not issued by this organization
@@ -750,7 +752,8 @@ GET,/user-devices/:uuid/banks,403,unpermitted_admin_user,"この管理ユーザ
,,422,private_money_not_found,,Private money not found
,,422,user_device_not_found,,The user-device not found
-POST,/user-devices/:uuid/banks/topup,403,unpermitted_admin_user,"この管理ユーザには権限がありません",Admin does not have permission
+POST,/user-devices/:uuid/banks/topup,400,paytree_request_failure,"銀行の外部サービス起因により、チャージに失敗しました",Failure to topup due to external services of the bank
+,,403,unpermitted_admin_user,"この管理ユーザには権限がありません",Admin does not have permission
,,403,user_bank_disabled_error,"現在、このユーザーは銀行からのチャージは利用できません",Topup from this user's bank have now been stopped.
,,404,user_bank_not_found,"登録された銀行が見つかりません",Bank not found
@@ -789,6 +792,5 @@ POST,/user-devices/:uuid/banks/topup,403,unpermitted_admin_user,"この管理ユ
,,422,transaction_invalid_amount,"取引金額が数値ではないか、受け入れられない桁数です",Transaction amount is not a number or cannot be accepted for this currency
,,422,paytree_disabled_private_money,"このマネーは銀行から引き落とし出来ません",This money cannot be charged from the bank
,,422,unpermitted_private_money,"このマネーは使えません",This money is not available
-,,503,paytree_request_failure,"銀行口座の残高不足または、銀行の外部サービス起因により、チャージに失敗しました",Failure to topup due to external services of the bank
,,503,temporarily_unavailable,,Service Unavailable
,,503,incomplete_configration_for_organization_bank,"現状、このマネーは銀行からのチャージを行えません。システム管理者へお問合せ下さい","Currently, this money cannot be topup from this bank. Please contact your system administrator."
diff --git a/docs/event.md b/docs/event.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32fc89e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/event.md
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+# Event
+## CreateExternalTransaction: ポケペイ外部取引を作成する
+const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateExternalTransaction({
+ shop_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // 店舗ID
+ customer_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // エンドユーザーID
+ private_money_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // マネーID
+ amount: 9453, // 取引額
+ description: "たい焼き(小倉)", // 取引説明文
+ metadata: "{\"key\":\"value\"}", // ポケペイ外部取引メタデータ
+ products: [{"jan_code":"abc",
+ "name":"name1",
+ "unit_price":100,
+ "price": 100,
+ "is_discounted": false,
+ "other":"{}"}, {"jan_code":"abc",
+ "name":"name1",
+ "unit_price":100,
+ "price": 100,
+ "is_discounted": false,
+ "other":"{}"}, {"jan_code":"abc",
+ "name":"name1",
+ "unit_price":100,
+ "price": 100,
+ "is_discounted": false,
+ "other":"{}"}], // 商品情報データ
+ request_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" // リクエストID
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 0
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 200
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "json"
+- `jan_code`: JANコード。64字以下の文字列
+- `name`: 商品名。256字以下の文字列
+- `unit_price`: 商品単価。0以上の数値
+- `price`: 全体の金額(例: 商品単価 × 個数)。0以上の数値
+- `is_discounted`: 賞味期限が近いなどの理由で商品が値引きされているかどうかのフラグ。boolean
+- `other`: その他商品に関する情報。JSONオブジェクトで指定します。
+ "type": "array",
+ "items": {
+ "type": "object"
+ }
+取引作成APIで結果が受け取れなかったなどの理由で再試行する際に、二重に取引が作られてしまうことを防ぐために、クライアント側から指定されます。指定は任意で、UUID V4フォーマットでランダム生成した文字列です。リクエストIDは一定期間で削除されます。
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+## RefundExternalTransaction: ポケペイ外部取引をキャンセルする
+取引をキャンセルできるのは1回きりです。既にキャンセルされた取引を重ねてキャンセルしようとすると `transaction_already_refunded (422)` エラーが返ります。
+const response: Response = await client.send(new RefundExternalTransaction({
+ event_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // 取引ID
+ description: "返品対応のため" // 取引履歴に表示する返金事由
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 200
diff --git a/docs/organization.md b/docs/organization.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f98782
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/organization.md
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+# Organization
+## ListOrganizations: 加盟店組織の一覧を取得する
+const response: Response = await client.send(new ListOrganizations({
+ private_money_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // マネーID
+ page: 1, // ページ番号
+ per_page: 50, // 1ページ分の取引数
+ name: "GERnFdcW", // 組織名
+ code: "SdaJfJ60D" // 組織コード
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ "type": "string"
+ "type": "string"
+## CreateOrganization: 新規加盟店組織を追加する
+const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateOrganization({
+ code: "ox-supermarket", // 新規組織コード
+ name: "oxスーパー", // 新規組織名
+ private_money_ids: ["xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"], // 加盟店組織で有効にするマネーIDの配列
+ issuer_admin_user_email: "H2T0aKhnL3@FlnA.com", // 発行体担当者メールアドレス
+ member_admin_user_email: "D82QrpYaKu@slNr.com", // 新規組織担当者メールアドレス
+ bank_name: "XYZ銀行", // 銀行名
+ bank_code: "1234", // 銀行金融機関コード
+ bank_branch_name: "ABC支店", // 銀行支店名
+ bank_branch_code: "123", // 銀行支店コード
+ bank_account_type: "current", // 銀行口座種別 (普通=saving, 当座=current, その他=other)
+ bank_account: "1234567", // 銀行口座番号
+ bank_account_holder_name: "フクザワユキチ", // 口座名義人名
+ contact_name: "佐藤清" // 担当者名
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 32
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 256
+ "type": "array",
+ "minItems": 1,
+ "items": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ }
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "email"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "email"
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 64
+ "type": "string",
+ "pattern": "^$|^[0-9]{4}$"
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 64
+ "type": "string",
+ "pattern": "^(|[0-9]{3})$"
+ "type": "string",
+ "enum": [
+ "saving",
+ "current",
+ "other"
+ ]
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 7,
+ "pattern": "[0-9]{0,7}"
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 30,
+ "pattern": "^[0-9A-Zヲア-゚ (-),-/\\\\「-」]$"
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 256
diff --git a/docs/private_money.md b/docs/private_money.md
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+# Private Money
+## GetPrivateMoneys: マネー一覧を取得する
+const response: Response = await client.send(new GetPrivateMoneys({
+ organization_code: "ox-supermarket", // 組織コード
+ page: 1, // ページ番号
+ per_page: 50 // 1ページ分の取得数
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 32,
+ "pattern": "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$"
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+## GetPrivateMoneyOrganizationSummaries: 決済加盟店の取引サマリを取得する
+const response: Response = await client.send(new GetPrivateMoneyOrganizationSummaries({
+ private_money_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // マネーID
+ from: "2020-03-27T12:54:11.000000Z", // 開始日時(toと同時に指定する必要有)
+ to: "2020-05-10T02:22:04.000000Z", // 終了日時(fromと同時に指定する必要有)
+ page: 1, // ページ番号
+ per_page: 50 // 1ページ分の取引数
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+## GetPrivateMoneySummary: 取引サマリを取得する
+const response: Response = await client.send(new GetPrivateMoneySummary({
+ private_money_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // マネーID
+ from: "2020-04-17T04:38:29.000000Z", // 開始日時
+ to: "2022-03-25T04:16:14.000000Z" // 終了日時
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
diff --git a/docs/responses.md b/docs/responses.md
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+# Responses
+## AdminUserWithShopsAndPrivateMoneys
+* `id (string)`:
+* `role (string)`:
+* `email (string)`:
+* `name (string)`:
+* `is_active (boolean)`:
+* `organization (Organization)`:
+* `shops (User[])`:
+* `private_moneys (PrivateMoney[])`:
+`organization`は [Organization](#organization) オブジェクトを返します。
+`shops`は [User](#user) オブジェクトの配列を返します。
+`private-moneys`は [PrivateMoney](#private-money) オブジェクトの配列を返します。
+## AccountWithUser
+* `id (string)`:
+* `name (string)`:
+* `is_suspended (boolean)`:
+* `status (string)`:
+* `private_money (PrivateMoney)`:
+* `user (User)`:
+`private_money`は [PrivateMoney](#private-money) オブジェクトを返します。
+`user`は [User](#user) オブジェクトを返します。
+## AccountDetail
+* `id (string)`:
+* `name (string)`:
+* `is_suspended (boolean)`:
+* `status (string)`:
+* `balance (number)`:
+* `money_balance (number)`:
+* `point_balance (number)`:
+* `point_debt (number)`:
+* `private_money (PrivateMoney)`:
+* `user (User)`:
+* `external_id (string)`:
+`private_money`は [PrivateMoney](#private-money) オブジェクトを返します。
+`user`は [User](#user) オブジェクトを返します。
+## AccountDeleted
+## Bill
+* `id (string)`: 支払いQRコードのID
+* `amount (number)`: 支払い額
+* `max_amount (number)`: 支払い額を範囲指定した場合の上限
+* `min_amount (number)`: 支払い額を範囲指定した場合の下限
+* `description (string)`: 支払いQRコードの説明文(アプリ上で取引の説明文として表示される)
+* `account (AccountWithUser)`: 支払いQRコード発行ウォレット
+* `is_disabled (boolean)`: 無効化されているかどうか
+* `token (string)`: 支払いQRコードを解析したときに出てくるURL
+`account`は [AccountWithUser](#account-with-user) オブジェクトを返します。
+## Check
+* `id (string)`: チャージQRコードのID
+* `created_at (string)`: チャージQRコードの作成日時
+* `amount (number)`: チャージマネー額 (deprecated)
+* `money_amount (number)`: チャージマネー額
+* `point_amount (number)`: チャージポイント額
+* `description (string)`: チャージQRコードの説明文(アプリ上で取引の説明文として表示される)
+* `user (User)`: 送金元ユーザ情報
+* `is_onetime (boolean)`: 使用回数が一回限りかどうか
+* `is_disabled (boolean)`: 無効化されているかどうか
+* `expires_at (string)`: チャージQRコード自体の失効日時
+* `last_used_at (string)`:
+* `private_money (PrivateMoney)`: 対象マネー情報
+* `usage_limit (number)`: 一回限りでない場合の最大読み取り回数
+* `usage_count (number)`: 一回限りでない場合の現在までに読み取られた回数
+* `point_expires_at (string)`: ポイント有効期限(絶対日数指定)
+* `point_expires_in_days (number)`: ポイント有効期限(相対日数指定)
+* `token (string)`: チャージQRコードを解析したときに出てくるURL
+`user`は [User](#user) オブジェクトを返します。
+`private_money`は [PrivateMoney](#private-money) オブジェクトを返します。
+## PaginatedChecks
+* `rows (Check[])`:
+* `count (number)`:
+* `pagination (Pagination)`:
+`rows`は [Check](#check) オブジェクトの配列を返します。
+`pagination`は [Pagination](#pagination) オブジェクトを返します。
+## CpmToken
+* `cpm_token (string)`:
+* `account (AccountDetail)`:
+* `transaction (Transaction)`:
+* `event (ExternalTransaction)`:
+* `scopes (string[])`: 許可された取引種別
+* `expires_at (string)`: CPMトークンの失効日時
+* `metadata (string)`: エンドユーザー側メタデータ
+`account`は [AccountDetail](#account-detail) オブジェクトを返します。
+`transaction`は [Transaction](#transaction) オブジェクトを返します。
+`event`は [ExternalTransaction](#external-transaction) オブジェクトを返します。
+## Cashtray
+* `id (string)`: Cashtray自体のIDです。
+* `amount (number)`: 取引金額
+* `description (string)`: Cashtrayの説明文
+* `account (AccountWithUser)`: 発行店舗のウォレット
+* `expires_at (string)`: Cashtrayの失効日時
+* `canceled_at (string)`: Cashtrayの無効化日時。NULLの場合は無効化されていません
+* `token (string)`: CashtrayのQRコードを解析したときに出てくるURL
+`account`は [AccountWithUser](#account-with-user) オブジェクトを返します。
+## CashtrayWithResult
+* `id (string)`: CashtrayのID
+* `amount (number)`: 取引金額
+* `description (string)`: Cashtrayの説明文(アプリ上で取引の説明文として表示される)
+* `account (AccountWithUser)`: 発行店舗のウォレット
+* `expires_at (string)`: Cashtrayの失効日時
+* `canceled_at (string)`: Cashtrayの無効化日時。NULLの場合は無効化されていません
+* `token (string)`: CashtrayのQRコードを解析したときに出てくるURL
+* `attempt (CashtrayAttempt)`: Cashtray読み取り結果
+* `transaction (Transaction)`: 取引結果
+`account`は [AccountWithUser](#account-with-user) オブジェクトを返します。
+`attempt`は [CashtrayAttempt](#cashtray-attempt) オブジェクトを返します。
+`transaction`は [Transaction](#transaction) オブジェクトを返します。
+## User
+* `id (string)`: ユーザー (または店舗) ID
+* `name (string)`: ユーザー (または店舗) 名
+* `is_merchant (boolean)`: 店舗ユーザーかどうか
+## Organization
+* `code (string)`: 組織コード
+* `name (string)`: 組織名
+## TransactionDetail
+* `id (string)`: 取引ID
+* `type (string)`: 取引種別
+* `is_modified (boolean)`: 返金された取引かどうか
+* `sender (User)`: 送金者情報
+* `sender_account (Account)`: 送金ウォレット情報
+* `receiver (User)`: 受取者情報
+* `receiver_account (Account)`: 受取ウォレット情報
+* `amount (number)`: 取引総額 (マネー額 + ポイント額)
+* `money_amount (number)`: 取引マネー額
+* `point_amount (number)`: 取引ポイント額(キャンペーン付与ポイント合算)
+* `raw_point_amount (number)`: 取引ポイント額
+* `campaign_point_amount (number)`: キャンペーンによるポイント付与額
+* `done_at (string)`: 取引日時
+* `description (string)`: 取引説明文
+* `transfers (Transfer[])`:
+`receiver`と`sender`は [User](#user) オブジェクトを返します。
+`receiver_account`と`sender_account`は [Account](#account) オブジェクトを返します。
+`transfers`は [Transfer](#transfer) オブジェクトの配列を返します。
+## ShopWithAccounts
+* `id (string)`: 店舗ID
+* `name (string)`: 店舗名
+* `organization_code (string)`: 組織コード
+* `status (string)`: 店舗の状態
+* `postal_code (string)`: 店舗の郵便番号
+* `address (string)`: 店舗の住所
+* `tel (string)`: 店舗の電話番号
+* `email (string)`: 店舗のメールアドレス
+* `external_id (string)`: 店舗の外部ID
+* `accounts (ShopAccount[])`:
+`accounts`は [ShopAccount](#shop-account) オブジェクトの配列を返します。
+## BulkTransaction
+* `id (string)`:
+* `request_id (string)`: リクエストID
+* `name (string)`: バルク取引管理用の名前
+* `description (string)`: バルク取引管理用の説明文
+* `status (string)`: バルク取引の状態
+* `error (string)`: バルク取引のエラー種別
+* `error_lineno (number)`: バルク取引のエラーが発生した行番号
+* `submitted_at (string)`: バルク取引が登録された日時
+* `updated_at (string)`: バルク取引が更新された日時
+## PaginatedBulkTransactionJob
+* `rows (BulkTransactionJob[])`:
+* `count (number)`:
+* `pagination (Pagination)`:
+`rows`は [BulkTransactionJob](#bulk-transaction-job) オブジェクトの配列を返します。
+`pagination`は [Pagination](#pagination) オブジェクトを返します。
+## ExternalTransactionDetail
+* `id (string)`: ポケペイ外部取引ID
+* `is_modified (boolean)`: 返金された取引かどうか
+* `sender (User)`: 送金者情報
+* `sender_account (Account)`: 送金ウォレット情報
+* `receiver (User)`: 受取者情報
+* `receiver_account (Account)`: 受取ウォレット情報
+* `amount (number)`: 決済額
+* `done_at (string)`: 取引日時
+* `description (string)`: 取引説明文
+* `transaction (TransactionDetail)`: 関連ポケペイ取引詳細
+`receiver`と`sender`は [User](#user) オブジェクトを返します。
+`receiver_account`と`sender_account`は [Account](#account) オブジェクトを返します。
+`transaction`は [TransactionDetail](#transaction-detail) オブジェクトを返します。
+## PaginatedPrivateMoneyOrganizationSummaries
+* `rows (PrivateMoneyOrganizationSummary[])`:
+* `count (number)`:
+* `pagination (Pagination)`:
+`rows`は [PrivateMoneyOrganizationSummary](#private-money-organization-summary) オブジェクトの配列を返します。
+`pagination`は [Pagination](#pagination) オブジェクトを返します。
+## PrivateMoneySummary
+* `topup_amount (number)`:
+* `refunded_topup_amount (number)`:
+* `payment_amount (number)`:
+* `refunded_payment_amount (number)`:
+* `added_point_amount (number)`:
+* `topup_point_amount (number)`:
+* `campaign_point_amount (number)`:
+* `refunded_added_point_amount (number)`:
+* `exchange_inflow_amount (number)`:
+* `exchange_outflow_amount (number)`:
+* `transaction_count (number)`:
+## UserStatsOperation
+* `id (string)`: 集計処理ID
+* `from (string)`: 集計期間の開始時刻
+* `to (string)`: 集計期間の終了時刻
+* `status (string)`: 集計処理の実行ステータス
+* `error_reason (string)`: エラーとなった理由
+* `done_at (string)`: 集計処理の完了時刻
+* `file_url (string)`: 集計結果のCSVのダウンロードURL
+* `requested_at (string)`: 集計リクエストを行った時刻
+## UserDevice
+* `id (string)`: デバイスID
+* `user (User)`: デバイスを使用するユーザ
+* `is_active (boolean)`: デバイスが有効か
+* `metadata (string)`: デバイスのメタデータ
+`user`は [User](#user) オブジェクトを返します。
+## BankRegisteringInfo
+* `redirect_url (string)`:
+* `paytree_customer_number (string)`:
+## Banks
+* `rows (Bank[])`:
+* `count (number)`:
+`rows`は [Bank](#bank) オブジェクトの配列を返します。
+## PaginatedTransaction
+* `rows (Transaction[])`:
+* `count (number)`:
+* `pagination (Pagination)`:
+`rows`は [Transaction](#transaction) オブジェクトの配列を返します。
+`pagination`は [Pagination](#pagination) オブジェクトを返します。
+## PaginatedTransactionV2
+* `rows (Transaction[])`:
+* `per_page (number)`:
+* `count (number)`:
+* `next_page_cursor_id (string)`:
+* `prev_page_cursor_id (string)`:
+`rows`は [Transaction](#transaction) オブジェクトの配列を返します。
+## PaginatedTransfers
+* `rows (Transfer[])`:
+* `count (number)`:
+* `pagination (Pagination)`:
+`rows`は [Transfer](#transfer) オブジェクトの配列を返します。
+`pagination`は [Pagination](#pagination) オブジェクトを返します。
+## PaginatedTransfersV2
+* `rows (Transfer[])`:
+* `per_page (number)`:
+* `count (number)`:
+* `next_page_cursor_id (string)`:
+* `prev_page_cursor_id (string)`:
+`rows`は [Transfer](#transfer) オブジェクトの配列を返します。
+## PaginatedAccountWithUsers
+* `rows (AccountWithUser[])`:
+* `count (number)`:
+* `pagination (Pagination)`:
+`rows`は [AccountWithUser](#account-with-user) オブジェクトの配列を返します。
+`pagination`は [Pagination](#pagination) オブジェクトを返します。
+## PaginatedAccountDetails
+* `rows (AccountDetail[])`:
+* `count (number)`:
+* `pagination (Pagination)`:
+`rows`は [AccountDetail](#account-detail) オブジェクトの配列を返します。
+`pagination`は [Pagination](#pagination) オブジェクトを返します。
+## PaginatedAccountBalance
+* `rows (AccountBalance[])`:
+* `count (number)`:
+* `pagination (Pagination)`:
+`rows`は [AccountBalance](#account-balance) オブジェクトの配列を返します。
+`pagination`は [Pagination](#pagination) オブジェクトを返します。
+## PaginatedShops
+* `rows (ShopWithMetadata[])`:
+* `count (number)`:
+* `pagination (Pagination)`:
+`rows`は [ShopWithMetadata](#shop-with-metadata) オブジェクトの配列を返します。
+`pagination`は [Pagination](#pagination) オブジェクトを返します。
+## PaginatedBills
+* `rows (Bill[])`:
+* `count (number)`:
+* `pagination (Pagination)`:
+`rows`は [Bill](#bill) オブジェクトの配列を返します。
+`pagination`は [Pagination](#pagination) オブジェクトを返します。
+## PaginatedPrivateMoneys
+* `rows (PrivateMoney[])`:
+* `count (number)`:
+* `pagination (Pagination)`:
+`rows`は [PrivateMoney](#private-money) オブジェクトの配列を返します。
+`pagination`は [Pagination](#pagination) オブジェクトを返します。
+## Campaign
+* `id (string)`: キャンペーンID
+* `name (string)`: キャペーン名
+* `applicable_shops (User[])`: キャンペーン適用対象の店舗リスト
+* `is_exclusive (boolean)`: キャンペーンの重複を許すかどうかのフラグ
+* `starts_at (string)`: キャンペーン開始日時
+* `ends_at (string)`: キャンペーン終了日時
+* `point_expires_at (string)`: キャンペーンによって付与されるポイントの失効日時
+* `point_expires_in_days (number)`: キャンペーンによって付与されるポイントの有効期限(相対指定、単位は日)
+* `priority (number)`: キャンペーンの優先順位
+* `description (string)`: キャンペーン説明文
+* `bear_point_shop (User)`: ポイントを負担する店舗
+* `private_money (PrivateMoney)`: キャンペーンを適用するマネー
+* `dest_private_money (PrivateMoney)`: ポイントを付与するマネー
+* `max_total_point_amount (number)`: 一人当たりの累計ポイント上限
+* `point_calculation_rule (string)`: ポイント計算ルール (banklisp表記)
+* `point_calculation_rule_object (string)`: ポイント計算ルール (JSON文字列による表記)
+* `status (string)`: キャンペーンの現在の状態
+* `budget_caps_amount (number)`: キャンペーンの予算上限額
+* `budget_current_amount (number)`: キャンペーンの付与合計額
+* `budget_current_time (string)`: キャンペーンの付与集計日時
+`applicable-shops`は [User](#user) オブジェクトの配列を返します。
+`bear_point_shop`は [User](#user) オブジェクトを返します。
+`dest_private_money`と`private_money`は [PrivateMoney](#private-money) オブジェクトを返します。
+## PaginatedCampaigns
+* `rows (Campaign[])`:
+* `count (number)`:
+* `pagination (Pagination)`:
+`rows`は [Campaign](#campaign) オブジェクトの配列を返します。
+`pagination`は [Pagination](#pagination) オブジェクトを返します。
+## AccountTransferSummary
+* `summaries (AccountTransferSummaryElement[])`:
+`summaries`は [AccountTransferSummaryElement](#account-transfer-summary-element) オブジェクトの配列を返します。
+## OrganizationWorkerTaskWebhook
+* `id (string)`:
+* `organization_code (string)`:
+* `task (string)`:
+* `url (string)`:
+* `content_type (string)`:
+* `is_active (boolean)`:
+## PaginatedOrganizationWorkerTaskWebhook
+* `rows (OrganizationWorkerTaskWebhook[])`:
+* `count (number)`:
+* `pagination (Pagination)`:
+`rows`は [OrganizationWorkerTaskWebhook](#organization-worker-task-webhook) オブジェクトの配列を返します。
+`pagination`は [Pagination](#pagination) オブジェクトを返します。
+## CouponDetail
+* `id (string)`: クーポンID
+* `name (string)`: クーポン名
+* `issued_shop (User)`: クーポン発行店舗
+* `description (string)`: クーポンの説明文
+* `discount_amount (number)`: クーポンによる値引き額(絶対値指定)
+* `discount_percentage (number)`: クーポンによる値引き率
+* `discount_upper_limit (number)`: クーポンによる値引き上限(値引き率が指定された場合の値引き上限額)
+* `starts_at (string)`: クーポンの利用可能期間(開始日時)
+* `ends_at (string)`: クーポンの利用可能期間(終了日時)
+* `display_starts_at (string)`: クーポンの掲載期間(開始日時)
+* `display_ends_at (string)`: クーポンの掲載期間(終了日時)
+* `usage_limit (number)`: ユーザごとの利用可能回数(NULLの場合は無制限)
+* `min_amount (number)`: クーポン適用可能な最小取引額
+* `is_shop_specified (boolean)`: 特定店舗限定のクーポンかどうか
+* `is_hidden (boolean)`: クーポン一覧に掲載されるかどうか
+* `is_public (boolean)`: アプリ配信なしで受け取れるかどうか
+* `code (string)`: クーポン受け取りコード
+* `is_disabled (boolean)`: 無効化フラグ
+* `token (string)`: クーポンを特定するためのトークン
+* `coupon_image (string)`: クーポン画像のURL
+* `available_shops (User[])`: 利用可能店舗リスト
+* `private_money (PrivateMoney)`: クーポンのマネー
+`issued_shop`は [User](#user) オブジェクトを返します。
+`available-shops`は [User](#user) オブジェクトの配列を返します。
+`private_money`は [PrivateMoney](#private-money) オブジェクトを返します。
+## PaginatedCoupons
+* `rows (Coupon[])`:
+* `count (number)`:
+* `pagination (Pagination)`:
+`rows`は [Coupon](#coupon) オブジェクトの配列を返します。
+`pagination`は [Pagination](#pagination) オブジェクトを返します。
+## PaginatedOrganizations
+* `rows (Organization[])`:
+* `count (number)`:
+* `pagination (Pagination)`:
+`rows`は [Organization](#organization) オブジェクトの配列を返します。
+`pagination`は [Pagination](#pagination) オブジェクトを返します。
+## PrivateMoney
+* `id (string)`: マネーID
+* `name (string)`: マネー名
+* `unit (string)`: マネー単位 (例: 円)
+* `is_exclusive (boolean)`: 会員制のマネーかどうか
+* `description (string)`: マネー説明文
+* `oneline_message (string)`: マネーの要約
+* `organization (Organization)`: マネーを発行した組織
+* `max_balance (number)`: ウォレットの上限金額
+* `transfer_limit (number)`: マネーの取引上限額
+* `money_topup_transfer_limit (number)`: マネーチャージ取引上限額
+* `type (string)`: マネー種別 (自家型=own, 第三者型=third-party)
+* `expiration_type (string)`: 有効期限種別 (チャージ日起算=static, 最終利用日起算=last-update, 最終チャージ日起算=last-topup-update)
+* `enable_topup_by_member (boolean)`: (deprecated)
+* `display_money_and_point (string)`:
+`organization`は [Organization](#organization) オブジェクトを返します。
+## Pagination
+* `current (number)`:
+* `per_page (number)`:
+* `max_page (number)`:
+* `has_prev (boolean)`:
+* `has_next (boolean)`:
+## Transaction
+* `id (string)`: 取引ID
+* `type (string)`: 取引種別
+* `is_modified (boolean)`: 返金された取引かどうか
+* `sender (User)`: 送金者情報
+* `sender_account (Account)`: 送金ウォレット情報
+* `receiver (User)`: 受取者情報
+* `receiver_account (Account)`: 受取ウォレット情報
+* `amount (number)`: 取引総額 (マネー額 + ポイント額)
+* `money_amount (number)`: 取引マネー額
+* `point_amount (number)`: 取引ポイント額(キャンペーン付与ポイント合算)
+* `raw_point_amount (number)`: 取引ポイント額
+* `campaign_point_amount (number)`: キャンペーンによるポイント付与額
+* `done_at (string)`: 取引日時
+* `description (string)`: 取引説明文
+`receiver`と`sender`は [User](#user) オブジェクトを返します。
+`receiver_account`と`sender_account`は [Account](#account) オブジェクトを返します。
+## ExternalTransaction
+* `id (string)`: ポケペイ外部取引ID
+* `is_modified (boolean)`: 返金された取引かどうか
+* `sender (User)`: 送金者情報
+* `sender_account (Account)`: 送金ウォレット情報
+* `receiver (User)`: 受取者情報
+* `receiver_account (Account)`: 受取ウォレット情報
+* `amount (number)`: 決済額
+* `done_at (string)`: 取引日時
+* `description (string)`: 取引説明文
+`receiver`と`sender`は [User](#user) オブジェクトを返します。
+`receiver_account`と`sender_account`は [Account](#account) オブジェクトを返します。
+## CashtrayAttempt
+* `account (AccountWithUser)`: エンドユーザーのウォレット
+* `status_code (number)`: ステータスコード
+* `error_type (string)`: エラー型
+* `error_message (string)`: エラーメッセージ
+* `created_at (string)`: Cashtray読み取り記録の作成日時
+`account`は [AccountWithUser](#account-with-user) オブジェクトを返します。
+## Account
+* `id (string)`: ウォレットID
+* `name (string)`: ウォレット名
+* `is_suspended (boolean)`: ウォレットが凍結されているかどうか
+* `status (string)`:
+* `private_money (PrivateMoney)`: 設定マネー情報
+`private_money`は [PrivateMoney](#private-money) オブジェクトを返します。
+## Transfer
+* `id (string)`:
+* `sender_account (AccountWithoutPrivateMoneyDetail)`:
+* `receiver_account (AccountWithoutPrivateMoneyDetail)`:
+* `amount (number)`:
+* `money_amount (number)`:
+* `point_amount (number)`:
+* `done_at (string)`:
+* `type (string)`:
+* `description (string)`:
+* `transaction_id (string)`:
+`receiver_account`と`sender_account`は [AccountWithoutPrivateMoneyDetail](#account-without-private-money-detail) オブジェクトを返します。
+## ShopAccount
+* `id (string)`: ウォレットID
+* `name (string)`: ウォレット名
+* `is_suspended (boolean)`: ウォレットが凍結されているかどうか
+* `can_transfer_topup (boolean)`: チャージ可能かどうか
+* `private_money (PrivateMoney)`: 設定マネー情報
+`private_money`は [PrivateMoney](#private-money) オブジェクトを返します。
+## BulkTransactionJob
+* `id (number)`:
+* `bulk_transaction (BulkTransaction)`:
+* `type (string)`: 取引種別
+* `sender_account_id (string)`:
+* `receiver_account_id (string)`:
+* `money_amount (number)`:
+* `point_amount (number)`:
+* `description (string)`: バルク取引ジョブ管理用の説明文
+* `bear_point_account_id (string)`:
+* `point_expires_at (string)`: ポイント有効期限
+* `status (string)`: バルク取引ジョブの状態
+* `error (string)`: バルク取引のエラー種別
+* `lineno (number)`: バルク取引のエラーが発生した行番号
+* `transaction_id (string)`:
+* `created_at (string)`: バルク取引ジョブが登録された日時
+* `updated_at (string)`: バルク取引ジョブが更新された日時
+`bulk_transaction`は [BulkTransaction](#bulk-transaction) オブジェクトを返します。
+## PrivateMoneyOrganizationSummary
+* `organization_code (string)`:
+* `topup (OrganizationSummary)`:
+* `payment (OrganizationSummary)`:
+`payment`と`topup`は [OrganizationSummary](#organization-summary) オブジェクトを返します。
+## Bank
+* `id (string)`:
+* `private_money (PrivateMoney)`:
+* `bank_name (string)`:
+* `bank_code (string)`:
+* `branch_number (string)`:
+* `branch_name (string)`:
+* `deposit_type (string)`:
+* `masked_account_number (string)`:
+* `account_name (string)`:
+`private_money`は [PrivateMoney](#private-money) オブジェクトを返します。
+## AccountBalance
+* `expires_at (string)`:
+* `money_amount (number)`:
+* `point_amount (number)`:
+## ShopWithMetadata
+* `id (string)`: 店舗ID
+* `name (string)`: 店舗名
+* `organization_code (string)`: 組織コード
+* `status (string)`: 店舗の状態
+* `postal_code (string)`: 店舗の郵便番号
+* `address (string)`: 店舗の住所
+* `tel (string)`: 店舗の電話番号
+* `email (string)`: 店舗のメールアドレス
+* `external_id (string)`: 店舗の外部ID
+## AccountTransferSummaryElement
+* `transfer_type (string)`:
+* `money_amount (number)`:
+* `point_amount (number)`:
+* `count (number)`:
+## Coupon
+* `id (string)`: クーポンID
+* `name (string)`: クーポン名
+* `issued_shop (User)`: クーポン発行店舗
+* `description (string)`: クーポンの説明文
+* `discount_amount (number)`: クーポンによる値引き額(絶対値指定)
+* `discount_percentage (number)`: クーポンによる値引き率
+* `discount_upper_limit (number)`: クーポンによる値引き上限(値引き率が指定された場合の値引き上限額)
+* `starts_at (string)`: クーポンの利用可能期間(開始日時)
+* `ends_at (string)`: クーポンの利用可能期間(終了日時)
+* `display_starts_at (string)`: クーポンの掲載期間(開始日時)
+* `display_ends_at (string)`: クーポンの掲載期間(終了日時)
+* `usage_limit (number)`: ユーザごとの利用可能回数(NULLの場合は無制限)
+* `min_amount (number)`: クーポン適用可能な最小取引額
+* `is_shop_specified (boolean)`: 特定店舗限定のクーポンかどうか
+* `is_hidden (boolean)`: クーポン一覧に掲載されるかどうか
+* `is_public (boolean)`: アプリ配信なしで受け取れるかどうか
+* `code (string)`: クーポン受け取りコード
+* `is_disabled (boolean)`: 無効化フラグ
+* `token (string)`: クーポンを特定するためのトークン
+`issued_shop`は [User](#user) オブジェクトを返します。
+## AccountWithoutPrivateMoneyDetail
+* `id (string)`:
+* `name (string)`:
+* `is_suspended (boolean)`:
+* `status (string)`:
+* `private_money_id (string)`:
+* `user (User)`:
+`user`は [User](#user) オブジェクトを返します。
+## OrganizationSummary
+* `count (number)`:
+* `money_amount (number)`:
+* `money_count (number)`:
+* `point_amount (number)`:
+* `raw_point_amount (number)`:
+* `campaign_point_amount (number)`:
+* `point_count (number)`:
diff --git a/docs/shop.md b/docs/shop.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a18281
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/shop.md
@@ -0,0 +1,645 @@
+# Shop
+## ListShops: 店舗一覧を取得する
+const response: Response = await client.send(new ListShops({
+ organization_code: "pocketchange", // 組織コード
+ private_money_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // マネーID
+ name: "oxスーパー三田店", // 店舗名
+ postal_code: "055-8439", // 店舗の郵便番号
+ address: "東京都港区芝...", // 店舗の住所
+ tel: "021-7099-1336", // 店舗の電話番号
+ email: "3bs4OkWhHF@x3P6.com", // 店舗のメールアドレス
+ external_id: "yxFmxWAZtUSoiVrIFnb7w6ZClkoqVajvuG5c", // 店舗の外部ID
+ with_disabled: true, // 無効な店舗を含める
+ page: 1, // ページ番号
+ per_page: 50 // 1ページ分の取引数
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 32,
+ "pattern": "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "minLength": 1,
+ "maxLength": 256
+ "type": "string",
+ "pattern": "^[0-9]{3}-?[0-9]{4}$"
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 256
+ "type": "string",
+ "pattern": "^0[0-9]{1,3}-?[0-9]{2,4}-?[0-9]{3,4}$"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "email",
+ "maxLength": 256
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 36
+ "type": "boolean"
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+## CreateShop: 【廃止】新規店舗を追加する
+新規店舗を追加します。このAPIは廃止予定です。以降は `CreateShopV2` を使用してください。
+const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateShop({
+ shop_name: "oxスーパー三田店", // 店舗名
+ shop_postal_code: "795-2270", // 店舗の郵便番号
+ shop_address: "東京都港区芝...", // 店舗の住所
+ shop_tel: "097-9077320", // 店舗の電話番号
+ shop_email: "8bfxMId7hF@KERG.com", // 店舗のメールアドレス
+ shop_external_id: "a7vbD1cIywVpXocQ5N98CAVKuK", // 店舗の外部ID
+ organization_code: "ox-supermarket" // 組織コード
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "minLength": 1,
+ "maxLength": 256
+ "type": "string",
+ "pattern": "^[0-9]{3}-?[0-9]{4}$"
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 256
+ "type": "string",
+ "pattern": "^0[0-9]{1,3}-?[0-9]{2,4}-?[0-9]{3,4}$"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "email",
+ "maxLength": 256
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 36
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 32,
+ "pattern": "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$"
+## CreateShopV2: 新規店舗を追加する
+const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateShopV2({
+ name: "oxスーパー三田店", // 店舗名
+ postal_code: "2351924", // 店舗の郵便番号
+ address: "東京都港区芝...", // 店舗の住所
+ tel: "0245976-5965", // 店舗の電話番号
+ email: "I8CNBTqLCZ@99Aj.com", // 店舗のメールアドレス
+ external_id: "bK3l31NeAICSoLJdEVZoJB0", // 店舗の外部ID
+ organization_code: "ox-supermarket", // 組織コード
+ private_money_ids: ["xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"], // 店舗で有効にするマネーIDの配列
+ can_topup_private_money_ids: [] // 店舗でチャージ可能にするマネーIDの配列
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "minLength": 1,
+ "maxLength": 256
+ "type": "string",
+ "pattern": "^[0-9]{3}-?[0-9]{4}$"
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 256
+ "type": "string",
+ "pattern": "^0[0-9]{1,3}-?[0-9]{2,4}-?[0-9]{3,4}$"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "email",
+ "maxLength": 256
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 36
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 32,
+ "pattern": "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$"
+ "type": "array",
+ "minItems": 1,
+ "items": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ }
+ "type": "array",
+ "minItems": 0,
+ "items": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ }
+## GetShop: 店舗情報を表示する
+const response: Response = await client.send(new GetShop({
+ shop_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" // 店舗ユーザーID
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+## UpdateShop: 店舗情報を更新する
+const response: Response = await client.send(new UpdateShop({
+ shop_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // 店舗ユーザーID
+ name: "oxスーパー三田店", // 店舗名
+ postal_code: "5495125", // 店舗の郵便番号
+ address: "東京都港区芝...", // 店舗の住所
+ tel: "079238-9452", // 店舗の電話番号
+ email: "zTj3A085y5@hWQ3.com", // 店舗のメールアドレス
+ external_id: "gdeDOWFExGORRYNLJdsZ6n3IGoF44i049", // 店舗の外部ID
+ private_money_ids: ["xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"], // 店舗で有効にするマネーIDの配列
+ can_topup_private_money_ids: ["xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"], // 店舗でチャージ可能にするマネーIDの配列
+ status: "active" // 店舗の状態
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "minLength": 1,
+ "maxLength": 256
+ "type": "string",
+ "pattern": "^[0-9]{3}-?[0-9]{4}$"
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 256
+ "type": "string",
+ "pattern": "^0[0-9]{1,3}-?[0-9]{2,4}-?[0-9]{3,4}$"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "email",
+ "maxLength": 256
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 36
+ "type": "array",
+ "minItems": 0,
+ "items": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ }
+ "type": "array",
+ "minItems": 0,
+ "items": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ }
+ "type": "string",
+ "enum": [
+ "active",
+ "disabled"
+ ]
diff --git a/docs/transaction.md b/docs/transaction.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db475a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/transaction.md
@@ -0,0 +1,1707 @@
+# Transaction
+## GetCpmToken: CPMトークンの状態取得
+const response: Response = await client.send(new GetCpmToken({
+ cpm_token: "zroFJfg0zCih9qHu842U5S" // CPMトークン
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "minLength": 22,
+ "maxLength": 22
+## ListTransactions: 【廃止】取引履歴を取得する
+const response: Response = await client.send(new ListTransactions({
+ from: "2021-06-05T21:00:30.000000Z", // 開始日時
+ to: "2020-10-02T07:49:29.000000Z", // 終了日時
+ page: 1, // ページ番号
+ per_page: 50, // 1ページ分の取引数
+ shop_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // 店舗ID
+ customer_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // エンドユーザーID
+ customer_name: "太郎", // エンドユーザー名
+ terminal_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // 端末ID
+ transaction_id: "NqipKVsII", // 取引ID
+ organization_code: "pocketchange", // 組織コード
+ private_money_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // マネーID
+ is_modified: false, // キャンセルフラグ
+ types: ["topup", "payment"], // 取引種別 (複数指定可)、チャージ=topup、支払い=payment
+ description: "店頭QRコードによる支払い" // 取引説明文
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 256
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string"
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 32,
+ "pattern": "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "boolean"
+1. topup
+ 店舗からエンドユーザーへの送金取引(チャージ)
+2. payment
+ エンドユーザーから店舗への送金取引(支払い)
+3. exchange-outflow
+ 他マネーへの流出
+4. exchange-inflow
+ 他マネーからの流入
+5. cashback
+ 退会時返金取引
+6. expire
+ 退会時失効取引
+ "type": "array",
+ "items": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "enum": [
+ "topup",
+ "payment",
+ "exchange_outflow",
+ "exchange_inflow",
+ "cashback",
+ "expire"
+ ]
+ }
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 200
+## CreateTransaction: 【廃止】チャージする
+チャージ取引を作成します。このAPIは廃止予定です。以降は `CreateTopupTransaction` を使用してください。
+const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateTransaction({
+ shop_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
+ customer_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
+ private_money_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
+ money_amount: 362,
+ point_amount: 3542,
+ point_expires_at: "2024-03-01T17:10:50.000000Z", // ポイント有効期限
+ description: "x3ZiMVPZEq0xgguEtAXJ6WozfUGo1oVR"
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "integer",
+ "format": "decimal",
+ "minimum": 0
+ "type": "integer",
+ "format": "decimal",
+ "minimum": 0
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 200
+## ListTransactionsV2: 取引履歴を取得する
+const response: Response = await client.send(new ListTransactionsV2({
+ private_money_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // マネーID
+ organization_code: "pocketchange", // 組織コード
+ shop_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // 店舗ID
+ terminal_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // 端末ID
+ customer_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // エンドユーザーID
+ customer_name: "太郎", // エンドユーザー名
+ description: "店頭QRコードによる支払い", // 取引説明文
+ transaction_id: "1P", // 取引ID
+ is_modified: true, // キャンセルフラグ
+ types: ["topup", "payment"], // 取引種別 (複数指定可)、チャージ=topup、支払い=payment
+ from: "2024-02-04T04:47:18.000000Z", // 開始日時
+ to: "2020-03-06T03:10:42.000000Z", // 終了日時
+ next_page_cursor_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // 次ページへ遷移する際に起点となるtransactionのID
+ prev_page_cursor_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // 前ページへ遷移する際に起点となるtransactionのID
+ per_page: 50 // 1ページ分の取引数
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 32,
+ "pattern": "^[a-zA-Z0-9-]*$"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 256
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 200
+ "type": "string"
+ "type": "boolean"
+1. topup
+ 店舗からエンドユーザーへの送金取引(チャージ)
+2. payment
+ エンドユーザーから店舗への送金取引(支払い)
+3. exchange-outflow
+ 他マネーへの流出
+ private_money_idが指定されたとき、そのマネーから見て流出方向の交換取引が抽出されます。
+ private_money_idを省略した場合は表示されません。
+4. exchange-inflow
+ 他マネーからの流入
+ private_money_idが指定されたとき、そのマネーから見て流入方向の交換取引が抽出されます。
+ private_money_idを省略した場合は表示されません。
+5. cashback
+ 退会時返金取引
+6. expire
+ 退会時失効取引
+ "type": "array",
+ "items": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "enum": [
+ "topup",
+ "payment",
+ "exchange_outflow",
+ "exchange_inflow",
+ "cashback",
+ "expire"
+ ]
+ }
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1,
+ "maximum": 1000
+## CreateTopupTransaction: チャージする
+const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateTopupTransaction({
+ shop_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // 店舗ID
+ customer_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // エンドユーザーのID
+ private_money_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // マネーID
+ bear_point_shop_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // ポイント支払時の負担店舗ID
+ money_amount: 4236, // マネー額
+ point_amount: 5322, // ポイント額
+ point_expires_at: "2021-02-02T23:32:54.000000Z", // ポイント有効期限
+ description: "初夏のチャージキャンペーン", // 取引履歴に表示する説明文
+ metadata: "{\"key\":\"value\"}", // 取引メタデータ
+ request_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" // リクエストID
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 0
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 0
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 200
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "json"
+取引作成APIで結果が受け取れなかったなどの理由で再試行する際に、二重に取引が作られてしまうことを防ぐために、クライアント側から指定されます。指定は任意で、UUID V4フォーマットでランダム生成した文字列です。リクエストIDは一定期間で削除されます。
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+## CreatePaymentTransaction: 支払いする
+const response: Response = await client.send(new CreatePaymentTransaction({
+ shop_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // 店舗ID
+ customer_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // エンドユーザーID
+ private_money_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // マネーID
+ amount: 8608, // 支払い額
+ description: "たい焼き(小倉)", // 取引履歴に表示する説明文
+ metadata: "{\"key\":\"value\"}", // 取引メタデータ
+ products: [{"jan_code":"abc",
+ "name":"name1",
+ "unit_price":100,
+ "price": 100,
+ "is_discounted": false,
+ "other":"{}"}], // 商品情報データ
+ request_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" // リクエストID
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 0
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 200
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "json"
+- `jan_code`: JANコード。64字以下の文字列
+- `name`: 商品名。256字以下の文字列
+- `unit_price`: 商品単価。0以上の数値
+- `price`: 全体の金額(例: 商品単価 × 個数)。0以上の数値
+- `is_discounted`: 賞味期限が近いなどの理由で商品が値引きされているかどうかのフラグ。boolean
+- `other`: その他商品に関する情報。JSONオブジェクトで指定します。
+ "type": "array",
+ "items": {
+ "type": "object"
+ }
+取引作成APIで結果が受け取れなかったなどの理由で再試行する際に、二重に取引が作られてしまうことを防ぐために、クライアント側から指定されます。指定は任意で、UUID V4フォーマットでランダム生成した文字列です。リクエストIDは一定期間で削除されます。
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+## CreateCpmTransaction: CPMトークンによる取引作成
+const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateCpmTransaction({
+ cpm_token: "5SjzUvS2Jlq6P89tC2Mi1P", // CPMトークン
+ shop_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // 店舗ID
+ amount: 7208.0, // 取引金額
+ description: "たい焼き(小倉)", // 取引説明文
+ metadata: "{\"key\":\"value\"}", // 店舗側メタデータ
+ products: [{"jan_code":"abc",
+ "name":"name1",
+ "unit_price":100,
+ "price": 100,
+ "is_discounted": false,
+ "other":"{}"}, {"jan_code":"abc",
+ "name":"name1",
+ "unit_price":100,
+ "price": 100,
+ "is_discounted": false,
+ "other":"{}"}, {"jan_code":"abc",
+ "name":"name1",
+ "unit_price":100,
+ "price": 100,
+ "is_discounted": false,
+ "other":"{}"}], // 商品情報データ
+ request_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" // リクエストID
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "minLength": 22,
+ "maxLength": 22
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "number"
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 200
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "json"
+- `jan_code`: JANコード。64字以下の文字列
+- `name`: 商品名。256字以下の文字列
+- `unit_price`: 商品単価。0以上の数値
+- `price`: 全体の金額(例: 商品単価 × 個数)。0以上の数値
+- `is_discounted`: 賞味期限が近いなどの理由で商品が値引きされているかどうかのフラグ。boolean
+- `other`: その他商品に関する情報。JSONオブジェクトで指定します。
+ "type": "array",
+ "items": {
+ "type": "object"
+ }
+取引作成APIで結果が受け取れなかったなどの理由で再試行する際に、二重に取引が作られてしまうことを防ぐために、クライアント側から指定されます。指定は任意で、UUID V4フォーマットでランダム生成した文字列です。リクエストIDは一定期間で削除されます。
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+## CreateTransferTransaction: 個人間送金
+const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateTransferTransaction({
+ sender_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // 送金元ユーザーID
+ receiver_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // 受取ユーザーID
+ private_money_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // マネーID
+ amount: 686.0, // 送金額
+ metadata: "{\"key\":\"value\"}", // 取引メタデータ
+ description: "たい焼き(小倉)", // 取引履歴に表示する説明文
+ request_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" // リクエストID
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "number",
+ "minimum": 0
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "json"
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 200
+取引作成APIで結果が受け取れなかったなどの理由で再試行する際に、二重に取引が作られてしまうことを防ぐために、クライアント側から指定されます。指定は任意で、UUID V4フォーマットでランダム生成した文字列です。リクエストIDは一定期間で削除されます。
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+## CreateExchangeTransaction
+const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateExchangeTransaction({
+ user_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
+ sender_private_money_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
+ receiver_private_money_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
+ amount: 5541,
+ description: "Re6ex8zQnoMXPxIs0d6X24reGHeQvAPqGMsA1rgfPu4olvC1KDDE1G2mGU9YeDH5Tysjz5v4HW6eqkSknjWS4aW80Xp5YCo9TXEMx6Q3N4lydCpBzThmgOIjIatpE7508LaYMNkxpSQqkfWLu8WbqqwjfwNPVeBo88egFulBO0tWJ9",
+ request_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" // リクエストID
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 200
+取引作成APIで結果が受け取れなかったなどの理由で再試行する際に、二重に取引が作られてしまうことを防ぐために、クライアント側から指定されます。指定は任意で、UUID V4フォーマットでランダム生成した文字列です。リクエストIDは一定期間で削除されます。
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+## GetTransaction: 取引情報を取得する
+const response: Response = await client.send(new GetTransaction({
+ transaction_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" // 取引ID
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+## RefundTransaction: 取引をキャンセルする
+チャージ取引のキャンセル時に返金すべき残高が足りないときは `account_balance_not_enough (422)` エラーが返ります。
+取引をキャンセルできるのは1回きりです。既にキャンセルされた取引を重ねてキャンセルしようとすると `transaction_already_refunded (422)` エラーが返ります。
+const response: Response = await client.send(new RefundTransaction({
+ transaction_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // 取引ID
+ description: "返品対応のため", // 取引履歴に表示する返金事由
+ returning_point_expires_at: "2023-04-11T16:40:53.000000Z" // 返却ポイントの有効期限
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 200
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
+## GetTransactionByRequestId: リクエストIDから取引情報を取得する
+const response: Response = await client.send(new GetTransactionByRequestId({
+ request_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" // リクエストID
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+## GetBulkTransaction: バルク取引ジョブの実行状況を取得する
+const response: Response = await client.send(new GetBulkTransaction({
+ bulk_transaction_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" // バルク取引ジョブID
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+## ListBulkTransactionJobs: バルク取引ジョブの詳細情報一覧を取得する
+const response: Response = await client.send(new ListBulkTransactionJobs({
+ bulk_transaction_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // バルク取引ジョブID
+ page: 1, // ページ番号
+ per_page: 50 // 1ページ分の取得数
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+1ページ分の取得数です。デフォルトでは 50 になっています。
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+## RequestUserStats: 指定期間内の顧客が行った取引の統計情報をCSVでダウンロードする
+* organization_code: 取引を行った組織コード
+* private_money_id: 取引されたマネーのID
+* private_money_name: 取引されたマネーの名前
+* user_id: 決済したユーザーID
+* user_external_id: 決済したユーザーの外部ID
+* payment_money_amount: 指定期間内に決済に使ったマネーの総額
+* payment_point_amount: 指定期間内に決済に使ったポイントの総額
+* payment_transaction_count: 指定期間内に決済した回数。キャンセルされた取引は含まない
+また、指定期間より前の決済を時間をおいてキャンセルした場合などには payment_money_amount, payment_point_amount, payment_transaction_count が負の値になることもあることに留意してください。
+const response: Response = await client.send(new RequestUserStats({
+ from: "2022-05-20T17:56:49.000000+09:00", // 集計期間の開始時刻
+ to: "2023-12-10T01:16:11.000000+09:00" // 集計期間の終了時刻
+### Parameters
+時刻は現在時刻、及び `to` で指定する時刻以前である必要があります。
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
+時刻は現在時刻、及び `from` で指定する時刻の間である必要があります。
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
diff --git a/docs/transfer.md b/docs/transfer.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1673ac8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/transfer.md
@@ -0,0 +1,673 @@
+# Transfer
+## GetAccountTransferSummary:
+const response: Response = await client.send(new GetAccountTransferSummary({
+ account_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // ウォレットID
+ from: "2020-05-19T10:22:23.000000Z", // 集計期間の開始時刻
+ to: "2022-09-30T14:05:52.000000Z", // 集計期間の終了時刻
+ transfer_types: ["topup", "payment"] // 取引明細種別 (複数指定可)
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
+- payment
+ エンドユーザーから店舗への送金取引(支払い取引)
+- topup
+ 店舗からエンドユーザーへの送金取引(チャージ取引)
+- campaign-topup
+ キャンペーンによるエンドユーザーへのポイント付与取引(ポイントチャージ)
+- use-coupon
+ 支払い時のクーポン使用による値引き取引
+- refund-payment
+ 支払い取引に対するキャンセル取引
+- refund-topup
+ チャージ取引に対するキャンセル取引
+- refund-campaign
+ キャンペーンによるポイント付与取引に対するキャンセル取引
+- refund-coupon
+ クーポン使用による値引き取引に対するキャンセル取引
+- exchange-inflow
+ 交換による他マネーからの流入取引
+- exchange-outflow
+ 交換による他マネーへの流出取引
+- refund-exchange-inflow
+ 交換による他マネーからの流入取引に対するキャンセル取引
+- refund-exchange-outflow
+ 交換による他マネーへの流出取引に対するキャンセル取引
+ "type": "array",
+ "items": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "enum": [
+ "payment",
+ "topup",
+ "campaign-topup",
+ "use-coupon",
+ "refund-payment",
+ "refund-topup",
+ "refund-campaign",
+ "refund-coupon",
+ "exchange-inflow",
+ "exchange-outflow",
+ "refund-exchange-inflow",
+ "refund-exchange-outflow"
+ ]
+ }
+## ListTransfers
+const response: Response = await client.send(new ListTransfers({
+ from: "2023-09-04T06:29:07.000000Z",
+ to: "2024-01-13T03:24:09.000000Z",
+ page: 4884,
+ per_page: 6195,
+ shop_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
+ shop_name: "C590AS7UiB0DiDGREmImyJDbbC2wEGBfcAGc0EsTxqnb80BRFYcLTC4xCABLekowD1pN0MSUSSu62wEl3iPUkIv4a2NsBAg7OoWmbOWXvcqkH6OCG8bjnFs6Wxag7k",
+ customer_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
+ customer_name: "VTYLZtj",
+ transaction_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
+ private_money_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
+ is_modified: true,
+ transaction_types: ["payment", "topup", "cashback"],
+ transfer_types: ["coupon", "cashback", "campaign", "payment", "topup", "transfer", "expire", "exchange"], // 取引明細の種類でフィルターします。
+ description: "店頭QRコードによる支払い" // 取引詳細説明文
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 256
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 256
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "boolean"
+ "type": "array",
+ "items": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "enum": [
+ "topup",
+ "payment",
+ "transfer",
+ "exchange",
+ "cashback",
+ "expire"
+ ]
+ }
+1. topup
+2. payment
+3. exchange
+4. campaign
+5. coupon
+6. cashback
+7. expire
+ "type": "array",
+ "items": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "enum": [
+ "topup",
+ "payment",
+ "exchange",
+ "transfer",
+ "coupon",
+ "campaign",
+ "cashback",
+ "expire"
+ ]
+ }
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 200
+## ListTransfersV2
+const response: Response = await client.send(new ListTransfersV2({
+ shop_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // 店舗ID
+ shop_name: "xB23NKDv8dBki6rCZ5MRu3n3kWR611LhXRF1WjDXemYssWVQAa0S9OWEqIPoWhsZ81p0D8THD4dpuhxNvhxjPfdLCMpGSOhV764tKT9oHgjnPne51YZOU0zGq4PpZBc0rJPOstD7C9IM7suB5w40dZFTsuKZGsFElmQpA4RSTaT", // 店舗名
+ customer_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // エンドユーザーID
+ customer_name: "lLaqlkU49OXmcM1eYLCIvDzYzwAtEksQWSl6Am3gCBrhM35EfmrtOFWMml5EK", // エンドユーザー名
+ transaction_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // 取引ID
+ private_money_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // マネーID
+ is_modified: false, // キャンセルフラグ
+ transaction_types: ["cashback"], // 取引種別 (複数指定可)、チャージ=topup、支払い=payment
+ next_page_cursor_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // 次ページへ遷移する際に起点となるtransferのID
+ prev_page_cursor_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // 前ページへ遷移する際に起点となるtransferのID
+ per_page: 50, // 1ページ分の取引数
+ transfer_types: ["transfer", "exchange"], // 取引明細種別 (複数指定可)
+ description: "店頭QRコードによる支払い", // 取引詳細説明文
+ from: "2020-07-02T11:27:30.000000Z", // 開始日時
+ to: "2020-07-24T15:07:42.000000Z" // 終了日時
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 256
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 256
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "boolean"
+1. topup
+ 店舗からエンドユーザーへの送金取引(チャージ)
+2. payment
+ エンドユーザーから店舗への送金取引(支払い)
+3. exchange-outflow
+ 他マネーへの流出
+ private_money_idが指定されたとき、そのマネーから見て流出方向の交換取引が抽出されます。
+ private_money_idを省略した場合は表示されません。
+4. exchange-inflow
+ 他マネーからの流入
+ private_money_idが指定されたとき、そのマネーから見て流入方向の交換取引が抽出されます。
+ private_money_idを省略した場合は表示されません。
+5. cashback
+ 退会時返金取引
+6. expire
+ 退会時失効取引
+ "type": "array",
+ "items": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "enum": [
+ "topup",
+ "payment",
+ "transfer",
+ "exchange",
+ "cashback",
+ "expire"
+ ]
+ }
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1,
+ "maximum": 1000
+1. topup
+2. payment
+3. exchange
+4. campaign
+5. coupon
+6. cashback
+7. expire
+ "type": "array",
+ "items": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "enum": [
+ "topup",
+ "payment",
+ "exchange",
+ "transfer",
+ "coupon",
+ "campaign",
+ "cashback",
+ "expire"
+ ]
+ }
+ "type": "string",
+ "maxLength": 200
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "date-time"
diff --git a/docs/user.md b/docs/user.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bffa6f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/user.md
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# User
+## GetUser
+const response: Response = await client.send(new GetUser());
diff --git a/docs/user_device.md b/docs/user_device.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3081e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/user_device.md
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+# UserDevice
+これが必要な理由はBank Payを用いたチャージを行う場合は端末を区別できることが要件としてあるためです。
+## CreateUserDevice: ユーザーのデバイス登録
+const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateUserDevice({
+ user_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // ユーザーID
+ metadata: "{\"user_agent\": \"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:120.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/120.0\"}" // ユーザーデバイスのメタデータ
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+例: 端末の固有情報やブラウザのUser-Agent
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "json"
+## GetUserDevice: ユーザーのデバイスを取得
+const response: Response = await client.send(new GetUserDevice({
+ user_device_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" // ユーザーデバイスID
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+## ActivateUserDevice: デバイスの有効化
+const response: Response = await client.send(new ActivateUserDevice({
+ user_device_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" // ユーザーデバイスID
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
diff --git a/docs/webhook.md b/docs/webhook.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a9e999
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/webhook.md
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+# Webhook
+## CreateWebhook: webhookの作成
+このとき、リクエストボディは `{"task": <タスク名>}` という値になります。
+const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateWebhook({
+ task: "bulk_shops", // タスク名
+ url: "Bgm1" // URL
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "enum": [
+ "bulk_shops",
+ "process_user_stats_operation"
+ ]
+ "type": "string"
+## ListWebhooks: 作成したWebhookの一覧を返す
+const response: Response = await client.send(new ListWebhooks({
+ page: 1, // ページ番号
+ per_page: 50 // 1ページ分の取得数
+### Parameters
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+1ページ分の取得数です。デフォルトでは 50 になっています。
+ "type": "integer",
+ "minimum": 1
+## UpdateWebhook: Webhookの更新
+const response: Response = await client.send(new UpdateWebhook({
+ webhook_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx", // Webhook ID
+ url: "b", // URL
+ is_active: false, // 有効/無効
+ task: "bulk_shops" // タスク名
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
+ "type": "string"
+ "type": "boolean"
+ "type": "string",
+ "enum": [
+ "bulk_shops",
+ "process_user_stats_operation"
+ ]
+## DeleteWebhook: Webhookの削除
+const response: Response = await client.send(new DeleteWebhook({
+ webhook_id: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx" // Webhook ID
+### Parameters
+ "type": "string",
+ "format": "uuid"
diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json
index fdb8b10..c116fe6 100644
--- a/package-lock.json
+++ b/package-lock.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "@pokepay/pokepay-partner-sdk",
- "version": "1.4.9",
+ "version": "1.4.10",
"lockfileVersion": 3,
"requires": true,
"packages": {
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 5370534..14fb1b8 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "@pokepay/pokepay-partner-sdk",
- "version": "1.4.9",
+ "version": "1.4.10",
"description": "Pokepay Partner SDK for NodeJS",
"main": "dist/index.js",
"types": "dist/index.d.ts",
diff --git a/partner.yaml b/partner.yaml
index 12f622d..4619f57 100644
--- a/partner.yaml
+++ b/partner.yaml
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ tags:
- name: Customer
- name: Organization
- name: Shop
+ - name: User
- name: Account
- name: Private Money
- name: Bulk
@@ -1938,6 +1939,8 @@ paths:
$ref: '#/components/responses/BadRequest'
+ tags:
+ - User
description: OK
@@ -5778,6 +5781,8 @@ paths:
$ref: '#/components/responses/UnprocessableEntity'
+ tags:
+ - Transaction
summary: バルク取引ジョブの実行状況を取得する
x-pokepay-operator-name: "GetBulkTransaction"
x-pokepay-allow-server-side: true
@@ -5805,6 +5810,8 @@ paths:
$ref: '#/components/responses/NotFound'
+ tags:
+ - Transaction
summary: バルク取引ジョブの詳細情報一覧を取得する
x-pokepay-operator-name: "ListBulkTransactionJobs"
x-pokepay-allow-server-side: true
@@ -6471,6 +6478,43 @@ paths:
+ blacklisted_product_rules:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ properties:
+ product_code:
+ type: string
+ maxLength: 64
+ title: '対象の製品コード'
+ description: |-
+ 対象の製品コード (JANコードやISBNコードなど) を指定します。(必須項目)
+ SQLのLIKE文のようにワイルドカードを使った製品コードのパターンを指定することもできます (_ で任意の1文字にマッチし、 % で任意文字列にマッチします。 例: 978-% でISBNコード)
+ items:
+ type: string
+ classification_code:
+ type: string
+ maxLength: 64
+ title: '対象の商品分類コード'
+ description: |-
+ 対象の商品分類コード (書籍のCコードなど) を指定します。(任意項目)
+ SQLのLIKE文のようにワイルドカードを使った製品コードのパターンを指定することもできます (_ で任意の1文字にマッチし、 % で任意文字列にマッチします。 例: 978-% でISBNコード)
+ items:
+ type: string
+ example: |-
+ {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }
+ title: '商品情報ベースのキャンペーンで除外対象にする商品リスト'
+ description: |-
+ 商品情報をベースとしてポイント付与を行う際に、事前に除外対象とする商品リストを指定します。
+ 除外対象の商品コード、または分類コードのパターンの配列として指定します。
+ 取引時には、まずここで指定した除外対象商品が除かれ、残った商品に対して `product_based_point_rules` のルール群が適用されます。
type: array
@@ -6515,6 +6559,18 @@ paths:
describe: |-
キャンペーンを適用する店舗IDを指定します (複数指定)。
+ minimum_number_of_products:
+ type: integer
+ minimum: 1
+ title: 'キャンペーンを適用する1会計内の商品個数の下限'
+ description: |-
+ このパラメータを指定すると、取引時の1会計内のルールに適合する商品個数がminimum_number_of_productsを超えたときにのみキャンペーンが発火するようになります。
+ minimum_number_of_amount:
+ type: integer
+ minimum: 1
+ title: 'キャンペーンを適用する1会計内の商品総額の下限'
+ description: |-
+ このパラメータを指定すると、取引時の1会計内のルールに適合する商品総額がminimum_number_of_amountを超えたときにのみキャンペーンが発火するようになります。
type: integer
minimum: 1
@@ -7253,6 +7309,43 @@ paths:
+ blacklisted_product_rules:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: object
+ properties:
+ product_code:
+ type: string
+ maxLength: 64
+ title: '対象の製品コード'
+ description: |-
+ 対象の製品コード (JANコードやISBNコードなど) を指定します。(必須項目)
+ SQLのLIKE文のようにワイルドカードを使った製品コードのパターンを指定することもできます (_ で任意の1文字にマッチし、 % で任意文字列にマッチします。 例: 978-% でISBNコード)
+ items:
+ type: string
+ classification_code:
+ type: string
+ maxLength: 64
+ title: '対象の商品分類コード'
+ description: |-
+ 対象の商品分類コード (書籍のCコードなど) を指定します。(任意項目)
+ SQLのLIKE文のようにワイルドカードを使った製品コードのパターンを指定することもできます (_ で任意の1文字にマッチし、 % で任意文字列にマッチします。 例: 978-% でISBNコード)
+ items:
+ type: string
+ example: |-
+ {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }
+ title: '商品情報ベースのキャンペーンで除外対象にする商品リスト'
+ description: |-
+ 商品情報をベースとしてポイント付与を行う際に、事前に除外対象とする商品リストを指定します。
+ 除外対象の商品コード、または分類コードのパターンの配列として指定します。
+ 取引時には、まずここで指定した除外対象商品が除かれ、残った商品に対して `product_based_point_rules` のルール群が適用されます。
type: array
@@ -7300,6 +7393,20 @@ paths:
describe: |-
キャンペーンを適用する店舗IDを指定します (複数指定)。
+ minimum_number_of_products:
+ type: integer
+ minimum: 1
+ nullable: true
+ title: 'キャンペーンを適用する1会計内の商品個数の下限'
+ description: |-
+ このパラメータを指定すると、取引時の1会計内のルールに適合する商品個数がminimum_number_of_productsを超えたときにのみキャンペーンが発火するようになります。
+ minimum_number_of_amount:
+ type: integer
+ minimum: 1
+ nullable: true
+ title: 'キャンペーンを適用する1会計内の商品総額の下限'
+ description: |-
+ このパラメータを指定すると、取引時の1会計内のルールに適合する商品総額がminimum_number_of_amountを超えたときにのみキャンペーンが発火するようになります。
type: integer
minimum: 1
diff --git a/src/index.test.ts b/src/index.test.ts
index 35caf1d..1baa02c 100644
--- a/src/index.test.ts
+++ b/src/index.test.ts
@@ -1639,8 +1639,8 @@ test('Check CreateCheck | 7', async () => {
money_amount: 2132.0,
bear_point_account: "564f0633-c088-426c-bfdf-b12916570056",
point_expires_in_days: 4947,
- point_expires_at: "2024-01-16T03:09:56.000000Z",
- expires_at: "2022-08-04T04:38:22.000000Z",
+ point_expires_at: "2024-03-06T17:39:29.000000Z",
+ expires_at: "2024-01-16T03:09:56.000000Z",
usage_limit: 8911,
is_onetime: true,
description: "23WFeXCsADfveWv5SetJLuZcB6tdcwibyPvTHbjOWbqqVGNOP2f7Fmc6X"
@@ -4701,19 +4701,19 @@ test('Check ListTransfers | 14', async () => {
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new ListTransfers({
from: "2021-06-05T17:48:04.000000Z",
- to: "2020-12-26T02:42:27.000000Z",
- page: 218,
- per_page: 6793,
- shop_id: "66729419-18d7-478c-8d83-149b011f45e1",
- shop_name: "6BMdHbor9Bi8VjYj",
- customer_id: "ed0ac265-39c1-40c6-9eb8-7fe0ee0b134e",
- customer_name: "8XvRYyNjj6LzPNoFY0NPc7gW3tdaerbfAUj6MGuDCQRgbbh69IfOOqdFvcvTYHWhMSc2JtDSCuxpXIBKjX0wbEINtuhWyJmxhctiEpL1KlL20SY28CEIpXvCz2lX0WFgkUTJYHHOr63hjnglJCcSZdRjCOwyap0lsb8d4Dc5yMU",
- transaction_id: "d59e9431-15a1-4f54-944e-4e02a1dc8d30",
- private_money_id: "d8651879-e2d8-4d24-b687-def752387178",
+ to: "2024-02-27T08:22:21.000000Z",
+ page: 532,
+ per_page: 218,
+ shop_id: "51a32931-1a88-4419-978c-b74df4025183",
+ shop_name: "a6BMdHbor9Bi8VjYjeAF8N8XvRYyNjj6LzPNoFY0NPc7gW3tdaerbfAUj6MGuDCQRgbbh69IfOOqdFvcvTYHWhMSc2JtDSCuxpXIBKjX0wbEINtuhWyJmxhctiEpL1KlL20SY28CEIpXvCz2lX0WFgkUTJYH",
+ customer_id: "97e5ea88-c68d-491f-bca8-f848de508515",
+ customer_name: "Or63hjnglJCcSZdRjCOwy",
+ transaction_id: "1e9be219-1b86-4e61-be70-00be2900f515",
+ private_money_id: "8a7d7a30-269c-476c-8ef3-9ae2daaeea9e",
is_modified: false,
- transaction_types: ["cashback"],
- transfer_types: ["expire", "payment", "topup"],
- description: "klncfGkEwHBWOqOmjPQjCJIqduyEzfF4ihEMnqIdNLL8T5msTmgqj81RXJ34GFY2SrpQfm9Le0rSPWlrPa8fbLwdjVaS9JydpHqXjqW7D3uCGCdE3Z7gIcLSudPl4JIrQmLFWJxcGB9NLriuIsMTYyCUoOEa9YZaUNPTMagDSPeHLGCGYvgqbqCId"
+ transaction_types: ["topup", "expire", "transfer", "exchange", "cashback"],
+ transfer_types: ["transfer", "exchange", "coupon"],
+ description: "U1TN0yX6wxY6IPoPyEr8klncfGkEwHBWOqOmjPQjCJIqduyEzfF4ihEMnqI"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -4743,7 +4743,7 @@ test('Check ListTransfersV2 | 1', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new ListTransfersV2({
- to: "2021-08-19T09:40:54.000000Z"
+ to: "2023-04-24T11:52:04.000000Z"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -4759,8 +4759,8 @@ test('Check ListTransfersV2 | 2', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new ListTransfersV2({
- from: "2021-06-29T12:37:03.000000Z",
- to: "2021-12-08T00:35:28.000000Z"
+ from: "2021-02-28T21:44:07.000000Z",
+ to: "2020-06-20T16:05:34.000000Z"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -4776,9 +4776,9 @@ test('Check ListTransfersV2 | 3', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new ListTransfersV2({
- description: "yGfjAlvbOwBRftL3mTfJhTjDs9c8QNUGvnht1Uy",
- from: "2023-05-04T18:11:47.000000Z",
- to: "2021-03-13T04:02:07.000000Z"
+ description: "L8T5msTmgqj81RXJ34GFY2SrpQfm9Le0rSPWlrPa8fbLwdjVaS9JydpHqXjqW7D3uCGCdE3Z7gIcL",
+ from: "2022-05-07T07:33:39.000000Z",
+ to: "2021-02-26T05:13:40.000000Z"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -4794,10 +4794,10 @@ test('Check ListTransfersV2 | 4', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new ListTransfersV2({
- transfer_types: ["exchange"],
- description: "e7Rve16qe5BUa3mrtCxkktMbdZ0Ff5nebRZC0vDYNEWMfxXSVHRY4YZdsEswklf9tWgAr9KxjsUzeefEvU98BI4BdtnYVFOF5IXA6lNw66Yqs62ry4",
- from: "2020-06-04T08:56:37.000000Z",
- to: "2020-09-02T23:21:56.000000Z"
+ transfer_types: ["expire", "cashback", "transfer", "campaign", "coupon"],
+ description: "IrQmLFWJxcGB9NLriuIsMTYyCUoOEa9YZaUNPTMagDSPeHLGCGYvgqbqCIdoPTyGfjAlvbOwBRf",
+ from: "2023-07-21T11:26:44.000000Z",
+ to: "2022-11-23T03:12:25.000000Z"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -4813,11 +4813,11 @@ test('Check ListTransfersV2 | 5', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new ListTransfersV2({
- per_page: 297,
- transfer_types: ["payment", "topup", "transfer", "exchange"],
- description: "jBGi2vt3IVLujfoeXIyA6Ao821XE55hc29pv4sZBooZY5wA4Og2kdAYLVTxSOsaSs",
- from: "2022-06-21T00:34:38.000000Z",
- to: "2023-01-26T05:28:13.000000Z"
+ per_page: 717,
+ transfer_types: ["transfer"],
+ description: "Ds9c8QNUGvnht1UycVdhwjqe7Rve16qe5BUa3mrtCxkktMbdZ0Ff5nebRZC0vDYNEWMfxXSVHRY4YZdsEswklf9tWgAr9KxjsUzeefEvU98",
+ from: "2020-02-11T04:00:02.000000Z",
+ to: "2022-05-07T17:02:15.000000Z"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -4833,12 +4833,12 @@ test('Check ListTransfersV2 | 6', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new ListTransfersV2({
- prev_page_cursor_id: "65886f64-2c16-4b5e-99fb-6b8d8458ed96",
- per_page: 177,
- transfer_types: ["campaign", "coupon"],
- description: "UMFSIdEJMG98zC6otpSw3LnpbrPkZnNjPWO55U7DSfY3LgW5M2IvR52CgIBy3eLTys12HHDFFeqLoUtYmfM0XLYceQxhubY3",
- from: "2022-01-05T07:30:06.000000Z",
- to: "2022-09-20T11:11:38.000000Z"
+ prev_page_cursor_id: "1e74191c-0e2d-4e1e-895f-03afddabfe94",
+ per_page: 181,
+ transfer_types: ["exchange", "campaign", "cashback", "expire", "payment", "transfer", "topup", "coupon"],
+ description: "5IXA6lNw66Yqs62ry4EX0H5SsjBGi2vt3IVLujfoeXIyA6Ao821XE55hc29pv4sZBooZY5wA4Og2kdAYLVTxSOsaSsUmdY0CLcfoUMFSIdEJMG98zC6otpSw3LnpbrPkZnNjPWO55U7DSfY3LgW5M2IvR52CgIBy3eLTys12HHDFFeqLoUtYmfM0XLYceQxhubY3jVY",
+ from: "2023-09-25T07:38:16.000000Z",
+ to: "2021-08-28T00:48:34.000000Z"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -4854,13 +4854,13 @@ test('Check ListTransfersV2 | 7', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new ListTransfersV2({
- next_page_cursor_id: "672d3cd6-b0a8-4d1c-99e8-a6e2786c5ce8",
- prev_page_cursor_id: "d2e01834-8f52-4a8d-ac00-450c88ec6fd7",
- per_page: 677,
- transfer_types: ["coupon", "topup", "payment", "campaign"],
- description: "Hu2gIp7HlCgxYlFZzBuHZ8tjsh68ScZg3aAMErPcV9o0TcGJkIJgRMahTjY4B83KCbssdnciBK2yKUyBp",
- from: "2021-12-11T01:14:52.000000Z",
- to: "2023-07-19T13:57:18.000000Z"
+ next_page_cursor_id: "786c5ce8-1834-4f52-8dac-dc000b29450c",
+ prev_page_cursor_id: "88ec6fd7-f6a4-46b4-936a-840a0cb35793",
+ per_page: 654,
+ transfer_types: ["coupon"],
+ description: "u2gIp7HlCgxYlFZzBuHZ8tjsh68ScZg3aAMErPcV9o0TcGJkIJgRMahTjY4B83KCb",
+ from: "2021-10-04T22:51:31.000000Z",
+ to: "2021-07-25T03:11:47.000000Z"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -4876,14 +4876,14 @@ test('Check ListTransfersV2 | 8', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new ListTransfersV2({
- transaction_types: ["cashback", "transfer", "topup"],
- next_page_cursor_id: "71a10e9c-187a-4707-b33a-b446ff587ac8",
- prev_page_cursor_id: "627187ae-eb4c-4e7b-b9d0-62683691a03d",
- per_page: 496,
- transfer_types: ["transfer", "exchange", "coupon", "cashback", "expire", "payment"],
- description: "kH0DrThI9ndCARX9iZh",
- from: "2023-04-15T01:18:56.000000Z",
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+ private_money_ids: ["c162839b-9e5f-4047-9ea9-3e480c0210b7", "76573a0f-38a9-4258-8b03-f77eaed499ce", "3f42ae17-176f-452e-877e-fc44d08801ac", "806d367c-5f7b-4a70-b171-6518af67b3ea", "cf8860d9-1eba-4b55-a134-28b2a935ccce", "e7ca0592-bd20-413b-8e98-6337c02f2f1f", "1381cbea-cee0-433f-90d7-802b62852894", "13909617-cfe2-4dd4-8c5b-13c1aebf60aa", "588c51db-d5b8-4af3-8528-8d8de287cdd4"],
+ issuer_admin_user_email: "9CjYdhYyR9@ZtWh.com",
+ member_admin_user_email: "MAKSZHQ2Tj@ahc0.com"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -5198,12 +5198,12 @@ test('Check CreateOrganization | 1', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateOrganization({
- code: "WEjltqaYkhp7caXjUtBcNe9XyY4wthFo",
- name: "glXBErIUB1p7aPMzXnAdDrY96Gn0OAQ9xSN0zfKx7ivixiVqjgvBNcsQLQxAtJmVTcXWtKUzkNd35gyuBKlwozbM8BIp6WWFtoNM3mKKWyblmmAHRSYCV0EDw10SY48ZoA8oj9alrEKYDjBWPKCwbirzvScUvjsqVkcSInvOjFPIL9qlV",
- private_money_ids: ["f29b0be7-8830-4a3c-810c-5acec4f37445", "262d2048-91c3-4c23-bd6a-5f3ea7574db5", "b986c995-84ff-443d-9d5e-631998ae891d", "4856285f-619d-47e5-a7cd-a2197b4bb22c", "da4e4b2f-0d5d-4db8-9db0-af35e4b2ff53", "3f2b2a77-a3f4-4373-9c67-405b61f28eb2", "8fe43d06-f0ce-426b-87ca-83c26028602b", "4f514916-2cbe-4384-84f6-bb75bfe2a478"],
- issuer_admin_user_email: "WoqdLq3QmH@RbZp.com",
- member_admin_user_email: "wbPRidVG7B@6haj.com",
- contact_name: "GJrCJBxTKH0YUW8iwJJuJPCjlaztijN3vebjT869RjYRPCqvnZ1YzdrhGH7XKNoGDpqqjYUa42NN7jWbTA8sT9CjYdhYyR9ZtWhMAKSZHQ2Tjahc0hASAcEibjku1fdQetgL0O"
+ code: "M3mKKWyblmmAHRS",
+ name: "YCV0EDw10SY48ZoA8oj9alrEKYDjBWPKCwbirzvScUvjsqVkcSInvOjFPIL9qlVMwg0ANEHCj5eM805Swtsg2NkJBDvuxWoqdLq3QmHRbZpwbPRidVG7B6hajGJrCJBxTKH0YUW8iwJJuJPCjlaztijN3vebjT869RjYRPCqvnZ1Yzdr",
+ private_money_ids: ["c162839b-9e5f-4047-9ea9-3e480c0210b7", "76573a0f-38a9-4258-8b03-f77eaed499ce", "3f42ae17-176f-452e-877e-fc44d08801ac", "806d367c-5f7b-4a70-b171-6518af67b3ea", "cf8860d9-1eba-4b55-a134-28b2a935ccce", "e7ca0592-bd20-413b-8e98-6337c02f2f1f", "1381cbea-cee0-433f-90d7-802b62852894", "13909617-cfe2-4dd4-8c5b-13c1aebf60aa", "588c51db-d5b8-4af3-8528-8d8de287cdd4"],
+ issuer_admin_user_email: "9CjYdhYyR9@ZtWh.com",
+ member_admin_user_email: "MAKSZHQ2Tj@ahc0.com",
+ contact_name: "ASAcEibjku1fdQetgL0O7DlAFrkXVihIdQWu7J4NYirXryPP6taqbm6hsnA9hELkacVB4dzDqQ1LbTyVIgVP7fIz1xemnrDx9P7HPwLX5"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -5219,13 +5219,13 @@ test('Check CreateOrganization | 2', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateOrganization({
- code: "WEjltqaYkhp7caXjUtBcNe9XyY4wthFo",
- name: "glXBErIUB1p7aPMzXnAdDrY96Gn0OAQ9xSN0zfKx7ivixiVqjgvBNcsQLQxAtJmVTcXWtKUzkNd35gyuBKlwozbM8BIp6WWFtoNM3mKKWyblmmAHRSYCV0EDw10SY48ZoA8oj9alrEKYDjBWPKCwbirzvScUvjsqVkcSInvOjFPIL9qlV",
- private_money_ids: ["f29b0be7-8830-4a3c-810c-5acec4f37445", "262d2048-91c3-4c23-bd6a-5f3ea7574db5", "b986c995-84ff-443d-9d5e-631998ae891d", "4856285f-619d-47e5-a7cd-a2197b4bb22c", "da4e4b2f-0d5d-4db8-9db0-af35e4b2ff53", "3f2b2a77-a3f4-4373-9c67-405b61f28eb2", "8fe43d06-f0ce-426b-87ca-83c26028602b", "4f514916-2cbe-4384-84f6-bb75bfe2a478"],
- issuer_admin_user_email: "WoqdLq3QmH@RbZp.com",
- member_admin_user_email: "wbPRidVG7B@6haj.com",
- bank_account_holder_name: "\\",
- contact_name: "lAFrkXVihIdQWu7J4NYirXryPP6taqbm6hsnA9hELkacVB4dzDqQ1LbTyVIgVP7fIz1xemnrDx9P7HPwLX5lwWZKuWWf4n5wNPq2rjN28QfQLnQ9Qr2gs4rAyEVt2ws7WkJzpgGUX4mtxobZ9ZCpNJGZG6LzTWIbd8ZNVrafdiivNn4NbNLXIdoiqtrelImUNmLeK"
+ code: "M3mKKWyblmmAHRS",
+ name: "YCV0EDw10SY48ZoA8oj9alrEKYDjBWPKCwbirzvScUvjsqVkcSInvOjFPIL9qlVMwg0ANEHCj5eM805Swtsg2NkJBDvuxWoqdLq3QmHRbZpwbPRidVG7B6hajGJrCJBxTKH0YUW8iwJJuJPCjlaztijN3vebjT869RjYRPCqvnZ1Yzdr",
+ private_money_ids: ["c162839b-9e5f-4047-9ea9-3e480c0210b7", "76573a0f-38a9-4258-8b03-f77eaed499ce", "3f42ae17-176f-452e-877e-fc44d08801ac", "806d367c-5f7b-4a70-b171-6518af67b3ea", "cf8860d9-1eba-4b55-a134-28b2a935ccce", "e7ca0592-bd20-413b-8e98-6337c02f2f1f", "1381cbea-cee0-433f-90d7-802b62852894", "13909617-cfe2-4dd4-8c5b-13c1aebf60aa", "588c51db-d5b8-4af3-8528-8d8de287cdd4"],
+ issuer_admin_user_email: "9CjYdhYyR9@ZtWh.com",
+ member_admin_user_email: "MAKSZHQ2Tj@ahc0.com",
+ bank_account_holder_name: "7",
+ contact_name: "WZKuWWf4n5wNPq2rjN28QfQLnQ9Qr2gs4rAyEVt2ws7WkJzpgGUX4mtxobZ9ZCpNJGZG6LzTWIbd8ZNVrafdiivNn4NbNLXIdoiqtrelImUNmLeKEfXUc2dQExu22E4bXnTsrAuXzcUztcjpDcIzv8TjKb1dIcQKtgPEpt9Ynsu0LI4"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -5241,14 +5241,14 @@ test('Check CreateOrganization | 3', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateOrganization({
- code: "WEjltqaYkhp7caXjUtBcNe9XyY4wthFo",
- name: "glXBErIUB1p7aPMzXnAdDrY96Gn0OAQ9xSN0zfKx7ivixiVqjgvBNcsQLQxAtJmVTcXWtKUzkNd35gyuBKlwozbM8BIp6WWFtoNM3mKKWyblmmAHRSYCV0EDw10SY48ZoA8oj9alrEKYDjBWPKCwbirzvScUvjsqVkcSInvOjFPIL9qlV",
- private_money_ids: ["f29b0be7-8830-4a3c-810c-5acec4f37445", "262d2048-91c3-4c23-bd6a-5f3ea7574db5", "b986c995-84ff-443d-9d5e-631998ae891d", "4856285f-619d-47e5-a7cd-a2197b4bb22c", "da4e4b2f-0d5d-4db8-9db0-af35e4b2ff53", "3f2b2a77-a3f4-4373-9c67-405b61f28eb2", "8fe43d06-f0ce-426b-87ca-83c26028602b", "4f514916-2cbe-4384-84f6-bb75bfe2a478"],
- issuer_admin_user_email: "WoqdLq3QmH@RbZp.com",
- member_admin_user_email: "wbPRidVG7B@6haj.com",
- bank_account: "15538",
- bank_account_holder_name: ")",
- contact_name: "22E4bXnTsrAuXzcUztcjpDcIzv8TjKb1dIcQKtgPEpt9Ynsu0LI4T70lQwB453YpOK96EoFGxVJNTeRlFM4Xw2YneFRtau24yc1kusN7qW2yhhPFbHNPhRgnqYnUlh4JbOrMj5jFwrAdcz57ZOWsDr0Djt9M12BOno1AcjM96oftC7mHhiSDgXKvVy5pa"
+ code: "M3mKKWyblmmAHRS",
+ name: "YCV0EDw10SY48ZoA8oj9alrEKYDjBWPKCwbirzvScUvjsqVkcSInvOjFPIL9qlVMwg0ANEHCj5eM805Swtsg2NkJBDvuxWoqdLq3QmHRbZpwbPRidVG7B6hajGJrCJBxTKH0YUW8iwJJuJPCjlaztijN3vebjT869RjYRPCqvnZ1Yzdr",
+ private_money_ids: ["c162839b-9e5f-4047-9ea9-3e480c0210b7", "76573a0f-38a9-4258-8b03-f77eaed499ce", "3f42ae17-176f-452e-877e-fc44d08801ac", "806d367c-5f7b-4a70-b171-6518af67b3ea", "cf8860d9-1eba-4b55-a134-28b2a935ccce", "e7ca0592-bd20-413b-8e98-6337c02f2f1f", "1381cbea-cee0-433f-90d7-802b62852894", "13909617-cfe2-4dd4-8c5b-13c1aebf60aa", "588c51db-d5b8-4af3-8528-8d8de287cdd4"],
+ issuer_admin_user_email: "9CjYdhYyR9@ZtWh.com",
+ member_admin_user_email: "MAKSZHQ2Tj@ahc0.com",
+ bank_account: "",
+ bank_account_holder_name: "X",
+ contact_name: "453YpOK96EoFGxVJNTeRlFM4Xw2YneFRtau24yc1kusN7qW2yhhPFbHNPhRgnqYnUlh"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -5264,15 +5264,15 @@ test('Check CreateOrganization | 4', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateOrganization({
- code: "WEjltqaYkhp7caXjUtBcNe9XyY4wthFo",
- name: "glXBErIUB1p7aPMzXnAdDrY96Gn0OAQ9xSN0zfKx7ivixiVqjgvBNcsQLQxAtJmVTcXWtKUzkNd35gyuBKlwozbM8BIp6WWFtoNM3mKKWyblmmAHRSYCV0EDw10SY48ZoA8oj9alrEKYDjBWPKCwbirzvScUvjsqVkcSInvOjFPIL9qlV",
- private_money_ids: ["f29b0be7-8830-4a3c-810c-5acec4f37445", "262d2048-91c3-4c23-bd6a-5f3ea7574db5", "b986c995-84ff-443d-9d5e-631998ae891d", "4856285f-619d-47e5-a7cd-a2197b4bb22c", "da4e4b2f-0d5d-4db8-9db0-af35e4b2ff53", "3f2b2a77-a3f4-4373-9c67-405b61f28eb2", "8fe43d06-f0ce-426b-87ca-83c26028602b", "4f514916-2cbe-4384-84f6-bb75bfe2a478"],
- issuer_admin_user_email: "WoqdLq3QmH@RbZp.com",
- member_admin_user_email: "wbPRidVG7B@6haj.com",
- bank_account_type: "saving",
- bank_account: "843",
- bank_account_holder_name: ".",
- contact_name: "yMo26iqol80j1t4n3lpn"
+ code: "M3mKKWyblmmAHRS",
+ name: "YCV0EDw10SY48ZoA8oj9alrEKYDjBWPKCwbirzvScUvjsqVkcSInvOjFPIL9qlVMwg0ANEHCj5eM805Swtsg2NkJBDvuxWoqdLq3QmHRbZpwbPRidVG7B6hajGJrCJBxTKH0YUW8iwJJuJPCjlaztijN3vebjT869RjYRPCqvnZ1Yzdr",
+ private_money_ids: ["c162839b-9e5f-4047-9ea9-3e480c0210b7", "76573a0f-38a9-4258-8b03-f77eaed499ce", "3f42ae17-176f-452e-877e-fc44d08801ac", "806d367c-5f7b-4a70-b171-6518af67b3ea", "cf8860d9-1eba-4b55-a134-28b2a935ccce", "e7ca0592-bd20-413b-8e98-6337c02f2f1f", "1381cbea-cee0-433f-90d7-802b62852894", "13909617-cfe2-4dd4-8c5b-13c1aebf60aa", "588c51db-d5b8-4af3-8528-8d8de287cdd4"],
+ issuer_admin_user_email: "9CjYdhYyR9@ZtWh.com",
+ member_admin_user_email: "MAKSZHQ2Tj@ahc0.com",
+ bank_account_type: "other",
+ bank_account: "5",
+ bank_account_holder_name: "/",
+ contact_name: "Adcz57ZOWsDr0Djt9M12BOno1AcjM96oftC7mHhiSDgXKvVy5paxKD2XcOfyMo26iqol80j1t4n3lpnoezOx6Ov6eGwjQCqxdtQnDY4S9N4HhJ5rCsX"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -5288,16 +5288,16 @@ test('Check CreateOrganization | 5', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateOrganization({
- code: "WEjltqaYkhp7caXjUtBcNe9XyY4wthFo",
- name: "glXBErIUB1p7aPMzXnAdDrY96Gn0OAQ9xSN0zfKx7ivixiVqjgvBNcsQLQxAtJmVTcXWtKUzkNd35gyuBKlwozbM8BIp6WWFtoNM3mKKWyblmmAHRSYCV0EDw10SY48ZoA8oj9alrEKYDjBWPKCwbirzvScUvjsqVkcSInvOjFPIL9qlV",
- private_money_ids: ["f29b0be7-8830-4a3c-810c-5acec4f37445", "262d2048-91c3-4c23-bd6a-5f3ea7574db5", "b986c995-84ff-443d-9d5e-631998ae891d", "4856285f-619d-47e5-a7cd-a2197b4bb22c", "da4e4b2f-0d5d-4db8-9db0-af35e4b2ff53", "3f2b2a77-a3f4-4373-9c67-405b61f28eb2", "8fe43d06-f0ce-426b-87ca-83c26028602b", "4f514916-2cbe-4384-84f6-bb75bfe2a478"],
- issuer_admin_user_email: "WoqdLq3QmH@RbZp.com",
- member_admin_user_email: "wbPRidVG7B@6haj.com",
- bank_branch_code: "",
- bank_account_type: "current",
- bank_account: "843486",
- bank_account_holder_name: ".",
- contact_name: "eGwjQCqxdtQnDY4S9N4HhJ5rCsXRcUZY47cpIh03BvqB7CzLjYHoO28zEE65UlKtMCe12MUV2dxrA2428zEWnFZLX87qtedPzV8NdiYCurcmVOPZzwMWHgQ0VESfspW9b9NBdczTSynCfTiWLEN2pEbq7ZeB8PVJkE9NzaeTptZ5kX9rLpagdWQnEnTlLyubwibc5uG9Y4cn6ApRZ5NX6gFb5nuODlmm9rpn022H3wQmNFzbLFmfFSz1uperY"
+ code: "M3mKKWyblmmAHRS",
+ name: "YCV0EDw10SY48ZoA8oj9alrEKYDjBWPKCwbirzvScUvjsqVkcSInvOjFPIL9qlVMwg0ANEHCj5eM805Swtsg2NkJBDvuxWoqdLq3QmHRbZpwbPRidVG7B6hajGJrCJBxTKH0YUW8iwJJuJPCjlaztijN3vebjT869RjYRPCqvnZ1Yzdr",
+ private_money_ids: ["c162839b-9e5f-4047-9ea9-3e480c0210b7", "76573a0f-38a9-4258-8b03-f77eaed499ce", "3f42ae17-176f-452e-877e-fc44d08801ac", "806d367c-5f7b-4a70-b171-6518af67b3ea", "cf8860d9-1eba-4b55-a134-28b2a935ccce", "e7ca0592-bd20-413b-8e98-6337c02f2f1f", "1381cbea-cee0-433f-90d7-802b62852894", "13909617-cfe2-4dd4-8c5b-13c1aebf60aa", "588c51db-d5b8-4af3-8528-8d8de287cdd4"],
+ issuer_admin_user_email: "9CjYdhYyR9@ZtWh.com",
+ member_admin_user_email: "MAKSZHQ2Tj@ahc0.com",
+ bank_branch_code: "280",
+ bank_account_type: "saving",
+ bank_account: "4217",
+ bank_account_holder_name: "ル",
+ contact_name: "pIh03BvqB7CzLjYHoO28zEE65UlKtMCe12MUV2dxrA2428zEWnFZLX87qtedPzV8"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -5313,17 +5313,17 @@ test('Check CreateOrganization | 6', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateOrganization({
- code: "WEjltqaYkhp7caXjUtBcNe9XyY4wthFo",
- name: "glXBErIUB1p7aPMzXnAdDrY96Gn0OAQ9xSN0zfKx7ivixiVqjgvBNcsQLQxAtJmVTcXWtKUzkNd35gyuBKlwozbM8BIp6WWFtoNM3mKKWyblmmAHRSYCV0EDw10SY48ZoA8oj9alrEKYDjBWPKCwbirzvScUvjsqVkcSInvOjFPIL9qlV",
- private_money_ids: ["f29b0be7-8830-4a3c-810c-5acec4f37445", "262d2048-91c3-4c23-bd6a-5f3ea7574db5", "b986c995-84ff-443d-9d5e-631998ae891d", "4856285f-619d-47e5-a7cd-a2197b4bb22c", "da4e4b2f-0d5d-4db8-9db0-af35e4b2ff53", "3f2b2a77-a3f4-4373-9c67-405b61f28eb2", "8fe43d06-f0ce-426b-87ca-83c26028602b", "4f514916-2cbe-4384-84f6-bb75bfe2a478"],
- issuer_admin_user_email: "WoqdLq3QmH@RbZp.com",
- member_admin_user_email: "wbPRidVG7B@6haj.com",
- bank_branch_name: "hU5vbLxW8",
- bank_branch_code: "",
- bank_account_type: "current",
- bank_account: "580",
- bank_account_holder_name: "ヲ",
- contact_name: "u89q3NykiRPYO2oQiAYMcKkXBWEu4RSjxgCW3jFlgob7yobgqdqFleVhpCebdmmx3jJLFYo72YjP5pod5QaLCZTmFLxumOnvrupx16EXCUXyPfCabjEtMl"
+ code: "M3mKKWyblmmAHRS",
+ name: "YCV0EDw10SY48ZoA8oj9alrEKYDjBWPKCwbirzvScUvjsqVkcSInvOjFPIL9qlVMwg0ANEHCj5eM805Swtsg2NkJBDvuxWoqdLq3QmHRbZpwbPRidVG7B6hajGJrCJBxTKH0YUW8iwJJuJPCjlaztijN3vebjT869RjYRPCqvnZ1Yzdr",
+ private_money_ids: ["c162839b-9e5f-4047-9ea9-3e480c0210b7", "76573a0f-38a9-4258-8b03-f77eaed499ce", "3f42ae17-176f-452e-877e-fc44d08801ac", "806d367c-5f7b-4a70-b171-6518af67b3ea", "cf8860d9-1eba-4b55-a134-28b2a935ccce", "e7ca0592-bd20-413b-8e98-6337c02f2f1f", "1381cbea-cee0-433f-90d7-802b62852894", "13909617-cfe2-4dd4-8c5b-13c1aebf60aa", "588c51db-d5b8-4af3-8528-8d8de287cdd4"],
+ issuer_admin_user_email: "9CjYdhYyR9@ZtWh.com",
+ member_admin_user_email: "MAKSZHQ2Tj@ahc0.com",
+ bank_branch_name: "diYCurcmVOPZzwM",
+ bank_branch_code: "871",
+ bank_account_type: "saving",
+ bank_account: "",
+ bank_account_holder_name: "キ",
+ contact_name: "pW9b9NBdczTSynCfTiWLEN2pEbq7ZeB8PVJkE9NzaeTptZ5kX9rLpagdWQnEnTlLyubwibc5uG9Y4cn6ApRZ5NX6gFb5nuODlmm9rpn022H3wQmNFzbLFmfFSz1uperYHhU5vbLxW8"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -5339,18 +5339,18 @@ test('Check CreateOrganization | 7', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateOrganization({
- code: "WEjltqaYkhp7caXjUtBcNe9XyY4wthFo",
- name: "glXBErIUB1p7aPMzXnAdDrY96Gn0OAQ9xSN0zfKx7ivixiVqjgvBNcsQLQxAtJmVTcXWtKUzkNd35gyuBKlwozbM8BIp6WWFtoNM3mKKWyblmmAHRSYCV0EDw10SY48ZoA8oj9alrEKYDjBWPKCwbirzvScUvjsqVkcSInvOjFPIL9qlV",
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- bank_branch_code: "",
- bank_account_type: "saving",
- bank_account: "37",
- bank_account_holder_name: ")",
- contact_name: "IIfEbaRlpdhTTQpQoSRT6b0IY83jSy9CLjq8yjjxInoBnLVw5NxHP7CI9Yb5tOQ2qp6BlopujNmJIuVKWvjUjC0u3f2Lo9NqlV6uXM4yE9kd7lV6QKkz6REzoI7cZYW4c0GyNh6EpQVqX4KE4B5KR"
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+ member_admin_user_email: "MAKSZHQ2Tj@ahc0.com",
+ bank_code: "",
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status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -5366,19 +5366,19 @@ test('Check CreateOrganization | 8', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateOrganization({
- code: "WEjltqaYkhp7caXjUtBcNe9XyY4wthFo",
- name: "glXBErIUB1p7aPMzXnAdDrY96Gn0OAQ9xSN0zfKx7ivixiVqjgvBNcsQLQxAtJmVTcXWtKUzkNd35gyuBKlwozbM8BIp6WWFtoNM3mKKWyblmmAHRSYCV0EDw10SY48ZoA8oj9alrEKYDjBWPKCwbirzvScUvjsqVkcSInvOjFPIL9qlV",
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- issuer_admin_user_email: "WoqdLq3QmH@RbZp.com",
- member_admin_user_email: "wbPRidVG7B@6haj.com",
- bank_name: "DxSSppVORQLy6PO73cHGKqjz0v27dHE8",
- bank_code: "",
- bank_branch_name: "eh9b3v7zqeYS2n0EGsPPbvQvYkAPBJ7wmgCWNKDP1enxAKZBD2F",
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+ name: "YCV0EDw10SY48ZoA8oj9alrEKYDjBWPKCwbirzvScUvjsqVkcSInvOjFPIL9qlVMwg0ANEHCj5eM805Swtsg2NkJBDvuxWoqdLq3QmHRbZpwbPRidVG7B6hajGJrCJBxTKH0YUW8iwJJuJPCjlaztijN3vebjT869RjYRPCqvnZ1Yzdr",
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+ issuer_admin_user_email: "9CjYdhYyR9@ZtWh.com",
+ member_admin_user_email: "MAKSZHQ2Tj@ahc0.com",
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bank_branch_code: "",
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+ bank_account_type: "current",
+ bank_account: "09",
+ bank_account_holder_name: "テ",
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status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -5408,7 +5408,7 @@ test('Check ListShops | 1', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new ListShops({
- per_page: 2642
+ per_page: 7130
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -5424,8 +5424,8 @@ test('Check ListShops | 2', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new ListShops({
- page: 7164,
- per_page: 807
+ page: 7961,
+ per_page: 6131
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -5442,8 +5442,8 @@ test('Check ListShops | 3', async () => {
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new ListShops({
with_disabled: true,
- page: 659,
- per_page: 3135
+ page: 3741,
+ per_page: 4684
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -5459,10 +5459,10 @@ test('Check ListShops | 4', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new ListShops({
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- page: 2467,
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+ external_id: "48UyLazcda",
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+ per_page: 8830
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -5478,11 +5478,11 @@ test('Check ListShops | 5', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new ListShops({
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- external_id: "cXjFRqAsdyU0E",
- with_disabled: true,
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+ email: "g9M9b56VUQ@zIG7.com",
+ external_id: "r7fsBnFuG56tOVY8vi9Z9lrbTG",
+ with_disabled: false,
+ page: 2467,
+ per_page: 1897
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -5498,12 +5498,12 @@ test('Check ListShops | 6', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new ListShops({
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+ page: 5759,
+ per_page: 8627
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -5519,13 +5519,13 @@ test('Check ListShops | 7', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new ListShops({
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with_disabled: true,
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+ per_page: 4277
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -5541,14 +5541,14 @@ test('Check ListShops | 8', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new ListShops({
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status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -5564,15 +5564,15 @@ test('Check ListShops | 9', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new ListShops({
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status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -5588,16 +5588,16 @@ test('Check ListShops | 10', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new ListShops({
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- name: "pO4lTbJ9dqwKn5NSHIJ7mbc5qbOnYCYxA4AjI",
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- email: "rH7Ml90Eeu@ZgaP.com",
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with_disabled: false,
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+ per_page: 9090
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -5613,17 +5613,17 @@ test('Check ListShops | 11', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new ListShops({
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status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -5639,7 +5639,7 @@ test('Check CreateShop | 0', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateShop({
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+ shop_name: "0XmxAy3ATlXa99m3Ela8zcR94JgHtiXrfi45gdORj3Jla3Pfb8OgNh"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -5655,8 +5655,8 @@ test('Check CreateShop | 1', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateShop({
- shop_name: "hqRiHIikuwLQAi0YorDHLBFs4pFpuxUcIrb43g0nK7tb3btHVGJJQejQb3sdWfi2Z2Wvmx0ZqLEwxwj8U4A4KZBQdvuQb5QYDYt7CyctlhtAXqf6uerXtmVp3iPqRhb6DnnO4ty38IkhtTfaQWLqhFbA6TsT4rGSzhCtzrrQIFeK35Z3EF7SWnLL5qkYPGTd8wILW6Ubji6nDVo6kwtt0eE996vZBp0zzwPN5DIh",
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+ shop_name: "0XmxAy3ATlXa99m3Ela8zcR94JgHtiXrfi45gdORj3Jla3Pfb8OgNh",
+ organization_code: "5f--P--"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -5672,9 +5672,9 @@ test('Check CreateShop | 2', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateShop({
- shop_name: "hqRiHIikuwLQAi0YorDHLBFs4pFpuxUcIrb43g0nK7tb3btHVGJJQejQb3sdWfi2Z2Wvmx0ZqLEwxwj8U4A4KZBQdvuQb5QYDYt7CyctlhtAXqf6uerXtmVp3iPqRhb6DnnO4ty38IkhtTfaQWLqhFbA6TsT4rGSzhCtzrrQIFeK35Z3EF7SWnLL5qkYPGTd8wILW6Ubji6nDVo6kwtt0eE996vZBp0zzwPN5DIh",
- shop_external_id: "DH6cAdyVZn4o55A5DS",
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+ shop_external_id: "wwlNZ",
+ organization_code: "cv3786tt-8b-tR--"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -5690,10 +5690,10 @@ test('Check CreateShop | 3', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateShop({
- shop_name: "hqRiHIikuwLQAi0YorDHLBFs4pFpuxUcIrb43g0nK7tb3btHVGJJQejQb3sdWfi2Z2Wvmx0ZqLEwxwj8U4A4KZBQdvuQb5QYDYt7CyctlhtAXqf6uerXtmVp3iPqRhb6DnnO4ty38IkhtTfaQWLqhFbA6TsT4rGSzhCtzrrQIFeK35Z3EF7SWnLL5qkYPGTd8wILW6Ubji6nDVo6kwtt0eE996vZBp0zzwPN5DIh",
- shop_email: "R94JgHtiXr@fi45.com",
- shop_external_id: "gdORj3Jla3Pfb8OgNhhqnfBQjV",
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+ shop_external_id: "Mtt7RdIKeKSciqwdkkgvqZ",
+ organization_code: "Z0-50-gK-d-ZQh66q"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -5709,11 +5709,11 @@ test('Check CreateShop | 4', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateShop({
- shop_name: "hqRiHIikuwLQAi0YorDHLBFs4pFpuxUcIrb43g0nK7tb3btHVGJJQejQb3sdWfi2Z2Wvmx0ZqLEwxwj8U4A4KZBQdvuQb5QYDYt7CyctlhtAXqf6uerXtmVp3iPqRhb6DnnO4ty38IkhtTfaQWLqhFbA6TsT4rGSzhCtzrrQIFeK35Z3EF7SWnLL5qkYPGTd8wILW6Ubji6nDVo6kwtt0eE996vZBp0zzwPN5DIh",
- shop_tel: "03069596-8709",
- shop_email: "eVkLQLhc7h@buv3.com",
- shop_external_id: "B8S8pH3eqOx8cOR3TFR9a8hM",
- organization_code: "-8l--M2-R-1f--Bayj6cu"
+ shop_name: "0XmxAy3ATlXa99m3Ela8zcR94JgHtiXrfi45gdORj3Jla3Pfb8OgNh",
+ shop_tel: "0268705290",
+ shop_email: "29oTCv16fP@XjhV.com",
+ shop_external_id: "pKgtr0aXml0I8",
+ organization_code: "KYD6-Qy-02Yp----iy-A0"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -5729,12 +5729,12 @@ test('Check CreateShop | 5', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateShop({
- shop_name: "hqRiHIikuwLQAi0YorDHLBFs4pFpuxUcIrb43g0nK7tb3btHVGJJQejQb3sdWfi2Z2Wvmx0ZqLEwxwj8U4A4KZBQdvuQb5QYDYt7CyctlhtAXqf6uerXtmVp3iPqRhb6DnnO4ty38IkhtTfaQWLqhFbA6TsT4rGSzhCtzrrQIFeK35Z3EF7SWnLL5qkYPGTd8wILW6Ubji6nDVo6kwtt0eE996vZBp0zzwPN5DIh",
- shop_address: "ryBWY7YmTtJYjps5n0FjmTFvO6PZjVX87PLzR29oTCv16fPXjhVlLpKgtr0aXml0I8A7sPYx7KWs9GrfkcGFxlkTYjYgPlxnzpf9XcHDiw8sqMTw9CGMrpupnZP3tXLGdI4BQeMKNjNC6v4L",
- shop_tel: "090991535",
- shop_email: "GHUnCvc4A5@HlCo.com",
- shop_external_id: "2a7OllUlOCGYapVIyu0",
- organization_code: "-J-7--VX-Vq-xE"
+ shop_name: "0XmxAy3ATlXa99m3Ela8zcR94JgHtiXrfi45gdORj3Jla3Pfb8OgNh",
+ shop_address: "8sqMTw9CGMrpupnZP3tXLGdI4BQeMKNjNC6v4LdJ9q0nifAUuGHUnCvc4A5HlCo2a7OllUlOCGYapVIyu0AtoOYT3d8xXDGe31wijgcuuWSuuP7qXIDVYzNj",
+ shop_tel: "0109-309718",
+ shop_email: "ADYEWxDRpy@5o7r.com",
+ shop_external_id: "N4eiDq",
+ organization_code: "Y2lJz-JS2K-H-k4Jp2m---"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -5750,13 +5750,13 @@ test('Check CreateShop | 6', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateShop({
- shop_name: "hqRiHIikuwLQAi0YorDHLBFs4pFpuxUcIrb43g0nK7tb3btHVGJJQejQb3sdWfi2Z2Wvmx0ZqLEwxwj8U4A4KZBQdvuQb5QYDYt7CyctlhtAXqf6uerXtmVp3iPqRhb6DnnO4ty38IkhtTfaQWLqhFbA6TsT4rGSzhCtzrrQIFeK35Z3EF7SWnLL5qkYPGTd8wILW6Ubji6nDVo6kwtt0eE996vZBp0zzwPN5DIh",
- shop_postal_code: "640-8980",
- shop_address: "VYzNjNiLWADYEWxDRpy5o7rEN4eiDqYJVEg5UZOhJAbHwNLgu8Nky9WURMByjAKTzdQ2llGcXl5Cw9ahtSHvWHxDbu1GOKxoKM3BkiQ5JCNLUQPpDOoGNkBoKxTvABwe33UWeSzKCZwv4PwJOyIcULWzrNeMACItmOkY1pUONfZUthj8CTdPwk2g7DYhFuXWtax2g",
- shop_tel: "07-3343-3491",
- shop_email: "gSjd1Lu4N1@G4Dl.com",
- shop_external_id: "fWLsx2",
- organization_code: "-RiV-tm-7-0-"
+ shop_name: "0XmxAy3ATlXa99m3Ela8zcR94JgHtiXrfi45gdORj3Jla3Pfb8OgNh",
+ shop_postal_code: "850-7917",
+ shop_address: "tSHvWHxDbu1GOKxoKM3BkiQ5JCNLUQPpDOoGNkBoKxTvABwe33UWeSzKCZwv4PwJOyIcULWzrNeMACItmOkY1pUONfZUthj8CTdPwk2g7DYhFuXWtax2gH7mosTYAgSjd1Lu4N1G4DllEfWLsx2f1PjIk5LFEcZYZR1K1ULgGU5oSrsDCn36n92LJoBnxVWA0Bmx0P3sSh52djDx2E8q2Tl06IVYw4zb7KKLj26g9",
+ shop_tel: "0848-097",
+ shop_email: "3fT2ekfbMy@pSoZ.com",
+ shop_external_id: "rm",
+ organization_code: "k610S7NJ-u-h9D0B79-"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -5772,7 +5772,7 @@ test('Check CreateShopV2 | 0', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateShopV2({
- name: "5oSrsDCn36n92LJoBnxVWA0Bmx0P3sSh52djDx2E8q2Tl06IVYw4zb7KKLj26g9D4jd9Fi73fT2ekfbMypSoZA"
+ name: "QCGBFwcqnjKtXS5ctb0sUDamQiJFavfIlsQjs1Uxv98uoxa9cfqdBZBSSyuPsLgc14jRH1daAJWk"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -5788,8 +5788,8 @@ test('Check CreateShopV2 | 1', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateShopV2({
- name: "5oSrsDCn36n92LJoBnxVWA0Bmx0P3sSh52djDx2E8q2Tl06IVYw4zb7KKLj26g9D4jd9Fi73fT2ekfbMypSoZA",
- can_topup_private_money_ids: []
+ name: "QCGBFwcqnjKtXS5ctb0sUDamQiJFavfIlsQjs1Uxv98uoxa9cfqdBZBSSyuPsLgc14jRH1daAJWk",
+ can_topup_private_money_ids: ["a97e4d57-f3f0-40db-bc7b-690dac7645e5", "dc252447-0dd6-4ba1-95f4-41ad2f0d6d37", "0fffc042-3507-4d1a-a3d4-ba3a7d64a460", "93d3b47f-349f-4e74-a7cb-933395ef0809", "aa7b09ad-7f5d-42ac-a116-923b71619f9c", "f28dcdd6-c177-49be-bb24-810bc594df8b", "136d8162-a009-4755-9367-dc5f76c294d8", "2d640bc9-d190-4e47-a6c4-003b3b7d2250"]
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -5805,9 +5805,9 @@ test('Check CreateShopV2 | 2', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateShopV2({
- name: "5oSrsDCn36n92LJoBnxVWA0Bmx0P3sSh52djDx2E8q2Tl06IVYw4zb7KKLj26g9D4jd9Fi73fT2ekfbMypSoZA",
- private_money_ids: ["021a463d-0616-440a-b26d-2fbeb9ac8b3d", "aa2644fd-d013-4976-8f4f-3611110f19ed", "14a00056-65f1-47c0-b9b7-d0e0a5c529cc", "9cb66f3a-45a3-4ac8-8c49-52ad2c40b85b", "e21b0a54-be90-47f0-aa43-c3538d100963", "57ac104d-1d3c-4335-b084-42db48ed679e", "d2f1506f-ed1c-4c8a-b69e-3e26cd9b2b7a", "03a015d1-99f2-4f5b-a0d5-3fbac3180492"],
- can_topup_private_money_ids: ["34fbea0b-c607-47b5-8df9-4a89a9816cbf", "e27477c8-cdf4-4e6f-80fc-d9df74d46d47"]
+ name: "QCGBFwcqnjKtXS5ctb0sUDamQiJFavfIlsQjs1Uxv98uoxa9cfqdBZBSSyuPsLgc14jRH1daAJWk",
+ private_money_ids: ["f88b5ed0-6726-4f18-b748-530dd7a66cc5", "72710844-5a5f-422e-9d30-bd4b7a49c5be", "0ede1a74-0d28-4195-adad-fb44a3d4eb5e", "26378601-c10a-4efa-b8cc-f1d5ab6d912c", "d1e5462f-0962-49d5-9c24-b08dd6e27765", "1a6f71e7-8bb7-4ef7-a138-9c08250f055b"],
+ can_topup_private_money_ids: ["9aaf2bc0-b87d-4a13-9695-36fb7866477d", "dc24ec29-5e49-40d5-8837-2e5502fe084b", "7a298ce8-2189-4b9d-bc21-2bf88f125b4c"]
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -5823,10 +5823,10 @@ test('Check CreateShopV2 | 3', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateShopV2({
- name: "5oSrsDCn36n92LJoBnxVWA0Bmx0P3sSh52djDx2E8q2Tl06IVYw4zb7KKLj26g9D4jd9Fi73fT2ekfbMypSoZA",
- organization_code: "l----D-ctVbMJ61W9htR-3Va0Ay",
- private_money_ids: ["05596275-2289-4aa4-af88-88a7b98cd11f", "2d8d01fe-4087-48f8-9e61-57abac7207a3", "e334e339-321f-4163-a6a6-962c429b088c", "a3219471-ab64-44c2-ba8a-7cdab8b6dc5e", "ceca6d8d-4f42-457e-933b-435370383001", "aeeeb279-bda5-4df5-bb15-88d055e6c840", "85284173-8d4c-4867-a3b1-b9b48004810a", "472b45ea-322f-4852-a9c8-e43148ba70dd", "e19cf3e4-f461-4e83-81ca-9757b16f2c6b"],
- can_topup_private_money_ids: ["a97e4d57-f3f0-40db-bc7b-690dac7645e5", "dc252447-0dd6-4ba1-95f4-41ad2f0d6d37", "0fffc042-3507-4d1a-a3d4-ba3a7d64a460", "93d3b47f-349f-4e74-a7cb-933395ef0809", "aa7b09ad-7f5d-42ac-a116-923b71619f9c", "f28dcdd6-c177-49be-bb24-810bc594df8b", "136d8162-a009-4755-9367-dc5f76c294d8", "2d640bc9-d190-4e47-a6c4-003b3b7d2250"]
+ name: "QCGBFwcqnjKtXS5ctb0sUDamQiJFavfIlsQjs1Uxv98uoxa9cfqdBZBSSyuPsLgc14jRH1daAJWk",
+ organization_code: "-HQ-Ro6-Ya7W2---",
+ private_money_ids: ["9ead6d97-097b-487e-9714-3c57c7d00812"],
+ can_topup_private_money_ids: ["3fad58e5-2ab6-4b26-b949-2f938743bbdf", "d9346ac8-abc3-400a-a790-66840a64a5ab"]
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -5842,11 +5842,11 @@ test('Check CreateShopV2 | 4', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateShopV2({
- name: "5oSrsDCn36n92LJoBnxVWA0Bmx0P3sSh52djDx2E8q2Tl06IVYw4zb7KKLj26g9D4jd9Fi73fT2ekfbMypSoZA",
- external_id: "PwHED0",
- organization_code: "I-LjBmQNU-8",
- private_money_ids: ["54a3bfb3-4c30-4334-b1e3-77e03818377a", "2abe7376-5b55-4937-b47c-2a69ec5e4ad4", "b56f1029-3e14-4e47-abce-7895c7242b83", "13a9ed59-c901-4484-977e-24eceb302044", "bb113279-533b-4152-ab33-4761d6ff3a7e", "0475f147-e14d-409e-b0f3-6205b5da1331", "10689348-129e-41ce-b2cf-12acaa1d6e3b", "44b4a686-1c17-4169-b828-c70092b5ceae", "3e86457b-340c-4ec7-9d16-dc7a7e2e6b82"],
- can_topup_private_money_ids: ["949746a3-a10f-43c0-977b-787e78f7cc17", "76f38c14-3c57-4812-b2e5-2ab6dcabbb26", "c0344cf9-5b49-4f93-9fc8-abc3e700300a"]
+ name: "QCGBFwcqnjKtXS5ctb0sUDamQiJFavfIlsQjs1Uxv98uoxa9cfqdBZBSSyuPsLgc14jRH1daAJWk",
+ external_id: "e3KvTMWtvAOdqc6t46b4EgFIpDVk",
+ organization_code: "X6-rt-3sy-LB256zJw7T--EY-869Y",
+ private_money_ids: ["5f64556a-c481-4d81-9cf0-b2afb61ffd6f", "8bc071d9-6c4f-4ceb-864c-c959c3730c89", "644070e2-865d-484a-8d34-fe9c46da04b6", "30ebe918-39d9-4a47-ae12-a5a0762b58dd", "c0c20b4b-0944-47ca-a125-051757bd511a", "538cf11e-232a-4e56-91c1-599da68087ce", "091c0808-1ef4-4d66-a69b-08d5355c3a64", "cacfacc8-bfa8-45d6-a3f3-1e6fd1018075", "63e177fc-22f8-4a96-9833-b986e1080778"],
+ can_topup_private_money_ids: ["de6731b9-ba12-40c3-a6c8-981305bcf564", "4e91d35a-f95f-4747-bd6b-7f45ee2eed17", "f93abace-e809-483f-92c4-d88173ca89d3", "670635eb-36a4-4952-b966-a9d7e78f9099", "a4f89b60-f14b-4e41-b86a-c98c69dc5424", "c36d46fc-11d1-4c88-97ea-798e105e3243", "68ec2842-b0b8-4492-9a1f-3140097e73ee", "af9522c6-e63f-4c2f-907c-1563c21e4c82", "3b5350f1-5912-48ed-8586-bca6c60bce98"]
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -5862,12 +5862,12 @@ test('Check CreateShopV2 | 5', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateShopV2({
- name: "5oSrsDCn36n92LJoBnxVWA0Bmx0P3sSh52djDx2E8q2Tl06IVYw4zb7KKLj26g9D4jd9Fi73fT2ekfbMypSoZA",
- email: "ge3KvTMWtv@AOdq.com",
- external_id: "c6t46b4EgFIpDVk2sqQhlA",
- organization_code: "56zJw7T--EY-869YkBq--",
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- can_topup_private_money_ids: ["6107883f-9012-4fc4-81d3-35eb718836a4", "b776e952-f479-4466-9799-9b60f974f14b", "033eae41-2378-406a-8c24-46fc52cf11d1", "b5934c88-afd7-43ea-8e43-2842315ab0b8", "0c506492-f39a-461f-80ee-22c688b2e63f", "3f574c2f-d090-4c7c-a382-50f1c5915912", "622c28ed-d045-4886-a698-564eda5c0c05", "37f0b966-7ec4-486f-bb95-5cbf014cddf2", "1bef7931-a6fa-45ac-a721-c0f74887ae3f"]
+ name: "QCGBFwcqnjKtXS5ctb0sUDamQiJFavfIlsQjs1Uxv98uoxa9cfqdBZBSSyuPsLgc14jRH1daAJWk",
+ email: "NfDor1zgwF@9x3x.com",
+ external_id: "ZsR",
+ organization_code: "3BAr-7-G9lrl",
+ private_money_ids: ["7eaa259f-ef33-4a4f-90ab-d8a1ef2b2df5", "29f04be4-3593-4ad8-b095-67048a140784", "82633b59-d0e8-4e2f-8ef7-7446a7bdf8d7", "c2628355-1841-45cb-8f3c-f0ee2f5845d7", "f670a0ec-b0e8-49ee-8cfc-1ce1a0a044a9", "5c482a30-01ec-4911-9e59-3703918782ce"],
+ can_topup_private_money_ids: ["3bbff11f-d80d-453c-a2c5-f87d98f4575e"]
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -5883,13 +5883,13 @@ test('Check CreateShopV2 | 6', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateShopV2({
- name: "5oSrsDCn36n92LJoBnxVWA0Bmx0P3sSh52djDx2E8q2Tl06IVYw4zb7KKLj26g9D4jd9Fi73fT2ekfbMypSoZA",
- tel: "09833002-082",
- email: "hH3FEHzbfU@4cD6.com",
- external_id: "smAeqngifjNikqD",
- organization_code: "1-CO7",
- private_money_ids: ["83f7244d-b0af-4356-9311-78e427eca4e2"],
- can_topup_private_money_ids: ["79717c39-c511-4680-8e3a-e9477cc25c35", "2b09a25d-1b61-4bc5-9b2a-dd33bd04f271", "fc8dcc34-a8a4-47e7-94ce-213913029686", "e1c79326-2633-4023-a748-32cacb75dca2", "f0654427-e741-40aa-bc3b-bf31e5ede99a", "0b3b8099-3dc6-422c-a6ab-be063fd4446e", "b3fd0b21-3582-452b-a558-901f38a834fe", "eefa4c86-9ed9-45d2-968d-20a2e96d2bb1", "65148f46-26a5-4bc2-b539-7bdbaaf636d6"]
+ name: "QCGBFwcqnjKtXS5ctb0sUDamQiJFavfIlsQjs1Uxv98uoxa9cfqdBZBSSyuPsLgc14jRH1daAJWk",
+ tel: "0706-299-751",
+ email: "E3q4gTN93g@HJA1.com",
+ external_id: "FfneXYRV1FBu9VqwmK2QWEkaIk3",
+ organization_code: "-aH1U8-oB0RsBu",
+ private_money_ids: ["ae82df74-2702-4972-afa7-f8369df0cddf", "02b4209f-80b5-47d2-bacd-ae3c00e4c100", "46361234-8f53-43d9-9979-c8d7848404d0"],
+ can_topup_private_money_ids: ["14b223a4-54b4-4804-a2b5-e24506be7ef6"]
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -5905,14 +5905,14 @@ test('Check CreateShopV2 | 7', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateShopV2({
- name: "5oSrsDCn36n92LJoBnxVWA0Bmx0P3sSh52djDx2E8q2Tl06IVYw4zb7KKLj26g9D4jd9Fi73fT2ekfbMypSoZA",
- address: "wmK2QWEkaIk3Nf304AeRoMBnYRrC4cXtKQ0a4OPrt2tro65RM4SYyWPQ4b5EvFhF0JaiWpiphXqNgzf5XFTYAHJdFeGZi1JIa9NTrkMeAKNU2qNMrw4Jay2YBOfulEIFK5T7Dc8oOst1MM9PmjRDk75J779k3qO5Tt2uQGKACRqDnzgekX1v8dvD0ApeDNVXLZhDHmMPohPl8jvZE0kmWyBRnvtcRhoAfyfPvqbgkbgVyEBxJx",
- tel: "00557643485",
- email: "b1QYmVCtk7@8Jxd.com",
- external_id: "gtNZkgpDcQrvPvYu9rBG",
- organization_code: "RSvLJo",
- private_money_ids: ["5eafa213-c341-428b-9f0d-e57be53ebae0", "3586a578-aa08-48d5-b87e-889150ee8278", "f1a4cbab-596f-454a-b3ed-4fb2f361cc63", "fe57dc18-4d00-497e-9c4f-e4d92b48fe46", "af610609-147c-43a3-8eb3-e86622b1d44a", "3272d559-2305-4b5d-b75d-db16ef1990a6", "56d06feb-4f8f-484c-82db-45695f2d360e"],
- can_topup_private_money_ids: ["70ea7ac0-0661-4f96-9e04-510fe3e1533f", "b309dec0-6ca8-4b0b-810b-fcf30660fa4e", "e9468349-c018-4733-94d1-df347268d855", "70783ee2-e5e2-4424-9f14-493813bdfb9c", "3cab1f40-b123-49d5-bf34-5e4cc80b38ef"]
+ name: "QCGBFwcqnjKtXS5ctb0sUDamQiJFavfIlsQjs1Uxv98uoxa9cfqdBZBSSyuPsLgc14jRH1daAJWk",
+ address: "FhF0JaiWpiphXqNgzf5XFTYAHJdFeGZi1JIa9NTrkMeAKNU2qNMrw4Jay2YBOfulEIFK5T7Dc8oOst1MM9PmjRDk75J779k3qO5Tt2uQGKACRqDnzgekX1v8dvD0ApeDNVXLZhDHmMPohPl8jvZE0kmWy",
+ tel: "0258643-2381",
+ email: "fyfPvqbgkb@gVyE.com",
+ external_id: "xJx",
+ organization_code: "z2xJYke----Du6670x3",
+ private_money_ids: ["cafc81d1-aef2-4076-833e-7e999db852fb"],
+ can_topup_private_money_ids: []
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -5928,15 +5928,15 @@ test('Check CreateShopV2 | 8', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateShopV2({
- name: "5oSrsDCn36n92LJoBnxVWA0Bmx0P3sSh52djDx2E8q2Tl06IVYw4zb7KKLj26g9D4jd9Fi73fT2ekfbMypSoZA",
- postal_code: "5755698",
- address: "VQ4l9WdfwN1GBXrbSDIYZlYLOis5sBRV50E243Lt7Q0CkQGlHLmFUomkHrvNClWFSWTgMn5wd60p6qorRSF9NZATmhqoWmfQbT09Lp665rg0d7eGITtIklkYFTO7OJe9dSEOGALN8S7z1KForIQgwx8oosJLK5Rq67VXMpZGMSz7kvOMHYRjzAZw05Ty0nenwzHOaIVwMTjPFM",
- tel: "055048-196",
- email: "yxvlj5Kalq@xA7H.com",
- external_id: "qvdSNveWz",
- organization_code: "24-hS-Xw8u0Ph2Nc97g-LP-",
- private_money_ids: ["1ce90ba7-0bb7-4ab6-add4-f66f8482615c", "544ea624-91c8-4c2e-a3e3-5f7cda8dcba1", "5e046b89-5708-498d-ac00-36b877ee30e4", "94dfeef4-9522-4a2a-ba3f-e615a2685b63", "3449b0f1-882d-4fc4-b6f2-9a713770462e", "e37dbe40-107f-45f7-8726-29448a57f2fd", "f7623a88-6a56-46d2-a46f-c5a019ca9cea"],
- can_topup_private_money_ids: ["34361b47-5a6a-447b-a967-6648a560cc70", "dd98a114-451f-46da-bb04-a36cbf8a121b", "99048d9d-8392-4838-896e-c315c506f9a5", "7c3481a6-a82d-46c8-a213-c6d1731a8542", "b9625ee8-fecd-403b-897b-428eea6f2172"]
+ name: "QCGBFwcqnjKtXS5ctb0sUDamQiJFavfIlsQjs1Uxv98uoxa9cfqdBZBSSyuPsLgc14jRH1daAJWk",
+ postal_code: "5669559",
+ address: "rBGsdWvnLspaw0X1BOuUcrgAIrlVAxUxxoJ3m2cOYFN3fJYwkLiuasNI3TQ4Ubb8U4LoGEUFzMVQ4l9WdfwN1GBXrbSDIYZlYLOis5sBRV50E243Lt7Q0CkQGlHLmFUomkHrvNClW",
+ tel: "09370795-600",
+ email: "6qorRSF9NZ@ATmh.com",
+ external_id: "oWmfQbT09Lp665rg0d7eG",
+ organization_code: "toK78LG2-",
+ private_money_ids: ["3722fedb-fcc9-4e09-9167-d75d534492f7", "53930cf8-7113-4e23-b86f-3deff057915d", "1043c491-d7fc-4cf3-8acc-fecbb246bab5"],
+ can_topup_private_money_ids: ["3bad8971-45b6-40a8-beb7-1e2a4bd1a5a9", "70984756-99ac-4c18-984d-a9057f5454f0"]
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -5952,7 +5952,7 @@ test('Check GetShop | 0', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new GetShop({
- shop_id: "638ae364-4dda-474a-8c54-0198b0d9e027"
+ shop_id: "fc39bb18-ffda-4647-a8cd-4553857aa692"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -5968,7 +5968,7 @@ test('Check UpdateShop | 0', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new UpdateShop({
- shop_id: "f955ad39-a505-4cae-bcab-3898474d3cff"
+ shop_id: "375fa126-c77a-44bf-b786-a86bc10796f6"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -5984,7 +5984,7 @@ test('Check UpdateShop | 1', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new UpdateShop({
- shop_id: "f955ad39-a505-4cae-bcab-3898474d3cff",
+ shop_id: "375fa126-c77a-44bf-b786-a86bc10796f6",
status: "disabled"
status = response.code;
@@ -6001,9 +6001,9 @@ test('Check UpdateShop | 2', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new UpdateShop({
- shop_id: "f955ad39-a505-4cae-bcab-3898474d3cff",
- can_topup_private_money_ids: ["5fa90a67-3047-4dfe-878a-eee672a5e923"],
- status: "active"
+ shop_id: "375fa126-c77a-44bf-b786-a86bc10796f6",
+ can_topup_private_money_ids: ["b641d85b-3ca4-4710-88d9-85d21e42d16a", "2f93d07a-3629-4c41-92da-738c009370de", "b11d6899-71f7-4630-857c-5b35524dabd4", "d67ba291-9cf9-4c30-801f-52fe8a8d0707", "be9d8702-b5ee-4ee5-aef7-5c2394fb0f7a", "20f018c8-664f-4b7f-a1c9-64d649d982f7", "055db824-ca0d-4aa8-8e0b-c14d74005b0e", "443a0c54-749a-4b91-88ea-5d9f33b2bdd0"],
+ status: "disabled"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -6019,10 +6019,10 @@ test('Check UpdateShop | 3', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new UpdateShop({
- shop_id: "f955ad39-a505-4cae-bcab-3898474d3cff",
- private_money_ids: ["29fb46c5-b0ec-48aa-abd3-7c63c52755f4", "3d0263b5-85ab-4040-b6f4-d34283f789b3", "3eb85d40-a0d1-4c76-9b40-60d90f7262ea", "69c91f11-9ef9-4138-adfb-1f556ce4fe92"],
- can_topup_private_money_ids: ["5051c900-a3e7-4fc4-b995-18d8133f5e2e", "2aa5f88e-fc51-4f3a-a314-3c59ffd68307", "2484e9cf-4d8e-45aa-9801-0fd37fd97073", "bca5ddae-a968-4818-99f0-8bbddafef847", "b75cabcd-3a43-4e6b-a5b1-d8b082e4543c", "95fb439b-4fe6-47c1-a0f0-760b37469215", "d15d3b23-df99-41a0-8b8b-f9a98e80cf6a", "74f519ad-bc22-4f14-82a5-4dc81236f1fc", "1ab9e96e-582c-4dc1-ad64-546c230b35cb", "c071107f-4991-4a69-9c8b-51d59157551d"],
- status: "active"
+ shop_id: "375fa126-c77a-44bf-b786-a86bc10796f6",
+ private_money_ids: ["4b7d345e-13c6-4e94-9f4d-7f04f85d3647", "1c45aa1a-91e5-4376-a713-c0f714edd5d6", "9295abcd-c59f-4365-80da-781df7cf65df", "aaee20fb-f7ab-490a-8ff4-c03888f3fac5", "b1806aa8-1f71-409b-9faf-227ee7d8abc9", "326fac9b-1e76-453e-898e-fa09cb96c892"],
+ can_topup_private_money_ids: ["695a3ff8-327c-48f6-81fe-80ecbca5126a", "3a30c4b5-c24b-4be1-ac8b-91f1220b3dbc", "5b5eaff8-e42c-4b0c-a418-1a034c73bb41", "33f65219-2a29-49fe-b748-56f526e1472a", "dd005588-4e1e-435c-9f91-a03f8a4b4492", "0f15b3fd-5c7b-4171-a3f6-f4293fcaaf9f", "cc2df764-af18-4b91-934e-0d1ceeb25c5b", "c05683f6-9ee5-48d7-bad7-6ec908a01f2e", "ac6a7a35-f5cc-4a93-8097-b88d36f43bb6"],
+ status: "disabled"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -6038,11 +6038,11 @@ test('Check UpdateShop | 4', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new UpdateShop({
- shop_id: "f955ad39-a505-4cae-bcab-3898474d3cff",
- external_id: "9Jq",
- private_money_ids: ["c68e4efb-1f16-49fc-8222-1f61bb680fa0", "c74a61ee-3a0c-4cc9-94aa-775ca1bc5a7e", "1c5cc500-ba0c-43bc-85b8-ce255910bbc6", "7b24ba89-06f1-4dc9-98f1-dafa999c5565", "cb769e89-7619-47a1-ac82-5bc7d0a85d7e", "aafdc9be-a129-40da-bbc4-3c4f5d81e904", "7492fb87-0ace-4855-9f25-3f2c6bb56041", "a230f8bd-092d-45a6-8a20-31e6d3d9be5e", "ce8674ec-f832-47c8-8df4-b5dbffb072a0"],
- can_topup_private_money_ids: ["777ab079-f261-418c-9301-5a57e5916930", "1ea06047-daeb-46f4-86b1-3970ddcfbe8f", "7e85e68f-01cf-4593-8cc2-9da4168c7a5a", "399d3c81-38fb-4d17-9efb-70bae03a6f81", "7785ce08-d1ef-4bfe-b3f8-b96381658f55", "e308a894-e9df-4eb6-bbd7-bf311836ad5e", "2563113d-6f76-4128-bbc6-b89be1307722"],
- status: "disabled"
+ shop_id: "375fa126-c77a-44bf-b786-a86bc10796f6",
+ external_id: "QvZvRJLln3CmVmPz2bcH2x",
+ private_money_ids: ["47f387c2-4048-427c-94e2-6980a843eee9", "f7ec771e-0bcf-4ac8-a7a2-ca1268fe0c59", "8724bc8d-bc14-435c-a2fa-b25f6dc092a9", "307f775e-0bd7-4720-86b7-9445bb04c59d", "b2791b2b-74d9-4b0f-83ae-30661ce90ba7", "0f4e0bb7-bab6-45ad-946f-615c544ea624"],
+ can_topup_private_money_ids: ["451b0c2e-dea3-47e3-bca1-6b896ea55708", "4744398d-0eec-4100-b8e4-eef4c9589522", "abd40a2a-d67a-443f-9563-b0f13639882d", "edc5efc4-95b6-41f2-b12e-be405b3f107f", "933685f7-b147-4426-84fd-3a88da476a56", "dd9456d2-19e4-4c6f-a0ea-328534361b47", "556f5a6a-947b-46e9-a748-cc70dd98a114", "70b6451f-96da-4ebb-846c-121b99048d9d"],
+ status: "active"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -6058,11 +6058,11 @@ test('Check UpdateShop | 5', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new UpdateShop({
- shop_id: "f955ad39-a505-4cae-bcab-3898474d3cff",
- email: "KN952VUdQ3@t63W.com",
- external_id: "20fNhPhFK8mUwq4sfxVOVqIgogobrlT",
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- can_topup_private_money_ids: ["636c1820-9a26-4773-907b-90477b34d0e3", "007be46a-5552-4278-a4bb-e5914e4db0cb", "5493bc2b-50fc-485f-ba23-a77a6d468db0", "019d7afd-7968-4dee-8821-680672124bf4", "4813a6d0-78bb-4722-853d-0c6ddd1fa49f", "cff5a1a7-2a10-45cf-951a-700da84524c6", "38ad6c7b-5b7a-4e79-a565-9231bd0531bd", "12ff47b0-6b84-44f3-8dee-3f8ccf24f131"],
+ shop_id: "375fa126-c77a-44bf-b786-a86bc10796f6",
+ email: "8InHQBhMIr@dZJT.com",
+ external_id: "9MnQgGfElkSct56tB3QvYjy8m",
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+ can_topup_private_money_ids: [],
status: "active"
status = response.code;
@@ -6079,12 +6079,12 @@ test('Check UpdateShop | 6', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new UpdateShop({
- shop_id: "f955ad39-a505-4cae-bcab-3898474d3cff",
- tel: "00-745-336",
- email: "lk2JdjznjO@ojFz.com",
- external_id: "yYyUwwyS9B5htgNIDpUpzK",
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+ shop_id: "375fa126-c77a-44bf-b786-a86bc10796f6",
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+ email: "iUj9JqianI@8FqI.com",
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+ can_topup_private_money_ids: ["f873bf31-ad5e-413d-b628-9abb4f324bc6", "652db89b-7722-4f4d-8b27-0b4e5c64db39", "44f54ca8-c540-4a35-aa97-ea322987e4bf", "a250df56-3a2f-45ff-9564-17d1d2de9c33", "a3baf25f-8e7c-497e-863c-0a8bda44ad74", "80b438b6-bb08-4e33-bf09-6c9c6d7a8dd7", "54220f70-fb7f-4b79-b3e7-d55e4b891b07"],
status: "active"
status = response.code;
@@ -6101,14 +6101,14 @@ test('Check UpdateShop | 7', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new UpdateShop({
- shop_id: "f955ad39-a505-4cae-bcab-3898474d3cff",
- address: "RMh5laf7AaoLGt4pe6BC2Sel2QniqdOC9my1YOO8CjR0YFmv40UM5wZgue67e0YlrO8E3L7gW6p",
- tel: "08746216-4489",
- email: "oBOihdHvej@Lf7H.com",
- external_id: "UNUhMpEnczy",
- private_money_ids: ["7588d1e0-d04d-4d0a-97c1-9f7e33de2401", "719dfe50-f1af-4ee2-88d8-e003f62f85f9", "67b7fd3a-8ef4-4613-a483-feea17e06d5b", "826a47d5-8154-42b8-8619-e66be8fb3345", "bc3ff43d-ba36-4857-985c-934454f230e5", "9eaeeded-d2b2-4606-b267-afd321cbf6fa", "8b51258a-8c1d-4883-befc-3bfaa98cd7b3", "884f68b5-bbe1-48dd-bb22-24252c015f51"],
- can_topup_private_money_ids: ["4a941bb4-f044-498e-b912-e3b4e1884c6b", "1aa98052-8615-42b9-9330-a4d8e967e62f", "0d630554-b82e-4de4-a4ed-a54817458563", "80181943-76b0-4263-87fe-0c4612f3d73c", "98aeea40-c484-481e-9541-c88fe92b5693"],
- status: "active"
+ shop_id: "375fa126-c77a-44bf-b786-a86bc10796f6",
+ address: "20fNhPhFK8mUwq4sfxVOVqIgogobrlTBvrKruisPGcjRxKz0hnHtPEmOFzye10sMn1hLqgZ4Scflk2JdjznjOojFztUyYyUwwyS9B5htgNIDpUpzKyj3BEvYp1TbuySIy9vMfjs9RSVIuRLJamUgod9vJRMh5laf7",
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+ email: "BC2Sel2Qni@qdOC.com",
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+ status: "disabled"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -6124,14 +6124,14 @@ test('Check UpdateShop | 8', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new UpdateShop({
- shop_id: "f955ad39-a505-4cae-bcab-3898474d3cff",
- postal_code: "2576971",
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- tel: "01-6918789",
- email: "KNgsodWT1k@P64c.com",
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+ shop_id: "375fa126-c77a-44bf-b786-a86bc10796f6",
+ postal_code: "8609258",
+ address: "E3L7gW6pVOxZ4jRFNa6hoBOihdHvejLf7HUNUhMpEnczyOhMWAPbHXytdjUT8FkE6WXDem2rgSzz35aQ4D94kR9S0XTdmHcC0cGFAfEKgLlOIWqFFofKhzWzCAqp2ZanhrL16oNA3cZ",
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+ can_topup_private_money_ids: ["056a8ddb-0ef7-40d9-847f-2c38b86fd813"],
status: "disabled"
status = response.code;
@@ -6148,16 +6148,16 @@ test('Check UpdateShop | 9', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new UpdateShop({
- shop_id: "f955ad39-a505-4cae-bcab-3898474d3cff",
- name: "igb4Yb3t6kmvyhjD7Y1lgzqIh5MLpUpAeuRnJqWXlTPA3BNnPJo0CH10GQb96Jzcef7f3He1f0QYEkgJnc3iiJ3NDVFkNizSfk2HEbXxayxzM2cghdc2Ljaj2GsuiV9UsDnl2m8nhmhWmlD5AgJ4dO8VEt3hyN",
- postal_code: "0717105",
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+ shop_id: "375fa126-c77a-44bf-b786-a86bc10796f6",
+ name: "K8kF9CcO2FCZ7wQECuE",
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+ tel: "047-4531-939",
+ email: "gb4Yb3t6km@vyhj.com",
+ external_id: "D7Y1lgzqIh5MLpUpAeuRnJqWXlTPA3BNnPJ",
+ private_money_ids: [],
+ can_topup_private_money_ids: ["13e59d9d-b8b0-40fc-83fc-c2046b3661c8", "d2330960-b1b1-472b-9530-bcc74e9936d1", "c9e06b62-7a39-4297-9f36-18cae73755fa"],
+ status: "disabled"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -6187,7 +6187,7 @@ test('Check GetPrivateMoneys | 1', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new GetPrivateMoneys({
- per_page: 8186
+ per_page: 5471
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -6203,8 +6203,8 @@ test('Check GetPrivateMoneys | 2', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new GetPrivateMoneys({
- page: 5810,
- per_page: 4290
+ page: 3814,
+ per_page: 6679
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -6220,9 +6220,9 @@ test('Check GetPrivateMoneys | 3', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new GetPrivateMoneys({
- organization_code: "3----MH-9o-yfn-lICQwSF6",
- page: 1459,
- per_page: 8245
+ organization_code: "2-0H-3-2f7yZ-n9----e-30kbsk2H-5J",
+ page: 9536,
+ per_page: 6615
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -6238,7 +6238,7 @@ test('Check GetPrivateMoneyOrganizationSummaries | 0', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new GetPrivateMoneyOrganizationSummaries({
- private_money_id: "d8b99c9b-157c-4c26-b8cb-a653d242dd9c"
+ private_money_id: "d131a915-2939-44d5-b344-449adb4679be"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -6254,8 +6254,8 @@ test('Check GetPrivateMoneyOrganizationSummaries | 1', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new GetPrivateMoneyOrganizationSummaries({
- private_money_id: "d8b99c9b-157c-4c26-b8cb-a653d242dd9c",
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+ private_money_id: "d131a915-2939-44d5-b344-449adb4679be",
+ page: 6767
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -6271,9 +6271,9 @@ test('Check GetPrivateMoneyOrganizationSummaries | 2', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new GetPrivateMoneyOrganizationSummaries({
- private_money_id: "d8b99c9b-157c-4c26-b8cb-a653d242dd9c",
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- page: 8720
+ private_money_id: "d131a915-2939-44d5-b344-449adb4679be",
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+ page: 1535
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -6289,9 +6289,9 @@ test('Check GetPrivateMoneyOrganizationSummaries | 3', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new GetPrivateMoneyOrganizationSummaries({
- private_money_id: "d8b99c9b-157c-4c26-b8cb-a653d242dd9c",
- from: "2022-05-07T10:50:17.000000Z",
- to: "2020-06-21T04:11:02.000000Z"
+ private_money_id: "d131a915-2939-44d5-b344-449adb4679be",
+ from: "2023-04-08T17:43:14.000000Z",
+ to: "2020-02-26T11:52:13.000000Z"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -6307,10 +6307,10 @@ test('Check GetPrivateMoneyOrganizationSummaries | 4', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new GetPrivateMoneyOrganizationSummaries({
- private_money_id: "d8b99c9b-157c-4c26-b8cb-a653d242dd9c",
- from: "2021-11-09T07:50:51.000000Z",
- to: "2020-02-07T11:49:14.000000Z",
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+ to: "2021-05-06T17:07:04.000000Z",
+ page: 7960
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -6326,11 +6326,11 @@ test('Check GetPrivateMoneyOrganizationSummaries | 5', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new GetPrivateMoneyOrganizationSummaries({
- private_money_id: "d8b99c9b-157c-4c26-b8cb-a653d242dd9c",
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+ to: "2022-03-26T03:33:02.000000Z",
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+ page: 7137
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -6346,7 +6346,7 @@ test('Check GetPrivateMoneySummary | 0', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new GetPrivateMoneySummary({
- private_money_id: "f3db3178-c932-44fa-939a-ee7eab246f13"
+ private_money_id: "e7cd26a1-9168-425c-9d09-636dbe75dd68"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -6362,8 +6362,8 @@ test('Check GetPrivateMoneySummary | 1', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new GetPrivateMoneySummary({
- private_money_id: "f3db3178-c932-44fa-939a-ee7eab246f13",
- to: "2023-03-31T23:23:39.000000Z"
+ private_money_id: "e7cd26a1-9168-425c-9d09-636dbe75dd68",
+ to: "2021-11-10T15:25:11.000000Z"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -6379,9 +6379,9 @@ test('Check GetPrivateMoneySummary | 2', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new GetPrivateMoneySummary({
- private_money_id: "f3db3178-c932-44fa-939a-ee7eab246f13",
- from: "2020-05-17T23:35:35.000000Z",
- to: "2021-05-12T16:59:00.000000Z"
+ private_money_id: "e7cd26a1-9168-425c-9d09-636dbe75dd68",
+ from: "2022-12-25T19:43:41.000000Z",
+ to: "2020-08-05T15:13:26.000000Z"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -6397,7 +6397,7 @@ test('Check ListCustomerTransactions | 0', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new ListCustomerTransactions({
- private_money_id: "fbf34e5c-b131-4778-8208-3d289e0d477c"
+ private_money_id: "ec30906c-a4c4-4703-b5df-0ca652008481"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -6413,8 +6413,8 @@ test('Check ListCustomerTransactions | 1', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new ListCustomerTransactions({
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status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -6430,9 +6430,9 @@ test('Check ListCustomerTransactions | 2', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new ListCustomerTransactions({
- private_money_id: "fbf34e5c-b131-4778-8208-3d289e0d477c",
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+ per_page: 7490
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} catch (e) {
@@ -6448,10 +6448,10 @@ test('Check ListCustomerTransactions | 3', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new ListCustomerTransactions({
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- to: "2022-02-22T06:42:36.000000Z",
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+ per_page: 9903
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -6467,11 +6467,11 @@ test('Check ListCustomerTransactions | 4', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new ListCustomerTransactions({
- private_money_id: "fbf34e5c-b131-4778-8208-3d289e0d477c",
- from: "2020-09-17T07:45:03.000000Z",
- to: "2021-02-15T21:51:48.000000Z",
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+ to: "2020-11-08T11:23:32.000000Z",
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+ per_page: 4709
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -6487,12 +6487,12 @@ test('Check ListCustomerTransactions | 5', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new ListCustomerTransactions({
- private_money_id: "fbf34e5c-b131-4778-8208-3d289e0d477c",
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- from: "2021-05-27T16:30:20.000000Z",
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+ per_page: 8380
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -6508,13 +6508,13 @@ test('Check ListCustomerTransactions | 6', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new ListCustomerTransactions({
- private_money_id: "fbf34e5c-b131-4778-8208-3d289e0d477c",
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- from: "2022-07-15T16:04:22.000000Z",
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+ per_page: 4413
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -6530,14 +6530,14 @@ test('Check ListCustomerTransactions | 7', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new ListCustomerTransactions({
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+ to: "2020-10-11T05:03:35.000000Z",
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+ per_page: 6393
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -6553,15 +6553,15 @@ test('Check ListCustomerTransactions | 8', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new ListCustomerTransactions({
- private_money_id: "fbf34e5c-b131-4778-8208-3d289e0d477c",
- sender_customer_id: "18859557-4c3d-4189-a76e-8cd4f6340d52",
- receiver_customer_id: "93051b76-fff2-4c8b-a9be-caa0c3ca72cd",
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status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -6577,7 +6577,7 @@ test('Check GetBulkTransaction | 0', async () => {
let status = 400;
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const response: Response = await client.send(new GetBulkTransaction({
- bulk_transaction_id: "3ed176a1-e054-42ad-80a1-789f9f6323fd"
+ bulk_transaction_id: "9ad02669-f2ce-43aa-878d-0615fd1d73ab"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -6593,7 +6593,7 @@ test('Check ListBulkTransactionJobs | 0', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new ListBulkTransactionJobs({
- bulk_transaction_id: "396b57b8-9918-46a2-9917-1332bb970e27"
+ bulk_transaction_id: "8d19d42d-8c55-410d-a223-f18af8702f99"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -6609,8 +6609,8 @@ test('Check ListBulkTransactionJobs | 1', async () => {
let status = 400;
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const response: Response = await client.send(new ListBulkTransactionJobs({
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} catch (e) {
@@ -6626,9 +6626,9 @@ test('Check ListBulkTransactionJobs | 2', async () => {
let status = 400;
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const response: Response = await client.send(new ListBulkTransactionJobs({
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+ per_page: 3346
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -6644,9 +6644,9 @@ test('Check CreateCashtray | 0', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateCashtray({
- private_money_id: "cb8e4c57-ab89-428f-97fd-9f1c3735d27b",
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+ amount: 2925.0
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -6662,10 +6662,10 @@ test('Check CreateCashtray | 1', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateCashtray({
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- shop_id: "7737c810-8958-4792-8583-c0078d66fb8b",
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+ amount: 2925.0,
+ expires_in: 2144
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -6681,11 +6681,11 @@ test('Check CreateCashtray | 2', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateCashtray({
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- shop_id: "7737c810-8958-4792-8583-c0078d66fb8b",
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status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -6701,7 +6701,7 @@ test('Check GetCashtray | 0', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new GetCashtray({
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+ cashtray_id: "5512a3ba-aadc-4358-870a-6d9abd7d2b7c"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -6717,7 +6717,7 @@ test('Check CancelCashtray | 0', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new CancelCashtray({
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status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -6733,7 +6733,7 @@ test('Check UpdateCashtray | 0', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new UpdateCashtray({
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+ cashtray_id: "20ece2a9-ff06-420d-9b6e-77022062b188"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -6749,8 +6749,8 @@ test('Check UpdateCashtray | 1', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new UpdateCashtray({
- cashtray_id: "a93d4ebb-a68b-4428-bc36-21b0137be536",
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status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -6766,9 +6766,9 @@ test('Check UpdateCashtray | 2', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new UpdateCashtray({
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+ expires_in: 1061
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -6784,10 +6784,10 @@ test('Check UpdateCashtray | 3', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new UpdateCashtray({
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status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -6803,11 +6803,11 @@ test('Check CreateCampaign | 0', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateCampaign({
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+ priority: 5711,
event: "external-transaction"
status = response.code;
@@ -6824,13 +6824,13 @@ test('Check CreateCampaign | 1', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateCampaign({
- name: "xaPzoaDv6U6SXLkHad9cOSRej1Twb2rvpiwJLSyhoqY6ZnwMWmZEdo3TtkAPfziyB2HYxaSuFevcjssU2Qn83gWH7hF0T8Nh7eoO6asjOox0RRzWzgJ8qllmxnkMgshIHzbucfDhID3qemlo7JMNmGUe8JtqofMq1TyFcW0Uu",
- private_money_id: "291366db-519c-429e-bf63-0e23dc6061b5",
- starts_at: "2022-10-05T11:24:43.000000Z",
- ends_at: "2021-06-19T15:02:13.000000Z",
- priority: 5525,
+ name: "BIPqdCDvWnTRvriMMqT8Y2wPxWWXEUoqg0zXsuvc8LF4mbP1hyPDbNVjct5yQNjVn35rDh040vhQYw5VlT5PtGoiFuhhxPNxJedAo6IB1JwI4HtHPlHFEuPGo3",
+ private_money_id: "787a93c7-7ceb-460d-a428-a1f98945efe7",
+ starts_at: "2020-02-28T15:38:38.000000Z",
+ ends_at: "2021-01-29T22:29:35.000000Z",
+ priority: 5711,
event: "external-transaction",
- budget_caps_amount: 997496788
+ budget_caps_amount: 826378708
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -6846,17 +6846,17 @@ test('Check CreateCampaign | 2', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateCampaign({
- name: "xaPzoaDv6U6SXLkHad9cOSRej1Twb2rvpiwJLSyhoqY6ZnwMWmZEdo3TtkAPfziyB2HYxaSuFevcjssU2Qn83gWH7hF0T8Nh7eoO6asjOox0RRzWzgJ8qllmxnkMgshIHzbucfDhID3qemlo7JMNmGUe8JtqofMq1TyFcW0Uu",
- private_money_id: "291366db-519c-429e-bf63-0e23dc6061b5",
- starts_at: "2022-10-05T11:24:43.000000Z",
- ends_at: "2021-06-19T15:02:13.000000Z",
- priority: 5525,
+ name: "BIPqdCDvWnTRvriMMqT8Y2wPxWWXEUoqg0zXsuvc8LF4mbP1hyPDbNVjct5yQNjVn35rDh040vhQYw5VlT5PtGoiFuhhxPNxJedAo6IB1JwI4HtHPlHFEuPGo3",
+ private_money_id: "787a93c7-7ceb-460d-a428-a1f98945efe7",
+ starts_at: "2020-02-28T15:38:38.000000Z",
+ ends_at: "2021-01-29T22:29:35.000000Z",
+ priority: 5711,
event: "external-transaction",
applicable_account_metadata: {
"key": "sex",
"value": "male"
- budget_caps_amount: 517336317
+ budget_caps_amount: 619822229
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -6872,18 +6872,18 @@ test('Check CreateCampaign | 3', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateCampaign({
- name: "xaPzoaDv6U6SXLkHad9cOSRej1Twb2rvpiwJLSyhoqY6ZnwMWmZEdo3TtkAPfziyB2HYxaSuFevcjssU2Qn83gWH7hF0T8Nh7eoO6asjOox0RRzWzgJ8qllmxnkMgshIHzbucfDhID3qemlo7JMNmGUe8JtqofMq1TyFcW0Uu",
- private_money_id: "291366db-519c-429e-bf63-0e23dc6061b5",
- starts_at: "2022-10-05T11:24:43.000000Z",
- ends_at: "2021-06-19T15:02:13.000000Z",
- priority: 5525,
+ name: "BIPqdCDvWnTRvriMMqT8Y2wPxWWXEUoqg0zXsuvc8LF4mbP1hyPDbNVjct5yQNjVn35rDh040vhQYw5VlT5PtGoiFuhhxPNxJedAo6IB1JwI4HtHPlHFEuPGo3",
+ private_money_id: "787a93c7-7ceb-460d-a428-a1f98945efe7",
+ starts_at: "2020-02-28T15:38:38.000000Z",
+ ends_at: "2021-01-29T22:29:35.000000Z",
+ priority: 5711,
event: "external-transaction",
- dest_private_money_id: "0f960c70-0f8a-42c4-afe5-32c718d50ec0",
+ dest_private_money_id: "874b3279-0484-4c86-ba2f-13d129ee3dc0",
applicable_account_metadata: {
"key": "sex",
"value": "male"
- budget_caps_amount: 256536435
+ budget_caps_amount: 1933776541
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -6899,19 +6899,19 @@ test('Check CreateCampaign | 4', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateCampaign({
- name: "xaPzoaDv6U6SXLkHad9cOSRej1Twb2rvpiwJLSyhoqY6ZnwMWmZEdo3TtkAPfziyB2HYxaSuFevcjssU2Qn83gWH7hF0T8Nh7eoO6asjOox0RRzWzgJ8qllmxnkMgshIHzbucfDhID3qemlo7JMNmGUe8JtqofMq1TyFcW0Uu",
- private_money_id: "291366db-519c-429e-bf63-0e23dc6061b5",
- starts_at: "2022-10-05T11:24:43.000000Z",
- ends_at: "2021-06-19T15:02:13.000000Z",
- priority: 5525,
+ name: "BIPqdCDvWnTRvriMMqT8Y2wPxWWXEUoqg0zXsuvc8LF4mbP1hyPDbNVjct5yQNjVn35rDh040vhQYw5VlT5PtGoiFuhhxPNxJedAo6IB1JwI4HtHPlHFEuPGo3",
+ private_money_id: "787a93c7-7ceb-460d-a428-a1f98945efe7",
+ starts_at: "2020-02-28T15:38:38.000000Z",
+ ends_at: "2021-01-29T22:29:35.000000Z",
+ priority: 5711,
event: "external-transaction",
- max_total_point_amount: 9860,
- dest_private_money_id: "f77d6349-4909-4519-9ebd-d035b2b78d5d",
+ max_total_point_amount: 449,
+ dest_private_money_id: "7d082cbd-93e5-4654-b823-7e8a24141542",
applicable_account_metadata: {
"key": "sex",
"value": "male"
- budget_caps_amount: 1024891600
+ budget_caps_amount: 1764941427
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -6927,20 +6927,20 @@ test('Check CreateCampaign | 5', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateCampaign({
- name: "xaPzoaDv6U6SXLkHad9cOSRej1Twb2rvpiwJLSyhoqY6ZnwMWmZEdo3TtkAPfziyB2HYxaSuFevcjssU2Qn83gWH7hF0T8Nh7eoO6asjOox0RRzWzgJ8qllmxnkMgshIHzbucfDhID3qemlo7JMNmGUe8JtqofMq1TyFcW0Uu",
- private_money_id: "291366db-519c-429e-bf63-0e23dc6061b5",
- starts_at: "2022-10-05T11:24:43.000000Z",
- ends_at: "2021-06-19T15:02:13.000000Z",
- priority: 5525,
+ name: "BIPqdCDvWnTRvriMMqT8Y2wPxWWXEUoqg0zXsuvc8LF4mbP1hyPDbNVjct5yQNjVn35rDh040vhQYw5VlT5PtGoiFuhhxPNxJedAo6IB1JwI4HtHPlHFEuPGo3",
+ private_money_id: "787a93c7-7ceb-460d-a428-a1f98945efe7",
+ starts_at: "2020-02-28T15:38:38.000000Z",
+ ends_at: "2021-01-29T22:29:35.000000Z",
+ priority: 5711,
event: "external-transaction",
- max_point_amount: 9115,
- max_total_point_amount: 9682,
- dest_private_money_id: "73aa2839-2c25-4fc7-826f-fa85c994ba9f",
+ max_point_amount: 6740,
+ max_total_point_amount: 6373,
+ dest_private_money_id: "c4793847-f9c2-4eff-b4db-68db0b40ce74",
applicable_account_metadata: {
"key": "sex",
"value": "male"
- budget_caps_amount: 906820179
+ budget_caps_amount: 1046979123
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -6956,21 +6956,21 @@ test('Check CreateCampaign | 6', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateCampaign({
- name: "xaPzoaDv6U6SXLkHad9cOSRej1Twb2rvpiwJLSyhoqY6ZnwMWmZEdo3TtkAPfziyB2HYxaSuFevcjssU2Qn83gWH7hF0T8Nh7eoO6asjOox0RRzWzgJ8qllmxnkMgshIHzbucfDhID3qemlo7JMNmGUe8JtqofMq1TyFcW0Uu",
- private_money_id: "291366db-519c-429e-bf63-0e23dc6061b5",
- starts_at: "2022-10-05T11:24:43.000000Z",
- ends_at: "2021-06-19T15:02:13.000000Z",
- priority: 5525,
+ name: "BIPqdCDvWnTRvriMMqT8Y2wPxWWXEUoqg0zXsuvc8LF4mbP1hyPDbNVjct5yQNjVn35rDh040vhQYw5VlT5PtGoiFuhhxPNxJedAo6IB1JwI4HtHPlHFEuPGo3",
+ private_money_id: "787a93c7-7ceb-460d-a428-a1f98945efe7",
+ starts_at: "2020-02-28T15:38:38.000000Z",
+ ends_at: "2021-01-29T22:29:35.000000Z",
+ priority: 5711,
event: "external-transaction",
exist_in_each_product_groups: false,
- max_point_amount: 7529,
- max_total_point_amount: 9233,
- dest_private_money_id: "7fd2d2e1-9b1d-4900-8999-f9d312b6fb2b",
+ max_point_amount: 3313,
+ max_total_point_amount: 1827,
+ dest_private_money_id: "cc729950-54fb-4d0f-a18b-ab8113d363b3",
applicable_account_metadata: {
"key": "sex",
"value": "male"
- budget_caps_amount: 651192846
+ budget_caps_amount: 204619724
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -6986,22 +6986,22 @@ test('Check CreateCampaign | 7', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateCampaign({
- name: "xaPzoaDv6U6SXLkHad9cOSRej1Twb2rvpiwJLSyhoqY6ZnwMWmZEdo3TtkAPfziyB2HYxaSuFevcjssU2Qn83gWH7hF0T8Nh7eoO6asjOox0RRzWzgJ8qllmxnkMgshIHzbucfDhID3qemlo7JMNmGUe8JtqofMq1TyFcW0Uu",
- private_money_id: "291366db-519c-429e-bf63-0e23dc6061b5",
- starts_at: "2022-10-05T11:24:43.000000Z",
- ends_at: "2021-06-19T15:02:13.000000Z",
- priority: 5525,
+ name: "BIPqdCDvWnTRvriMMqT8Y2wPxWWXEUoqg0zXsuvc8LF4mbP1hyPDbNVjct5yQNjVn35rDh040vhQYw5VlT5PtGoiFuhhxPNxJedAo6IB1JwI4HtHPlHFEuPGo3",
+ private_money_id: "787a93c7-7ceb-460d-a428-a1f98945efe7",
+ starts_at: "2020-02-28T15:38:38.000000Z",
+ ends_at: "2021-01-29T22:29:35.000000Z",
+ priority: 5711,
event: "external-transaction",
- minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 2896,
+ minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 7792,
exist_in_each_product_groups: true,
- max_point_amount: 1437,
- max_total_point_amount: 5405,
- dest_private_money_id: "0efa2b2f-9401-4e21-8809-96a6b2ba4994",
+ max_point_amount: 720,
+ max_total_point_amount: 8923,
+ dest_private_money_id: "300d0313-4c73-4d25-ad41-9627b85011b8",
applicable_account_metadata: {
"key": "sex",
"value": "male"
- budget_caps_amount: 1415330254
+ budget_caps_amount: 1187813134
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -7017,23 +7017,23 @@ test('Check CreateCampaign | 8', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateCampaign({
- name: "xaPzoaDv6U6SXLkHad9cOSRej1Twb2rvpiwJLSyhoqY6ZnwMWmZEdo3TtkAPfziyB2HYxaSuFevcjssU2Qn83gWH7hF0T8Nh7eoO6asjOox0RRzWzgJ8qllmxnkMgshIHzbucfDhID3qemlo7JMNmGUe8JtqofMq1TyFcW0Uu",
- private_money_id: "291366db-519c-429e-bf63-0e23dc6061b5",
- starts_at: "2022-10-05T11:24:43.000000Z",
- ends_at: "2021-06-19T15:02:13.000000Z",
- priority: 5525,
+ name: "BIPqdCDvWnTRvriMMqT8Y2wPxWWXEUoqg0zXsuvc8LF4mbP1hyPDbNVjct5yQNjVn35rDh040vhQYw5VlT5PtGoiFuhhxPNxJedAo6IB1JwI4HtHPlHFEuPGo3",
+ private_money_id: "787a93c7-7ceb-460d-a428-a1f98945efe7",
+ starts_at: "2020-02-28T15:38:38.000000Z",
+ ends_at: "2021-01-29T22:29:35.000000Z",
+ priority: 5711,
event: "external-transaction",
- applicable_shop_ids: ["608581e6-b873-4ddb-abe0-e18a66505671", "0fd11a58-03b8-42d7-973e-33e24d0606eb", "466b4978-315f-475d-8a62-70d757e2bf54", "d811acf0-4786-42b6-b6af-94694604075b"],
- minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 3400,
+ minimum_number_of_amount: 7580,
+ minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 6246,
exist_in_each_product_groups: true,
- max_point_amount: 7346,
- max_total_point_amount: 2968,
- dest_private_money_id: "ded3fe86-756c-48d2-927c-702fb445fa90",
+ max_point_amount: 3682,
+ max_total_point_amount: 4593,
+ dest_private_money_id: "aec63e50-12e2-4040-81e2-b9ebf071400f",
applicable_account_metadata: {
"key": "sex",
"value": "male"
- budget_caps_amount: 735107258
+ budget_caps_amount: 127213637
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -7049,11 +7049,78 @@ test('Check CreateCampaign | 9', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateCampaign({
- name: "xaPzoaDv6U6SXLkHad9cOSRej1Twb2rvpiwJLSyhoqY6ZnwMWmZEdo3TtkAPfziyB2HYxaSuFevcjssU2Qn83gWH7hF0T8Nh7eoO6asjOox0RRzWzgJ8qllmxnkMgshIHzbucfDhID3qemlo7JMNmGUe8JtqofMq1TyFcW0Uu",
- private_money_id: "291366db-519c-429e-bf63-0e23dc6061b5",
- starts_at: "2022-10-05T11:24:43.000000Z",
- ends_at: "2021-06-19T15:02:13.000000Z",
- priority: 5525,
+ name: "BIPqdCDvWnTRvriMMqT8Y2wPxWWXEUoqg0zXsuvc8LF4mbP1hyPDbNVjct5yQNjVn35rDh040vhQYw5VlT5PtGoiFuhhxPNxJedAo6IB1JwI4HtHPlHFEuPGo3",
+ private_money_id: "787a93c7-7ceb-460d-a428-a1f98945efe7",
+ starts_at: "2020-02-28T15:38:38.000000Z",
+ ends_at: "2021-01-29T22:29:35.000000Z",
+ priority: 5711,
+ event: "external-transaction",
+ minimum_number_of_products: 5810,
+ minimum_number_of_amount: 666,
+ minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 18,
+ exist_in_each_product_groups: true,
+ max_point_amount: 1706,
+ max_total_point_amount: 208,
+ dest_private_money_id: "9840cdab-d0c2-4c8d-a166-1013dd582994",
+ applicable_account_metadata: {
+ "key": "sex",
+ "value": "male"
+ },
+ budget_caps_amount: 1283939849
+ }));
+ status = response.code;
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (axios.isAxiosError(e) && e.response) {
+ status = e.response.status;
+ }
+ }
+ expect(typeof status).toBe('number');
+ expect(status).not.toBe(400);
+test('Check CreateCampaign | 10', async () => {
+ let status = 400;
+ try {
+ const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateCampaign({
+ name: "BIPqdCDvWnTRvriMMqT8Y2wPxWWXEUoqg0zXsuvc8LF4mbP1hyPDbNVjct5yQNjVn35rDh040vhQYw5VlT5PtGoiFuhhxPNxJedAo6IB1JwI4HtHPlHFEuPGo3",
+ private_money_id: "787a93c7-7ceb-460d-a428-a1f98945efe7",
+ starts_at: "2020-02-28T15:38:38.000000Z",
+ ends_at: "2021-01-29T22:29:35.000000Z",
+ priority: 5711,
+ event: "external-transaction",
+ applicable_shop_ids: ["d89c76fa-454e-41d4-8291-5cbddb249f87", "c6697a11-6b58-4349-967f-4d915b7302b1", "e48ef5f7-443d-4283-9b18-b7ac761ce9c7", "ed07dcfd-c909-4bf0-8ab1-390c81cf733b", "af6135d2-1886-44ee-b355-4f08d319d194", "404a7398-1c3d-4c09-a1b4-1416fe5dc4cb"],
+ minimum_number_of_products: 3903,
+ minimum_number_of_amount: 9760,
+ minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 7088,
+ exist_in_each_product_groups: false,
+ max_point_amount: 4034,
+ max_total_point_amount: 6638,
+ dest_private_money_id: "cb22f064-4ed6-4327-8918-3813bd641c2a",
+ applicable_account_metadata: {
+ "key": "sex",
+ "value": "male"
+ },
+ budget_caps_amount: 1101544356
+ }));
+ status = response.code;
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (axios.isAxiosError(e) && e.response) {
+ status = e.response.status;
+ }
+ }
+ expect(typeof status).toBe('number');
+ expect(status).not.toBe(400);
+test('Check CreateCampaign | 11', async () => {
+ let status = 400;
+ try {
+ const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateCampaign({
+ name: "BIPqdCDvWnTRvriMMqT8Y2wPxWWXEUoqg0zXsuvc8LF4mbP1hyPDbNVjct5yQNjVn35rDh040vhQYw5VlT5PtGoiFuhhxPNxJedAo6IB1JwI4HtHPlHFEuPGo3",
+ private_money_id: "787a93c7-7ceb-460d-a428-a1f98945efe7",
+ starts_at: "2020-02-28T15:38:38.000000Z",
+ ends_at: "2021-01-29T22:29:35.000000Z",
+ priority: 5711,
event: "external-transaction",
applicable_time_ranges: [{
"from": "12:00",
@@ -7061,7 +7128,43 @@ test('Check CreateCampaign | 9', async () => {
}, {
"from": "12:00",
"to": "23:59"
- }, {
+ }],
+ applicable_shop_ids: ["af1c4822-11a4-413f-9072-310d5945d355", "930b0fbd-881e-47e9-8e12-d168522fcd4e"],
+ minimum_number_of_products: 6707,
+ minimum_number_of_amount: 8423,
+ minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 5760,
+ exist_in_each_product_groups: false,
+ max_point_amount: 1717,
+ max_total_point_amount: 3772,
+ dest_private_money_id: "6694a68b-b428-403c-b6b0-e536ec92f73d",
+ applicable_account_metadata: {
+ "key": "sex",
+ "value": "male"
+ },
+ budget_caps_amount: 1994554518
+ }));
+ status = response.code;
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (axios.isAxiosError(e) && e.response) {
+ status = e.response.status;
+ }
+ }
+ expect(typeof status).toBe('number');
+ expect(status).not.toBe(400);
+test('Check CreateCampaign | 12', async () => {
+ let status = 400;
+ try {
+ const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateCampaign({
+ name: "BIPqdCDvWnTRvriMMqT8Y2wPxWWXEUoqg0zXsuvc8LF4mbP1hyPDbNVjct5yQNjVn35rDh040vhQYw5VlT5PtGoiFuhhxPNxJedAo6IB1JwI4HtHPlHFEuPGo3",
+ private_money_id: "787a93c7-7ceb-460d-a428-a1f98945efe7",
+ starts_at: "2020-02-28T15:38:38.000000Z",
+ ends_at: "2021-01-29T22:29:35.000000Z",
+ priority: 5711,
+ event: "external-transaction",
+ applicable_days_of_week: [2, 5, 3, 0, 4, 3, 6, 2],
+ applicable_time_ranges: [{
"from": "12:00",
"to": "23:59"
}, {
@@ -7083,17 +7186,19 @@ test('Check CreateCampaign | 9', async () => {
"from": "12:00",
"to": "23:59"
- applicable_shop_ids: ["ce2d24a8-c4f5-407b-8d56-502cdec1c4fb"],
- minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 9060,
+ applicable_shop_ids: ["03a49247-b289-4ebd-8cba-6a7166e3e4d1", "9689cfe9-af82-482b-a3a3-ca9228274a71"],
+ minimum_number_of_products: 8418,
+ minimum_number_of_amount: 3644,
+ minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 5803,
exist_in_each_product_groups: false,
- max_point_amount: 3475,
- max_total_point_amount: 5299,
- dest_private_money_id: "f67f27bf-977a-458b-a585-48d1448d6705",
+ max_point_amount: 2483,
+ max_total_point_amount: 4209,
+ dest_private_money_id: "1da33c39-b581-44e9-8072-64d60b01a80e",
applicable_account_metadata: {
"key": "sex",
"value": "male"
- budget_caps_amount: 980505426
+ budget_caps_amount: 435207887
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -7105,17 +7210,27 @@ test('Check CreateCampaign | 9', async () => {
-test('Check CreateCampaign | 10', async () => {
+test('Check CreateCampaign | 13', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateCampaign({
- name: "xaPzoaDv6U6SXLkHad9cOSRej1Twb2rvpiwJLSyhoqY6ZnwMWmZEdo3TtkAPfziyB2HYxaSuFevcjssU2Qn83gWH7hF0T8Nh7eoO6asjOox0RRzWzgJ8qllmxnkMgshIHzbucfDhID3qemlo7JMNmGUe8JtqofMq1TyFcW0Uu",
- private_money_id: "291366db-519c-429e-bf63-0e23dc6061b5",
- starts_at: "2022-10-05T11:24:43.000000Z",
- ends_at: "2021-06-19T15:02:13.000000Z",
- priority: 5525,
+ name: "BIPqdCDvWnTRvriMMqT8Y2wPxWWXEUoqg0zXsuvc8LF4mbP1hyPDbNVjct5yQNjVn35rDh040vhQYw5VlT5PtGoiFuhhxPNxJedAo6IB1JwI4HtHPlHFEuPGo3",
+ private_money_id: "787a93c7-7ceb-460d-a428-a1f98945efe7",
+ starts_at: "2020-02-28T15:38:38.000000Z",
+ ends_at: "2021-01-29T22:29:35.000000Z",
+ priority: 5711,
event: "external-transaction",
- applicable_days_of_week: [1, 4, 2],
+ blacklisted_product_rules: [{
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }],
+ applicable_days_of_week: [3, 2, 1, 0, 5, 5, 5, 4],
applicable_time_ranges: [{
"from": "12:00",
"to": "23:59"
@@ -7125,6 +7240,59 @@ test('Check CreateCampaign | 10', async () => {
}, {
"from": "12:00",
"to": "23:59"
+ }],
+ applicable_shop_ids: ["cbed6dde-5e8b-47c5-b905-9f70d15bd0e6", "ac327f02-05a8-4b81-b2a5-14f30e19f29d", "e22d4b9f-c162-4a05-be4d-3dfa40fa8a06", "f70d1735-35f3-4a5c-a2c7-46b19e1cac0f", "fbf0a4a6-f38e-4f80-8700-5e67590958ff", "460f0ba1-9979-4272-8fb7-1a7d502d6f95", "0d328b2c-4923-44ef-a1fc-6b9130675d92"],
+ minimum_number_of_products: 4426,
+ minimum_number_of_amount: 1489,
+ minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 2070,
+ exist_in_each_product_groups: true,
+ max_point_amount: 6059,
+ max_total_point_amount: 840,
+ dest_private_money_id: "39408316-624a-4437-8a47-0c42c6b1db7e",
+ applicable_account_metadata: {
+ "key": "sex",
+ "value": "male"
+ },
+ budget_caps_amount: 413072068
+ }));
+ status = response.code;
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (axios.isAxiosError(e) && e.response) {
+ status = e.response.status;
+ }
+ }
+ expect(typeof status).toBe('number');
+ expect(status).not.toBe(400);
+test('Check CreateCampaign | 14', async () => {
+ let status = 400;
+ try {
+ const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateCampaign({
+ name: "BIPqdCDvWnTRvriMMqT8Y2wPxWWXEUoqg0zXsuvc8LF4mbP1hyPDbNVjct5yQNjVn35rDh040vhQYw5VlT5PtGoiFuhhxPNxJedAo6IB1JwI4HtHPlHFEuPGo3",
+ private_money_id: "787a93c7-7ceb-460d-a428-a1f98945efe7",
+ starts_at: "2020-02-28T15:38:38.000000Z",
+ ends_at: "2021-01-29T22:29:35.000000Z",
+ priority: 5711,
+ event: "external-transaction",
+ product_based_point_rules: [{
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "is_multiply_by_count": true,
+ "required_count": 2
+ }],
+ blacklisted_product_rules: [{
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }],
+ applicable_days_of_week: [1, 5, 4, 2, 5, 0, 4, 6],
+ applicable_time_ranges: [{
+ "from": "12:00",
+ "to": "23:59"
}, {
"from": "12:00",
"to": "23:59"
@@ -7141,17 +7309,19 @@ test('Check CreateCampaign | 10', async () => {
"from": "12:00",
"to": "23:59"
- applicable_shop_ids: ["0749b4bb-df35-45b1-a5ba-651bcda6d07a", "76c31155-8544-4cea-8166-48f9ae7c1721", "41c3ee2a-0ec7-4f02-b09f-13801c897513"],
- minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 2511,
- exist_in_each_product_groups: true,
- max_point_amount: 3807,
- max_total_point_amount: 9324,
- dest_private_money_id: "c0796849-742b-47e9-8255-d0445ca8f75b",
+ applicable_shop_ids: ["08ae7609-c839-463e-b677-edbb9446e466", "ef4f316d-778a-40d6-b2d7-22f266970e4b", "99a0b664-64b8-4920-9ae3-9a6b5bb7156e", "80e5d760-c7e4-4796-9750-6e6e386caa1c"],
+ minimum_number_of_products: 6769,
+ minimum_number_of_amount: 8351,
+ minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 32,
+ exist_in_each_product_groups: false,
+ max_point_amount: 2287,
+ max_total_point_amount: 297,
+ dest_private_money_id: "fdccb7a5-4c12-4f12-9b13-bb914f6d6ffc",
applicable_account_metadata: {
"key": "sex",
"value": "male"
- budget_caps_amount: 1009515673
+ budget_caps_amount: 405791693
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -7163,47 +7333,43 @@ test('Check CreateCampaign | 10', async () => {
-test('Check CreateCampaign | 11', async () => {
+test('Check CreateCampaign | 15', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateCampaign({
- name: "xaPzoaDv6U6SXLkHad9cOSRej1Twb2rvpiwJLSyhoqY6ZnwMWmZEdo3TtkAPfziyB2HYxaSuFevcjssU2Qn83gWH7hF0T8Nh7eoO6asjOox0RRzWzgJ8qllmxnkMgshIHzbucfDhID3qemlo7JMNmGUe8JtqofMq1TyFcW0Uu",
- private_money_id: "291366db-519c-429e-bf63-0e23dc6061b5",
- starts_at: "2022-10-05T11:24:43.000000Z",
- ends_at: "2021-06-19T15:02:13.000000Z",
- priority: 5525,
+ name: "BIPqdCDvWnTRvriMMqT8Y2wPxWWXEUoqg0zXsuvc8LF4mbP1hyPDbNVjct5yQNjVn35rDh040vhQYw5VlT5PtGoiFuhhxPNxJedAo6IB1JwI4HtHPlHFEuPGo3",
+ private_money_id: "787a93c7-7ceb-460d-a428-a1f98945efe7",
+ starts_at: "2020-02-28T15:38:38.000000Z",
+ ends_at: "2021-01-29T22:29:35.000000Z",
+ priority: 5711,
event: "external-transaction",
- product_based_point_rules: [{
+ amount_based_point_rules: [{
"point_amount": 5,
"point_amount_unit": "percent",
- "product_code": "4912345678904",
- "is_multiply_by_count": true,
- "required_count": 2
+ "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
+ "subject_less_than": 5000
}, {
"point_amount": 5,
"point_amount_unit": "percent",
- "product_code": "4912345678904",
- "is_multiply_by_count": true,
- "required_count": 2
+ "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
+ "subject_less_than": 5000
}, {
"point_amount": 5,
"point_amount_unit": "percent",
- "product_code": "4912345678904",
- "is_multiply_by_count": true,
- "required_count": 2
+ "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
+ "subject_less_than": 5000
}, {
"point_amount": 5,
"point_amount_unit": "percent",
- "product_code": "4912345678904",
- "is_multiply_by_count": true,
- "required_count": 2
+ "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
+ "subject_less_than": 5000
}, {
"point_amount": 5,
"point_amount_unit": "percent",
- "product_code": "4912345678904",
- "is_multiply_by_count": true,
- "required_count": 2
- }, {
+ "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
+ "subject_less_than": 5000
+ }],
+ product_based_point_rules: [{
"point_amount": 5,
"point_amount_unit": "percent",
"product_code": "4912345678904",
@@ -7216,14 +7382,27 @@ test('Check CreateCampaign | 11', async () => {
"is_multiply_by_count": true,
"required_count": 2
- applicable_days_of_week: [3, 2, 3, 4],
- applicable_time_ranges: [{
- "from": "12:00",
- "to": "23:59"
+ blacklisted_product_rules: [{
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
}, {
- "from": "12:00",
- "to": "23:59"
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
}, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }],
+ applicable_days_of_week: [4, 5, 6],
+ applicable_time_ranges: [{
"from": "12:00",
"to": "23:59"
}, {
@@ -7236,17 +7415,19 @@ test('Check CreateCampaign | 11', async () => {
"from": "12:00",
"to": "23:59"
- applicable_shop_ids: ["39ca6037-abbd-454c-a982-fb338e158dc7"],
- minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 6650,
- exist_in_each_product_groups: true,
- max_point_amount: 2478,
- max_total_point_amount: 6791,
- dest_private_money_id: "bddc371e-a492-47a2-9245-5de40a36cb74",
+ applicable_shop_ids: ["c127b51b-9170-4fcf-a862-b238afbab276"],
+ minimum_number_of_products: 4131,
+ minimum_number_of_amount: 7296,
+ minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 7888,
+ exist_in_each_product_groups: false,
+ max_point_amount: 7211,
+ max_total_point_amount: 2765,
+ dest_private_money_id: "46343905-42e5-487d-8361-b49b5355045f",
applicable_account_metadata: {
"key": "sex",
"value": "male"
- budget_caps_amount: 1280522020
+ budget_caps_amount: 601600727
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -7258,16 +7439,17 @@ test('Check CreateCampaign | 11', async () => {
-test('Check CreateCampaign | 12', async () => {
+test('Check CreateCampaign | 16', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateCampaign({
- name: "xaPzoaDv6U6SXLkHad9cOSRej1Twb2rvpiwJLSyhoqY6ZnwMWmZEdo3TtkAPfziyB2HYxaSuFevcjssU2Qn83gWH7hF0T8Nh7eoO6asjOox0RRzWzgJ8qllmxnkMgshIHzbucfDhID3qemlo7JMNmGUe8JtqofMq1TyFcW0Uu",
- private_money_id: "291366db-519c-429e-bf63-0e23dc6061b5",
- starts_at: "2022-10-05T11:24:43.000000Z",
- ends_at: "2021-06-19T15:02:13.000000Z",
- priority: 5525,
+ name: "BIPqdCDvWnTRvriMMqT8Y2wPxWWXEUoqg0zXsuvc8LF4mbP1hyPDbNVjct5yQNjVn35rDh040vhQYw5VlT5PtGoiFuhhxPNxJedAo6IB1JwI4HtHPlHFEuPGo3",
+ private_money_id: "787a93c7-7ceb-460d-a428-a1f98945efe7",
+ starts_at: "2020-02-28T15:38:38.000000Z",
+ ends_at: "2021-01-29T22:29:35.000000Z",
+ priority: 5711,
event: "external-transaction",
+ subject: "all",
amount_based_point_rules: [{
"point_amount": 5,
"point_amount_unit": "percent",
@@ -7303,6 +7485,16 @@ test('Check CreateCampaign | 12', async () => {
"point_amount_unit": "percent",
"subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
"subject_less_than": 5000
+ }, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
+ "subject_less_than": 5000
+ }, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
+ "subject_less_than": 5000
product_based_point_rules: [{
"point_amount": 5,
@@ -7346,14 +7538,18 @@ test('Check CreateCampaign | 12', async () => {
"product_code": "4912345678904",
"is_multiply_by_count": true,
"required_count": 2
+ }],
+ blacklisted_product_rules: [{
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
}, {
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
"product_code": "4912345678904",
- "is_multiply_by_count": true,
- "required_count": 2
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
- applicable_days_of_week: [1, 2, 1, 2, 0, 5, 0, 6],
+ applicable_days_of_week: [1, 3, 3],
applicable_time_ranges: [{
"from": "12:00",
"to": "23:59"
@@ -7381,18 +7577,23 @@ test('Check CreateCampaign | 12', async () => {
}, {
"from": "12:00",
"to": "23:59"
+ }, {
+ "from": "12:00",
+ "to": "23:59"
- applicable_shop_ids: ["e3e99e50-f684-4da2-adab-009fe5c47a00", "4236f606-6a10-4c26-a9c6-cf2d1294d7ca", "65fc13aa-45f5-451a-be53-b4e3d7272172", "de9ae145-20c7-41e3-99b5-f049f608d7b6", "4d44599d-1176-4923-bebb-27593510b3a1", "2a143e7c-e44a-48aa-9428-3e7ff069bf7c"],
- minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 3398,
- exist_in_each_product_groups: false,
- max_point_amount: 8802,
- max_total_point_amount: 2676,
- dest_private_money_id: "55c88853-db73-4fd0-b263-2aa3e9cf0887",
+ applicable_shop_ids: ["7c85eb77-a868-495f-b0b9-d6045bb2c13e", "b78bf37f-ce7d-433c-b627-a9aa6a0d51df", "d8317293-b676-4508-9929-cd40c097e006"],
+ minimum_number_of_products: 3930,
+ minimum_number_of_amount: 4844,
+ minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 3303,
+ exist_in_each_product_groups: true,
+ max_point_amount: 2802,
+ max_total_point_amount: 6850,
+ dest_private_money_id: "c0850b72-6beb-4156-864f-57919bff2c2c",
applicable_account_metadata: {
"key": "sex",
"value": "male"
- budget_caps_amount: 216425752
+ budget_caps_amount: 949953665
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -7404,16 +7605,17 @@ test('Check CreateCampaign | 12', async () => {
-test('Check CreateCampaign | 13', async () => {
+test('Check CreateCampaign | 17', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateCampaign({
- name: "xaPzoaDv6U6SXLkHad9cOSRej1Twb2rvpiwJLSyhoqY6ZnwMWmZEdo3TtkAPfziyB2HYxaSuFevcjssU2Qn83gWH7hF0T8Nh7eoO6asjOox0RRzWzgJ8qllmxnkMgshIHzbucfDhID3qemlo7JMNmGUe8JtqofMq1TyFcW0Uu",
- private_money_id: "291366db-519c-429e-bf63-0e23dc6061b5",
- starts_at: "2022-10-05T11:24:43.000000Z",
- ends_at: "2021-06-19T15:02:13.000000Z",
- priority: 5525,
+ name: "BIPqdCDvWnTRvriMMqT8Y2wPxWWXEUoqg0zXsuvc8LF4mbP1hyPDbNVjct5yQNjVn35rDh040vhQYw5VlT5PtGoiFuhhxPNxJedAo6IB1JwI4HtHPlHFEuPGo3",
+ private_money_id: "787a93c7-7ceb-460d-a428-a1f98945efe7",
+ starts_at: "2020-02-28T15:38:38.000000Z",
+ ends_at: "2021-01-29T22:29:35.000000Z",
+ priority: 5711,
event: "external-transaction",
+ is_exclusive: false,
subject: "all",
amount_based_point_rules: [{
"point_amount": 5,
@@ -7445,14 +7647,23 @@ test('Check CreateCampaign | 13', async () => {
"point_amount_unit": "percent",
"subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
"subject_less_than": 5000
- }],
- product_based_point_rules: [{
+ }, {
"point_amount": 5,
"point_amount_unit": "percent",
- "product_code": "4912345678904",
- "is_multiply_by_count": true,
- "required_count": 2
+ "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
+ "subject_less_than": 5000
+ }, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
+ "subject_less_than": 5000
}, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
+ "subject_less_than": 5000
+ }],
+ product_based_point_rules: [{
"point_amount": 5,
"point_amount_unit": "percent",
"product_code": "4912345678904",
@@ -7507,7 +7718,23 @@ test('Check CreateCampaign | 13', async () => {
"is_multiply_by_count": true,
"required_count": 2
- applicable_days_of_week: [3, 3, 5, 0, 1, 3, 2],
+ blacklisted_product_rules: [{
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }],
+ applicable_days_of_week: [6, 1, 1, 0, 4, 2, 1, 2, 5],
applicable_time_ranges: [{
"from": "12:00",
"to": "23:59"
@@ -7532,18 +7759,23 @@ test('Check CreateCampaign | 13', async () => {
}, {
"from": "12:00",
"to": "23:59"
+ }, {
+ "from": "12:00",
+ "to": "23:59"
- applicable_shop_ids: ["2845dee1-e5ae-4111-ae0f-01514eafcce2", "aaea48d6-893a-4494-91cd-07398f70a35a", "2b95aab6-6c86-4dd2-87b0-49ebf6138ebc", "0cd7e98f-d043-4418-9873-3f1470955c26", "cbebc1d0-9be4-4922-baf7-0c90e3471f45", "912395f2-bc1d-4e7d-acb5-da116b009b6d", "29590a58-3988-4708-abbe-68296e105dc7", "3333f13f-cbfa-46f5-8c02-e58553d9c527", "4530dad7-5833-4546-abd7-807f3added3e", "83e6959a-1469-448d-b9da-4468386e4949"],
- minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 6652,
+ applicable_shop_ids: ["1bd8f4b6-a1de-454b-a056-004689f84ee2"],
+ minimum_number_of_products: 3230,
+ minimum_number_of_amount: 7451,
+ minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 4554,
exist_in_each_product_groups: true,
- max_point_amount: 9776,
- max_total_point_amount: 112,
- dest_private_money_id: "0e45d18f-75ea-4cd6-8f5a-0defac9e50c1",
+ max_point_amount: 7742,
+ max_total_point_amount: 9479,
+ dest_private_money_id: "11e29df1-b359-4fe7-826c-6a1b02142139",
applicable_account_metadata: {
"key": "sex",
"value": "male"
- budget_caps_amount: 1753818353
+ budget_caps_amount: 1048575674
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -7555,16 +7787,17 @@ test('Check CreateCampaign | 13', async () => {
-test('Check CreateCampaign | 14', async () => {
+test('Check CreateCampaign | 18', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateCampaign({
- name: "xaPzoaDv6U6SXLkHad9cOSRej1Twb2rvpiwJLSyhoqY6ZnwMWmZEdo3TtkAPfziyB2HYxaSuFevcjssU2Qn83gWH7hF0T8Nh7eoO6asjOox0RRzWzgJ8qllmxnkMgshIHzbucfDhID3qemlo7JMNmGUe8JtqofMq1TyFcW0Uu",
- private_money_id: "291366db-519c-429e-bf63-0e23dc6061b5",
- starts_at: "2022-10-05T11:24:43.000000Z",
- ends_at: "2021-06-19T15:02:13.000000Z",
- priority: 5525,
+ name: "BIPqdCDvWnTRvriMMqT8Y2wPxWWXEUoqg0zXsuvc8LF4mbP1hyPDbNVjct5yQNjVn35rDh040vhQYw5VlT5PtGoiFuhhxPNxJedAo6IB1JwI4HtHPlHFEuPGo3",
+ private_money_id: "787a93c7-7ceb-460d-a428-a1f98945efe7",
+ starts_at: "2020-02-28T15:38:38.000000Z",
+ ends_at: "2021-01-29T22:29:35.000000Z",
+ priority: 5711,
event: "external-transaction",
+ point_expires_in_days: 9721,
is_exclusive: false,
subject: "money",
amount_based_point_rules: [{
@@ -7587,23 +7820,44 @@ test('Check CreateCampaign | 14', async () => {
"point_amount_unit": "percent",
"subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
"subject_less_than": 5000
+ }],
+ product_based_point_rules: [{
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "is_multiply_by_count": true,
+ "required_count": 2
}, {
"point_amount": 5,
"point_amount_unit": "percent",
- "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
- "subject_less_than": 5000
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "is_multiply_by_count": true,
+ "required_count": 2
}, {
"point_amount": 5,
"point_amount_unit": "percent",
- "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
- "subject_less_than": 5000
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "is_multiply_by_count": true,
+ "required_count": 2
}, {
"point_amount": 5,
"point_amount_unit": "percent",
- "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
- "subject_less_than": 5000
- }],
- product_based_point_rules: [{
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "is_multiply_by_count": true,
+ "required_count": 2
+ }, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "is_multiply_by_count": true,
+ "required_count": 2
+ }, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "is_multiply_by_count": true,
+ "required_count": 2
+ }, {
"point_amount": 5,
"point_amount_unit": "percent",
"product_code": "4912345678904",
@@ -7628,26 +7882,39 @@ test('Check CreateCampaign | 14', async () => {
"is_multiply_by_count": true,
"required_count": 2
- applicable_days_of_week: [6, 1, 0, 2, 2, 6, 2],
- applicable_time_ranges: [{
- "from": "12:00",
- "to": "23:59"
+ blacklisted_product_rules: [{
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
}, {
- "from": "12:00",
- "to": "23:59"
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
}, {
- "from": "12:00",
- "to": "23:59"
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
}, {
- "from": "12:00",
- "to": "23:59"
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
}, {
- "from": "12:00",
- "to": "23:59"
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
}, {
- "from": "12:00",
- "to": "23:59"
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
}, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }],
+ applicable_days_of_week: [5, 0, 6, 6, 3, 2, 6, 4],
+ applicable_time_ranges: [{
"from": "12:00",
"to": "23:59"
}, {
@@ -7660,17 +7927,19 @@ test('Check CreateCampaign | 14', async () => {
"from": "12:00",
"to": "23:59"
- applicable_shop_ids: ["429113fd-da05-438a-9b04-db9c2bcb1895", "7b87f493-5001-49ce-9020-12b83332cf27", "60a4fcb1-c009-4ccc-87c9-aefb536ecf8b", "37e0b234-92af-4cb4-b8a4-c68d0b751e27", "c2cc8abb-c67f-424c-b36d-782dda1c5723", "ace724a1-1ce6-4b28-b2c0-1bc63082dc0a", "609b06d0-549c-4110-b582-e0c5058bd53c", "ba2d2f9f-ddcf-4fd6-94fd-f74b8be2cbfe"],
- minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 6641,
+ applicable_shop_ids: ["af29f425-4c7e-47c8-b716-1d8be8f18f6c", "ce4285ea-7620-4829-8c71-28076bf5b6c5", "f08aaf64-c470-44ba-87aa-fd2a00b03b71", "5ec7a743-2297-42e3-902c-5ccfdaf98fbd"],
+ minimum_number_of_products: 6,
+ minimum_number_of_amount: 3953,
+ minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 7000,
exist_in_each_product_groups: true,
- max_point_amount: 2860,
- max_total_point_amount: 3579,
- dest_private_money_id: "3fa00044-f543-407e-9979-7afb342178d5",
+ max_point_amount: 8742,
+ max_total_point_amount: 619,
+ dest_private_money_id: "cfc5f52c-d12f-4f69-b602-fcaaac59caa9",
applicable_account_metadata: {
"key": "sex",
"value": "male"
- budget_caps_amount: 523938115
+ budget_caps_amount: 818977520
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -7682,18 +7951,19 @@ test('Check CreateCampaign | 14', async () => {
-test('Check CreateCampaign | 15', async () => {
+test('Check CreateCampaign | 19', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateCampaign({
- name: "xaPzoaDv6U6SXLkHad9cOSRej1Twb2rvpiwJLSyhoqY6ZnwMWmZEdo3TtkAPfziyB2HYxaSuFevcjssU2Qn83gWH7hF0T8Nh7eoO6asjOox0RRzWzgJ8qllmxnkMgshIHzbucfDhID3qemlo7JMNmGUe8JtqofMq1TyFcW0Uu",
- private_money_id: "291366db-519c-429e-bf63-0e23dc6061b5",
- starts_at: "2022-10-05T11:24:43.000000Z",
- ends_at: "2021-06-19T15:02:13.000000Z",
- priority: 5525,
+ name: "BIPqdCDvWnTRvriMMqT8Y2wPxWWXEUoqg0zXsuvc8LF4mbP1hyPDbNVjct5yQNjVn35rDh040vhQYw5VlT5PtGoiFuhhxPNxJedAo6IB1JwI4HtHPlHFEuPGo3",
+ private_money_id: "787a93c7-7ceb-460d-a428-a1f98945efe7",
+ starts_at: "2020-02-28T15:38:38.000000Z",
+ ends_at: "2021-01-29T22:29:35.000000Z",
+ priority: 5711,
event: "external-transaction",
- point_expires_in_days: 1573,
- is_exclusive: true,
+ point_expires_at: "2022-01-04T18:02:55.000000Z",
+ point_expires_in_days: 5615,
+ is_exclusive: false,
subject: "all",
amount_based_point_rules: [{
"point_amount": 5,
@@ -7715,6 +7985,26 @@ test('Check CreateCampaign | 15', async () => {
"point_amount_unit": "percent",
"subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
"subject_less_than": 5000
+ }, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
+ "subject_less_than": 5000
+ }, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
+ "subject_less_than": 5000
+ }, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
+ "subject_less_than": 5000
+ }, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
+ "subject_less_than": 5000
product_based_point_rules: [{
"point_amount": 5,
@@ -7728,26 +8018,86 @@ test('Check CreateCampaign | 15', async () => {
"product_code": "4912345678904",
"is_multiply_by_count": true,
"required_count": 2
+ }, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "is_multiply_by_count": true,
+ "required_count": 2
+ }, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "is_multiply_by_count": true,
+ "required_count": 2
+ }, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "is_multiply_by_count": true,
+ "required_count": 2
+ }, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "is_multiply_by_count": true,
+ "required_count": 2
+ }, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "is_multiply_by_count": true,
+ "required_count": 2
+ }, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "is_multiply_by_count": true,
+ "required_count": 2
+ }, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "is_multiply_by_count": true,
+ "required_count": 2
+ }, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "is_multiply_by_count": true,
+ "required_count": 2
- applicable_days_of_week: [6, 1, 2],
- applicable_time_ranges: [{
- "from": "12:00",
- "to": "23:59"
+ blacklisted_product_rules: [{
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
}, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }],
+ applicable_days_of_week: [6, 4, 5, 4, 5, 6, 4],
+ applicable_time_ranges: [{
"from": "12:00",
"to": "23:59"
- applicable_shop_ids: ["8791d856-4a85-4d67-a9b5-75ec73e71291", "d63abb80-ac13-4051-a64b-2e7f61ed6d13", "471e978d-1f13-439d-bee9-e83b7c940772", "eb44a8a4-3268-4ef2-bec2-349f7f1711a0"],
- minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 8510,
+ applicable_shop_ids: ["521515bb-9086-4a17-b67d-7aecabf86ce4", "26b04c3b-bab3-403c-8965-1eca8f7c7517", "e35c7111-77f9-4de8-bf2d-6412bb8900af", "73bfd454-da7d-426c-9222-9167c61c77a3", "65018b54-aad4-4fdd-a2bd-c5329d539fba", "7fa3464e-d15e-4178-9369-24f0ad5c1868", "aa30e614-77da-46a4-921c-28ec383fbccc", "9519c782-5f2f-45dc-9910-576fad00152c", "7e9ffe22-b0ab-4b06-8c22-3bfdf1b1243f", "995a029b-d088-421d-aa4d-1514a8e73ded"],
+ minimum_number_of_products: 4799,
+ minimum_number_of_amount: 3234,
+ minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 6996,
exist_in_each_product_groups: false,
- max_point_amount: 1006,
- max_total_point_amount: 6339,
- dest_private_money_id: "91a6ede2-3981-4326-bda9-e91e4e9c0bc6",
+ max_point_amount: 7422,
+ max_total_point_amount: 3913,
+ dest_private_money_id: "ec7e1215-88d1-4216-bf19-230d0eb4d484",
applicable_account_metadata: {
"key": "sex",
"value": "male"
- budget_caps_amount: 1215529429
+ budget_caps_amount: 1686759322
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -7759,19 +8109,20 @@ test('Check CreateCampaign | 15', async () => {
-test('Check CreateCampaign | 16', async () => {
+test('Check CreateCampaign | 20', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateCampaign({
- name: "xaPzoaDv6U6SXLkHad9cOSRej1Twb2rvpiwJLSyhoqY6ZnwMWmZEdo3TtkAPfziyB2HYxaSuFevcjssU2Qn83gWH7hF0T8Nh7eoO6asjOox0RRzWzgJ8qllmxnkMgshIHzbucfDhID3qemlo7JMNmGUe8JtqofMq1TyFcW0Uu",
- private_money_id: "291366db-519c-429e-bf63-0e23dc6061b5",
- starts_at: "2022-10-05T11:24:43.000000Z",
- ends_at: "2021-06-19T15:02:13.000000Z",
- priority: 5525,
+ name: "BIPqdCDvWnTRvriMMqT8Y2wPxWWXEUoqg0zXsuvc8LF4mbP1hyPDbNVjct5yQNjVn35rDh040vhQYw5VlT5PtGoiFuhhxPNxJedAo6IB1JwI4HtHPlHFEuPGo3",
+ private_money_id: "787a93c7-7ceb-460d-a428-a1f98945efe7",
+ starts_at: "2020-02-28T15:38:38.000000Z",
+ ends_at: "2021-01-29T22:29:35.000000Z",
+ priority: 5711,
event: "external-transaction",
- point_expires_at: "2021-01-03T09:38:27.000000Z",
- point_expires_in_days: 5805,
- is_exclusive: false,
+ status: "enabled",
+ point_expires_at: "2023-08-09T04:23:09.000000Z",
+ point_expires_in_days: 6024,
+ is_exclusive: true,
subject: "money",
amount_based_point_rules: [{
"point_amount": 5,
@@ -7793,6 +8144,31 @@ test('Check CreateCampaign | 16', async () => {
"point_amount_unit": "percent",
"subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
"subject_less_than": 5000
+ }, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
+ "subject_less_than": 5000
+ }, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
+ "subject_less_than": 5000
+ }, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
+ "subject_less_than": 5000
+ }, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
+ "subject_less_than": 5000
+ }, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
+ "subject_less_than": 5000
product_based_point_rules: [{
"point_amount": 5,
@@ -7812,8 +8188,33 @@ test('Check CreateCampaign | 16', async () => {
"product_code": "4912345678904",
"is_multiply_by_count": true,
"required_count": 2
+ }, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "is_multiply_by_count": true,
+ "required_count": 2
+ }],
+ blacklisted_product_rules: [{
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
- applicable_days_of_week: [4, 6, 1],
+ applicable_days_of_week: [4, 0, 3, 0, 6],
applicable_time_ranges: [{
"from": "12:00",
"to": "23:59"
@@ -7835,18 +8236,26 @@ test('Check CreateCampaign | 16', async () => {
}, {
"from": "12:00",
"to": "23:59"
+ }, {
+ "from": "12:00",
+ "to": "23:59"
+ }, {
+ "from": "12:00",
+ "to": "23:59"
- applicable_shop_ids: ["072bd62c-3552-435b-ae5e-c230546d8d21", "920f1f56-382f-4ffb-b1cb-0ded173cc53f", "8cb6134b-bc16-4dbc-b1dd-0989392e23bb", "aad4bb4e-eee8-47f0-a00b-2df582587e44", "96ee0c86-85b1-4741-9334-3e90515aa6c9", "9206b282-f318-4e78-b670-805bbb1a2822", "ebe5c546-5801-439b-907c-e5a87c0f9847", "a78ce3ae-6082-4a61-a4e0-73546428d187", "10b3e8a0-661a-49c6-983d-55366b330ba7"],
- minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 4200,
+ applicable_shop_ids: ["5fccadec-02c0-4c76-8b60-de7852784c8d", "2703a543-6b19-4ebf-b85e-4e10ba37690c", "1985f651-840f-41aa-bb95-9194ab8c0140", "21ac83ef-9e02-416a-88ce-aca9b2e8c3cb", "e6e0277b-00ce-438f-8130-7bae71779ffa"],
+ minimum_number_of_products: 9110,
+ minimum_number_of_amount: 1010,
+ minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 3863,
exist_in_each_product_groups: false,
- max_point_amount: 89,
- max_total_point_amount: 3292,
- dest_private_money_id: "bf9b3264-1533-4398-920b-d2ee2e26dfbd",
+ max_point_amount: 4164,
+ max_total_point_amount: 1671,
+ dest_private_money_id: "85ecf905-d23b-4c90-9274-9fc06bc89d13",
applicable_account_metadata: {
"key": "sex",
"value": "male"
- budget_caps_amount: 1439450059
+ budget_caps_amount: 2086510520
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -7858,21 +8267,22 @@ test('Check CreateCampaign | 16', async () => {
-test('Check CreateCampaign | 17', async () => {
+test('Check CreateCampaign | 21', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateCampaign({
- name: "xaPzoaDv6U6SXLkHad9cOSRej1Twb2rvpiwJLSyhoqY6ZnwMWmZEdo3TtkAPfziyB2HYxaSuFevcjssU2Qn83gWH7hF0T8Nh7eoO6asjOox0RRzWzgJ8qllmxnkMgshIHzbucfDhID3qemlo7JMNmGUe8JtqofMq1TyFcW0Uu",
- private_money_id: "291366db-519c-429e-bf63-0e23dc6061b5",
- starts_at: "2022-10-05T11:24:43.000000Z",
- ends_at: "2021-06-19T15:02:13.000000Z",
- priority: 5525,
+ name: "BIPqdCDvWnTRvriMMqT8Y2wPxWWXEUoqg0zXsuvc8LF4mbP1hyPDbNVjct5yQNjVn35rDh040vhQYw5VlT5PtGoiFuhhxPNxJedAo6IB1JwI4HtHPlHFEuPGo3",
+ private_money_id: "787a93c7-7ceb-460d-a428-a1f98945efe7",
+ starts_at: "2020-02-28T15:38:38.000000Z",
+ ends_at: "2021-01-29T22:29:35.000000Z",
+ priority: 5711,
event: "external-transaction",
+ description: "PEIsHw9iaxaPzoaDv6U6SXLkHad9cOSRej1Twb2rvpiwJLSyhoqY6ZnwMWmZEdo3Ttk",
status: "disabled",
- point_expires_at: "2021-12-19T02:03:37.000000Z",
- point_expires_in_days: 2321,
+ point_expires_at: "2023-07-08T21:45:49.000000Z",
+ point_expires_in_days: 7077,
is_exclusive: true,
- subject: "all",
+ subject: "money",
amount_based_point_rules: [{
"point_amount": 5,
"point_amount_unit": "percent",
@@ -7944,101 +8354,42 @@ test('Check CreateCampaign | 17', async () => {
"product_code": "4912345678904",
"is_multiply_by_count": true,
"required_count": 2
+ }, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "is_multiply_by_count": true,
+ "required_count": 2
+ }, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "is_multiply_by_count": true,
+ "required_count": 2
- applicable_days_of_week: [4, 5],
- applicable_time_ranges: [{
- "from": "12:00",
- "to": "23:59"
- }],
- applicable_shop_ids: ["5b4da297-9c18-4afb-9000-51e2c8b08476", "5f4ac0a3-dcba-4785-a6de-e946919ea774", "99eed397-6ee0-4fc4-af81-bd6bc48a3601"],
- minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 9647,
- exist_in_each_product_groups: false,
- max_point_amount: 3878,
- max_total_point_amount: 8549,
- dest_private_money_id: "eac7ba0c-adfa-4994-9007-c85f7a46f6d3",
- applicable_account_metadata: {
- "key": "sex",
- "value": "male"
- },
- budget_caps_amount: 1397504130
- }));
- status = response.code;
- } catch (e) {
- if (axios.isAxiosError(e) && e.response) {
- status = e.response.status;
- }
- }
- expect(typeof status).toBe('number');
- expect(status).not.toBe(400);
-test('Check CreateCampaign | 18', async () => {
- let status = 400;
- try {
- const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateCampaign({
- name: "xaPzoaDv6U6SXLkHad9cOSRej1Twb2rvpiwJLSyhoqY6ZnwMWmZEdo3TtkAPfziyB2HYxaSuFevcjssU2Qn83gWH7hF0T8Nh7eoO6asjOox0RRzWzgJ8qllmxnkMgshIHzbucfDhID3qemlo7JMNmGUe8JtqofMq1TyFcW0Uu",
- private_money_id: "291366db-519c-429e-bf63-0e23dc6061b5",
- starts_at: "2022-10-05T11:24:43.000000Z",
- ends_at: "2021-06-19T15:02:13.000000Z",
- priority: 5525,
- event: "external-transaction",
- description: "PJ09whlF6CVlMKFHkTHEGRWUBVUZa1rmAxzFUF6ihvlI4uoOEnKraNjpsN9SjDxtxrgs7e0dkiAAa8jwX6FLCB1XlvzBazSCE1hEG2EkkP2VIPy7HW7Ee7skB9BB1YNClE0n87A30l6vspNWH9u8x4Yq2mxjIub5W9d4fa79SnOHSfjKkp3QkI11",
- status: "disabled",
- point_expires_at: "2022-01-26T18:07:39.000000Z",
- point_expires_in_days: 5544,
- is_exclusive: false,
- subject: "money",
- amount_based_point_rules: [{
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
- "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
- "subject_less_than": 5000
- }, {
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
- "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
- "subject_less_than": 5000
+ blacklisted_product_rules: [{
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
}, {
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
- "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
- "subject_less_than": 5000
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
}, {
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
- "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
- "subject_less_than": 5000
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
}, {
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
- "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
- "subject_less_than": 5000
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
}, {
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
- "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
- "subject_less_than": 5000
- }],
- product_based_point_rules: [{
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
"product_code": "4912345678904",
- "is_multiply_by_count": true,
- "required_count": 2
+ "classification_code": "c123"
}, {
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
"product_code": "4912345678904",
- "is_multiply_by_count": true,
- "required_count": 2
+ "classification_code": "c123"
}, {
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
"product_code": "4912345678904",
- "is_multiply_by_count": true,
- "required_count": 2
+ "classification_code": "c123"
- applicable_days_of_week: [2, 1, 6, 2, 6, 3, 3, 0],
+ applicable_days_of_week: [6, 1, 4, 2, 6, 4, 3, 2, 2, 0],
applicable_time_ranges: [{
"from": "12:00",
"to": "23:59"
@@ -8051,27 +8402,20 @@ test('Check CreateCampaign | 18', async () => {
}, {
"from": "12:00",
"to": "23:59"
- }, {
- "from": "12:00",
- "to": "23:59"
- }, {
- "from": "12:00",
- "to": "23:59"
- }, {
- "from": "12:00",
- "to": "23:59"
- applicable_shop_ids: ["b68a9639-b5d8-42be-923c-7460a3d67d9b", "602b3e58-dfd3-4a06-8f60-d6ebbf04e0bd", "0d36dcfd-ad8b-499b-9bd7-f284721f8614", "d9a7709f-86ab-4810-8da2-0f0bb30c8576", "8933d367-45f7-424d-a4fd-7f43eff5a336", "6b5fd159-daf3-441a-a585-941b989bba51", "90841a56-382a-4506-8206-964dff036406", "6f11e2b6-6a82-4331-85b5-b842aa70dd53", "35a63682-cacc-4e52-9442-2fb41a57449c", "4beb9ef0-e49c-4d68-b06a-ff626ca0b6de"],
- minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 5749,
- exist_in_each_product_groups: true,
- max_point_amount: 9986,
- max_total_point_amount: 4535,
- dest_private_money_id: "6cbe9517-329d-4dab-9dd1-3afdea31d584",
+ applicable_shop_ids: ["19760078-71e1-44d3-92f5-00aa990d70bb", "74899646-7783-4423-a501-fe7667f81c87", "b02d11e3-257c-47ea-b373-c02b8874d80c", "77441aaf-bc1f-41af-95b2-3ad1672e8fee", "cb77e988-6303-4e5e-b833-dee7beb678db", "95ece3be-7ed7-4916-86c8-257f34d20737", "78c9a768-24bc-46bd-8630-aaa689c4450f", "6cee271f-ecd4-4902-8438-ce2742d3e903", "2fa4d94e-c768-4c37-a5ef-3e1f8999785b", "0c6c4b4f-c0a9-4810-97a8-c13a67601118"],
+ minimum_number_of_products: 695,
+ minimum_number_of_amount: 3627,
+ minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 5402,
+ exist_in_each_product_groups: false,
+ max_point_amount: 8829,
+ max_total_point_amount: 4980,
+ dest_private_money_id: "760504bc-ab2e-43ea-9dcf-838067b7f47b",
applicable_account_metadata: {
"key": "sex",
"value": "male"
- budget_caps_amount: 531149341
+ budget_caps_amount: 983324416
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -8083,23 +8427,23 @@ test('Check CreateCampaign | 18', async () => {
-test('Check CreateCampaign | 19', async () => {
+test('Check CreateCampaign | 22', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateCampaign({
- name: "xaPzoaDv6U6SXLkHad9cOSRej1Twb2rvpiwJLSyhoqY6ZnwMWmZEdo3TtkAPfziyB2HYxaSuFevcjssU2Qn83gWH7hF0T8Nh7eoO6asjOox0RRzWzgJ8qllmxnkMgshIHzbucfDhID3qemlo7JMNmGUe8JtqofMq1TyFcW0Uu",
- private_money_id: "291366db-519c-429e-bf63-0e23dc6061b5",
- starts_at: "2022-10-05T11:24:43.000000Z",
- ends_at: "2021-06-19T15:02:13.000000Z",
- priority: 5525,
+ name: "BIPqdCDvWnTRvriMMqT8Y2wPxWWXEUoqg0zXsuvc8LF4mbP1hyPDbNVjct5yQNjVn35rDh040vhQYw5VlT5PtGoiFuhhxPNxJedAo6IB1JwI4HtHPlHFEuPGo3",
+ private_money_id: "787a93c7-7ceb-460d-a428-a1f98945efe7",
+ starts_at: "2020-02-28T15:38:38.000000Z",
+ ends_at: "2021-01-29T22:29:35.000000Z",
+ priority: 5711,
event: "external-transaction",
- bear_point_shop_id: "440b88ff-2ba0-4dc8-970e-6365cf4ab4af",
- description: "KxXdEg3OxGlsZaVSpjoQ6ffYAe6kpXiCTiSBUIe5iqIMOcjyqBKlSFGLuqDn2oMYRFh8c",
+ bear_point_shop_id: "11f10eef-2e78-4cb0-9206-8dd2ef518714",
+ description: "gJ8qllmxnkMgshIHzbucfDhID3qemlo7JMNmGUe8Jtqof",
status: "disabled",
- point_expires_at: "2020-11-20T21:21:50.000000Z",
- point_expires_in_days: 5811,
- is_exclusive: false,
- subject: "money",
+ point_expires_at: "2020-03-23T11:05:38.000000Z",
+ point_expires_in_days: 5114,
+ is_exclusive: true,
+ subject: "all",
amount_based_point_rules: [{
"point_amount": 5,
"point_amount_unit": "percent",
@@ -8120,6 +8464,26 @@ test('Check CreateCampaign | 19', async () => {
"point_amount_unit": "percent",
"subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
"subject_less_than": 5000
+ }, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
+ "subject_less_than": 5000
+ }, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
+ "subject_less_than": 5000
+ }, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
+ "subject_less_than": 5000
+ }, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
+ "subject_less_than": 5000
product_based_point_rules: [{
"point_amount": 5,
@@ -8128,7 +8492,11 @@ test('Check CreateCampaign | 19', async () => {
"is_multiply_by_count": true,
"required_count": 2
- applicable_days_of_week: [6, 3],
+ blacklisted_product_rules: [{
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }],
+ applicable_days_of_week: [5, 3, 4, 6, 3, 3],
applicable_time_ranges: [{
"from": "12:00",
"to": "23:59"
@@ -8138,18 +8506,29 @@ test('Check CreateCampaign | 19', async () => {
}, {
"from": "12:00",
"to": "23:59"
+ }, {
+ "from": "12:00",
+ "to": "23:59"
+ }, {
+ "from": "12:00",
+ "to": "23:59"
+ }, {
+ "from": "12:00",
+ "to": "23:59"
- applicable_shop_ids: ["a51d3260-0821-456a-9967-c3788176e191", "f93312b3-a62d-4823-93e7-ab548bb88620", "b0dd32ca-35cb-462c-88f9-9a0daf1b7736", "d6883e8c-9b19-4664-908b-1dfef0b7e49c", "421d07c2-5abf-4e0e-87fc-e721a064a981", "c6b446e2-0f33-4df9-ab9e-9b075b5dda7b", "b0caef1d-d9ad-4659-89d9-8356833c55d2", "d3b8cc5a-9194-43b4-aa87-4d646e25439c"],
- minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 3244,
- exist_in_each_product_groups: false,
- max_point_amount: 4231,
- max_total_point_amount: 2580,
- dest_private_money_id: "c881f9fd-d447-4459-9161-c9a1f6dc1a3d",
+ applicable_shop_ids: ["1485bae7-bc91-4b7e-9532-97d31ed5ecfc", "0f960c70-0f8a-42c4-afe5-32c718d50ec0", "8f4a6f72-b920-4379-8abb-2683f77d6349", "fc204909-3519-4d1e-bd35-8d5d3d169acf", "159ee39a-ee51-45d1-b925-4fc7dbd3f582", "1365dc6f-fa85-4a9f-92e5-2926fd531d68"],
+ minimum_number_of_products: 9233,
+ minimum_number_of_amount: 4834,
+ minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 6942,
+ exist_in_each_product_groups: true,
+ max_point_amount: 2896,
+ max_total_point_amount: 7167,
+ dest_private_money_id: "8eac67b2-059c-451c-af01-3e21d210b388",
applicable_account_metadata: {
"key": "sex",
"value": "male"
- budget_caps_amount: 749440476
+ budget_caps_amount: 1835558922
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -8165,7 +8544,7 @@ test('Check ListCampaigns | 0', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new ListCampaigns({
- private_money_id: "1029f3a2-29b0-4851-9740-e009da5deadf"
+ private_money_id: "e97d96a6-4994-49cd-9ab3-81e6fe93b873"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -8181,8 +8560,8 @@ test('Check ListCampaigns | 1', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new ListCampaigns({
- private_money_id: "1029f3a2-29b0-4851-9740-e009da5deadf",
- per_page: 17
+ private_money_id: "e97d96a6-4994-49cd-9ab3-81e6fe93b873",
+ per_page: 28
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -8198,9 +8577,9 @@ test('Check ListCampaigns | 2', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new ListCampaigns({
- private_money_id: "1029f3a2-29b0-4851-9740-e009da5deadf",
- page: 6468,
- per_page: 35
+ private_money_id: "e97d96a6-4994-49cd-9ab3-81e6fe93b873",
+ page: 8812,
+ per_page: 33
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -8216,10 +8595,10 @@ test('Check ListCampaigns | 3', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new ListCampaigns({
- private_money_id: "1029f3a2-29b0-4851-9740-e009da5deadf",
- available_to: "2023-10-26T19:25:16.000000Z",
- page: 3633,
- per_page: 37
+ private_money_id: "e97d96a6-4994-49cd-9ab3-81e6fe93b873",
+ available_to: "2020-07-14T14:34:50.000000Z",
+ page: 5746,
+ per_page: 25
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -8235,11 +8614,11 @@ test('Check ListCampaigns | 4', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new ListCampaigns({
- private_money_id: "1029f3a2-29b0-4851-9740-e009da5deadf",
- available_from: "2023-02-14T10:16:52.000000Z",
- available_to: "2020-06-07T11:35:32.000000Z",
- page: 6089,
- per_page: 21
+ private_money_id: "e97d96a6-4994-49cd-9ab3-81e6fe93b873",
+ available_from: "2022-02-21T01:02:48.000000Z",
+ available_to: "2022-04-09T08:29:11.000000Z",
+ page: 408,
+ per_page: 35
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -8255,12 +8634,12 @@ test('Check ListCampaigns | 5', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new ListCampaigns({
- private_money_id: "1029f3a2-29b0-4851-9740-e009da5deadf",
- is_ongoing: true,
- available_from: "2022-03-30T07:03:15.000000Z",
- available_to: "2023-05-29T03:53:29.000000Z",
- page: 2268,
- per_page: 1
+ private_money_id: "e97d96a6-4994-49cd-9ab3-81e6fe93b873",
+ is_ongoing: false,
+ available_from: "2023-05-31T11:07:36.000000Z",
+ available_to: "2022-07-22T02:58:39.000000Z",
+ page: 3467,
+ per_page: 35
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -8276,7 +8655,7 @@ test('Check GetCampaign | 0', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new GetCampaign({
- campaign_id: "271b4b7b-4908-4820-81af-8b927793bea2"
+ campaign_id: "663770d7-bf54-4cf0-86b6-9fb6e0dc55af"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -8292,7 +8671,7 @@ test('Check UpdateCampaign | 0', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new UpdateCampaign({
- campaign_id: "60426a39-a2a2-46ce-81b8-2ba4c472a9e8"
+ campaign_id: "b1dc9469-075b-4d47-aab1-8b97ded3fe86"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -8308,8 +8687,8 @@ test('Check UpdateCampaign | 1', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new UpdateCampaign({
- campaign_id: "60426a39-a2a2-46ce-81b8-2ba4c472a9e8",
- budget_caps_amount: 1827247006
+ campaign_id: "b1dc9469-075b-4d47-aab1-8b97ded3fe86",
+ budget_caps_amount: 1846048109
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -8325,12 +8704,12 @@ test('Check UpdateCampaign | 2', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new UpdateCampaign({
- campaign_id: "60426a39-a2a2-46ce-81b8-2ba4c472a9e8",
+ campaign_id: "b1dc9469-075b-4d47-aab1-8b97ded3fe86",
applicable_account_metadata: {
"key": "sex",
"value": "male"
- budget_caps_amount: 1019556332
+ budget_caps_amount: 1161308371
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -8346,13 +8725,13 @@ test('Check UpdateCampaign | 3', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new UpdateCampaign({
- campaign_id: "60426a39-a2a2-46ce-81b8-2ba4c472a9e8",
- max_total_point_amount: 8352,
+ campaign_id: "b1dc9469-075b-4d47-aab1-8b97ded3fe86",
+ max_total_point_amount: 5715,
applicable_account_metadata: {
"key": "sex",
"value": "male"
- budget_caps_amount: 712591019
+ budget_caps_amount: 1062068093
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -8368,14 +8747,14 @@ test('Check UpdateCampaign | 4', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new UpdateCampaign({
- campaign_id: "60426a39-a2a2-46ce-81b8-2ba4c472a9e8",
- max_point_amount: 5025,
- max_total_point_amount: 3969,
+ campaign_id: "b1dc9469-075b-4d47-aab1-8b97ded3fe86",
+ max_point_amount: 6330,
+ max_total_point_amount: 8831,
applicable_account_metadata: {
"key": "sex",
"value": "male"
- budget_caps_amount: 981138288
+ budget_caps_amount: 769812961
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -8391,15 +8770,15 @@ test('Check UpdateCampaign | 5', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new UpdateCampaign({
- campaign_id: "60426a39-a2a2-46ce-81b8-2ba4c472a9e8",
+ campaign_id: "b1dc9469-075b-4d47-aab1-8b97ded3fe86",
exist_in_each_product_groups: true,
- max_point_amount: 9684,
- max_total_point_amount: 9375,
+ max_point_amount: 1270,
+ max_total_point_amount: 124,
applicable_account_metadata: {
"key": "sex",
"value": "male"
- budget_caps_amount: 1031147602
+ budget_caps_amount: 173694542
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -8415,16 +8794,16 @@ test('Check UpdateCampaign | 6', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new UpdateCampaign({
- campaign_id: "60426a39-a2a2-46ce-81b8-2ba4c472a9e8",
- minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 2340,
+ campaign_id: "b1dc9469-075b-4d47-aab1-8b97ded3fe86",
+ minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 2135,
exist_in_each_product_groups: true,
- max_point_amount: 1626,
- max_total_point_amount: 5953,
+ max_point_amount: 1276,
+ max_total_point_amount: 9060,
applicable_account_metadata: {
"key": "sex",
"value": "male"
- budget_caps_amount: 384433878
+ budget_caps_amount: 1165020838
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -8440,17 +8819,17 @@ test('Check UpdateCampaign | 7', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new UpdateCampaign({
- campaign_id: "60426a39-a2a2-46ce-81b8-2ba4c472a9e8",
- applicable_shop_ids: ["f934281f-712c-470b-8810-edf5defae4c7"],
- minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 1075,
+ campaign_id: "b1dc9469-075b-4d47-aab1-8b97ded3fe86",
+ minimum_number_of_amount: 3475,
+ minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 5299,
exist_in_each_product_groups: false,
- max_point_amount: 1754,
- max_total_point_amount: 997,
+ max_point_amount: 6011,
+ max_total_point_amount: 5516,
applicable_account_metadata: {
"key": "sex",
"value": "male"
- budget_caps_amount: 586908290
+ budget_caps_amount: 1777436902
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -8466,27 +8845,18 @@ test('Check UpdateCampaign | 8', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new UpdateCampaign({
- campaign_id: "60426a39-a2a2-46ce-81b8-2ba4c472a9e8",
- applicable_time_ranges: [{
- "from": "12:00",
- "to": "23:59"
- }, {
- "from": "12:00",
- "to": "23:59"
- }, {
- "from": "12:00",
- "to": "23:59"
- }],
- applicable_shop_ids: ["c07475ff-69d1-4d9f-a59a-b4c3fb061e0f", "8287ffb3-d8dd-40b9-8160-fda2aedeae97", "dfd8438c-4abb-4f6e-9a84-c942c72bd255", "0a12ce76-c634-4e15-8746-702cf4e47138", "8aa40edf-eede-4003-8bca-0ddd6539b922", "85395937-f655-46af-97fa-ccf96ccd7806"],
- minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 4499,
+ campaign_id: "b1dc9469-075b-4d47-aab1-8b97ded3fe86",
+ minimum_number_of_products: 2258,
+ minimum_number_of_amount: 9990,
+ minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 4946,
exist_in_each_product_groups: true,
- max_point_amount: 3600,
- max_total_point_amount: 7071,
+ max_point_amount: 3456,
+ max_total_point_amount: 7634,
applicable_account_metadata: {
"key": "sex",
"value": "male"
- budget_caps_amount: 2667324
+ budget_caps_amount: 1301092573
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -8502,22 +8872,54 @@ test('Check UpdateCampaign | 9', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new UpdateCampaign({
- campaign_id: "60426a39-a2a2-46ce-81b8-2ba4c472a9e8",
- applicable_days_of_week: [3, 1, 5, 6, 4, 1, 2, 3],
+ campaign_id: "b1dc9469-075b-4d47-aab1-8b97ded3fe86",
+ applicable_shop_ids: ["4bbd3162-b4bb-4f35-b1a5-46ba6148651b", "cda6d07a-1155-4544-aa81-b166dcba48f9", "ae7c1721-ee2a-4ec7-8270-e69fcc091380", "1c897513-09ce-47a6-9e6b-68493eed742b", "ac9ee7e9-c302-4e55-845b-fc98e531b5ae", "1e361976-63f3-4583-baab-1764889ba0a5", "b57c3e30-6037-4bbd-8c69-5b82ea40fb33", "8e158dc7-99f9-4fbc-99ad-1a86bddc371e"],
+ minimum_number_of_products: 9363,
+ minimum_number_of_amount: 1299,
+ minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 4422,
+ exist_in_each_product_groups: true,
+ max_point_amount: 2933,
+ max_total_point_amount: 6728,
+ applicable_account_metadata: {
+ "key": "sex",
+ "value": "male"
+ },
+ budget_caps_amount: 233495880
+ }));
+ status = response.code;
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (axios.isAxiosError(e) && e.response) {
+ status = e.response.status;
+ }
+ }
+ expect(typeof status).toBe('number');
+ expect(status).not.toBe(400);
+test('Check UpdateCampaign | 10', async () => {
+ let status = 400;
+ try {
+ const response: Response = await client.send(new UpdateCampaign({
+ campaign_id: "b1dc9469-075b-4d47-aab1-8b97ded3fe86",
applicable_time_ranges: [{
"from": "12:00",
"to": "23:59"
+ }, {
+ "from": "12:00",
+ "to": "23:59"
- applicable_shop_ids: ["dddd63af-fde3-486d-90c9-4571c3cdcfe4", "c95b2ba7-3998-43ed-8076-001fc0eaa9a0", "67fa75ba-82d4-473c-9638-899ef669e4d2", "ffbbc042-f8fa-4aa3-991a-425ffa6bdd70", "25556a15-a6de-4e08-b080-46e7eb6c87aa"],
- minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 618,
+ applicable_shop_ids: ["1ed1f2c7-d3a2-4058-af35-53e03c81bd2e", "f3b70088-e1ba-4a0f-9550-f6843e6f4da2"],
+ minimum_number_of_products: 1838,
+ minimum_number_of_amount: 5548,
+ minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 160,
exist_in_each_product_groups: true,
- max_point_amount: 8579,
- max_total_point_amount: 2970,
+ max_point_amount: 7207,
+ max_total_point_amount: 2538,
applicable_account_metadata: {
"key": "sex",
"value": "male"
- budget_caps_amount: 945599052
+ budget_caps_amount: 39477703
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -8529,19 +8931,12 @@ test('Check UpdateCampaign | 9', async () => {
-test('Check UpdateCampaign | 10', async () => {
+test('Check UpdateCampaign | 11', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new UpdateCampaign({
- campaign_id: "60426a39-a2a2-46ce-81b8-2ba4c472a9e8",
- product_based_point_rules: [{
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
- "product_code": "4912345678904",
- "is_multiply_by_count": true,
- "required_count": 2
- }],
- applicable_days_of_week: [5, 3, 3, 5, 2, 2, 4, 1],
+ campaign_id: "b1dc9469-075b-4d47-aab1-8b97ded3fe86",
+ applicable_days_of_week: [2, 6, 3, 3, 2, 5],
applicable_time_ranges: [{
"from": "12:00",
"to": "23:59"
@@ -8557,17 +8952,28 @@ test('Check UpdateCampaign | 10', async () => {
}, {
"from": "12:00",
"to": "23:59"
+ }, {
+ "from": "12:00",
+ "to": "23:59"
+ }, {
+ "from": "12:00",
+ "to": "23:59"
+ }, {
+ "from": "12:00",
+ "to": "23:59"
- applicable_shop_ids: ["b51020a3-76ad-44d1-9f3e-7d4426219476", "67d3e939-405b-4e54-8ed7-95b3ed4fd8df", "002e5c04-762f-46f4-af97-f56eecab59f2", "0c10f216-bbf5-44b5-843d-ac0159bd5f2e", "0cd2aef8-9e78-4f9b-92a7-f78d8c1b9d97", "d973c19d-9522-4edc-8731-d22eff86566b", "95479d96-ef22-497d-88e9-aa5200c399b4", "cd651564-4b61-44d4-9304-ed5456fd4db4", "75d3759f-b13f-4830-b1fb-a893c52a265e"],
- minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 641,
+ applicable_shop_ids: ["4632bf59-dcb5-4049-b69d-11762472c923", "11cf33fe-56bb-4759-a17c-e44a9d4338aa", "5f77f094-7128-4e7f-bc71-8d454c8014e3", "0cafe261-eeee-4a73-9373-1fd0940982b2"],
+ minimum_number_of_products: 2184,
+ minimum_number_of_amount: 9496,
+ minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 5902,
exist_in_each_product_groups: true,
- max_point_amount: 8666,
- max_total_point_amount: 3771,
+ max_point_amount: 8382,
+ max_total_point_amount: 230,
applicable_account_metadata: {
"key": "sex",
"value": "male"
- budget_caps_amount: 1970190781
+ budget_caps_amount: 144380158
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -8579,104 +8985,43 @@ test('Check UpdateCampaign | 10', async () => {
-test('Check UpdateCampaign | 11', async () => {
+test('Check UpdateCampaign | 12', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new UpdateCampaign({
- campaign_id: "60426a39-a2a2-46ce-81b8-2ba4c472a9e8",
- amount_based_point_rules: [{
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
- "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
- "subject_less_than": 5000
- }, {
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
- "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
- "subject_less_than": 5000
- }, {
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
- "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
- "subject_less_than": 5000
- }, {
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
- "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
- "subject_less_than": 5000
- }, {
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
- "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
- "subject_less_than": 5000
- }, {
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
- "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
- "subject_less_than": 5000
- }],
- product_based_point_rules: [{
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ campaign_id: "b1dc9469-075b-4d47-aab1-8b97ded3fe86",
+ blacklisted_product_rules: [{
"product_code": "4912345678904",
- "is_multiply_by_count": true,
- "required_count": 2
+ "classification_code": "c123"
}, {
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
"product_code": "4912345678904",
- "is_multiply_by_count": true,
- "required_count": 2
+ "classification_code": "c123"
}, {
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
"product_code": "4912345678904",
- "is_multiply_by_count": true,
- "required_count": 2
+ "classification_code": "c123"
}, {
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
"product_code": "4912345678904",
- "is_multiply_by_count": true,
- "required_count": 2
+ "classification_code": "c123"
}, {
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
"product_code": "4912345678904",
- "is_multiply_by_count": true,
- "required_count": 2
+ "classification_code": "c123"
}, {
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
"product_code": "4912345678904",
- "is_multiply_by_count": true,
- "required_count": 2
+ "classification_code": "c123"
}, {
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
"product_code": "4912345678904",
- "is_multiply_by_count": true,
- "required_count": 2
+ "classification_code": "c123"
}, {
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
"product_code": "4912345678904",
- "is_multiply_by_count": true,
- "required_count": 2
+ "classification_code": "c123"
}, {
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
"product_code": "4912345678904",
- "is_multiply_by_count": true,
- "required_count": 2
+ "classification_code": "c123"
}, {
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
"product_code": "4912345678904",
- "is_multiply_by_count": true,
- "required_count": 2
+ "classification_code": "c123"
- applicable_days_of_week: [5, 3, 1, 2, 5, 0],
+ applicable_days_of_week: [3, 3, 5, 0, 1, 3, 2],
applicable_time_ranges: [{
"from": "12:00",
"to": "23:59"
@@ -8695,17 +9040,25 @@ test('Check UpdateCampaign | 11', async () => {
}, {
"from": "12:00",
"to": "23:59"
+ }, {
+ "from": "12:00",
+ "to": "23:59"
+ }, {
+ "from": "12:00",
+ "to": "23:59"
- applicable_shop_ids: ["9472aaef-7889-4004-b503-169ce226f420", "442ccffc-fa52-4cb8-a594-2c92aef5f4c8", "bded2d5b-1c2b-49c4-a521-1549582c3172", "09208be7-cd33-4a08-b83b-df143b10c829", "a7cbdf55-307b-4944-9c69-60f828163ca1", "2011ccde-7f52-47fb-825e-7ed14b48fd20", "98228a9f-6d1f-4f95-93a1-d14fb04b8819"],
- minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 6753,
+ applicable_shop_ids: ["2845dee1-e5ae-4111-ae0f-01514eafcce2", "aaea48d6-893a-4494-91cd-07398f70a35a", "2b95aab6-6c86-4dd2-87b0-49ebf6138ebc", "0cd7e98f-d043-4418-9873-3f1470955c26", "cbebc1d0-9be4-4922-baf7-0c90e3471f45", "912395f2-bc1d-4e7d-acb5-da116b009b6d", "29590a58-3988-4708-abbe-68296e105dc7", "3333f13f-cbfa-46f5-8c02-e58553d9c527", "4530dad7-5833-4546-abd7-807f3added3e", "83e6959a-1469-448d-b9da-4468386e4949"],
+ minimum_number_of_products: 6652,
+ minimum_number_of_amount: 3899,
+ minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 9776,
exist_in_each_product_groups: false,
- max_point_amount: 3616,
- max_total_point_amount: 8953,
+ max_point_amount: 4496,
+ max_total_point_amount: 7383,
applicable_account_metadata: {
"key": "sex",
"value": "male"
- budget_caps_amount: 2007692491
+ budget_caps_amount: 1025667088
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -8717,18 +9070,86 @@ test('Check UpdateCampaign | 11', async () => {
-test('Check UpdateCampaign | 12', async () => {
+test('Check UpdateCampaign | 13', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new UpdateCampaign({
- campaign_id: "60426a39-a2a2-46ce-81b8-2ba4c472a9e8",
- subject: "all",
- amount_based_point_rules: [{
+ campaign_id: "b1dc9469-075b-4d47-aab1-8b97ded3fe86",
+ product_based_point_rules: [{
"point_amount": 5,
"point_amount_unit": "percent",
- "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
- "subject_less_than": 5000
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "is_multiply_by_count": true,
+ "required_count": 2
+ }, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "is_multiply_by_count": true,
+ "required_count": 2
+ }],
+ blacklisted_product_rules: [{
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }],
+ applicable_days_of_week: [0, 6, 3, 6, 6, 1],
+ applicable_time_ranges: [{
+ "from": "12:00",
+ "to": "23:59"
+ }, {
+ "from": "12:00",
+ "to": "23:59"
+ }, {
+ "from": "12:00",
+ "to": "23:59"
+ }, {
+ "from": "12:00",
+ "to": "23:59"
+ }, {
+ "from": "12:00",
+ "to": "23:59"
+ }, {
+ "from": "12:00",
+ "to": "23:59"
+ }, {
+ "from": "12:00",
+ "to": "23:59"
+ }, {
+ "from": "12:00",
+ "to": "23:59"
}, {
+ "from": "12:00",
+ "to": "23:59"
+ }],
+ applicable_shop_ids: ["0e2aad56-794a-4929-8ea7-13fd509cda05", "6aae338a-e89b-4004-9c95-f4936f465001", "92c529ce-c410-4920-b827-fcb108e1c009"],
+ minimum_number_of_products: 7373,
+ minimum_number_of_amount: 1994,
+ minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 3980,
+ exist_in_each_product_groups: true,
+ max_point_amount: 4784,
+ max_total_point_amount: 889,
+ applicable_account_metadata: {
+ "key": "sex",
+ "value": "male"
+ },
+ budget_caps_amount: 148336805
+ }));
+ status = response.code;
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (axios.isAxiosError(e) && e.response) {
+ status = e.response.status;
+ }
+ }
+ expect(typeof status).toBe('number');
+ expect(status).not.toBe(400);
+test('Check UpdateCampaign | 14', async () => {
+ let status = 400;
+ try {
+ const response: Response = await client.send(new UpdateCampaign({
+ campaign_id: "b1dc9469-075b-4d47-aab1-8b97ded3fe86",
+ amount_based_point_rules: [{
"point_amount": 5,
"point_amount_unit": "percent",
"subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
@@ -8793,44 +9214,21 @@ test('Check UpdateCampaign | 12', async () => {
"product_code": "4912345678904",
"is_multiply_by_count": true,
"required_count": 2
- }, {
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
- "product_code": "4912345678904",
- "is_multiply_by_count": true,
- "required_count": 2
- }, {
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
- "product_code": "4912345678904",
- "is_multiply_by_count": true,
- "required_count": 2
- }, {
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ }],
+ blacklisted_product_rules: [{
"product_code": "4912345678904",
- "is_multiply_by_count": true,
- "required_count": 2
+ "classification_code": "c123"
}, {
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
"product_code": "4912345678904",
- "is_multiply_by_count": true,
- "required_count": 2
+ "classification_code": "c123"
}, {
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
"product_code": "4912345678904",
- "is_multiply_by_count": true,
- "required_count": 2
+ "classification_code": "c123"
}, {
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
"product_code": "4912345678904",
- "is_multiply_by_count": true,
- "required_count": 2
+ "classification_code": "c123"
- applicable_days_of_week: [2, 1, 1, 6, 4, 3],
+ applicable_days_of_week: [6, 0],
applicable_time_ranges: [{
"from": "12:00",
"to": "23:59"
@@ -8840,23 +9238,19 @@ test('Check UpdateCampaign | 12', async () => {
}, {
"from": "12:00",
"to": "23:59"
- }, {
- "from": "12:00",
- "to": "23:59"
- }, {
- "from": "12:00",
- "to": "23:59"
- applicable_shop_ids: ["3ca2b36f-445f-4388-9206-17a809bf05f3"],
- minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 4360,
- exist_in_each_product_groups: false,
- max_point_amount: 205,
- max_total_point_amount: 1554,
+ applicable_shop_ids: ["f0621bc6-dc0a-46d0-9c10-7175df743982"],
+ minimum_number_of_products: 8390,
+ minimum_number_of_amount: 5437,
+ minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 7632,
+ exist_in_each_product_groups: true,
+ max_point_amount: 1278,
+ max_total_point_amount: 3071,
applicable_account_metadata: {
"key": "sex",
"value": "male"
- budget_caps_amount: 1273944928
+ budget_caps_amount: 1972410865
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -8868,13 +9262,12 @@ test('Check UpdateCampaign | 12', async () => {
-test('Check UpdateCampaign | 13', async () => {
+test('Check UpdateCampaign | 15', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new UpdateCampaign({
- campaign_id: "60426a39-a2a2-46ce-81b8-2ba4c472a9e8",
- is_exclusive: true,
- subject: "all",
+ campaign_id: "b1dc9469-075b-4d47-aab1-8b97ded3fe86",
+ subject: "money",
amount_based_point_rules: [{
"point_amount": 5,
"point_amount_unit": "percent",
@@ -8885,31 +9278,6 @@ test('Check UpdateCampaign | 13', async () => {
"point_amount_unit": "percent",
"subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
"subject_less_than": 5000
- }, {
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
- "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
- "subject_less_than": 5000
- }, {
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
- "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
- "subject_less_than": 5000
- }, {
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
- "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
- "subject_less_than": 5000
- }, {
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
- "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
- "subject_less_than": 5000
- }, {
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
- "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
- "subject_less_than": 5000
product_based_point_rules: [{
"point_amount": 5,
@@ -8923,50 +9291,24 @@ test('Check UpdateCampaign | 13', async () => {
"product_code": "4912345678904",
"is_multiply_by_count": true,
"required_count": 2
- }, {
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
- "product_code": "4912345678904",
- "is_multiply_by_count": true,
- "required_count": 2
- }, {
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
- "product_code": "4912345678904",
- "is_multiply_by_count": true,
- "required_count": 2
- }, {
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ }],
+ blacklisted_product_rules: [{
"product_code": "4912345678904",
- "is_multiply_by_count": true,
- "required_count": 2
+ "classification_code": "c123"
}, {
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
"product_code": "4912345678904",
- "is_multiply_by_count": true,
- "required_count": 2
+ "classification_code": "c123"
}, {
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
"product_code": "4912345678904",
- "is_multiply_by_count": true,
- "required_count": 2
+ "classification_code": "c123"
}, {
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
"product_code": "4912345678904",
- "is_multiply_by_count": true,
- "required_count": 2
+ "classification_code": "c123"
}, {
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
"product_code": "4912345678904",
- "is_multiply_by_count": true,
- "required_count": 2
+ "classification_code": "c123"
- applicable_days_of_week: [2, 6, 6, 4, 1],
+ applicable_days_of_week: [6, 1, 1, 3],
applicable_time_ranges: [{
"from": "12:00",
"to": "23:59"
@@ -8985,23 +9327,19 @@ test('Check UpdateCampaign | 13', async () => {
}, {
"from": "12:00",
"to": "23:59"
- }, {
- "from": "12:00",
- "to": "23:59"
- }, {
- "from": "12:00",
- "to": "23:59"
- applicable_shop_ids: ["944f2b9a-63a3-4bce-af22-1b7f000d4946", "79e8a56c-c102-4cfd-8d84-85a9dc1fcc47", "ffd9c668-871b-4acf-8037-b0cdc78f776a", "57527f0a-d005-4fef-8d9f-45ae768bb684", "cc5754a9-a046-48e9-884c-6ca252efadf4", "0a61a44e-620d-4739-99bb-43f1a5f9db79", "fbc3dfb7-0fa0-418d-92de-2ab5ad53f953"],
- minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 7142,
- exist_in_each_product_groups: true,
- max_point_amount: 1583,
- max_total_point_amount: 380,
+ applicable_shop_ids: ["60548624-851e-43e7-b391-1a02842e45d6", "4b08f189-379a-49e1-a356-4a858f1f9d67", "776b0929-65b5-45ec-9180-ac134a935051"],
+ minimum_number_of_products: 3660,
+ minimum_number_of_amount: 6030,
+ minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 7956,
+ exist_in_each_product_groups: false,
+ max_point_amount: 3775,
+ max_total_point_amount: 1907,
applicable_account_metadata: {
"key": "sex",
"value": "male"
- budget_caps_amount: 758756205
+ budget_caps_amount: 1799661733
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -9013,12 +9351,11 @@ test('Check UpdateCampaign | 13', async () => {
-test('Check UpdateCampaign | 14', async () => {
+test('Check UpdateCampaign | 16', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new UpdateCampaign({
- campaign_id: "60426a39-a2a2-46ce-81b8-2ba4c472a9e8",
- point_expires_in_days: 4021,
+ campaign_id: "b1dc9469-075b-4d47-aab1-8b97ded3fe86",
is_exclusive: true,
subject: "money",
amount_based_point_rules: [{
@@ -9043,14 +9380,15 @@ test('Check UpdateCampaign | 14', async () => {
"product_code": "4912345678904",
"is_multiply_by_count": true,
"required_count": 2
+ }],
+ blacklisted_product_rules: [{
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
}, {
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
"product_code": "4912345678904",
- "is_multiply_by_count": true,
- "required_count": 2
+ "classification_code": "c123"
- applicable_days_of_week: [4, 6],
+ applicable_days_of_week: [5, 2, 2, 1, 6, 5, 1, 6, 6, 4],
applicable_time_ranges: [{
"from": "12:00",
"to": "23:59"
@@ -9063,20 +9401,19 @@ test('Check UpdateCampaign | 14', async () => {
}, {
"from": "12:00",
"to": "23:59"
- }, {
- "from": "12:00",
- "to": "23:59"
- applicable_shop_ids: ["9d8eff32-0a67-46be-aba9-107ac7504cab", "61133e28-ac19-4e28-b046-45c994583ee4", "fa490dce-6453-4da9-80e2-f47c7ebc6e9d"],
- minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 2461,
- exist_in_each_product_groups: false,
- max_point_amount: 2718,
- max_total_point_amount: 6131,
+ applicable_shop_ids: ["cf34b680-c8a3-4b72-9b32-14b45c721506", "aefa6b11-0f76-40a8-ac52-c35b24629dee", "d6b7305e-c230-4d21-962f-dffbde8af631", "438843cb-0ded-453f-8b16-edbcf104e971", "7292d4dd-0989-43bb-8ee8-17f0d817fba0", "e6b55b0b-2df5-4e44-86b1-d741c0791253", "3fcab134-3e90-46c9-8218-4e789c6709f6", "44b73670-805b-4822-8601-f39ba5f626d0"],
+ minimum_number_of_products: 9641,
+ minimum_number_of_amount: 6216,
+ minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 9135,
+ exist_in_each_product_groups: true,
+ max_point_amount: 2658,
+ max_total_point_amount: 4133,
applicable_account_metadata: {
"key": "sex",
"value": "male"
- budget_caps_amount: 1008028717
+ budget_caps_amount: 1540138721
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -9088,15 +9425,14 @@ test('Check UpdateCampaign | 14', async () => {
-test('Check UpdateCampaign | 15', async () => {
+test('Check UpdateCampaign | 17', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new UpdateCampaign({
- campaign_id: "60426a39-a2a2-46ce-81b8-2ba4c472a9e8",
- point_expires_at: "2023-04-13T09:18:16.000000Z",
- point_expires_in_days: 7711,
+ campaign_id: "b1dc9469-075b-4d47-aab1-8b97ded3fe86",
+ point_expires_in_days: 4488,
is_exclusive: true,
- subject: "all",
+ subject: "money",
amount_based_point_rules: [{
"point_amount": 5,
"point_amount_unit": "percent",
@@ -9107,6 +9443,31 @@ test('Check UpdateCampaign | 15', async () => {
"point_amount_unit": "percent",
"subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
"subject_less_than": 5000
+ }, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
+ "subject_less_than": 5000
+ }, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
+ "subject_less_than": 5000
+ }, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
+ "subject_less_than": 5000
+ }, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
+ "subject_less_than": 5000
+ }, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
+ "subject_less_than": 5000
product_based_point_rules: [{
"point_amount": 5,
@@ -9162,14 +9523,30 @@ test('Check UpdateCampaign | 15', async () => {
"product_code": "4912345678904",
"is_multiply_by_count": true,
"required_count": 2
+ }],
+ blacklisted_product_rules: [{
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
}, {
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
"product_code": "4912345678904",
- "is_multiply_by_count": true,
- "required_count": 2
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
- applicable_days_of_week: [3, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 6, 4, 4, 0],
+ applicable_days_of_week: [1, 5, 0, 0, 4, 3, 4, 3],
applicable_time_ranges: [{
"from": "12:00",
"to": "23:59"
@@ -9179,17 +9556,37 @@ test('Check UpdateCampaign | 15', async () => {
}, {
"from": "12:00",
"to": "23:59"
+ }, {
+ "from": "12:00",
+ "to": "23:59"
+ }, {
+ "from": "12:00",
+ "to": "23:59"
+ }, {
+ "from": "12:00",
+ "to": "23:59"
+ }, {
+ "from": "12:00",
+ "to": "23:59"
+ }, {
+ "from": "12:00",
+ "to": "23:59"
+ }, {
+ "from": "12:00",
+ "to": "23:59"
- applicable_shop_ids: ["bfc5f093-73b5-4d99-b675-3f55f4a83851", "a630f16c-daff-46c8-88d7-61bde20bf32c", "a181a801-e19d-4c28-88e4-ef8b901c577b", "66bc007e-3ce6-44ca-877c-e54ba04921ca", "8b280d0c-f61f-4247-8acf-e45bf951b312"],
- minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 4454,
+ applicable_shop_ids: ["665e330b-d2ee-4fbd-8af9-b1f972c70910", "ad5607ce-f065-40b7-9fbe-17b45591cf51", "ebc4bf5c-c5a7-4215-80b2-a29760739c18"],
+ minimum_number_of_products: 1681,
+ minimum_number_of_amount: 1025,
+ minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 4579,
exist_in_each_product_groups: true,
- max_point_amount: 1008,
- max_total_point_amount: 948,
+ max_point_amount: 164,
+ max_total_point_amount: 7355,
applicable_account_metadata: {
"key": "sex",
"value": "male"
- budget_caps_amount: 1535860290
+ budget_caps_amount: 963819398
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -9201,16 +9598,15 @@ test('Check UpdateCampaign | 15', async () => {
-test('Check UpdateCampaign | 16', async () => {
+test('Check UpdateCampaign | 18', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new UpdateCampaign({
- campaign_id: "60426a39-a2a2-46ce-81b8-2ba4c472a9e8",
- status: "disabled",
- point_expires_at: "2021-07-26T18:15:19.000000Z",
- point_expires_in_days: 1584,
- is_exclusive: false,
- subject: "all",
+ campaign_id: "b1dc9469-075b-4d47-aab1-8b97ded3fe86",
+ point_expires_at: "2023-08-03T16:56:06.000000Z",
+ point_expires_in_days: 991,
+ is_exclusive: true,
+ subject: "money",
amount_based_point_rules: [{
"point_amount": 5,
"point_amount_unit": "percent",
@@ -9236,57 +9632,46 @@ test('Check UpdateCampaign | 16', async () => {
"point_amount_unit": "percent",
"subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
"subject_less_than": 5000
- }],
- product_based_point_rules: [{
+ }, {
"point_amount": 5,
"point_amount_unit": "percent",
- "product_code": "4912345678904",
- "is_multiply_by_count": true,
- "required_count": 2
+ "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
+ "subject_less_than": 5000
}, {
"point_amount": 5,
"point_amount_unit": "percent",
- "product_code": "4912345678904",
- "is_multiply_by_count": true,
- "required_count": 2
+ "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
+ "subject_less_than": 5000
}, {
"point_amount": 5,
"point_amount_unit": "percent",
- "product_code": "4912345678904",
- "is_multiply_by_count": true,
- "required_count": 2
- }, {
+ "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
+ "subject_less_than": 5000
+ }],
+ product_based_point_rules: [{
"point_amount": 5,
"point_amount_unit": "percent",
"product_code": "4912345678904",
"is_multiply_by_count": true,
"required_count": 2
+ }],
+ blacklisted_product_rules: [{
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
}, {
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
"product_code": "4912345678904",
- "is_multiply_by_count": true,
- "required_count": 2
+ "classification_code": "c123"
}, {
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
"product_code": "4912345678904",
- "is_multiply_by_count": true,
- "required_count": 2
+ "classification_code": "c123"
}, {
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
"product_code": "4912345678904",
- "is_multiply_by_count": true,
- "required_count": 2
+ "classification_code": "c123"
}, {
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
"product_code": "4912345678904",
- "is_multiply_by_count": true,
- "required_count": 2
+ "classification_code": "c123"
- applicable_days_of_week: [6, 6, 2, 0, 3, 3, 5, 3],
+ applicable_days_of_week: [3, 1],
applicable_time_ranges: [{
"from": "12:00",
"to": "23:59"
@@ -9305,20 +9690,19 @@ test('Check UpdateCampaign | 16', async () => {
}, {
"from": "12:00",
"to": "23:59"
- }, {
- "from": "12:00",
- "to": "23:59"
- applicable_shop_ids: ["a9d5b496-d67c-46f7-8a7d-122105f13f99", "9eec184d-c5d1-4662-9ef0-4903b4deb376", "cc61a1d7-3f64-4b8c-9218-e0db50c9a915", "109928c9-01be-4ee6-b0ea-619488a621b2", "c6ff9025-3d2d-414e-a347-9789832241f0", "74610764-1bb9-4e3a-abd4-6b3c53261b99"],
- minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 9576,
- exist_in_each_product_groups: false,
- max_point_amount: 8807,
- max_total_point_amount: 5129,
+ applicable_shop_ids: ["d4babf2f-2164-4a0c-ba94-dfd0e22c3507", "814cc85f-f6d3-4881-b71e-95505508260e", "8d8b0a12-704a-4730-bd85-57b951e42c95", "e35a3a0b-3f99-4b77-a9e8-be1278e0f1ec", "9b21671b-11c6-4a36-948a-dcc31598c522", "c7fa359d-2e56-4f6c-8d2b-904b7b5a3cc6"],
+ minimum_number_of_products: 6191,
+ minimum_number_of_amount: 876,
+ minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 853,
+ exist_in_each_product_groups: true,
+ max_point_amount: 4550,
+ max_total_point_amount: 2401,
applicable_account_metadata: {
"key": "sex",
"value": "male"
- budget_caps_amount: 1983410747
+ budget_caps_amount: 1380771656
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -9330,16 +9714,15 @@ test('Check UpdateCampaign | 16', async () => {
-test('Check UpdateCampaign | 17', async () => {
+test('Check UpdateCampaign | 19', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new UpdateCampaign({
- campaign_id: "60426a39-a2a2-46ce-81b8-2ba4c472a9e8",
- description: "bzWuGj28bjzoMkUfQZyG6ql9kvIc3ugQfVcwKEOAlMUYblAnOJUw5uYgLUj2LWIHcZ5Kh7Upt9fM2ThdFR4ZGmC3lYSdkRdIHlBo7iMGslQeLzTg9FCP6boJkANEW",
- status: "enabled",
- point_expires_at: "2024-01-15T11:19:12.000000Z",
- point_expires_in_days: 8185,
- is_exclusive: true,
+ campaign_id: "b1dc9469-075b-4d47-aab1-8b97ded3fe86",
+ status: "disabled",
+ point_expires_at: "2022-11-11T20:49:22.000000Z",
+ point_expires_in_days: 2090,
+ is_exclusive: false,
subject: "all",
amount_based_point_rules: [{
"point_amount": 5,
@@ -9356,11 +9739,6 @@ test('Check UpdateCampaign | 17', async () => {
"point_amount_unit": "percent",
"subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
"subject_less_than": 5000
- }, {
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
- "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
- "subject_less_than": 5000
product_based_point_rules: [{
"point_amount": 5,
@@ -9374,24 +9752,31 @@ test('Check UpdateCampaign | 17', async () => {
"product_code": "4912345678904",
"is_multiply_by_count": true,
"required_count": 2
+ }],
+ blacklisted_product_rules: [{
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
}, {
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
"product_code": "4912345678904",
- "is_multiply_by_count": true,
- "required_count": 2
- }],
- applicable_days_of_week: [3, 3],
- applicable_time_ranges: [{
- "from": "12:00",
- "to": "23:59"
+ "classification_code": "c123"
}, {
- "from": "12:00",
- "to": "23:59"
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
}, {
- "from": "12:00",
- "to": "23:59"
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
}, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }],
+ applicable_days_of_week: [2, 3, 1, 1, 3, 6],
+ applicable_time_ranges: [{
"from": "12:00",
"to": "23:59"
}, {
@@ -9401,16 +9786,18 @@ test('Check UpdateCampaign | 17', async () => {
"from": "12:00",
"to": "23:59"
- applicable_shop_ids: ["be4482f2-19a8-4bbf-b4d8-21e429fa81df", "ff911128-3feb-456a-830b-3c5a614a3ab6", "29cb2e06-054b-46de-8f94-8e15e0a7ed10", "03f1cb58-9114-46ad-abe9-3e4db23386f8", "db6524b1-25eb-437f-bd48-f496da81ff14"],
- minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 2005,
- exist_in_each_product_groups: true,
- max_point_amount: 3646,
- max_total_point_amount: 7047,
+ applicable_shop_ids: ["1753db78-907a-461f-9f1a-014665548214", "b5afe7d5-30c6-42b6-82e9-c0683867ad2c"],
+ minimum_number_of_products: 109,
+ minimum_number_of_amount: 8590,
+ minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 970,
+ exist_in_each_product_groups: false,
+ max_point_amount: 4732,
+ max_total_point_amount: 1589,
applicable_account_metadata: {
"key": "sex",
"value": "male"
- budget_caps_amount: 1013151459
+ budget_caps_amount: 1833154823
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -9422,18 +9809,17 @@ test('Check UpdateCampaign | 17', async () => {
-test('Check UpdateCampaign | 18', async () => {
+test('Check UpdateCampaign | 20', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new UpdateCampaign({
- campaign_id: "60426a39-a2a2-46ce-81b8-2ba4c472a9e8",
- event: "topup",
- description: "Rx79qoFTViWGk7rsKgu2ihoMxDsfU3TC1A",
- status: "enabled",
- point_expires_at: "2023-07-09T08:30:48.000000Z",
- point_expires_in_days: 9175,
- is_exclusive: false,
- subject: "money",
+ campaign_id: "b1dc9469-075b-4d47-aab1-8b97ded3fe86",
+ description: "uoOEnKraNjpsN9SjDxtxrgs7e0dkiAA",
+ status: "disabled",
+ point_expires_at: "2023-04-14T04:35:38.000000Z",
+ point_expires_in_days: 5177,
+ is_exclusive: true,
+ subject: "all",
amount_based_point_rules: [{
"point_amount": 5,
"point_amount_unit": "percent",
@@ -9454,6 +9840,31 @@ test('Check UpdateCampaign | 18', async () => {
"point_amount_unit": "percent",
"subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
"subject_less_than": 5000
+ }, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
+ "subject_less_than": 5000
+ }, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
+ "subject_less_than": 5000
+ }, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
+ "subject_less_than": 5000
+ }, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
+ "subject_less_than": 5000
+ }, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
+ "subject_less_than": 5000
product_based_point_rules: [{
"point_amount": 5,
@@ -9479,25 +9890,97 @@ test('Check UpdateCampaign | 18', async () => {
"product_code": "4912345678904",
"is_multiply_by_count": true,
"required_count": 2
+ }, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "is_multiply_by_count": true,
+ "required_count": 2
+ }, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "is_multiply_by_count": true,
+ "required_count": 2
+ }, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "is_multiply_by_count": true,
+ "required_count": 2
- applicable_days_of_week: [1, 5, 4, 6, 4, 0, 0, 6, 3, 6],
+ blacklisted_product_rules: [{
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }],
+ applicable_days_of_week: [1, 6, 4, 3, 2, 3, 1],
applicable_time_ranges: [{
"from": "12:00",
"to": "23:59"
}, {
"from": "12:00",
"to": "23:59"
+ }, {
+ "from": "12:00",
+ "to": "23:59"
+ }, {
+ "from": "12:00",
+ "to": "23:59"
+ }, {
+ "from": "12:00",
+ "to": "23:59"
+ }, {
+ "from": "12:00",
+ "to": "23:59"
+ }, {
+ "from": "12:00",
+ "to": "23:59"
+ }, {
+ "from": "12:00",
+ "to": "23:59"
+ }, {
+ "from": "12:00",
+ "to": "23:59"
- applicable_shop_ids: ["4209664d-71f4-4131-8e17-970797eeb9ce", "b4debd2e-9988-44de-bca4-ebfbdf4dde86", "366f3ad4-f330-4692-97cc-595bfb320709", "65140396-a9d3-45ee-979b-28f984eaa320", "b57a6fcc-cc43-4549-a9e1-10531e325c6d", "e449f5f8-c302-4da1-8f19-28e959b4c261", "86f68ee2-d2f9-4f81-832c-b146b6aec9bd"],
- minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 8359,
- exist_in_each_product_groups: false,
- max_point_amount: 1987,
- max_total_point_amount: 7704,
+ applicable_shop_ids: ["df324786-3dde-44dd-ac76-217ac2ccd605", "9d1e1b42-cd11-4461-babe-2e53af301fc3", "46fbbc45-b028-423d-bbba-fb9f27fbb731", "7661bbe8-a8bd-4360-850c-24479f5b5086", "340bfda0-a3bc-4bb2-a7c5-7c0633462791", "c59cf76b-5deb-42dd-9e0c-ebd05bd30532", "5678ba0d-93ae-4f56-a508-f31dad866a49", "78367916-efd0-41f9-823e-8b372ff08d7b", "8edb5d48-aa3e-4e89-8557-96b7c19cdb24"],
+ minimum_number_of_products: 7775,
+ minimum_number_of_amount: 6886,
+ minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 4520,
+ exist_in_each_product_groups: true,
+ max_point_amount: 5876,
+ max_total_point_amount: 963,
applicable_account_metadata: {
"key": "sex",
"value": "male"
- budget_caps_amount: 1377059414
+ budget_caps_amount: 1405008058
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -9509,17 +9992,16 @@ test('Check UpdateCampaign | 18', async () => {
-test('Check UpdateCampaign | 19', async () => {
+test('Check UpdateCampaign | 21', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new UpdateCampaign({
- campaign_id: "60426a39-a2a2-46ce-81b8-2ba4c472a9e8",
- priority: 3198,
- event: "payment",
- description: "wMvzRhZdC9PIbxRIokrSMcAe6DLpfhwjho9qAj035em2B0e1zQxL4LWrEkUrKUADYaUMS4V1xY0z",
+ campaign_id: "b1dc9469-075b-4d47-aab1-8b97ded3fe86",
+ event: "external-transaction",
+ description: "BB1YNClE0n87A30l6vspNWH9u8x4Yq2mx",
status: "enabled",
- point_expires_at: "2021-09-09T22:47:13.000000Z",
- point_expires_in_days: 8459,
+ point_expires_at: "2023-05-16T03:50:44.000000Z",
+ point_expires_in_days: 74,
is_exclusive: false,
subject: "money",
amount_based_point_rules: [{
@@ -9552,28 +10034,20 @@ test('Check UpdateCampaign | 19', async () => {
"point_amount_unit": "percent",
"subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
"subject_less_than": 5000
- }, {
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
- "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
- "subject_less_than": 5000
- }, {
+ }],
+ product_based_point_rules: [{
"point_amount": 5,
"point_amount_unit": "percent",
- "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
- "subject_less_than": 5000
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "is_multiply_by_count": true,
+ "required_count": 2
}, {
"point_amount": 5,
"point_amount_unit": "percent",
- "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
- "subject_less_than": 5000
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "is_multiply_by_count": true,
+ "required_count": 2
}, {
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
- "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
- "subject_less_than": 5000
- }],
- product_based_point_rules: [{
"point_amount": 5,
"point_amount_unit": "percent",
"product_code": "4912345678904",
@@ -9610,7 +10084,38 @@ test('Check UpdateCampaign | 19', async () => {
"is_multiply_by_count": true,
"required_count": 2
- applicable_days_of_week: [2, 1],
+ blacklisted_product_rules: [{
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }],
+ applicable_days_of_week: [5, 4, 6, 1, 5],
applicable_time_ranges: [{
"from": "12:00",
"to": "23:59"
@@ -9642,16 +10147,18 @@ test('Check UpdateCampaign | 19', async () => {
"from": "12:00",
"to": "23:59"
- applicable_shop_ids: ["5b0a0651-0022-4737-b75b-702fbcc88cc2", "167e148a-f60d-4028-b971-afe9e382d27b", "ac0c702a-f3fa-4bab-8656-cfd1e7757485", "c6ef7a6f-5b16-4007-a53e-d10e90a9d33a", "f1fdb986-0a32-4cdc-a006-f6d824e8e2bd"],
- minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 8762,
+ applicable_shop_ids: ["f8574894-d553-4f6e-8f48-87d3ab29e466"],
+ minimum_number_of_products: 5099,
+ minimum_number_of_amount: 348,
+ minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 180,
exist_in_each_product_groups: true,
- max_point_amount: 3842,
- max_total_point_amount: 2335,
+ max_point_amount: 4204,
+ max_total_point_amount: 8618,
applicable_account_metadata: {
"key": "sex",
"value": "male"
- budget_caps_amount: 1928834827
+ budget_caps_amount: 1222220490
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -9663,25 +10170,29 @@ test('Check UpdateCampaign | 19', async () => {
-test('Check UpdateCampaign | 20', async () => {
+test('Check UpdateCampaign | 22', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new UpdateCampaign({
- campaign_id: "60426a39-a2a2-46ce-81b8-2ba4c472a9e8",
- ends_at: "2023-09-01T15:24:58.000000Z",
- priority: 105,
+ campaign_id: "b1dc9469-075b-4d47-aab1-8b97ded3fe86",
+ priority: 7836,
event: "payment",
- description: "LVlycfdA0sn1Jp9ctBvXrxjspmUg2Jofbfd8lI7ca3oyQQIsUl3rCM2ZMpE4WDor4IADTH",
- status: "enabled",
- point_expires_at: "2023-07-17T21:45:47.000000Z",
- point_expires_in_days: 9056,
- is_exclusive: true,
- subject: "money",
+ description: "11kPUOWIOCC9XRXSkWvgwMdC6YsQVBM615BSLRTB4phpjbt6QHeDKxXdEg3OxGlsZaVSpjoQ6ffYAe6kpXiCTiSBUIe5iqIMOcjyqBKlSFGLuqDn2oMYRFh8cqnV2spFoKb7jYgx3gTJKy6dBb3ykYYVRZ4jdyfD",
+ status: "disabled",
+ point_expires_at: "2020-04-08T14:09:01.000000Z",
+ point_expires_in_days: 5192,
+ is_exclusive: false,
+ subject: "all",
amount_based_point_rules: [{
"point_amount": 5,
"point_amount_unit": "percent",
"subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
"subject_less_than": 5000
+ }, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
+ "subject_less_than": 5000
product_based_point_rules: [{
"point_amount": 5,
@@ -9695,20 +10206,18 @@ test('Check UpdateCampaign | 20', async () => {
"product_code": "4912345678904",
"is_multiply_by_count": true,
"required_count": 2
+ }],
+ blacklisted_product_rules: [{
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
}, {
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
"product_code": "4912345678904",
- "is_multiply_by_count": true,
- "required_count": 2
+ "classification_code": "c123"
}, {
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
"product_code": "4912345678904",
- "is_multiply_by_count": true,
- "required_count": 2
+ "classification_code": "c123"
- applicable_days_of_week: [2],
+ applicable_days_of_week: [1],
applicable_time_ranges: [{
"from": "12:00",
"to": "23:59"
@@ -9733,20 +10242,19 @@ test('Check UpdateCampaign | 20', async () => {
}, {
"from": "12:00",
"to": "23:59"
- }, {
- "from": "12:00",
- "to": "23:59"
- applicable_shop_ids: ["98824c24-130e-49f3-bed7-bfe264b39175", "1aac2b3b-f01e-4795-a807-7c6e8a28f4e2", "fe882e92-953f-4649-9546-57bbd3e5dc6c", "784790ff-bb28-4966-8076-ca6ffc993de2", "f10e83a4-adcf-4220-9f9b-0b94919b3ce3", "0321583a-4e5d-44ec-86d8-244b2aca5de6"],
- minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 4727,
- exist_in_each_product_groups: false,
- max_point_amount: 4370,
- max_total_point_amount: 6752,
+ applicable_shop_ids: ["2749e009-eadf-4e50-8343-a022772edc1c"],
+ minimum_number_of_products: 3633,
+ minimum_number_of_amount: 933,
+ minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 6089,
+ exist_in_each_product_groups: true,
+ max_point_amount: 2813,
+ max_total_point_amount: 8116,
applicable_account_metadata: {
"key": "sex",
"value": "male"
- budget_caps_amount: 853454565
+ budget_caps_amount: 1181237434
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -9758,21 +10266,20 @@ test('Check UpdateCampaign | 20', async () => {
-test('Check UpdateCampaign | 21', async () => {
+test('Check UpdateCampaign | 23', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new UpdateCampaign({
- campaign_id: "60426a39-a2a2-46ce-81b8-2ba4c472a9e8",
- starts_at: "2022-02-08T07:54:57.000000Z",
- ends_at: "2020-09-07T11:07:21.000000Z",
- priority: 6831,
+ campaign_id: "b1dc9469-075b-4d47-aab1-8b97ded3fe86",
+ ends_at: "2021-09-25T13:53:31.000000Z",
+ priority: 4029,
event: "topup",
- description: "3hjtD1VYnThEQOLtlkRPIAeI3C1kLwoSJ0t0xwzgZ3SAsjpAuPQwOMExC1w6ifl9ZUstqj7jJ1Xazd0M0QE8si7WktomTSIs3sss0bSZ1cR5rMDg0iBD",
- status: "enabled",
- point_expires_at: "2023-04-07T15:17:38.000000Z",
- point_expires_in_days: 9523,
- is_exclusive: false,
- subject: "money",
+ description: "9N8hkxoSQFYDUU0HuG332kYdREQC39nZBUv4F8J7UzyDYEv7bctcmIqdmvTV8RBzp0gixsKZWoUeORL98QDv9TW3tonru5DxxR1kiR4daTST401zYU9O5bmxo5R8",
+ status: "disabled",
+ point_expires_at: "2021-12-03T15:45:24.000000Z",
+ point_expires_in_days: 7212,
+ is_exclusive: true,
+ subject: "all",
amount_based_point_rules: [{
"point_amount": 5,
"point_amount_unit": "percent",
@@ -9783,23 +10290,50 @@ test('Check UpdateCampaign | 21', async () => {
"point_amount_unit": "percent",
"subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
"subject_less_than": 5000
+ }],
+ product_based_point_rules: [{
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "is_multiply_by_count": true,
+ "required_count": 2
}, {
"point_amount": 5,
"point_amount_unit": "percent",
- "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
- "subject_less_than": 5000
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "is_multiply_by_count": true,
+ "required_count": 2
}, {
"point_amount": 5,
"point_amount_unit": "percent",
- "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
- "subject_less_than": 5000
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "is_multiply_by_count": true,
+ "required_count": 2
}, {
"point_amount": 5,
"point_amount_unit": "percent",
- "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
- "subject_less_than": 5000
- }],
- product_based_point_rules: [{
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "is_multiply_by_count": true,
+ "required_count": 2
+ }, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "is_multiply_by_count": true,
+ "required_count": 2
+ }, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "is_multiply_by_count": true,
+ "required_count": 2
+ }, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "is_multiply_by_count": true,
+ "required_count": 2
+ }, {
"point_amount": 5,
"point_amount_unit": "percent",
"product_code": "4912345678904",
@@ -9811,8 +10345,24 @@ test('Check UpdateCampaign | 21', async () => {
"product_code": "4912345678904",
"is_multiply_by_count": true,
"required_count": 2
+ }, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "is_multiply_by_count": true,
+ "required_count": 2
+ }],
+ blacklisted_product_rules: [{
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
- applicable_days_of_week: [4, 5, 1, 2, 0, 1, 6],
+ applicable_days_of_week: [3, 0, 0, 3, 4, 1, 5, 3],
applicable_time_ranges: [{
"from": "12:00",
"to": "23:59"
@@ -9822,17 +10372,25 @@ test('Check UpdateCampaign | 21', async () => {
}, {
"from": "12:00",
"to": "23:59"
+ }, {
+ "from": "12:00",
+ "to": "23:59"
+ }, {
+ "from": "12:00",
+ "to": "23:59"
- applicable_shop_ids: ["3d504807-f481-4765-a859-1e493ffa0d5a", "11327ae2-dcbf-427c-8d68-ee363a41cf25", "1e3e25cd-b710-462f-a6bf-f1a5becf2803"],
- minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 956,
- exist_in_each_product_groups: false,
- max_point_amount: 1195,
- max_total_point_amount: 5716,
+ applicable_shop_ids: ["aad860f8-3ca1-4cde-92fb-5d82b3eac05e", "757a7ed1-fd20-4a9f-9f95-1593d5af36a1", "458ad14f-8819-4a60-b31f-e882be0574cf", "b89422f8-f4ca-4679-8e28-a53a9bd28a69", "6b74bc75-730a-4491-a106-a774b08c8733", "bae993de-4f04-4ab0-af5f-338866e78052", "3f1dbc06-17a8-45f3-8753-40ccce9c2a23", "bf738611-db5f-4c60-a926-45a8c22edb34", "10b24f0a-0e46-4816-94c1-15d756dd79de", "fee124ea-6476-4b9a-a3ce-382feab35f22"],
+ minimum_number_of_products: 7040,
+ minimum_number_of_amount: 2375,
+ minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 9581,
+ exist_in_each_product_groups: true,
+ max_point_amount: 8654,
+ max_total_point_amount: 8581,
applicable_account_metadata: {
"key": "sex",
"value": "male"
- budget_caps_amount: 1065507945
+ budget_caps_amount: 1869645226
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -9844,20 +10402,19 @@ test('Check UpdateCampaign | 21', async () => {
-test('Check UpdateCampaign | 22', async () => {
+test('Check UpdateCampaign | 24', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new UpdateCampaign({
- campaign_id: "60426a39-a2a2-46ce-81b8-2ba4c472a9e8",
- name: "8D4Ev7O7TGT70LQ2epxhXvfJrqwCwzvGv5tXB9341AdQSvr2jD2CPBEg6qDXhSH8ha",
- starts_at: "2020-08-30T01:31:18.000000Z",
- ends_at: "2023-01-24T22:16:42.000000Z",
- priority: 132,
- event: "payment",
- description: "0sDTnM",
- status: "enabled",
- point_expires_at: "2023-09-05T03:26:52.000000Z",
- point_expires_in_days: 5501,
+ campaign_id: "b1dc9469-075b-4d47-aab1-8b97ded3fe86",
+ starts_at: "2022-03-11T20:12:55.000000Z",
+ ends_at: "2024-03-04T10:50:16.000000Z",
+ priority: 1819,
+ event: "topup",
+ description: "MjoFiHLtN9Yqy7R5Sel4rqjqD6mB2gz0FIdNSbIrXOBo1I3rdkLB5vuU",
+ status: "disabled",
+ point_expires_at: "2023-04-17T05:00:28.000000Z",
+ point_expires_in_days: 6912,
is_exclusive: true,
subject: "money",
amount_based_point_rules: [{
@@ -9870,6 +10427,36 @@ test('Check UpdateCampaign | 22', async () => {
"point_amount_unit": "percent",
"subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
"subject_less_than": 5000
+ }, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
+ "subject_less_than": 5000
+ }, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
+ "subject_less_than": 5000
+ }, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
+ "subject_less_than": 5000
+ }, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
+ "subject_less_than": 5000
+ }, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
+ "subject_less_than": 5000
+ }, {
+ "point_amount": 5,
+ "point_amount_unit": "percent",
+ "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
+ "subject_less_than": 5000
product_based_point_rules: [{
"point_amount": 5,
@@ -9883,44 +10470,136 @@ test('Check UpdateCampaign | 22', async () => {
"product_code": "4912345678904",
"is_multiply_by_count": true,
"required_count": 2
+ }],
+ blacklisted_product_rules: [{
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
}, {
- "point_amount": 5,
- "point_amount_unit": "percent",
"product_code": "4912345678904",
- "is_multiply_by_count": true,
- "required_count": 2
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }],
+ applicable_days_of_week: [4, 3, 3, 6, 6, 2, 4, 3, 2],
+ applicable_time_ranges: [{
+ "from": "12:00",
+ "to": "23:59"
+ }, {
+ "from": "12:00",
+ "to": "23:59"
+ }, {
+ "from": "12:00",
+ "to": "23:59"
}, {
+ "from": "12:00",
+ "to": "23:59"
+ }, {
+ "from": "12:00",
+ "to": "23:59"
+ }, {
+ "from": "12:00",
+ "to": "23:59"
+ }, {
+ "from": "12:00",
+ "to": "23:59"
+ }, {
+ "from": "12:00",
+ "to": "23:59"
+ }],
+ applicable_shop_ids: ["bcea9165-c034-43ef-b341-bca1eaf31ab7", "407f462f-c7c1-49f3-b4b7-7dc71bce209e", "d4fac0de-4a5a-4460-8b03-cd7d9d4a64cb"],
+ minimum_number_of_products: 391,
+ minimum_number_of_amount: 2150,
+ minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 5757,
+ exist_in_each_product_groups: false,
+ max_point_amount: 2699,
+ max_total_point_amount: 4642,
+ applicable_account_metadata: {
+ "key": "sex",
+ "value": "male"
+ },
+ budget_caps_amount: 99696538
+ }));
+ status = response.code;
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (axios.isAxiosError(e) && e.response) {
+ status = e.response.status;
+ }
+ }
+ expect(typeof status).toBe('number');
+ expect(status).not.toBe(400);
+test('Check UpdateCampaign | 25', async () => {
+ let status = 400;
+ try {
+ const response: Response = await client.send(new UpdateCampaign({
+ campaign_id: "b1dc9469-075b-4d47-aab1-8b97ded3fe86",
+ name: "QbpvWdRIf0j2NcGpd9kTg7fbzWuGj28bjzoMkUfQZyG6ql9kvIc3ugQfVcwKEOAlMUYblAnOJUw5uY",
+ starts_at: "2021-04-23T02:58:38.000000Z",
+ ends_at: "2022-05-06T16:35:51.000000Z",
+ priority: 2645,
+ event: "external-transaction",
+ description: "2LWIHcZ5Kh7Upt9fM2ThdFR4ZGmC3lYSdkRdIHlBo7iMGslQeLzTg9FCP6b",
+ status: "disabled",
+ point_expires_at: "2022-02-27T09:09:30.000000Z",
+ point_expires_in_days: 3006,
+ is_exclusive: true,
+ subject: "money",
+ amount_based_point_rules: [{
"point_amount": 5,
"point_amount_unit": "percent",
- "product_code": "4912345678904",
- "is_multiply_by_count": true,
- "required_count": 2
+ "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
+ "subject_less_than": 5000
}, {
"point_amount": 5,
"point_amount_unit": "percent",
- "product_code": "4912345678904",
- "is_multiply_by_count": true,
- "required_count": 2
+ "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
+ "subject_less_than": 5000
}, {
"point_amount": 5,
"point_amount_unit": "percent",
- "product_code": "4912345678904",
- "is_multiply_by_count": true,
- "required_count": 2
+ "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
+ "subject_less_than": 5000
}, {
"point_amount": 5,
"point_amount_unit": "percent",
- "product_code": "4912345678904",
- "is_multiply_by_count": true,
- "required_count": 2
- }, {
+ "subject_more_than_or_equal": 1000,
+ "subject_less_than": 5000
+ }],
+ product_based_point_rules: [{
"point_amount": 5,
"point_amount_unit": "percent",
"product_code": "4912345678904",
"is_multiply_by_count": true,
"required_count": 2
- applicable_days_of_week: [4, 0, 2, 5, 3, 4, 5],
+ blacklisted_product_rules: [{
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }, {
+ "product_code": "4912345678904",
+ "classification_code": "c123"
+ }],
+ applicable_days_of_week: [5, 3, 6, 5, 1],
applicable_time_ranges: [{
"from": "12:00",
"to": "23:59"
@@ -9930,17 +10609,31 @@ test('Check UpdateCampaign | 22', async () => {
}, {
"from": "12:00",
"to": "23:59"
+ }, {
+ "from": "12:00",
+ "to": "23:59"
+ }, {
+ "from": "12:00",
+ "to": "23:59"
+ }, {
+ "from": "12:00",
+ "to": "23:59"
+ }, {
+ "from": "12:00",
+ "to": "23:59"
- applicable_shop_ids: ["038ae224-1e11-4ec3-a480-679b5f9bb9b8", "3ff61aca-7aa0-405a-a31b-9df1690d0316", "87a1b3c9-e163-4b19-b15a-d62993f765c2", "fe70eb32-1f6e-4c7b-ab3e-941e87943882", "4492bd68-41ad-4777-b5d6-c2f5a680676e", "91621e6e-e6a4-4ee8-b239-6b1ac96133ac"],
- minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 6654,
- exist_in_each_product_groups: false,
- max_point_amount: 7890,
- max_total_point_amount: 3579,
+ applicable_shop_ids: ["5eed2a5a-33b0-4ff8-bc87-d7bd3bb16283", "7cc65c22-1a01-4e6b-af9b-97354412ef2c", "b20969ff-299f-47a4-b2a8-dbbf4edda3f4", "b36db3d8-21e4-41df-a8eb-756aa2aaba43", "619bcd0b-3c5a-4ab6-864b-c6de4440448f", "d2a73794-8e15-4d10-9814-66ada42426eb", "d47cf6e9-3e4d-46f8-b1eb-137f6d912f3d", "07e56a48-f496-4f14-9456-ce3d7c629b86"],
+ minimum_number_of_products: 9329,
+ minimum_number_of_amount: 2850,
+ minimum_number_for_combination_purchase: 531,
+ exist_in_each_product_groups: true,
+ max_point_amount: 3974,
+ max_total_point_amount: 393,
applicable_account_metadata: {
"key": "sex",
"value": "male"
- budget_caps_amount: 286258961
+ budget_caps_amount: 467110137
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -9956,8 +10649,8 @@ test('Check RequestUserStats | 0', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new RequestUserStats({
- from: "2023-11-17T15:01:05.000000Z",
- to: "2024-01-10T09:29:09.000000Z"
+ from: "2020-09-24T12:21:11.000000Z",
+ to: "2021-08-29T03:04:32.000000Z"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -9974,7 +10667,7 @@ test('Check CreateWebhook | 0', async () => {
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateWebhook({
task: "process_user_stats_operation",
- url: "B891rPV7F"
+ url: "oF"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -10004,7 +10697,7 @@ test('Check ListWebhooks | 1', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new ListWebhooks({
- per_page: 1599
+ per_page: 6869
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -10020,8 +10713,8 @@ test('Check ListWebhooks | 2', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new ListWebhooks({
- page: 8293,
- per_page: 6946
+ page: 7472,
+ per_page: 2731
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -10037,7 +10730,7 @@ test('Check UpdateWebhook | 0', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new UpdateWebhook({
- webhook_id: "1357dd08-2644-4a80-a512-1e10d9b922de"
+ webhook_id: "a7551e28-11d6-40e9-97de-ecc70a6d636b"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -10053,7 +10746,7 @@ test('Check UpdateWebhook | 1', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new UpdateWebhook({
- webhook_id: "1357dd08-2644-4a80-a512-1e10d9b922de",
+ webhook_id: "a7551e28-11d6-40e9-97de-ecc70a6d636b",
task: "process_user_stats_operation"
status = response.code;
@@ -10070,8 +10763,8 @@ test('Check UpdateWebhook | 2', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new UpdateWebhook({
- webhook_id: "1357dd08-2644-4a80-a512-1e10d9b922de",
- is_active: true,
+ webhook_id: "a7551e28-11d6-40e9-97de-ecc70a6d636b",
+ is_active: false,
task: "bulk_shops"
status = response.code;
@@ -10088,10 +10781,10 @@ test('Check UpdateWebhook | 3', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new UpdateWebhook({
- webhook_id: "1357dd08-2644-4a80-a512-1e10d9b922de",
- url: "vc",
- is_active: false,
- task: "bulk_shops"
+ webhook_id: "a7551e28-11d6-40e9-97de-ecc70a6d636b",
+ url: "rsKgu2ih",
+ is_active: true,
+ task: "process_user_stats_operation"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -10107,7 +10800,7 @@ test('Check DeleteWebhook | 0', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new DeleteWebhook({
- webhook_id: "f09ba024-80a2-44cf-9a60-7e9d56f684b1"
+ webhook_id: "757ac34d-0129-43a0-b828-78c4e69be2aa"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -10123,7 +10816,7 @@ test('Check CreateUserDevice | 0', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateUserDevice({
- user_id: "1ab73dbc-530a-4a75-bfce-3f20a4f4f41c"
+ user_id: "3ef0155b-df73-4fe6-95b3-029be84e5c80"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -10139,7 +10832,7 @@ test('Check CreateUserDevice | 1', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateUserDevice({
- user_id: "1ab73dbc-530a-4a75-bfce-3f20a4f4f41c",
+ user_id: "3ef0155b-df73-4fe6-95b3-029be84e5c80",
metadata: "{\"user_agent\": \"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:120.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/120.0\"}"
status = response.code;
@@ -10156,7 +10849,7 @@ test('Check GetUserDevice | 0', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new GetUserDevice({
- user_device_id: "c7d6be88-e502-4c42-94a1-cd410a9c1064"
+ user_device_id: "97103bd4-55aa-4e14-838c-d7b19e377bc1"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -10172,7 +10865,7 @@ test('Check ActivateUserDevice | 0', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new ActivateUserDevice({
- user_device_id: "011a7372-0000-449b-ba7c-775f7235b236"
+ user_device_id: "6ae625fc-8f38-4b66-96b5-badc1584cc03"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -10188,10 +10881,10 @@ test('Check CreateBank | 0', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateBank({
- user_device_id: "e313491a-dd0b-41fe-acbc-31ffc78608e6",
- private_money_id: "1d24ee19-477a-4162-a6f1-389da60ac0cb",
- callback_url: "nsG40wZo0RT90mTv9imeNiY62Bc0n5yxxXvKDa0c2v5NvERR1ovUoSMxuwois43hKOtAoX7opuae7lO58Ae6hTnrFSjbB1hiRjTNSU46DKPvyktKcWCyKm4tG2FzeWXxPN6RiMVhZmmGj0TMjPFLM0DLdwVX1nfPZtzGunVJbtCnsdFVcjFxpkr7nBijaa4uqZKlbpHQT4mZQDB6u1kMJt8otXLMwiqJK6MisPTXvJ9AP",
- kana: "WVf0nkI2cpiZrwht02dhTsSxNXBuh"
+ user_device_id: "5ceabfee-19eb-4683-baf9-d5e1eacd3507",
+ private_money_id: "809e5b4d-316f-481c-b62c-d410f3bdb948",
+ callback_url: "FjN16Mt1NNT0LSnWyLCIiaSmxOiabyCFBUZkKwMvzRhZdC9PIbxRIokrSMcAe6DLpfhwjho9qAj035em2B0e1zQxL4LWrEkUrKUADYaUMS4V1xY0z6q9RliuqOBINm4Q77ByqizVQoe2X9mQJiEELVlycfdA0sn1Jp9ctBvXrxjspmUg2Jofbfd8lI7ca3oyQQIsUl3rCM2ZMpE",
+ kana: "WDor4IADTHdTPsjhUsWbu"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -10207,11 +10900,11 @@ test('Check CreateBank | 1', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateBank({
- user_device_id: "e313491a-dd0b-41fe-acbc-31ffc78608e6",
- private_money_id: "1d24ee19-477a-4162-a6f1-389da60ac0cb",
- callback_url: "nsG40wZo0RT90mTv9imeNiY62Bc0n5yxxXvKDa0c2v5NvERR1ovUoSMxuwois43hKOtAoX7opuae7lO58Ae6hTnrFSjbB1hiRjTNSU46DKPvyktKcWCyKm4tG2FzeWXxPN6RiMVhZmmGj0TMjPFLM0DLdwVX1nfPZtzGunVJbtCnsdFVcjFxpkr7nBijaa4uqZKlbpHQT4mZQDB6u1kMJt8otXLMwiqJK6MisPTXvJ9AP",
- kana: "WVf0nkI2cpiZrwht02dhTsSxNXBuh",
- birthdate: "AxPxL"
+ user_device_id: "5ceabfee-19eb-4683-baf9-d5e1eacd3507",
+ private_money_id: "809e5b4d-316f-481c-b62c-d410f3bdb948",
+ callback_url: "FjN16Mt1NNT0LSnWyLCIiaSmxOiabyCFBUZkKwMvzRhZdC9PIbxRIokrSMcAe6DLpfhwjho9qAj035em2B0e1zQxL4LWrEkUrKUADYaUMS4V1xY0z6q9RliuqOBINm4Q77ByqizVQoe2X9mQJiEELVlycfdA0sn1Jp9ctBvXrxjspmUg2Jofbfd8lI7ca3oyQQIsUl3rCM2ZMpE",
+ kana: "WDor4IADTHdTPsjhUsWbu",
+ birthdate: "hnbI"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -10227,12 +10920,12 @@ test('Check CreateBank | 2', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateBank({
- user_device_id: "e313491a-dd0b-41fe-acbc-31ffc78608e6",
- private_money_id: "1d24ee19-477a-4162-a6f1-389da60ac0cb",
- callback_url: "nsG40wZo0RT90mTv9imeNiY62Bc0n5yxxXvKDa0c2v5NvERR1ovUoSMxuwois43hKOtAoX7opuae7lO58Ae6hTnrFSjbB1hiRjTNSU46DKPvyktKcWCyKm4tG2FzeWXxPN6RiMVhZmmGj0TMjPFLM0DLdwVX1nfPZtzGunVJbtCnsdFVcjFxpkr7nBijaa4uqZKlbpHQT4mZQDB6u1kMJt8otXLMwiqJK6MisPTXvJ9AP",
- kana: "WVf0nkI2cpiZrwht02dhTsSxNXBuh",
- email: "gPF7PH9jsP@o3qR.com",
- birthdate: "XC0"
+ user_device_id: "5ceabfee-19eb-4683-baf9-d5e1eacd3507",
+ private_money_id: "809e5b4d-316f-481c-b62c-d410f3bdb948",
+ callback_url: "FjN16Mt1NNT0LSnWyLCIiaSmxOiabyCFBUZkKwMvzRhZdC9PIbxRIokrSMcAe6DLpfhwjho9qAj035em2B0e1zQxL4LWrEkUrKUADYaUMS4V1xY0z6q9RliuqOBINm4Q77ByqizVQoe2X9mQJiEELVlycfdA0sn1Jp9ctBvXrxjspmUg2Jofbfd8lI7ca3oyQQIsUl3rCM2ZMpE",
+ kana: "WDor4IADTHdTPsjhUsWbu",
+ email: "UFlfvobOcl@FXKf.com",
+ birthdate: "dQivs3h"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -10248,7 +10941,7 @@ test('Check ListBanks | 0', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new ListBanks({
- user_device_id: "0399760e-177b-4721-abb6-9da85b2a76e8"
+ user_device_id: "9e9585ea-3721-4a9d-b41f-db2253895544"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -10264,8 +10957,8 @@ test('Check ListBanks | 1', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new ListBanks({
- user_device_id: "0399760e-177b-4721-abb6-9da85b2a76e8",
- private_money_id: "602e3bc8-a0b5-4ff1-abb5-6710ad5b63db"
+ user_device_id: "9e9585ea-3721-4a9d-b41f-db2253895544",
+ private_money_id: "cec34104-64b1-4b8c-96a5-4f590e92a4fb"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -10281,11 +10974,11 @@ test('Check CreateBankTopupTransaction | 0', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new CreateBankTopupTransaction({
- user_device_id: "ee2bc702-0f1f-4fce-b60a-aeacea985e3d",
- private_money_id: "074b32f2-5c20-461f-9c53-d4149d475e71",
- amount: 1544,
- bank_id: "60df8aaf-23fd-4fec-90db-d611c05931e8",
- request_id: "fb148318-6fe3-47bc-81a7-c36c55ce455d"
+ user_device_id: "ca66f5fd-f8ff-406e-bad4-295d6e468868",
+ private_money_id: "7c2943c5-a1e0-4c8a-9dd1-78fecba543cf",
+ amount: 6861,
+ bank_id: "1cb975f4-046c-470a-abde-2f3addeec9dd",
+ request_id: "f09db652-b3d0-44c9-815e-14123e6a6665"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -10301,7 +10994,7 @@ test('Check ListCoupons | 0', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response = await client.send(new ListCoupons({
- private_money_id: "ce18681e-5c83-427d-b862-0de280711893"
+ private_money_id: "b369ca49-cb16-4318-8c81-b9b3476e6801"
status = response.code;
} catch (e) {
@@ -10317,8 +11010,8 @@ test('Check ListCoupons | 1', async () => {
let status = 400;
try {
const response: Response