- AXI4-Stream Demonstration
This document describes a demonstration of an FPGA fabric DMA Controller (CoreAXI4DMAController
transferring 64-bit data over an AXI4-Stream interface.
The demonstration has been implemented as a addition to the PolarFire SoC Icicle Kit Reference Design.
The project has two configurations:
- A hardware configuration; which can be programmed onto the Icicle Kit using Libero SoC
- A simulation configuration; which is run by a Bus Functional Model (BFM) script using the ModelSim simulator.
Both configurations can be generated using the Icicle Kit Reference Design Tcl script by passing
arguments in the "Execute Script" dialogue in Libero Soc.
arguments must be passed to the
script dialogue to generate the hardware or simulation configurations respectively.
Further information on the Icicle Kit Reference Design Generation Tcl Scripts is available on the following GitHub repository.
The project consists of a data source, the AXI4_STREAM_DATA_GENERATOR
module, which is connected to
a fabric DMA Controller using an AXI4-Stream interface.
The DMA Controller directs data it receives to memory, based on a stream descriptor stored in shared
Either non-cached DDR or fabric SRAM is used depending on whether the hardware or simulation
configuration has been generated.
module will output incrementing data up to the value that is written
into its Pattern Count
register over the AXI4-Stream Interface
transfer incrementing data which is output over an AXI4-Stream interface. The size of the AXI4 transfers can be configured by writing to the modules' Pattern Count register. An AXI4-Stream transfer can be initiated by writing to the modules' Start register. Both registers are accessible over the APB interface.
The stream generator module is intended to emulate the functionality of a camera or sensor module which can use a DMA Controller to stream data to memory.
- Libero Soc v2021.3 or later
To run the hardware configuration on the Icicle Kit the following are additionally required:
- PolarFire SoC Icicle Kit (MPFS250T_ES-FCVG484E)
- Serial Terminal program e.g. PuTTY
- SoftConsole v2021.1 or later
Before running the hardware configuration be sure to complete the following steps:
- Power on and connect the Icicle Kit via jumpers J33 and J11.
- Open up a serial connection to the board:
- Choose the COM port corresponding to UART interface 1.
- Set the baud rate to “115200”, set data bits to 8, set flow control to none
The hardware configuration can be generated by passing the AXI4_STREAM_DEMO
argument in the execute
script dialogue when generating the reference design in Libero.
The generated reference design must then be programmed onto the Icicle Kit by following the design
flow in Libero.
Refer to the "Using Libero SoC" section of the PolarFire SoC Software Tool Flow
document for further information on programming the Libero design flow.
There is a companion bare-metal project available with the demonstration that initiates the data stream and verifies the data. The bare metal project can be found in the following GitHub repository: CoreAXI4DMAController.
The bare metal project initiates a dummy AXI4-Stream transfer and reads back all of the streamed values from memory. Messages are printed to UART1, in the event of a data mismatch the program will alert the user.
The simulation configuration can be automatically generated by passing the AXI4_STREAM_DEMO
arguments when generating the reference design in Libero.
To run the demonstration, in the "Stimulus Hierarchy", 'right-click' on the Test_Bench SmartDesign
and selecting "Simulate Pre-Synth Design" and then "Open Interactively".
ModelSim will launch and run the testbench script which will call two BFM scripts, corresponding to
FIC0 and FIC3.
The BFM scripts will set up and initiate a data stream transfer. The streamed data can be verified with the 'Wave view' and the 'Memory List view' in ModelSim.
In the wave view the data being written to SRAM can be seen by observing the 'WDATA' signal in the 'SRAM' group.
The data can also be seen in the Memory List View, by selecting one of the PF_SRAM_AHBL_AXI_CO_PF_TPSRAM_AHB_AXI_0_PF_TPSRAM_RXXCXX
memory instances, with RXXCXX
changing depending on the specific memory instance selected.
The data should appear similar to that shown in the following figure.
The following table describes the ports that are used in the AXI4-Stream interface:
Signal | Width | Direction | Description |
TVALID | 1 | Output | TVALID indicates that the initiator is driving a valid transfer. |
TREADY | 1 | Input | TREADY indicates that the target can accept a transfer in the current cycle. |
TDATA | 32 | Output | TDATA is the channel used to provide data passing across the interface. |
TSTRB | 4 | Output | Each bit of TSTRB indicates whether the content of the associated byte of TDATA is processed as a data byte of a position byte. |
TKEEP | 4 | Output | Asserting TKEEP is used to indicate a transaction of data bytes, de asserting TKEEP indicates a transaction of null bytes. |
TLAST | 1 | Output | Indicates the boundary of a packet. |
TID | 8 | Output | The identifier that indicates different streams of data. |
TDEST | 2 | Output | Provides routing information for the data stream. |
The following table describes the ports that are used in the APB interface:
Signal | Width | Direction | Description |
PENABLE | 1 | Input | Indicates a transaction has begun. |
PSEL | 1 | Input | Indicates this target has been selected. |
PADDR | 32 | Input | Address selected. |
PWRITE | 1 | Input | If high indicates the transaction is a write, otherwise read. |
PRDATA | 32 | Output | Data read from the peripheral. |
PREADY | 1 | Output | Indicates a successful transaction. |
PWDATA | 32 | Input | Write data port. |
PSLVERR | 1 | Output | Always 0, if high, indicates an error has occurred. |
The following table describes the remaining ports:
Signal | Width | Direction | Description |
ACLK | 1 | Input | AXI clock signal, all signal are sampled on a rising edge. |
RSTN | 1 | Input | AXI reset signal, active low. |
PCLK | 1 | Input | APB clock |
PRESETN | 1 | Input | Active high reset signal for APB interface exclusively. |
Register | Offset | Width | R/W | Reset Value | Description |
Pattern Count register | 0x0 | 32 | R/W | 0x0 | The AXI4-Stream data generator will transfer incrementing data up to this value. |
Start register | 0x4 | 1 | W | 0x0 | Used to start the AXI4-Stream. |
Reset register | 0x8 | 1 | W | 0x0 | Module reset. |
The stream transaction generation module is comprised of 3 sub-modules AXI4_STREAM_DATA_GENERATOR_gen.v
generates a stream of incrementing sequential numbers.
is a Finite State Machine sub-module, it is used to determine when
should start or stop producing data.
A state transition diagram for the sub-module can be seen below.
is a register used to store the variable controlling the transfer
A block diagram of the top-level module can be seen below.
This core is usually converted to be an HDL+ core when imported into Libero SoC, this allows BIFs (Bus Interfaces) to be added which collect all AMBA signals for a particular interface into one port for easier interaction and connection using SmartDesigns. The module is intended to be connected via an AXI4-Stream interface to a CoreAXI4DMAController. The module's output will generate incrementing data to benchmark the performance of the system.
The hardware configuration for the demonstration is shown in the following diagram, displaying the connections that are made using only the 'AXI4_STREAM_DEMO' flag. In this configuration, the DMA Controller directs data to memory based on the address specified in the stream descriptor created by the bare metal application. Non-cached DDR is the default memory destination.
Generating the demonstration with the additional 'BFM_SIMULATION' flag will connect the 'AXI4_STREAM_DATA_GENERATOR'
and the 'DMA_CONTROLLER' as shown in the following diagram.
In this configuration, the DMA Controller directs data to fabric SRAM (PF_SRAM_AHBL_AXI
The data written to SRAM can be read back by the MSS using a BFM script.