Releases: polito/students-app
Releases · polito/students-app
What's Changed
Fixes 🔧
- fix(exams): sort exams by date in the TeachingScreen.tsx, Ref #504 by @FabrizioCostaMedich in #505
- fix(login): enable login even when fcm is not enabled, but display warning by @QcFe in #515
- fix(exams): fix exam booked count and available count by @FabrizioCostaMedich in #511
- fix(courses): make search case-insensitive by @FabrizioCostaMedich in #535
- fix(courses): prioritize sorting by date, if they are the same sort by name in increasing order by @FabrizioCostaMedich in #536
- fix(tickets): properly format the text in the tickets and make the links usable by @emacoricciati in #533
- fix(courses): switch courses with no id to a previous edition, if available by @emacoricciati in #532
- fix(courses): Allow user to choose default files view (by folders/by date) by @FabrizioCostaMedich in #531
- fix(login): generate clientID & persist across sessions by @emacoricciati in #526
- fix: add pip videos on iphone, fix navbar on android by @FabrizioCostaMedich in #565
- fix(places): fix cross navigation for exams by @FabrizioCostaMedich in #568
- fix(exams): fix on time exams point by @FabrizioCostaMedich in #569
- fix(login): remove packages and fix getClientId by @miky41195 in #567
- fix(notifications): remove courses notifications by @miky41195 in #571
Build system 🏗️
CI/Pipeline 🛁
- ci: upgrade actions/upload-artifact to v4 in gh build action by @QcFe in #564
- ci: fastlane update + optional sentry by @QcFe in #570
Other Changes
- Avoid blocking the exam if the CPD for another period is not completed by @FabrizioCostaMedich in #555
- Restrict the visibility of available rooms to a limited number of days in the future by @FabrizioCostaMedich in #554
- Allow dual-career students to request an exam rescheduling by @FabrizioCostaMedich in #560
- Fix fcm token update onto patchClient by @FabrizioCostaMedich in #558
- On-time exams by @FabrizioCostaMedich in #562
- Feature/booking and tickets accessibility by @Bri74 in #551
New Contributors
- @miky41195 made their first contribution in #567
Full Changelog: v1.6.6...v1.6.7
What's Changed
Fixes 🔧
- fix: upgrade mapbox version to address ios xcprivacy file issue by @QcFe in #492
- fix(exams): new style exam screens by @FabrizioCostaMedich in #500
- fix(exams): provide a feedback when an exam cannot be booked, Ref #495 by @FabrizioCostaMedich in #499
- fix(teaching): update file name fails if already scheduled by @umbopepato in #496
Full Changelog: v1.6.5...v1.6.6
What's Changed
New Features 🎉
- feat: webmail added by @emacoricciati in #481
- feat(courses): add external links in course info tab by @emacoricciati in #485
Fixes 🔧
- fix(tickets): fix ticket reply sent multiple times by @FabrizioCostaMedich in #491
- fix(courses): fix link indexes by @emacoricciati in #490
- fix(ui): fix bottom modal on rotation by @emacoricciati in #489
- fix(webmail): fix unread count as string by @emacoricciati in #488
- fix(places): max zoom incompatible with tiles max level by @umbopepato in #486
CI/Pipeline 🛁
Other Changes
- fix(agenda): fix tablet agenda view by @emacoricciati in #480
New Contributors
- @FabrizioCostaMedich made their first contribution in #491
Full Changelog: v1.6.4...v1.6.5
What's Changed
New Features 🎉
- feat(messages): added date info to messages by @EgeOnder in #437
- feat(preferences): added an option to hide all grades by @EgeOnder in #440
- feat(teaching): cache course files with readable names by @umbopepato in #443
Fixes 🔧
- fix(ui): show selected state in menu view for Android devices by @lpezzolla in #442
- fix(auth): remove unnecessary "Unauthorized" alert by @EgeOnder in #436
- fix(teaching): detect corrupted files, refresh on click by @umbopepato in #444
- fix(offering): render degree hours if at least one of them is available by @lpezzolla in #463
- fix(bookings): Biennale Tecnologia by @Bri74 in #470
Refactor ♻️
- refactor(transcript): improve appearance of provisional grades by @Bri74 in #446
- refactor(places): switch to in-house font asset loading by @umbopepato in #468
- refactor(agenda): improve lectures appearance in agenda by @lpezzolla in #459
- refactor(bookings): improve booking topic appearance in topics list by @lpezzolla in #454
Other Changes
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.6.2...v1.6.4
What's Changed
New Features 🎉
- feat(messages): added date info to messages by @EgeOnder in #437
- feat(preferences): added an option to hide all grades by @EgeOnder in #440
- feat(teaching): cache course files with readable names by @umbopepato in #443
Fixes 🔧
- fix(ui): show selected state in menu view for Android devices by @lpezzolla in #442
- fix(auth): remove unnecessary "Unauthorized" alert by @EgeOnder in #436
- fix(teaching): detect corrupted files, refresh on click by @umbopepato in #444
Refactor ♻️
Other Changes
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.6.2...v1.6.3
What's Changed
Fixes 🔧
- fix(exams): add confirmation dialog when accepting or rejecting a provisional grade by @lpezzolla in #441
Full Changelog: v1.6.1...v1.6.2
What's Changed
New Features 🎉
- feat(notifications): add notification preferences by @lpezzolla in #433
Full Changelog: v1.6.0...v1.6.1
What's Changed
New Features 🎉
- feat(transcript): allow to reject exam grade by @lpezzolla in #432
Fixes 🔧
- fix(ui): default snackbar feedback to non-persistent, non-error by @lpezzolla in #429
- fix(exams): make ExamListItem key unique by @lpezzolla in #425
- fix: keep Europe/Rome timezone when displaying dates by @lpezzolla in #427
- fix(translation): replaced ECTS with CFU by @EgeOnder in #421
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.5.5...v1.6.0
What's Changed
New Features 🎉
- feat(notifications): handle more notification transaction ids by @umbopepato in #395
Fixes 🔧
- fix: messages dialog does not always open when receiving a message notification by @lpezzolla in #405
- fix(courses): exams are not shown in CourseInfoScreen on first render by @lpezzolla in #400
- fix(requestScreen): onSubmit if condition by @huseyingulec in #407
- fix: remove user queries without invalidating on logout by @lpezzolla in #402
- fix(agenda): navigate to date by @emacoricciati in #413
- fix(notifications): explicitly ask for permission on Android if not implicitly granted by @lpezzolla in #412
- fix(exams): allow to book exams for courses divided in modules by @lpezzolla in #411
New Contributors
- @huseyingulec made their first contribution in #407
Full Changelog: v1.5.4...v1.5.5
What's Changed
New Features 🎉
- feat(courses): allow to switch between editions by @lpezzolla in #388
- feat(cpd): add CPD surveys by @lpezzolla in #389
- feat(places): add full-text search by @umbopepato in #394
Fixes 🔧
- fix: handle cross-tab navigation by @lpezzolla in #366
- fix(agenda): fix agenda week calendar by @emacoricciati in #369
- fix: prevent url linking when already wrapped into an anchor tag by @lpezzolla in #374
- fix: adjust view for 7-day calendar in calendar.tsx by @ShahabFallah in #382
- fix(places): align free rooms slots to timetable (1.5h) by @lpezzolla in #385
- fix(ui): hide tabs when useHideTabs hook is rendered by @lpezzolla in #390
- fix(offering): fix offering year formatting, add filter state by @lpezzolla in #392
Refactor ♻️
- refactor(agenda): change state management from infinite queries to standard ones by @lpezzolla in #367
- refactor: prevent navigation to previous weeks in AgendaScreen by @lpezzolla in #377
New Contributors
- @ShahabFallah made their first contribution in #382
Full Changelog: v1.5.3...v1.5.4