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143 lines (99 loc) · 5.94 KB


Replication materials for the 'The effect of central bank communication on sovereign bond yields: The case of Hungary' article

This repository contains the neccesary source codes to reproduce the analysis in the article. The R source code is in the scripts folder, the needed data is in the data/input and data/output folders. For a detailed description of each script see below.


This script replicates the sentiment scores using the press release text data and the dictionary we created. The text analysis is done in R with the quanteda package. The sentiment scores for the Newey-West OLS robustness check using the L-M and AGH dictionaries are also computed in this script.


This script replicates the monetary council cohesion index calculation. It uses as input the excel sheet available at the webpage of the Central Bank of Hungary (MNB): (last accessed: 2020/05/06). The scripts contains the step by step instructions for the index reproductions. The input file used for this script is data/input/mnb-mt-voting.xlsx.


The do file creates the scores.xlsx from the data/input/yields.xlsx file, which contains the PCA scores for the short, medium and long term bond yields.


The R script transforms the PCA scores from the Stata output by rescaling and log transforming the variables.


The output of this script is the final dataset which is used for creating the figures and tables in the article. NB: Missing data is coded as '.' (for Stata compatibility).

This script assembles the parts created above and merges them into the macro controls. The macro controls are in the data/input/data_macro.csv file.

Variables in the dataset

  • date: Year-month string
  • i: Central bank base rate
  • USD: USD/HUF exchange rate
  • EUR: EUR/HUF exchange rate
  • u: Unemployment rate
  • m3: M3 money stock
  • core_i_yoy: Core inflation, year on year change
  • pmi: Purchasing Managers' Index
  • log_total: logarithm of the rescaled combined yield factor scores (all time horizon)
  • log_in_year: logarithm of the rescaled r3m r6m yield factor scores
  • log_out_year: logarithm of the rescaled r1y r3y r5y r10y r15y yield factor scores
  • log_intra_year: same as log_in_year
  • log_1to3year: logarithm of the rescaled r1y r3y yield factor scores
  • log_long_term: logarithm of the rescaled r5y r10y r15y factor scores
  • total_resc: rescaled combined yield factor scores (all time horizon)
  • in_year_resc: rescaled r3m r6m yield factor scores
  • out_year_resc: rescaled r1y r3y r5y r10y r15y yield factor scores
  • short_term_resc: same as in_year_resc
  • medium_term_resc: rescaled r1y r3y yield factor scores
  • long_term_resc: rescaled r5y r10y r15y factor scores
  • r3m: yields of bonds with maturity rates of 3 months
  • r6m: yields of bonds with maturity rates of 6 months
  • r1y: yields of bonds with maturity rates of 1 years
  • r3y: yields of bonds with maturity rates of 3 years
  • r5y: yields of bonds with maturity rates of 5 years
  • r10y: yields of bonds with maturity rates of 10 years
  • r15y: yields of bonds with maturity rates of 15 years
  • mt_cohesion: The cohesion index of the monetary council
  • date_text: The release date of the press release
  • nethawkish: the Hawkish sentiment score computed with our dictionary on the press release corpus
  • lm_baseline: sentiment scores with dictionary baseline using the Loughran-McDonald dictionary (net positive) on the the press release corpus
  • net_hawk_agh: the Hawkish sentiment score computed with the AGH dictionary
  • monthly_mlf: ECB interest rates
  • fed_i: US FED interest rates
  • effective_fed_i: Effective US FED interest rates
  • ecb_bs: ECB balance sheet
  • fed_bs: FED balance sheet
  • Simor: Central bank governor dummy. 1 for months when Andras Simor was the governor
  • Matolcsy: Central bank governor dummy. 1 for months when Gyorgy Matolcsy was the governor


This script recreates the Tables 1-2, Figures 1-3; 7-9.


This is the source code for the ARDL analysis and the corresponding test statistics. It also produces the QQ plots (Figs 4-6) in the appendix and the contents of Tables 3, 4 and 5.


The code for the Newey-West OLS robustness check in Appendix C, and produces the results in Table 9.


The code to replicate the sentiment calculation highlights in Table 10 in Appendix D.

System information

R Session Info

> sessionInfo()
R version 4.0.0 (2020-04-24)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 18363)

Matrix products: default

[1] LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252
[2] LC_CTYPE=English_United States.1252
[3] LC_MONETARY=English_United States.1252
[5] LC_TIME=English_United States.1252
system code page: 1250

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] compiler_4.0.0

Stata version info

Stata/IC 16.0 for Windows (64-bit x86-64)