- Portapps 1.20.3
- Add checksums (portapps/portapps#11)
- Switch to TravisCI
- Move ia32/x64 to win32/win64 for arch def
- Add portapp.json file
- Uncheck run app in setup
- Ability to pass custom args to the portable process
- Reduce dependencies to avoid heuristic detection
- Add UPX compression
- Move app to a subfolder
- Remove unnecessary override of some environment variables
- Delete all files and folders in root folder except
- HostsMan : 4.8.106
- Move repository to Portapps org
- Switch to Golang Dep as dependency manager
- New logger
- Override APPDATA and PROGRAMDATA instead of using symlinks to store data
- Do not migrate old data folder
- Reduce dependencies and system calls to avoid heuristic detection
- Go 1.9.1
- Go 1.9
- Add support guidelines
- Small refactoring
- HostsMan : 4.7.105
- Upgrade project using Go
- Add hm.ini and update.cfg (convert to update2.cfg) symlinks from AppData folder.
- Forgot hm.cfg symlink.
- Initial version based on HostsMan 4.6.103.