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MOOSE on Raijin@NCI

jacklinzoho edited this page Mar 8, 2017 · 35 revisions

Raijin is a very large Linux cluster owned by NCI. It runs PBS. Hardware is mostly Sandy Bridge, with some Broadwell-E. It's much bigger and faster than Leonardi. There are some specialized nodes with GPU acceleration or very large memory.


For each Sandy Bridge node, we have 2(cpus) x 8(cores) x 2(hyperthreading) = 32 threads.

normal: largest number of requestable CPUs.  Processor-hours cost 1 credit each.
express: shorter wait time.  Processor-hours cost 3 credits each.
copyq: the only queue that has internet access.  1 CPU only and walltime <= 10 hours.  
       1 credit/processor-hour.  Probably easier to just use the interactive session.

There are other specialized queues; see

Handy commands:

qsub <job_file> : submit job
qstat -u <username> : show job stats.
qdel <job_number> : delete job from queue
lquota : see disk quotas
nci_account : see group hours usage

The home directory has a tiny 2GB quota. However, there is a shared drive under /short/ws55 with 72GB quota. There is also a 1TB massdata quota, which requires special commands and is only to be used to archive large data files (not very useful)


Raijin's Petsc module lacks Hypre; Libmesh complains about this and doesn't compile. I've built a working installation in /short/ws55/jl1719/opt/moose/petsc-3.7.4. Note that the entire toolchain (Petsc -> Libmesh -> Moose -> Redback) needs to be built using the same compilers (i.e. with the same modules loaded) or you'll get many strange bugs.

The modules are:

module load gcc/5.2.0
module load llvm/3.9.1
module load vtk/6.3.0
module load cmake/3.6.2
module load intel-mpi/2017.0.098

petsc was configured using the following options:

./configure \
--prefix=$PACKAGES_DIR/petsc-3.7.4 \
--download-hypre=1 \
--with-ssl=0 \
--with-debugging=no \
--with-pic=1 \
--with-shared-libraries=1 \
--with-cc=mpicc \
--with-cxx=mpicxx \
--with-fc=mpif90 \
--download-fblaslapack=1 \
--download-metis=1 \
--download-parmetis=1 \
--download-superlu_dist=1 \
--download-mumps=1 \
--download-scalapack=1 \
--CC=mpicc --CXX=mpicxx --FC=mpif90 --F77=mpif77 --F90=mpif90 \
--CFLAGS='-fPIC -fopenmp' \
--CXXFLAGS='-fPIC -fopenmp' \
--FFLAGS='-fPIC -fopenmp' \
--FCFLAGS='-fPIC -fopenmp' \
--F90FLAGS='-fPIC -fopenmp' \
--F77FLAGS='-fPIC -fopenmp' \

Include this version of Petsc in your scripts with:

export PACKAGES_DIR="/short/ws55/jl1719/opt/moose"
export PETSC_DIR="$PACKAGES_DIR/petsc-3.7.4"


I've also built a shared Anaconda 2.7 installation. Add this to your .profile (not .bashrc):

export PATH="/short/ws55/jl1719/opt/anaconda2/bin:$PATH"

remember to run

dos2unix .profile

Anaconda is ~2GB. Considering our limited space, it's better than having separate installs.