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Mar 29, 2020


This isn't going to be a strict technical definition of installing, I just want to distill roughly what it is, what you get from it, and why it's cool.

Installing is really just copying certain files from a src/build location to somewhere else so other projects can use them. Quite where this was drove me nuts for ages (coming from a predominantly Windows background it just felt weird). It doesn't help that lots of examples are predominantly make focussed which makes understanding how things work on Windows more difficult (I use Visual Studio most of the time).

Before understanding how to install your own libraries it's actually really helpful to use an existing library that's already done all the hard work for you. Let's choose Google's benchmark library as an example.

The benchmark docs do an okay job of explaining how to download and build it, but unfortunately they're make orientated again. Let's list the commands you'd need to have this work on *nix/macOS or Windows.

mkdir benchmark && cd benchmark
git clone .
# Benchmark requires Google Test as a dependency. Add the source tree as a subdirectory.
git clone googletest
# if *nix/macOS
# elseif Windows
cmake -S . -B build -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64 -Dgtest_force_shared_crt=ON # for Visual Studio build files (.sln)
# endif
# if *nix/macOS
cmake --build build --target install
# elseif Windows
cmake --build build --config Release --target install
# endif

Aside: The variable we pass to CMake on Windows -Dgtest_force_shared_crt=ON is necessary to stop GoogleTest (which benchmark depends on) modifying the compiler/linker options for the project. Please see this article by @crascit for a more detailed explanation.

The project generation commands have some platform specific differences (which is a little bit of a pain), but fortunately CMake has platform agnostic commands to do basically everything else you need without having to resort to calling make or msbuild directly.

Say hello to:

cmake --build .

It doesn't matter if you've generated make build files, or Visual Studio build files (or any other type of build files for that matter), typing cmake --build . (from the build/ folder) will build the project for you.

The part that follows --build .

--target install

Will take the built files and then install (copy) them to the default system location. This is /usr/local/lib/, usr/local/include/, usr/local/bin/ etc. on *nix/macOS and C:\Program Files\<lib name> on Windows (please see the Windows section in the miscellaneous part of the examples README for more details on this). The include, lib, bin folders all exist as subdirectories inside the main folder.

These locations are where CMake will actually look for libraries/packages when running the find_package command from a CMakeLists.txt file.

The part I haven't yet mentioned

--config Release

Is to instruct which configuration to build when using Visual Studio solution files. In the make example, when we first generate the build files we must pick the build type (-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=DEBUG/RELEASE etc. the default is DEBUG) but with Visual Studio multiple build types are generated and you can select them at build time using --config. I might be getting some of the exact details wrong here but it's likely not far from the truth.

If you followed the above steps you should now have Google benchmark installed on your system. The incredibly useful thing once you've done this is now in your application you can simply use the find_package command to use benchmark as a dependency.

# CMakeLists.txt
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.14)

project(my_app LANGUAGES CXX)

find_package(benchmark REQUIRED)

target_sources(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE main.cpp)

# make sure we build using c++11
target_compile_features(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE cxx_std_11)


And in your main.cpp file you can now #include "benchmark/benchmark.h" and use the library immediately without having to manually setup include paths and link directories and all the normal painful stuff you have to do use another library.

// main.cpp
#include "benchmark/benchmark.h"

void measure_something(benchmark::State& state)
    for (auto _: state)
        // something interesting to measure...


This blew my mind when it finally clicked because up until this point I'd been basically doing everything manually (calling target_include_directories, target_link_directories etc..). Being able to use find_package massively reduces the complexity of your CMakeLists.txt files when adding new libraries. The wrinkle is you have to hope maintainers have done this hard work for you (otherwise you can write FindXXX.cmake files but that's outside the scope of this intro).

This brings us finally to installing our own libraries. To understand exactly what's required I direct you to the example CMake projects. If you start with header-only and read through the CMakeLists.txt I've added comments to each of the install commands, detailing what they do and why they're needed. Hopefully you should be able to lift the necessary parts for your own CMakeLists.txt files should you wish to provide the ability to install your own libraries.

Installing to Custom Locations

I touch on this in the Examples section but thought it'd be worthwhile expanding on it a little here as I've used this feature quite a bit.

It can be incredibly useful to install a library to a custom location that isn't the default system location (e.g. /usr/local/{include, lib, bin} on *nix/macOS and Program Files/ on Windows).

To do this when running the cmake generator, pass -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<path/to/install>

cd <your/library/root> # where library root CMakeLists.txt is
cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install
cmake --build build --target install

This will build and install the library to a new folder called install/ in your library root directory. Now suppose we have our application sitting right next to the library folder (much like the folder layout in each of the Examples). If we would like to consume the library using find_package we need to tell CMake where to look. We do this using -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<path/to/install/>

cd <your/app/root> # where app root CMakeLists.txt is
cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$(pwd)/../../library/install/
cmake --build build

Because CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH only accepts an absolute path we can use a neat trick with $(pwd) (the Windows equivalent is %cd%) to give us the full path to where we are running from and then build a relative path from there.

While setting up continuous integration for another project using CMake I found these techniques to be incredibly useful. Often it's not possible to install libraries to the default locations due to privilege restrictions.