diff --git a/regolith3/Xresources b/regolith3/Xresources
index 1cca7e8..790e3a2 100644
--- a/regolith3/Xresources
+++ b/regolith3/Xresources
@@ -1,14 +1,50 @@
+# --------------------------------------
+!! Regolith theme
!! Regolith theme - added by `regolith-look set gruvbox`
regolith.look.path: /usr/share/regolith-look/gruvbox
!! Postion of i3 status bar
wm.bar.position: top
+# --------------------------------------
-! Desktop theme
+# --------------------------------------
+!! Desktop theme
gnome.wm.theme: Gruvbox
Xcursor.size: 32
Xcursor.theme: Redglass
+# --------------------------------------
+# --------------------------------------
+! Background images
+! regolith.wallpaper.file: /usr/share/images/desktop-base/login-background.svg
+regolith.wallpaper.file: /usr/share/wallpapers/SpaceFun/contents/images/3840x2160.svg
+regolith.lockscreen.wallpaper.file: /usr/share/wallpapers/SpaceFun/contents/images/3840x2160.svg
+# --------------------------------------
+# --------------------------------------
+!! Experiments - work in progress
+bindsym $mod+x move workspace to output next
+bindsym $mod+x move workspace to output eDP HDMI-A-0
+# --------------------------------------
+# --------------------------------------
+# Workspace Monitor assignment
+# List Monitors
+# 0: +*eDP 1920/309x1080/174+0+1440 eDP
+# 1: +HDMI-A-0 3440/800x1440/335+0+0 HDMI-A-0
+wm.workspace 1 output eDP
+wm.workspace 2 output HDMI-A-0
+wm.workspace 3 output HDMI-A-0
+wm.workspace 4 output HDMI-A-0
+wm.workspace 5 output HDMI-A-0
+wm.workspace 6 output HDMI-A-0
+wm.workspace 7 output HDMI-A-0
+wm.workspace 8 output HDMI-A-0
+wm.workspace 9 output HDMI-A-0
+wm.workspace 10 output HDMI-A-0
+# --------------------------------------
+# --------------------------------------
!! Workspace Icons
!! Icons to represent purpose of each workspace:
!! issues, terminal, Clojure, db, chat, settings, music, meetings/screencats, browser
@@ -22,4 +58,4 @@ wm.workspace.07.name: 7: 7
wm.workspace.08.name: 8: 8
wm.workspace.09.name: 9: 9
wm.workspace.10.name: 10: 10
+# --------------------------------------
diff --git a/regolith3/i3/config.d/custom b/regolith3/i3/config.d/custom
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0c6318
--- /dev/null
+++ b/regolith3/i3/config.d/custom
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# Custom commands for Regolith
+# Flameshot Screenshot
+# bindsym $mod+z exec flameshot gui