- Abandoned 'Exception' filenames and API inheritance. The Bliss interface looks much cleaner now. Compatibility with previous versions has been ensured
- Improved (inline) API documentation
- Swapped urlparse with furl in saga.Url class This hopefully fixes the problem with inconsistent parsing accross different Python versions
- Merged SGE plug-in development branch
- Removed sagacompat compatibility API
- Log source names now all start with 'bliss.'. This should make filtering much easier
- Moved SD package into development branch features/servicediscovery
- Hotfix - removed experimental Resource plug-in from release
- Fixed issue with plugin introspection
- Added template for job plug-in
- Hotfix
- Fixed issue: https://github.com/oweidner/bliss/issues/9
- Fixed issue: https://github.com/oweidner/bliss/issues/8
- Fixed issue: https://github.com/oweidner/bliss/issues/6
- First version of a bigjob plugin. See wiki for details.
- Fixed Python 2.4 compatibility issue
- Added bliss.sagacompat module for API compatibility. API documentation: http://oweidner.github.com/bliss/apidoc-compat/
- Added examples for 'compat' API, e.g.: https://github.com/oweidner/bliss/tree/master/examples/job-api/compat/
- Added configuration files for epydoc
- Fixed executable & argument handling for the local job plugin
- Added support for jd.output and jd.error to local job plugin
- Fixed bug in URL.get_host()
- Fixed issues with extremely short running PBS jobs in conjunction with scheduler configruations that remove the job from the queue the second it finishes execution.
- First working version of an SFTP file API plugini based on Paramiko
- Two advance bfast examples incl. output file staging: https://github.com/oweidner/bliss/blob/master/examples/advanced/bfast_workflow_01.py https://github.com/oweidner/bliss/blob/master/examples/advanced/bfast_workflow_02.py
- Fixed issues with PBS working directory
- Added simple job API example that uses BFAST: https://github.com/oweidner/bliss/blob/master/examples/job-api/pbs_via_ssh_bfast_job.py
- Updated apidoc: http://oweidner.github.com/bliss/apidoc/
- First prototype of a job container. Example can be found here: https://github.com/oweidner/bliss/blob/master/examples/job-api/pbs_via_ssh_container.py
- Implemented CPU and Memory information via PBS service discovery
- Changed job.Description.walltime_limit to job.Description.wall_time_limit
- Fixed issue with local job plugin
- Prototype of a Service Discovery packages
- PBS/SSH support for service discovery
- Fixed issue with PBS plugin job.wait()
- More or less stable job API
- First functional PBS over SSH plugin