A melting pot for all kinds of extensions to JUnit 5, particular to its Jupiter API.
Check out junit-pioneer.org, particularly the documentation section.
JUnit Pioneer provides extensions for JUnit 5 and its Jupiter API. It does not limit itself to proven ideas with wide application but is purposely open to experimentation. It aims to spin off successful and cohesive portions into sibling projects or back into the JUnit 5 code base.
To enable easy exchange of code with JUnit 5, JUnit Pioneer copies most of its infrastructure, from code style to build tool and configuration to continuous integration.
JUnit Pioneer is released on GitHub and Maven Central. Coordinates:
group ID:
artifact ID:
For Maven:
For Gradle:
testCompile group: 'org.junit-pioneer', name: 'junit-pioneer', version: /*...*/
Starting with release 2.0, JUnit Pioneer is compiled against Java 11 and comes as a module (i.e. with a module-info.class
) named org.junitpioneer.
That means it can be used on all Java versions 11 and higher on class path and module path.
Pioneer does not only use JUnit 5’s API, but also other artifacts from its ecosystem such as junit-platform-commons
To avoid dependency issues (e.g. in junit-pioneer#343), you should add the JUnit 5 BOM (junit-bom
) to your project instead of defining all dependency versions manually.
To not add to user’s JAR hell, JUnit Pioneer is not taking on any runtime dependencies besides JUnit 5. Pioneer always depends on the lowest JUnit 5 version that supports its feature set, but that should not keep you from using 5’s latest and greatest.
Since 1.7.0 we also have an optional runtime dependency on Jackson, for our JSON-based extensions. You can read a bit more about our approach to dependencies in the contribution guide.
For our own infrastructure, we rely on the following compile and test dependencies:
AssertJ (assertions for our tests)
Mockito (mocking for our tests)
Jimfs (as an in-memory file system for our test)
Equalsverifier (for easier assertion of simple things)
We welcome contributions of all shapes and forms! ?
If you have an idea for an extension, open an issue and let’s discuss.
If you want to help but don’t know how, have a look at the existing issues, particularly those marked up for grabs or good first issue.
If you want to chat about JUnit Pioneer, join our discord - we have a #junit-pioneer channel. ?
Before contributing, please read the contribution guide as well as the code of conduct.
JUnit Pioneer is maintained by a small team of people who work on it in their free time - see CONTRIBUTING.adoc
for details on how they do that.
In lexicographic order, these are:
- Daniel Kraus aka beatngu13
Banking software by day, OSS by night. Punk rock enthusiast and passionate hiker. Into Java, software testing, and web services. Tweets occasionally.
- Matthias Bünger aka Bukama
(Always tries to become a better) Java developer, loves testing and reads tweets. Became a maintainer in April 2020 after he "caused" (authored) too many bishues
- Mihály Verhás aka Michael1993
Not so witty, not so pretty, not really mean, not really cool bean. A Hungarian Java developer who spends more time on Twitch than recommended by his doctors and used creative and diligent contributions to fool everyone into believing he is a decent enough guy to get promoted to maintainer (in November 2020).
- Nicolai Parlog aka nipafx
Java enthusiast with a passion for learning and sharing, best known for his head decor. He’s a Java Developer Advocate at Oracle, organizer of Accento, occasional streamer, and more - check nipafx.dev for the full list. He co-founded JUnit Pioneer in November 2016 and has maintained it ever since (although often very negligently).
- Simon Schrottner aka aepfli
Bearded guy in Lederhosen, who loves to code, and loves to explore code quality, testing, and other tools that can improve the life of a software craftsman. Passionated couchsurfer and hobby event planner. Maintainer since April 2020.
JUnit Pioneer, as small as it is, would be much smaller without kind souls contributing their time, energy, and skills. Thank you for your efforts! ?
The least we can do is to thank them and list some of their accomplishments here (in lexicographic order).
Fanon Jupkwo (FanJups) added a new display name generator extending
to support CamelCase, underscores, and numbers: ReplaceCamelCaseAndUnderscoreAndNumber (#793 / #819) -
Papp Róbert (TWiStErRob) updated Gradle and GitHub Actions tooling to latest. (#803 / #804 / #805)
Boris Faniuk contributed to
extension (#821) -
Christopher Cudennec contributed to
and added the pre-commit hook for code formatting (#588)
Eric Everman added
annotations to the System Properties and Environment Variables extensions (#574 / #700) -
Florian Westreicher contributed to the JSON argument source extension (#704 / #724)
Ilya Ilyinykh found unused demo tests (#791)
Knut Wannheden contributed the
attribute of the@ExpectedToFail
extension (#769 / #774) -
Pёtr Andreev added back support for NULL values to
(#764 / #765)
Filip Hrisafov contributed the JSON Argument Source support (#101 / #492)
Marcono1234 contributed the
extension (#551 / #676) -
Mathieu Fortin contributed the
attribute in retrying tests (#407 / #604) -
Pankaj Kumar contributed towards improving GitHub actions (#587 / #611)
Rob Spoor enabled non-static factory methods for
(#628) -
Marc Wrobel improved the documentation (#692)
Cory Thomas contributed the
attribute in retrying tests (#408 / #430) -
Daniel Kraus fixed bugs in the environment variable and system property extensions (#432 / #433, #448 / #449, and more), revamped their annotation handling (#460 / #485), and improved the build process (#482 / #483) before becoming a maintainer
Gabriel Diegel contributed the
extension in Temporarily disable a test (#366) -
John Lehne resolved an issue with the latest build status not showing correctly in README.md (#530)
Jonathan Bluett-Duncan contributed a fix to
which was failing when a.idea
directory did not contain avcs.xml
file (#532) -
Scott Leberknight resolved a javadoc issue (#547 / #548)
Slawomir Jaranowski Migrate to new Shipkit plugins (#410 / #419)
Stefano Cordio contributed the Cartesian Enum source (#379 / #409 and #414 / #453)
Allon Murienik contributed the range sources (#44 / #123)
Bradford Hovinen improved the execution of the EnvironmentVariableUtils on different OS (#287 / #288)
Daniel Kraus contributed the system property extension (#129 / #133) and further improved it, also worked on the environment variable extension (#180 / #248), the Cartesian product extension (#358 / #372), and helped with build infrastructure (e.g. #269)
David Walluck introduced JUnit 5 BOM (#343 / #346)
Dirk Witzel improved the documentation (#149 / #271)
Ignat Simonenko fixed a noteworthy bug in the default locale extension (#146 / #161)
Mark Rösler contributed the environment variable extension (#167 / #174 and #241 / #242)
Matthias Bünger opened, vetted, and groomed countless issues and PRs and contributed multiple refactorings (e.g. #165 / #168) and fixes (e.g. #190 / #200) before getting promoted to maintainer
Mihály Verhás contributed the StdIO extension (#34 / #227), the ReportEntryExtension (#134, #179 / #183, #216, #294), the CartesianProductTestExtension (#321, #362 / #68, #354), the DisableIfParameterExtension (#313, #368) added tests to other extensions (#164 / #272), the Pioneer assertions and contributed to multiple issues (e.g. #217 / #298) and PRs (e.g. #253, #307)
Nishant Vashisth contributed an extension to disable parameterized tests by display name (#163 / #175)
Simon Schrottner contributed to multiple issues and PRs and almost single-handedly revamped the build and QA process (e.g. #192 / #185) before getting promoted to maintainer
Sullis improved GitHub Actions with Gradle Wrapper Validation check (#302)
Alex Panchenko fixed a noteworthy bug in the
extension (#140) -
Christian Stein helped get the project back on track (yes, again, I told you Nicolai was negligent)
Daniel Kraus improved Shipkit integration (#148 / #151)
Marc Philipp helped get the project back on track and converted
to Kotlin (#145)
Benedikt Ritter contributed the default locale and time zone extensions (#103 / #104)
Christian Stein introduced Shipkit-based continuous delivery (#87) and build scans (#124 / #132)
Marc Philipp helped get the project back on track and contributed the
extension (#39 / #69)