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Lab 5: Gain Control and Building a Simple AGC

Gain control is a fundamental operation in a receiver to adjust signal levels to a correct value. In this lab, you will learn to:

  • Mathematically model a receiver with variable gain and saturation
  • Simulate the effect of gain and nonlinearities on the output SNR
  • Manually control the gain on the SDR
  • Measure the RX backoff of a received signal
  • Build a simple AGC to maintain a target RX backoff
  • Measure the RX power with gain

Mathematical model for gain control

Output SNR and backoff vs. gain measured in loopback


  • The main file is gainControl.mlx: [Matlab] [PDF].
  • You will need to copy the completed estChanResp.m file from the previous lab to the current directory.

For the lab, complete the TODO sections in both files, run chanSounder.mlx, and print to PDF. Submit the PDF.