This is the basic doc for Git with CLI understanding
A. Get any remote directory to local derectory 1. git clone
B. Push changes frm local to remote repo 1. git add or git add . {it will add all changes at a time} 2. git commit -m "" 3. git push origin main or git push
C. To check staus of file 1. git status
D. Add new project from local to remote 1. Add new project to remote repo Note: do not add readme file it will initiate project may face further issue 2. change current directory to working directory 3. git init 4. git remote add origin 5. git add . 6. git commit -m "" 7. git remote -v (to verify remote) ==>optional 8. git branch (to check branch ) ==>optional 9. git branch -M main (to rename branch) ==>optional 10. git push -u origin main
E. Pull Remote repo changes to local repo 1. git branch -vva 2. git fetch origin 3. git branch -vva 4. git checkout 5. git pull