ST Link, 4 spare pin headers, soldering iron and OpenOCD
Edit the script, and update the filename to whatever your backup is called and run it.
There is a 4-pin connector on the board (JP3) - it has silkscreen that is labeled with GND, CLK, DIO, 3V3 pins.
run the script
(Assuming linux)
This step is easier with an interactive session because the length of your flash may be different per board
Start the openocd session. For j-link (and clones)
sudo openocd -c "adapter driver jlink" -c "adapter speed 2000" -c "transport select swd" -f "target/stm32f3x.cfg"
Connect to the openocd session in a new terminal window
telnet 4444
In that prompt try running these commands to connect to halt+reset it
reset init
List flash banks available on the board - there should be one (size 0x00010000) (64k)
flash banks
Read the firmware and save it to firmware_panel.bin, use the size you got from the previous step
flash read bank 0 firmware_panel.bin 0 0x00010000
Exit the session
Now you should have a firmware_panel.bin file in the CWD you ran the openocd daemon