Sprite Atlas Packer supports reading PNG, JPG, BMP, and GIF images and produces a single PNG/JPG/BMP image with all the images embedded inside of it. The tool also produces an accompanying file that maps the image file names with their rectangles and any subfolders mapped to animations.
Nez includes runtime classes to load the output of Sprite Atlas Packer. When using with the Nez runtime loader make sure the output image and atlas have the same name.
Sprite Atlas Packer also handles animations. Any subdirectories that contain images will be setup as animations when packing the sprites into an atlas. In the example folder structure below the tool will generate the animations "player", "enemy1" and "enemy2" with any images present in those folders.
- root-dir
- player
- enemy1
- enemy2
mono SpriteAtlasPacker.exe -image:out.png -map:out.atlas -fps:7 folder/with/images
<input> Images to pack. Default:''
/image:string Output file name for the image.
/map:string Output file name for the map.
/originsMap:string Input map file name with Origins to use (you can use existing Output map file to keep origins)
/mw:int Maximum ouput width. Default:'4096'
/mh:int Maximum ouput height. Default:'4096'
/pad:int Padding between images. Default:'1'
/pow2 Ensures output dimensions are powers of two.
/sqr Ensures output is square.
/originX:float Origin X for the images Default:'0.5'
/originY:float Origin Y for the images Default:'0.5'
/fps:int Framerate for any animations Default:'8'
/lua Output LOVE2D lua file
Forked from this old bit of code from Codeplex: https://archive.codeplex.com/?p=spritesheetpacker