Skiffle is the fastest way to discover and search music. Powered by the powerful Spotify API it delivers a fast way to search for music. With offline support and super smooth UX and small size, it's a handy app to keep.
- Checkout new releases
- Fastest search for artist, albums and tracks
- Offline support
- Save tracks and albums to favorites
- Play track preview
- Powered by Spotify API
- Follows MVP architecture
- Uses Dagger2 for dependency injection
- Zero frame skips! i. super smooth UX
- Uses RxJava2 for background thread handling
- Effective OkHttp caching for reduced network calls and offline support.
- Retrofit2
- Dagger2
- RxJava2
- Green DAO
- Retrofit2 Rxjava2 Adapter
- Picasso OkHttp3 Downloader
- Picasso
- ButterKnife
Few more that I am not mentioning. You can check the build.gradle
file for more info.
- Clone the project
- Go to
Android Studio -> Import Project
- Point to
- Click
- Write tests
- Manage state related issues (known bug) 🐛 🐛