What will you do? We will explore higher-order functions (HOFs) in Bril by implementing a lambda lifter and a defunctionalizer. Our HOFs are designed to be arbitrarily higher order, meaning that they can take functions as arguments. We will also need to extend the Bril syntax to support local function definitions. A stretch goal is to get programs to return functions themselves.
How will you do it? We will start by implementing lambda lifting. Additionally, we will need to add closures to Bril, as well as implement typechecking for HOFs.
How will you empirically measure success? We will run our lambda lifter on the Bril benchmarks and measure the performance of the HOF versions against the defunctionalized ones. We will also write some new programs using HOFs and defunctionalize them, producing new source code we can then compare to the programs we wrote.
Team members: Me and @goki0607!