- Fixed #79 - Chainstats display now auto updates formatting for really large or small numbers.
- Fixed #82 - Initial value check routine in Parallel MCMC now correctly removes extra columns.
- Added feature to results structure to store all parameters names, regardless of whether or not they are included in sampling.
- Added mcmcplot package to requirements. MCMCPlotting module is noted as deprecated.
- Added new module for uncertainty propagation. Aims to provide more flexible API for user to plot different combinations of credible and prediction intervals.
- Added a plotting routine so that you can plot a 2-D interval in 3-D space.
- Added acceptance rate display feature when calling chain statistics
- User can specify skip or maxpoints in pairwise correlation and chain panel plots in order to thin chain.
- User can request item definitions when calling chainstats.
- Resolved #51 by adding method to check if limits are incompatible. User is provided with more descriptive error message.
- Updated documentation for Bayesian components.
- Added saving routines to accomodate post-processing. A lighter version of the results dictionary is saved to json when log routines are used for chains. This should address #55.
- Option to return KDE objects when using plot_density_panel. User can then evaluate pdf directly. This should address #66.
- Fixed bug #41.
- Updated how version attribute is defined in package and referenced in setup.py and documentation.
- Added custom sampler feature. Interface requires creation of a class, but allows for inclusion of things like Gibbs samplers. User can explicitly pass in features to the sum-of-squares function.
- Added check routines for reading in parallel MCMC results to ensure only directories with name 'chain_' are queried.
- All files were updated to comply with formatting standards using flake8.
- Added coverage report check to ensure minimal testing requirements are met.
- Added original covariance matrix to results structure for reference.
- Added optimal handling of prior function used numpy array multiplication.
- Fixed bug with saving results to json file - output directory now automatically made.
- Updated PI plotting to allow any valid matplotlib input.
- Added Gelman-Rubin diagnostics to ChainStatistics module, with display feature.
- Added numpy error settings option to MCMC initialization.
- Setup no adaptation feature. Can sample parameters without adapting them.
- Added restart routine to ParallelMCMC. Can restart from json files.
- Added parallel chain organization routines to the chain subpackage.
- Final release of 1.5.0.
- First release with complete test coverage.
- Updated analysis options and diagnostics.
- Improved workflow on remote OS.
- Added link to Zenodo DOI.
- Added extensive unit tests.
- Fixed sample feature (allows for fixed variables).
- automatic naming (and expansion) for plot labels.
- added covariance matrix to log file output.
- All features updated to work with Python 3.6
- This was the last version developed using Python 2.7. It may still work on Python 2.7, but it will not be included as a part of testing.
- Added ellipse contour routine for pairwise plots.
- Added progress bar to prediction interval generation (as it can be time consuming).
- Added log file saving so you can periodically dump the latest set of samples to file.
- Fixed bug associated with plotting credible intervals without prediction intervals.
- Added feature for generating and plotting prediction/credible intervals.
- First official release.
- Incorporated class structures into entire architecture.