+ */
+ playMode(str) {
+ var s = str.toLowerCase();
+ // if restart, stop all other sounds from playing
+ if (s === 'restart' && this.buffer && this.bufferSourceNode) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.bufferSourceNodes.length - 1; i++) {
+ var now = p5sound.audiocontext.currentTime;
+ this.bufferSourceNodes[i].stop(now);
+ }
+ }
+ // set play mode to effect future playback
+ if (s === 'restart' || s === 'sustain' || s === 'untildone') {
+ this.mode = s;
+ } else {
+ throw 'Invalid play mode. Must be either "restart" or "sustain"';
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Pauses a file that is currently playing. If the file is not
+ * playing, then nothing will happen.
+ *
+ * After pausing, .play() will resume from the paused
+ * position.
+ * If p5.SoundFile had been set to loop before it was paused,
+ * it will continue to loop after it is unpaused with .play().
+ *
+ * @method pause
+ * @for p5.SoundFile
+ * @param {Number} [startTime] (optional) schedule event to occur
+ * seconds from now
+ * @example
+ *
+ */
+ loop(startTime, rate, amp, loopStart, duration) {
+ this._looping = true;
+ this.play(startTime, rate, amp, loopStart, duration);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set a p5.SoundFile's looping flag to true or false. If the sound
+ * is currently playing, this change will take effect when it
+ * reaches the end of the current playback.
+ *
+ * @method setLoop
+ * @for p5.SoundFile
+ * @param {Boolean} Boolean set looping to true or false
+ */
+ setLoop(bool) {
+ if (bool === true) {
+ this._looping = true;
+ } else if (bool === false) {
+ this._looping = false;
+ } else {
+ throw 'Error: setLoop accepts either true or false';
+ }
+ if (this.bufferSourceNode) {
+ this.bufferSourceNode.loop = this._looping;
+ this._counterNode.loop = this._looping;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns 'true' if a p5.SoundFile is currently looping and playing, 'false' if not.
+ *
+ * @method isLooping
+ * @for p5.SoundFile
+ * @return {Boolean}
+ */
+ isLooping() {
+ if (!this.bufferSourceNode) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (this._looping === true && this.isPlaying() === true) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns true if a p5.SoundFile is playing, false if not (i.e.
+ * paused or stopped).
+ *
+ * @method isPlaying
+ * @for p5.SoundFile
+ * @return {Boolean}
+ */
+ isPlaying() {
+ return this._playing;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns true if a p5.SoundFile is paused, false if not (i.e.
+ * playing or stopped).
+ *
+ * @method isPaused
+ * @for p5.SoundFile
+ * @return {Boolean}
+ */
+ isPaused() {
+ return this._paused;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Stop soundfile playback.
+ *
+ * @method stop
+ * @for p5.SoundFile
+ * @param {Number} [startTime] (optional) schedule event to occur
+ * in seconds from now
+ */
+ stop(timeFromNow) {
+ var time = timeFromNow || 0;
+ if (this.mode === 'sustain' || this.mode === 'untildone') {
+ this.stopAll(time);
+ this._playing = false;
+ this.pauseTime = 0;
+ this._paused = false;
+ } else if (this.buffer && this.bufferSourceNode) {
+ var now = p5sound.audiocontext.currentTime;
+ var t = time || 0;
+ this.pauseTime = 0;
+ this.bufferSourceNode.stop(now + t);
+ this._counterNode.stop(now + t);
+ this._playing = false;
+ this._paused = false;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Stop playback on all of this soundfile's sources.
+ * @private
+ */
+ stopAll(_time) {
+ var now = p5sound.audiocontext.currentTime;
+ var time = _time || 0;
+ if (this.buffer && this.bufferSourceNode) {
+ for (var i in this.bufferSourceNodes) {
+ const bufferSourceNode = this.bufferSourceNodes[i];
+ if (bufferSourceNode) {
+ try {
+ bufferSourceNode.stop(now + time);
+ } catch (e) {
+ // this was throwing errors only on Safari
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ this._counterNode.stop(now + time);
+ this._onended(this);
+ }
+ }
+ getVolume() {
+ return this.output.gain.value;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the stereo panning of a p5.sound object to
+ * a floating point number between -1.0 (left) and 1.0 (right).
+ * Default is 0.0 (center).
+ *
+ * @method pan
+ * @for p5.SoundFile
+ * @param {Number} [panValue] Set the stereo panner
+ * @param {Number} [timeFromNow] schedule this event to happen
+ * seconds from now
+ * @example
+ *
+ * let ballX = 0;
+ * let soundFile;
+ *
+ * function preload() {
+ * soundFormats('ogg', 'mp3');
+ * soundFile = loadSound('assets/beatbox.mp3');
+ * }
+ *
+ * function draw() {
+ * let cnv = createCanvas(100, 100);
+ * cnv.mousePressed(canvasPressed);
+ * background(220);
+ * ballX = constrain(mouseX, 0, width);
+ * ellipse(ballX, height/2, 20, 20);
+ * }
+ *
+ * function canvasPressed(){
+ * // map the ball's x location to a panning degree
+ * // between -1.0 (left) and 1.0 (right)
+ * let panning = map(ballX, 0., width,-1.0, 1.0);
+ * soundFile.pan(panning);
+ * soundFile.play();
+ * }
+ *
+ */
+ pan(pval, tFromNow) {
+ this.panPosition = pval;
+ this.panner.pan(pval, tFromNow);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the current stereo pan position (-1.0 to 1.0)
+ *
+ * @method getPan
+ * @for p5.SoundFile
+ * @return {Number} Returns the stereo pan setting of the Oscillator
+ * as a number between -1.0 (left) and 1.0 (right).
+ * 0.0 is center and default.
+ */
+ getPan() {
+ return this.panPosition;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set the playback rate of a sound file. Will change the speed and the pitch.
+ * Values less than zero will reverse the audio buffer.
+ *
+ * @method rate
+ * @for p5.SoundFile
+ * @param {Number} [playbackRate] Set the playback rate. 1.0 is normal,
+ * .5 is half-speed, 2.0 is twice as fast.
+ * Values less than zero play backwards.
+ * @example
+ *
+ * let mySound;
+ *
+ * function preload() {
+ * mySound = loadSound('assets/Damscray_DancingTiger.mp3');
+ * }
+ *
+ * function setup() {
+ * let cnv = createCanvas(100, 100);
+ * cnv.mousePressed(canvasPressed);
+ * }
+ * function canvasPressed() {
+ * mySound.loop();
+ * }
+ * function mouseReleased() {
+ * mySound.pause();
+ * }
+ * function draw() {
+ * background(220);
+ *
+ * // Set the rate to a range between 0.1 and 4
+ * // Changing the rate also alters the pitch
+ * let playbackRate = map(mouseY, 0.1, height, 2, 0);
+ * playbackRate = constrain(playbackRate, 0.01, 4);
+ * mySound.rate(playbackRate);
+ *
+ * line(0, mouseY, width, mouseY);
+ * text('rate: ' + round(playbackRate * 100) + '%', 10, 20);
+ * }
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ */
+ rate(playbackRate) {
+ var reverse = false;
+ if (typeof playbackRate === 'undefined') {
+ return this.playbackRate;
+ }
+ this.playbackRate = playbackRate;
+ if (playbackRate === 0) {
+ playbackRate = 0.0000000000001;
+ } else if (playbackRate < 0 && !this.reversed) {
+ playbackRate = Math.abs(playbackRate);
+ reverse = true;
+ } else if (playbackRate > 0 && this.reversed) {
+ reverse = true;
+ }
+ if (this.bufferSourceNode) {
+ var now = p5sound.audiocontext.currentTime;
+ this.bufferSourceNode.playbackRate.cancelScheduledValues(now);
+ this.bufferSourceNode.playbackRate.linearRampToValueAtTime(
+ Math.abs(playbackRate),
+ now
+ );
+ this._counterNode.playbackRate.cancelScheduledValues(now);
+ this._counterNode.playbackRate.linearRampToValueAtTime(
+ Math.abs(playbackRate),
+ now
+ );
+ }
+ if (reverse) {
+ this.reverseBuffer();
+ }
+ return this.playbackRate;
+ }
+ // TO DO: document this
+ setPitch(num) {
+ var newPlaybackRate = midiToFreq(num) / midiToFreq(60);
+ this.rate(newPlaybackRate);
+ }
+ getPlaybackRate() {
+ return this.playbackRate;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Multiply the output volume (amplitude) of a sound file
+ * between 0.0 (silence) and 1.0 (full volume).
+ * 1.0 is the maximum amplitude of a digital sound, so multiplying
+ * by greater than 1.0 may cause digital distortion. To
+ * fade, provide a rampTime parameter. For more
+ * complex fades, see the Envelope class.
+ *
+ * Alternately, you can pass in a signal source such as an
+ * oscillator to modulate the amplitude with an audio signal.
+ *
+ * @method setVolume
+ * @for p5.SoundFile
+ * @param {Number|Object} volume Volume (amplitude) between 0.0
+ * and 1.0 or modulating signal/oscillator
+ * @param {Number} [rampTime] Fade for t seconds
+ * @param {Number} [timeFromNow] Schedule this event to happen at
+ * t seconds in the future
+ */
+ setVolume(vol, _rampTime, _tFromNow) {
+ if (typeof vol === 'number') {
+ var rampTime = _rampTime || 0;
+ var tFromNow = _tFromNow || 0;
+ var now = p5sound.audiocontext.currentTime;
+ var currentVol = this.output.gain.value;
+ this.output.gain.cancelScheduledValues(now + tFromNow);
+ this.output.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(currentVol, now + tFromNow);
+ this.output.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(vol, now + tFromNow + rampTime);
+ } else if (vol) {
+ vol.connect(this.output.gain);
+ } else {
+ // return the Gain Node
+ return this.output.gain;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the duration of a sound file in seconds.
+ *
+ * @method duration
+ * @for p5.SoundFile
+ * @return {Number} The duration of the soundFile in seconds.
+ */
+ duration() {
+ // Return Duration
+ if (this.buffer) {
+ return this.buffer.duration;
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the current position of the p5.SoundFile playhead, in seconds.
+ * Time is relative to the normal buffer direction, so if `reverseBuffer`
+ * has been called, currentTime will count backwards.
+ *
+ * @method currentTime
+ * @for p5.SoundFile
+ * @return {Number} currentTime of the soundFile in seconds.
+ */
+ currentTime() {
+ return this.reversed
+ ? Math.abs(this._lastPos - this.buffer.length) / ac.sampleRate
+ : this._lastPos / ac.sampleRate;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Move the playhead of a soundfile that is currently playing to a
+ * new position and a new duration, in seconds.
+ * If none are given, will reset the file to play entire duration
+ * from start to finish. To set the position of a soundfile that is
+ * not currently playing, use the `play` or `loop` methods.
+ *
+ * @method jump
+ * @for p5.SoundFile
+ * @param {Number} cueTime cueTime of the soundFile in seconds.
+ * @param {Number} duration duration in seconds.
+ */
+ jump(cueTime, duration) {
+ if (cueTime < 0 || cueTime > this.buffer.duration) {
+ throw 'jump time out of range';
+ }
+ if (duration > this.buffer.duration - cueTime) {
+ throw 'end time out of range';
+ }
+ var cTime = cueTime || 0;
+ var dur = duration || undefined;
+ if (this.isPlaying()) {
+ this.stop(0);
+ this.play(0, this.playbackRate, this.output.gain.value, cTime, dur);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the number of channels in a sound file.
+ * For example, Mono = 1, Stereo = 2.
+ *
+ * @method channels
+ * @for p5.SoundFile
+ * @return {Number} [channels]
+ */
+ channels() {
+ return this.buffer.numberOfChannels;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the sample rate of the sound file.
+ *
+ * @method sampleRate
+ * @for p5.SoundFile
+ * @return {Number} [sampleRate]
+ */
+ sampleRate() {
+ return this.buffer.sampleRate;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the number of samples in a sound file.
+ * Equal to sampleRate * duration.
+ *
+ * @method frames
+ * @for p5.SoundFile
+ * @return {Number} [sampleCount]
+ */
+ frames() {
+ return this.buffer.length;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns an array of amplitude peaks in a p5.SoundFile that can be
+ * used to draw a static waveform. Scans through the p5.SoundFile's
+ * audio buffer to find the greatest amplitudes. Accepts one
+ * parameter, 'length', which determines size of the array.
+ * Larger arrays result in more precise waveform visualizations.
+ *
+ * Inspired by Wavesurfer.js.
+ *
+ * @method getPeaks
+ * @for p5.SoundFile
+ * @params {Number} [length] length is the size of the returned array.
+ * Larger length results in more precision.
+ * Defaults to 5*width of the browser window.
+ * @returns {Float32Array} Array of peaks.
+ */
+ getPeaks(length) {
+ if (this.buffer) {
+ // set length to window's width if no length is provided
+ if (!length) {
+ length = window.width * 5;
+ }
+ if (this.buffer) {
+ var buffer = this.buffer;
+ var sampleSize = buffer.length / length;
+ var sampleStep = ~~(sampleSize / 10) || 1;
+ var channels = buffer.numberOfChannels;
+ var peaks = new Float32Array(Math.round(length));
+ for (var c = 0; c < channels; c++) {
+ var chan = buffer.getChannelData(c);
+ for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ var start = ~~(i * sampleSize);
+ var end = ~~(start + sampleSize);
+ var max = 0;
+ for (var j = start; j < end; j += sampleStep) {
+ var value = chan[j];
+ if (value > max) {
+ max = value;
+ // faster than Math.abs
+ } else if (-value > max) {
+ max = value;
+ }
+ }
+ if (c === 0 || Math.abs(max) > peaks[i]) {
+ peaks[i] = max;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return peaks;
+ }
+ } else {
+ throw 'Cannot load peaks yet, buffer is not loaded';
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Reverses the p5.SoundFile's buffer source.
+ * Playback must be handled separately (see example).
+ *
+ * @method reverseBuffer
+ * @for p5.SoundFile
+ * @example
+ *
+ */
+ reverseBuffer() {
+ if (this.buffer) {
+ var currentPos = this._lastPos / ac.sampleRate;
+ var curVol = this.getVolume();
+ this.setVolume(0, 0.001);
+ const numChannels = this.buffer.numberOfChannels;
+ for (var i = 0; i < numChannels; i++) {
+ this.buffer.getChannelData(i).reverse();
+ }
+ // set reversed flag
+ this.reversed = !this.reversed;
+ if (this.isPlaying() && currentPos) {
+ this.jump(this.duration() - currentPos);
+ }
+ this.setVolume(curVol, 0.001);
+ } else {
+ throw 'SoundFile is not done loading';
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Schedule an event to be called when the soundfile
+ * reaches the end of a buffer. If the soundfile is
+ * playing through once, this will be called when it
+ * ends. If it is looping, it will be called when
+ * stop is called.
+ *
+ * @method onended
+ * @for p5.SoundFile
+ * @param {Function} callback function to call when the
+ * soundfile has ended.
+ */
+ onended(callback) {
+ this._onended = callback;
+ return this;
+ }
+ add() {
+ // TO DO
+ }
+ dispose() {
+ var now = p5sound.audiocontext.currentTime;
+ // remove reference to soundfile
+ var index = p5sound.soundArray.indexOf(this);
+ p5sound.soundArray.splice(index, 1);
+ this.stop(now);
+ if (this.buffer && this.bufferSourceNode) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.bufferSourceNodes.length - 1; i++) {
+ if (this.bufferSourceNodes[i] !== null) {
+ this.bufferSourceNodes[i].disconnect();
+ try {
+ this.bufferSourceNodes[i].stop(now);
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.warn('no buffer source node to dispose');
+ }
+ this.bufferSourceNodes[i] = null;
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.isPlaying()) {
+ try {
+ this._counterNode.stop(now);
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.log(e);
+ }
+ this._counterNode = null;
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.output) {
+ this.output.disconnect();
+ this.output = null;
+ }
+ if (this.panner) {
+ this.panner.disconnect();
+ this.panner = null;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Connects the output of a p5sound object to input of another
+ * p5.sound object. For example, you may connect a p5.SoundFile to an
+ * FFT or an Effect. If no parameter is given, it will connect to
+ * the master output. Most p5sound objects connect to the master
+ * output when they are created.
+ *
+ * @method connect
+ * @for p5.SoundFile
+ * @param {Object} [object] Audio object that accepts an input
+ */
+ connect(unit) {
+ if (!unit) {
+ this.panner.connect(p5sound.input);
+ } else {
+ if (unit.hasOwnProperty('input')) {
+ this.panner.connect(unit.input);
+ } else {
+ this.panner.connect(unit);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Disconnects the output of this p5sound object.
+ *
+ * @method disconnect
+ * @for p5.SoundFile
+ */
+ disconnect() {
+ if (this.panner) {
+ this.panner.disconnect();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ */
+ getLevel() {
+ console.warn(
+ 'p5.SoundFile.getLevel has been removed from the library. Use p5.Amplitude instead'
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Reset the source for this SoundFile to a
+ * new path (URL).
+ *
+ * @method setPath
+ * @for p5.SoundFile
+ * @param {String} path path to audio file
+ * @param {Function} callback Callback
+ */
+ setPath(p, callback) {
+ var path = p5.prototype._checkFileFormats(p);
+ this.url = path;
+ this.load(callback);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Replace the current Audio Buffer with a new Buffer.
+ *
+ * @method setBuffer
+ * @for p5.SoundFile
+ * @param {Array} buf Array of Float32 Array(s). 2 Float32 Arrays
+ * will create a stereo source. 1 will create
+ * a mono source.
+ */
+ setBuffer(buf) {
+ var numChannels = buf.length;
+ var size = buf[0].length;
+ var newBuffer = ac.createBuffer(numChannels, size, ac.sampleRate);
+ if (!(buf[0] instanceof Float32Array)) {
+ buf[0] = new Float32Array(buf[0]);
+ }
+ for (var channelNum = 0; channelNum < numChannels; channelNum++) {
+ var channel = newBuffer.getChannelData(channelNum);
+ channel.set(buf[channelNum]);
+ }
+ this.buffer = newBuffer;
+ // set numbers of channels on input to the panner
+ this.panner.inputChannels(numChannels);
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // script processor node with an empty buffer to help
+ // keep a sample-accurate position in playback buffer.
+ // Inspired by Chinmay Pendharkar's technique for Sonoport --> http://bit.ly/1HwdCsV
+ // Copyright [2015] [Sonoport (Asia) Pte. Ltd.],
+ // Licensed under the Apache License http://apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // initialize counterNode, set its initial buffer and playbackRate
+ _initCounterNode() {
+ var self = this;
+ var now = ac.currentTime;
+ var cNode = ac.createBufferSource();
+ const workletBufferSize = safeBufferSize(256);
+ // dispose of worklet node if it already exists
+ if (self._workletNode) {
+ self._workletNode.disconnect();
+ delete self._workletNode;
+ }
+ self._workletNode = new AudioWorkletNode(
+ ac,
+ processorNames.soundFileProcessor,
+ {
+ processorOptions: { bufferSize: workletBufferSize },
+ }
+ );
+ self._workletNode.port.onmessage = (event) => {
+ if (event.data.name === 'position') {
+ // event.data.position should only be 0 when paused
+ if (event.data.position === 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this._lastPos = event.data.position;
+ // do any callbacks that have been scheduled
+ this._onTimeUpdate(self._lastPos);
+ }
+ };
+ // create counter buffer of the same length as self.buffer
+ cNode.buffer = _createCounterBuffer(self.buffer);
+ cNode.playbackRate.setValueAtTime(self.playbackRate, now);
+ cNode.connect(self._workletNode);
+ self._workletNode.connect(p5.soundOut._silentNode);
+ return cNode;
+ }
+ // initialize sourceNode, set its initial buffer and playbackRate
+ _initSourceNode() {
+ var bufferSourceNode = ac.createBufferSource();
+ bufferSourceNode.buffer = this.buffer;
+ bufferSourceNode.playbackRate.value = this.playbackRate;
+ bufferSourceNode.connect(this.output);
+ return bufferSourceNode;
+ }
+ /**
+ * processPeaks returns an array of timestamps where it thinks there is a beat.
+ *
+ * This is an asynchronous function that processes the soundfile in an offline audio context,
+ * and sends the results to your callback function.
+ *
+ * The process involves running the soundfile through a lowpass filter, and finding all of the
+ * peaks above the initial threshold. If the total number of peaks are below the minimum number of peaks,
+ * it decreases the threshold and re-runs the analysis until either minPeaks or minThreshold are reached.
+ *
+ * @method processPeaks
+ * @for p5.SoundFile
+ * @param {Function} callback a function to call once this data is returned
+ * @param {Number} [initThreshold] initial threshold defaults to 0.9
+ * @param {Number} [minThreshold] minimum threshold defaults to 0.22
+ * @param {Number} [minPeaks] minimum number of peaks defaults to 200
+ * @return {Array} Array of timestamped peaks
+ */
+ processPeaks(callback, _initThreshold, _minThreshold, _minPeaks) {
+ var bufLen = this.buffer.length;
+ var sampleRate = this.buffer.sampleRate;
+ var buffer = this.buffer;
+ var allPeaks = [];
+ var initialThreshold = _initThreshold || 0.9,
+ threshold = initialThreshold,
+ minThreshold = _minThreshold || 0.22,
+ minPeaks = _minPeaks || 200;
+ // Create offline context
+ var offlineContext = new window.OfflineAudioContext(1, bufLen, sampleRate);
+ // create buffer source
+ var source = offlineContext.createBufferSource();
+ source.buffer = buffer;
+ // Create filter. TO DO: allow custom setting of filter
+ var filter = offlineContext.createBiquadFilter();
+ filter.type = 'lowpass';
+ source.connect(filter);
+ filter.connect(offlineContext.destination);
+ // start playing at time:0
+ source.start(0);
+ offlineContext.startRendering(); // Render the song
+ // act on the result
+ offlineContext.oncomplete = function (e) {
+ if (!self.panner) return;
+ var filteredBuffer = e.renderedBuffer;
+ var bufferData = filteredBuffer.getChannelData(0);
+ // step 1:
+ // create Peak instances, add them to array, with strength and sampleIndex
+ do {
+ allPeaks = getPeaksAtThreshold(bufferData, threshold);
+ threshold -= 0.005;
+ } while (
+ Object.keys(allPeaks).length < minPeaks &&
+ threshold >= minThreshold
+ );
+ // step 2:
+ // find intervals for each peak in the sampleIndex, add tempos array
+ var intervalCounts = countIntervalsBetweenNearbyPeaks(allPeaks);
+ // step 3: find top tempos
+ var groups = groupNeighborsByTempo(
+ intervalCounts,
+ filteredBuffer.sampleRate
+ );
+ // sort top intervals
+ var topTempos = groups
+ .sort(function (intA, intB) {
+ return intB.count - intA.count;
+ })
+ .splice(0, 5);
+ // set this SoundFile's tempo to the top tempo ??
+ this.tempo = topTempos[0].tempo;
+ // step 4:
+ // new array of peaks at top tempo within a bpmVariance
+ var bpmVariance = 5;
+ var tempoPeaks = getPeaksAtTopTempo(
+ allPeaks,
+ topTempos[0].tempo,
+ filteredBuffer.sampleRate,
+ bpmVariance
+ );
+ callback(tempoPeaks);
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * Schedule events to trigger every time a MediaElement
+ * (audio/video) reaches a playback cue point.
+ *
+ * Accepts a callback function, a time (in seconds) at which to trigger
+ * the callback, and an optional parameter for the callback.
+ *
+ * Time will be passed as the first parameter to the callback function,
+ * and param will be the second parameter.
+ *
+ *
+ * @method addCue
+ * @for p5.SoundFile
+ * @param {Number} time Time in seconds, relative to this media
+ * element's playback. For example, to trigger
+ * an event every time playback reaches two
+ * seconds, pass in the number 2. This will be
+ * passed as the first parameter to
+ * the callback function.
+ * @param {Function} callback Name of a function that will be
+ * called at the given time. The callback will
+ * receive time and (optionally) param as its
+ * two parameters.
+ * @param {Object} [value] An object to be passed as the
+ * second parameter to the
+ * callback function.
+ * @return {Number} id ID of this cue,
+ * useful for removeCue(id)
+ * @example
+ *
+ */
+ addCue(time, callback, val) {
+ var id = this._cueIDCounter++;
+ var cue = new Cue(callback, time, id, val);
+ this._cues.push(cue);
+ // if (!this.elt.ontimeupdate) {
+ // this.elt.ontimeupdate = this._onTimeUpdate.bind(this);
+ // }
+ return id;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Remove a callback based on its ID. The ID is returned by the
+ * addCue method.
+ *
+ * @method removeCue
+ * @for p5.SoundFile
+ * @param {Number} id ID of the cue, as returned by addCue
+ */
+ removeCue(id) {
+ var cueLength = this._cues.length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < cueLength; i++) {
+ var cue = this._cues[i];
+ if (cue.id === id) {
+ this._cues.splice(i, 1);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (this._cues.length === 0) {
+ // TO DO: remove callback
+ // this.elt.ontimeupdate = null
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Remove all of the callbacks that had originally been scheduled
+ * via the addCue method.
+ *
+ * @method clearCues
+ */
+ clearCues() {
+ this._cues = [];
+ // this.elt.ontimeupdate = null;
+ }
+ // private method that checks for cues to be fired if events
+ // have been scheduled using addCue(callback, time).
+ _onTimeUpdate(position) {
+ var playbackTime = position / this.buffer.sampleRate;
+ var cueLength = this._cues.length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < cueLength; i++) {
+ var cue = this._cues[i];
+ var callbackTime = cue.time;
+ var val = cue.val;
+ var leftLimit = this._prevUpdateTime || 0;
+ var rightLimit = playbackTime;
+ if (leftLimit <= callbackTime && callbackTime <= rightLimit) {
+ // pass the scheduled callbackTime as parameter to the callback
+ cue.callback(val);
+ }
+ }
+ this._prevUpdateTime = playbackTime;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Save a p5.SoundFile as a .wav file. The browser will prompt the user
+ * to download the file to their device. To upload a file to a server, see
+ * getBlob
+ *
+ * @method save
+ * @for p5.SoundFile
+ * @param {String} [fileName] name of the resulting .wav file.
+ * @example
+ *
+ */
+ save(fileName) {
+ p5.prototype.saveSound(this, fileName, 'wav');
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method is useful for sending a SoundFile to a server. It returns the
+ * .wav-encoded audio data as a "Blob".
+ * A Blob is a file-like data object that can be uploaded to a server
+ * with an http request. We'll
+ * use the `httpDo` options object to send a POST request with some
+ * specific options: we encode the request as `multipart/form-data`,
+ * and attach the blob as one of the form values using `FormData`.
+ *
+ *
+ * @method getBlob
+ * @for p5.SoundFile
+ * @returns {Blob} A file-like data object
+ * @example
+ *
+ * function preload() {
+ * mySound = loadSound('assets/doorbell.mp3');
+ * }
+ *
+ * function setup() {
+ * noCanvas();
+ * let soundBlob = mySound.getBlob();
+ *
+ * // Now we can send the blob to a server...
+ * let serverUrl = 'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts';
+ * let httpRequestOptions = {
+ * method: 'POST',
+ * body: new FormData().append('soundBlob', soundBlob),
+ * headers: new Headers({
+ * 'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data'
+ * })
+ * };
+ * httpDo(serverUrl, httpRequestOptions);
+ *
+ * // We can also create an `ObjectURL` pointing to the Blob
+ * let blobUrl = URL.createObjectURL(soundBlob);
+ *
+ * // The `
+ */
+ getBlob() {
+ const dataView = convertToWav(this.buffer);
+ return new Blob([dataView], { type: 'audio/wav' });
+ }
+ * loadSound() returns a new p5.SoundFile from a specified
+ * path. If called during preload(), the p5.SoundFile will be ready
+ * to play in time for setup() and draw(). If called outside of
+ * preload, the p5.SoundFile will not be ready immediately, so
+ * loadSound accepts a callback as the second parameter. Using a
+ *
+ * local server is recommended when loading external files.
* @method loadSound
* @for p5
@@ -195,7 +1852,7 @@ p5.prototype.registerPreloadMethod('loadSound', p5.prototype);
* }
-p5.prototype.loadSound = function (path, callback, onerror, whileLoading) {
+function loadSound(path, callback, onerror, whileLoading) {
// if loading locally without a server
if (
window.location.origin.indexOf('file://') > -1 &&
@@ -207,7 +1864,7 @@ p5.prototype.loadSound = function (path, callback, onerror, whileLoading) {
var self = this;
- var s = new p5.SoundFile(
+ var s = new SoundFile(
function () {
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
@@ -223,1671 +1880,7 @@ p5.prototype.loadSound = function (path, callback, onerror, whileLoading) {
return s;
- * This is a helper function that the p5.SoundFile calls to load
- * itself. Accepts a callback (the name of another function)
- * as an optional parameter.
- *
- * @private
- * @for p5.SoundFile
- * @param {Function} [successCallback] Name of a function to call once file loads
- * @param {Function} [errorCallback] Name of a function to call if there is an error
- */
-p5.SoundFile.prototype.load = function (callback, errorCallback) {
- var self = this;
- var errorTrace = new Error().stack;
- if (this.url !== undefined && this.url !== '') {
- var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
- request.addEventListener(
- 'progress',
- function (evt) {
- self._updateProgress(evt);
- },
- false
- );
- request.open('GET', this.url, true);
- request.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
- request.onload = function () {
- if (request.status === 200) {
- // on sucess loading file:
- if (!self.panner) return;
- ac.decodeAudioData(
- request.response,
- // success decoding buffer:
- function (buff) {
- if (!self.panner) return;
- self.buffer = buff;
- self.panner.inputChannels(buff.numberOfChannels);
- if (callback) {
- callback(self);
- }
- },
- // error decoding buffer. "e" is undefined in Chrome 11/22/2015
- function () {
- if (!self.panner) return;
- var err = new CustomError('decodeAudioData', errorTrace, self.url);
- var msg = 'AudioContext error at decodeAudioData for ' + self.url;
- if (errorCallback) {
- err.msg = msg;
- errorCallback(err);
- } else {
- console.error(
- msg + '\n The error stack trace includes: \n' + err.stack
- );
- }
- }
- );
- }
- // if request status != 200, it failed
- else {
- if (!self.panner) return;
- var err = new CustomError('loadSound', errorTrace, self.url);
- var msg =
- 'Unable to load ' +
- self.url +
- '. The request status was: ' +
- request.status +
- ' (' +
- request.statusText +
- ')';
- if (errorCallback) {
- err.message = msg;
- errorCallback(err);
- } else {
- console.error(
- msg + '\n The error stack trace includes: \n' + err.stack
- );
- }
- }
- };
- // if there is another error, aside from 404...
- request.onerror = function () {
- var err = new CustomError('loadSound', errorTrace, self.url);
- var msg =
- 'There was no response from the server at ' +
- self.url +
- '. Check the url and internet connectivity.';
- if (errorCallback) {
- err.message = msg;
- errorCallback(err);
- } else {
- console.error(
- msg + '\n The error stack trace includes: \n' + err.stack
- );
- }
- };
- request.send();
- } else if (this.file !== undefined) {
- var reader = new FileReader();
- reader.onload = function () {
- if (!self.panner) return;
- ac.decodeAudioData(reader.result, function (buff) {
- if (!self.panner) return;
- self.buffer = buff;
- self.panner.inputChannels(buff.numberOfChannels);
- if (callback) {
- callback(self);
- }
- });
- };
- reader.onerror = function (e) {
- if (!self.panner) return;
- if (onerror) {
- onerror(e);
- }
- };
- reader.readAsArrayBuffer(this.file);
- }
-// TO DO: use this method to create a loading bar that shows progress during file upload/decode.
-p5.SoundFile.prototype._updateProgress = function (evt) {
- if (evt.lengthComputable) {
- var percentComplete = (evt.loaded / evt.total) * 0.99;
- this._whileLoading(percentComplete, evt);
- // ...
- } else {
- // Unable to compute progress information since the total size is unknown
- this._whileLoading('size unknown');
- }
- * Returns true if the sound file finished loading successfully.
- *
- * @method isLoaded
- * @for p5.SoundFile
- * @return {Boolean}
- */
-p5.SoundFile.prototype.isLoaded = function () {
- if (this.buffer) {
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- * Play the p5.SoundFile
- *
- * @method play
- * @for p5.SoundFile
- * @param {Number} [startTime] (optional) schedule playback to start (in seconds from now).
- * @param {Number} [rate] (optional) playback rate
- * @param {Number} [amp] (optional) amplitude (volume)
- * of playback
- * @param {Number} [cueStart] (optional) cue start time in seconds
- * @param {Number} [duration] (optional) duration of playback in seconds
- */
-p5.SoundFile.prototype.play = function (
- startTime,
- rate,
- amp,
- _cueStart,
- duration
-) {
- if (!this.output) {
- console.warn('SoundFile.play() called after dispose');
- return;
- }
- var now = p5sound.audiocontext.currentTime;
- var cueStart, cueEnd;
- var time = startTime || 0;
- if (time < 0) {
- time = 0;
- }
- time = time + now;
- if (typeof rate !== 'undefined') {
- this.rate(rate);
- }
- if (typeof amp !== 'undefined') {
- this.setVolume(amp);
- }
- // TO DO: if already playing, create array of buffers for easy stop()
- if (this.buffer) {
- // reset the pause time (if it was paused)
- this._pauseTime = 0;
- // handle restart playmode
- if (this.mode === 'restart' && this.buffer && this.bufferSourceNode) {
- this.bufferSourceNode.stop(time);
- this._counterNode.stop(time);
- }
- //dont create another instance if already playing
- if (this.mode === 'untildone' && this.isPlaying()) {
- return;
- }
- // make a new source and counter. They are automatically assigned playbackRate and buffer
- this.bufferSourceNode = this._initSourceNode();
- // garbage collect counterNode and create a new one
- delete this._counterNode;
- this._counterNode = this._initCounterNode();
- if (_cueStart) {
- if (_cueStart >= 0 && _cueStart < this.buffer.duration) {
- // this.startTime = cueStart;
- cueStart = _cueStart;
- } else {
- throw 'start time out of range';
- }
- } else {
- cueStart = 0;
- }
- if (duration) {
- // if duration is greater than buffer.duration, just play entire file anyway rather than throw an error
- duration =
- duration <= this.buffer.duration - cueStart
- ? duration
- : this.buffer.duration;
- }
- // if it was paused, play at the pause position
- if (this._paused) {
- this.bufferSourceNode.start(time, this.pauseTime, duration);
- this._counterNode.start(time, this.pauseTime, duration);
- } else {
- this.bufferSourceNode.start(time, cueStart, duration);
- this._counterNode.start(time, cueStart, duration);
- }
- this._playing = true;
- this._paused = false;
- // add source to sources array, which is used in stopAll()
- this.bufferSourceNodes.push(this.bufferSourceNode);
- this.bufferSourceNode._arrayIndex = this.bufferSourceNodes.length - 1;
- this.bufferSourceNode.addEventListener('ended', this._clearOnEnd);
- }
- // If soundFile hasn't loaded the buffer yet, throw an error
- else {
- throw 'not ready to play file, buffer has yet to load. Try preload()';
- }
- // if looping, will restart at original time
- this.bufferSourceNode.loop = this._looping;
- this._counterNode.loop = this._looping;
- if (this._looping === true) {
- cueEnd = duration ? duration : cueStart - 0.000000000000001;
- this.bufferSourceNode.loopStart = cueStart;
- this.bufferSourceNode.loopEnd = cueEnd;
- this._counterNode.loopStart = cueStart;
- this._counterNode.loopEnd = cueEnd;
- }
- * p5.SoundFile has two play modes: restart and
- * sustain. Play Mode determines what happens to a
- * p5.SoundFile if it is triggered while in the middle of playback.
- * In sustain mode, playback will continue simultaneous to the
- * new playback. In restart mode, play() will stop playback
- * and start over. With untilDone, a sound will play only if it's
- * not already playing. Sustain is the default mode.
- *
- * @method playMode
- * @for p5.SoundFile
- * @param {String} str 'restart' or 'sustain' or 'untilDone'
- * @example
- *
- */
-p5.SoundFile.prototype.playMode = function (str) {
- var s = str.toLowerCase();
- // if restart, stop all other sounds from playing
- if (s === 'restart' && this.buffer && this.bufferSourceNode) {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.bufferSourceNodes.length - 1; i++) {
- var now = p5sound.audiocontext.currentTime;
- this.bufferSourceNodes[i].stop(now);
- }
- }
- // set play mode to effect future playback
- if (s === 'restart' || s === 'sustain' || s === 'untildone') {
- this.mode = s;
- } else {
- throw 'Invalid play mode. Must be either "restart" or "sustain"';
- }
- * Pauses a file that is currently playing. If the file is not
- * playing, then nothing will happen.
- *
- * After pausing, .play() will resume from the paused
- * position.
- * If p5.SoundFile had been set to loop before it was paused,
- * it will continue to loop after it is unpaused with .play().
- *
- * @method pause
- * @for p5.SoundFile
- * @param {Number} [startTime] (optional) schedule event to occur
- * seconds from now
- * @example
- *
- */
-p5.SoundFile.prototype.loop = function (
- startTime,
- rate,
- amp,
- loopStart,
- duration
-) {
- this._looping = true;
- this.play(startTime, rate, amp, loopStart, duration);
- * Set a p5.SoundFile's looping flag to true or false. If the sound
- * is currently playing, this change will take effect when it
- * reaches the end of the current playback.
- *
- * @method setLoop
- * @for p5.SoundFile
- * @param {Boolean} Boolean set looping to true or false
- */
-p5.SoundFile.prototype.setLoop = function (bool) {
- if (bool === true) {
- this._looping = true;
- } else if (bool === false) {
- this._looping = false;
- } else {
- throw 'Error: setLoop accepts either true or false';
- }
- if (this.bufferSourceNode) {
- this.bufferSourceNode.loop = this._looping;
- this._counterNode.loop = this._looping;
- }
- * Returns 'true' if a p5.SoundFile is currently looping and playing, 'false' if not.
- *
- * @method isLooping
- * @for p5.SoundFile
- * @return {Boolean}
- */
-p5.SoundFile.prototype.isLooping = function () {
- if (!this.bufferSourceNode) {
- return false;
- }
- if (this._looping === true && this.isPlaying() === true) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- * Returns true if a p5.SoundFile is playing, false if not (i.e.
- * paused or stopped).
- *
- * @method isPlaying
- * @for p5.SoundFile
- * @return {Boolean}
- */
-p5.SoundFile.prototype.isPlaying = function () {
- return this._playing;
- * Returns true if a p5.SoundFile is paused, false if not (i.e.
- * playing or stopped).
- *
- * @method isPaused
- * @for p5.SoundFile
- * @return {Boolean}
- */
-p5.SoundFile.prototype.isPaused = function () {
- return this._paused;
- * Stop soundfile playback.
- *
- * @method stop
- * @for p5.SoundFile
- * @param {Number} [startTime] (optional) schedule event to occur
- * in seconds from now
- */
-p5.SoundFile.prototype.stop = function (timeFromNow) {
- var time = timeFromNow || 0;
- if (this.mode === 'sustain' || this.mode === 'untildone') {
- this.stopAll(time);
- this._playing = false;
- this.pauseTime = 0;
- this._paused = false;
- } else if (this.buffer && this.bufferSourceNode) {
- var now = p5sound.audiocontext.currentTime;
- var t = time || 0;
- this.pauseTime = 0;
- this.bufferSourceNode.stop(now + t);
- this._counterNode.stop(now + t);
- this._playing = false;
- this._paused = false;
- }
- * Stop playback on all of this soundfile's sources.
- * @private
- */
-p5.SoundFile.prototype.stopAll = function (_time) {
- var now = p5sound.audiocontext.currentTime;
- var time = _time || 0;
- if (this.buffer && this.bufferSourceNode) {
- for (var i in this.bufferSourceNodes) {
- const bufferSourceNode = this.bufferSourceNodes[i];
- if (bufferSourceNode) {
- try {
- bufferSourceNode.stop(now + time);
- } catch (e) {
- // this was throwing errors only on Safari
- }
- }
- }
- this._counterNode.stop(now + time);
- this._onended(this);
- }
- * Multiply the output volume (amplitude) of a sound file
- * between 0.0 (silence) and 1.0 (full volume).
- * 1.0 is the maximum amplitude of a digital sound, so multiplying
- * by greater than 1.0 may cause digital distortion. To
- * fade, provide a rampTime parameter. For more
- * complex fades, see the Envelope class.
- *
- * Alternately, you can pass in a signal source such as an
- * oscillator to modulate the amplitude with an audio signal.
- *
- * @method setVolume
- * @for p5.SoundFile
- * @param {Number|Object} volume Volume (amplitude) between 0.0
- * and 1.0 or modulating signal/oscillator
- * @param {Number} [rampTime] Fade for t seconds
- * @param {Number} [timeFromNow] Schedule this event to happen at
- * t seconds in the future
- */
-p5.SoundFile.prototype.setVolume = function (vol, _rampTime, _tFromNow) {
- if (typeof vol === 'number') {
- var rampTime = _rampTime || 0;
- var tFromNow = _tFromNow || 0;
- var now = p5sound.audiocontext.currentTime;
- var currentVol = this.output.gain.value;
- this.output.gain.cancelScheduledValues(now + tFromNow);
- this.output.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(currentVol, now + tFromNow);
- this.output.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(vol, now + tFromNow + rampTime);
- } else if (vol) {
- vol.connect(this.output.gain);
- } else {
- // return the Gain Node
- return this.output.gain;
- }
-// same as setVolume, to match Processing Sound
-p5.SoundFile.prototype.amp = p5.SoundFile.prototype.setVolume;
-// these are the same thing
-p5.SoundFile.prototype.fade = p5.SoundFile.prototype.setVolume;
-p5.SoundFile.prototype.getVolume = function () {
- return this.output.gain.value;
- * Set the stereo panning of a p5.sound object to
- * a floating point number between -1.0 (left) and 1.0 (right).
- * Default is 0.0 (center).
- *
- * @method pan
- * @for p5.SoundFile
- * @param {Number} [panValue] Set the stereo panner
- * @param {Number} [timeFromNow] schedule this event to happen
- * seconds from now
- * @example
- *
- * let ballX = 0;
- * let soundFile;
- *
- * function preload() {
- * soundFormats('ogg', 'mp3');
- * soundFile = loadSound('assets/beatbox.mp3');
- * }
- *
- * function draw() {
- * let cnv = createCanvas(100, 100);
- * cnv.mousePressed(canvasPressed);
- * background(220);
- * ballX = constrain(mouseX, 0, width);
- * ellipse(ballX, height/2, 20, 20);
- * }
- *
- * function canvasPressed(){
- * // map the ball's x location to a panning degree
- * // between -1.0 (left) and 1.0 (right)
- * let panning = map(ballX, 0., width,-1.0, 1.0);
- * soundFile.pan(panning);
- * soundFile.play();
- * }
- *
- */
-p5.SoundFile.prototype.pan = function (pval, tFromNow) {
- this.panPosition = pval;
- this.panner.pan(pval, tFromNow);
- * Returns the current stereo pan position (-1.0 to 1.0)
- *
- * @method getPan
- * @for p5.SoundFile
- * @return {Number} Returns the stereo pan setting of the Oscillator
- * as a number between -1.0 (left) and 1.0 (right).
- * 0.0 is center and default.
- */
-p5.SoundFile.prototype.getPan = function () {
- return this.panPosition;
- * Set the playback rate of a sound file. Will change the speed and the pitch.
- * Values less than zero will reverse the audio buffer.
- *
- * @method rate
- * @for p5.SoundFile
- * @param {Number} [playbackRate] Set the playback rate. 1.0 is normal,
- * .5 is half-speed, 2.0 is twice as fast.
- * Values less than zero play backwards.
- * @example
- *
- * let mySound;
- *
- * function preload() {
- * mySound = loadSound('assets/Damscray_DancingTiger.mp3');
- * }
- *
- * function setup() {
- * let cnv = createCanvas(100, 100);
- * cnv.mousePressed(canvasPressed);
- * }
- * function canvasPressed() {
- * mySound.loop();
- * }
- * function mouseReleased() {
- * mySound.pause();
- * }
- * function draw() {
- * background(220);
- *
- * // Set the rate to a range between 0.1 and 4
- * // Changing the rate also alters the pitch
- * let playbackRate = map(mouseY, 0.1, height, 2, 0);
- * playbackRate = constrain(playbackRate, 0.01, 4);
- * mySound.rate(playbackRate);
- *
- * line(0, mouseY, width, mouseY);
- * text('rate: ' + round(playbackRate * 100) + '%', 10, 20);
- * }
- *
- *
- *
- *
- */
-p5.SoundFile.prototype.rate = function (playbackRate) {
- var reverse = false;
- if (typeof playbackRate === 'undefined') {
- return this.playbackRate;
- }
- this.playbackRate = playbackRate;
- if (playbackRate === 0) {
- playbackRate = 0.0000000000001;
- } else if (playbackRate < 0 && !this.reversed) {
- playbackRate = Math.abs(playbackRate);
- reverse = true;
- } else if (playbackRate > 0 && this.reversed) {
- reverse = true;
- }
- if (this.bufferSourceNode) {
- var now = p5sound.audiocontext.currentTime;
- this.bufferSourceNode.playbackRate.cancelScheduledValues(now);
- this.bufferSourceNode.playbackRate.linearRampToValueAtTime(
- Math.abs(playbackRate),
- now
- );
- this._counterNode.playbackRate.cancelScheduledValues(now);
- this._counterNode.playbackRate.linearRampToValueAtTime(
- Math.abs(playbackRate),
- now
- );
- }
- if (reverse) {
- this.reverseBuffer();
- }
- return this.playbackRate;
-// TO DO: document this
-p5.SoundFile.prototype.setPitch = function (num) {
- var newPlaybackRate = midiToFreq(num) / midiToFreq(60);
- this.rate(newPlaybackRate);
-p5.SoundFile.prototype.getPlaybackRate = function () {
- return this.playbackRate;
- * Returns the duration of a sound file in seconds.
- *
- * @method duration
- * @for p5.SoundFile
- * @return {Number} The duration of the soundFile in seconds.
- */
-p5.SoundFile.prototype.duration = function () {
- // Return Duration
- if (this.buffer) {
- return this.buffer.duration;
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
- * Return the current position of the p5.SoundFile playhead, in seconds.
- * Time is relative to the normal buffer direction, so if `reverseBuffer`
- * has been called, currentTime will count backwards.
- *
- * @method currentTime
- * @for p5.SoundFile
- * @return {Number} currentTime of the soundFile in seconds.
- */
-p5.SoundFile.prototype.currentTime = function () {
- return this.reversed
- ? Math.abs(this._lastPos - this.buffer.length) / ac.sampleRate
- : this._lastPos / ac.sampleRate;
- * Move the playhead of a soundfile that is currently playing to a
- * new position and a new duration, in seconds.
- * If none are given, will reset the file to play entire duration
- * from start to finish. To set the position of a soundfile that is
- * not currently playing, use the `play` or `loop` methods.
- *
- * @method jump
- * @for p5.SoundFile
- * @param {Number} cueTime cueTime of the soundFile in seconds.
- * @param {Number} duration duration in seconds.
- */
-p5.SoundFile.prototype.jump = function (cueTime, duration) {
- if (cueTime < 0 || cueTime > this.buffer.duration) {
- throw 'jump time out of range';
- }
- if (duration > this.buffer.duration - cueTime) {
- throw 'end time out of range';
- }
- var cTime = cueTime || 0;
- var dur = duration || undefined;
- if (this.isPlaying()) {
- this.stop(0);
- this.play(0, this.playbackRate, this.output.gain.value, cTime, dur);
- }
- * Return the number of channels in a sound file.
- * For example, Mono = 1, Stereo = 2.
- *
- * @method channels
- * @for p5.SoundFile
- * @return {Number} [channels]
- */
-p5.SoundFile.prototype.channels = function () {
- return this.buffer.numberOfChannels;
- * Return the sample rate of the sound file.
- *
- * @method sampleRate
- * @for p5.SoundFile
- * @return {Number} [sampleRate]
- */
-p5.SoundFile.prototype.sampleRate = function () {
- return this.buffer.sampleRate;
- * Return the number of samples in a sound file.
- * Equal to sampleRate * duration.
- *
- * @method frames
- * @for p5.SoundFile
- * @return {Number} [sampleCount]
- */
-p5.SoundFile.prototype.frames = function () {
- return this.buffer.length;
- * Returns an array of amplitude peaks in a p5.SoundFile that can be
- * used to draw a static waveform. Scans through the p5.SoundFile's
- * audio buffer to find the greatest amplitudes. Accepts one
- * parameter, 'length', which determines size of the array.
- * Larger arrays result in more precise waveform visualizations.
- *
- * Inspired by Wavesurfer.js.
- *
- * @method getPeaks
- * @for p5.SoundFile
- * @params {Number} [length] length is the size of the returned array.
- * Larger length results in more precision.
- * Defaults to 5*width of the browser window.
- * @returns {Float32Array} Array of peaks.
- */
-p5.SoundFile.prototype.getPeaks = function (length) {
- if (this.buffer) {
- // set length to window's width if no length is provided
- if (!length) {
- length = window.width * 5;
- }
- if (this.buffer) {
- var buffer = this.buffer;
- var sampleSize = buffer.length / length;
- var sampleStep = ~~(sampleSize / 10) || 1;
- var channels = buffer.numberOfChannels;
- var peaks = new Float32Array(Math.round(length));
- for (var c = 0; c < channels; c++) {
- var chan = buffer.getChannelData(c);
- for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
- var start = ~~(i * sampleSize);
- var end = ~~(start + sampleSize);
- var max = 0;
- for (var j = start; j < end; j += sampleStep) {
- var value = chan[j];
- if (value > max) {
- max = value;
- // faster than Math.abs
- } else if (-value > max) {
- max = value;
- }
- }
- if (c === 0 || Math.abs(max) > peaks[i]) {
- peaks[i] = max;
- }
- }
- }
- return peaks;
- }
- } else {
- throw 'Cannot load peaks yet, buffer is not loaded';
- }
- * Reverses the p5.SoundFile's buffer source.
- * Playback must be handled separately (see example).
- *
- * @method reverseBuffer
- * @for p5.SoundFile
- * @example
- *
- */
-p5.SoundFile.prototype.reverseBuffer = function () {
- if (this.buffer) {
- var currentPos = this._lastPos / ac.sampleRate;
- var curVol = this.getVolume();
- this.setVolume(0, 0.001);
- const numChannels = this.buffer.numberOfChannels;
- for (var i = 0; i < numChannels; i++) {
- this.buffer.getChannelData(i).reverse();
- }
- // set reversed flag
- this.reversed = !this.reversed;
- if (this.isPlaying() && currentPos) {
- this.jump(this.duration() - currentPos);
- }
- this.setVolume(curVol, 0.001);
- } else {
- throw 'SoundFile is not done loading';
- }
- * Schedule an event to be called when the soundfile
- * reaches the end of a buffer. If the soundfile is
- * playing through once, this will be called when it
- * ends. If it is looping, it will be called when
- * stop is called.
- *
- * @method onended
- * @for p5.SoundFile
- * @param {Function} callback function to call when the
- * soundfile has ended.
- */
-p5.SoundFile.prototype.onended = function (callback) {
- this._onended = callback;
- return this;
-p5.SoundFile.prototype.add = function () {
- // TO DO
-p5.SoundFile.prototype.dispose = function () {
- var now = p5sound.audiocontext.currentTime;
- // remove reference to soundfile
- var index = p5sound.soundArray.indexOf(this);
- p5sound.soundArray.splice(index, 1);
- this.stop(now);
- if (this.buffer && this.bufferSourceNode) {
- for (var i = 0; i < this.bufferSourceNodes.length - 1; i++) {
- if (this.bufferSourceNodes[i] !== null) {
- this.bufferSourceNodes[i].disconnect();
- try {
- this.bufferSourceNodes[i].stop(now);
- } catch (e) {
- console.warn('no buffer source node to dispose');
- }
- this.bufferSourceNodes[i] = null;
- }
- }
- if (this.isPlaying()) {
- try {
- this._counterNode.stop(now);
- } catch (e) {
- console.log(e);
- }
- this._counterNode = null;
- }
- }
- if (this.output) {
- this.output.disconnect();
- this.output = null;
- }
- if (this.panner) {
- this.panner.disconnect();
- this.panner = null;
- }
- * Connects the output of a p5sound object to input of another
- * p5.sound object. For example, you may connect a p5.SoundFile to an
- * FFT or an Effect. If no parameter is given, it will connect to
- * the master output. Most p5sound objects connect to the master
- * output when they are created.
- *
- * @method connect
- * @for p5.SoundFile
- * @param {Object} [object] Audio object that accepts an input
- */
-p5.SoundFile.prototype.connect = function (unit) {
- if (!unit) {
- this.panner.connect(p5sound.input);
- } else {
- if (unit.hasOwnProperty('input')) {
- this.panner.connect(unit.input);
- } else {
- this.panner.connect(unit);
- }
- }
- * Disconnects the output of this p5sound object.
- *
- * @method disconnect
- * @for p5.SoundFile
- */
-p5.SoundFile.prototype.disconnect = function () {
- if (this.panner) {
- this.panner.disconnect();
- }
- */
-p5.SoundFile.prototype.getLevel = function () {
- console.warn(
- 'p5.SoundFile.getLevel has been removed from the library. Use p5.Amplitude instead'
- );
- * Reset the source for this SoundFile to a
- * new path (URL).
- *
- * @method setPath
- * @for p5.SoundFile
- * @param {String} path path to audio file
- * @param {Function} callback Callback
- */
-p5.SoundFile.prototype.setPath = function (p, callback) {
- var path = p5.prototype._checkFileFormats(p);
- this.url = path;
- this.load(callback);
- * Replace the current Audio Buffer with a new Buffer.
- *
- * @method setBuffer
- * @for p5.SoundFile
- * @param {Array} buf Array of Float32 Array(s). 2 Float32 Arrays
- * will create a stereo source. 1 will create
- * a mono source.
- */
-p5.SoundFile.prototype.setBuffer = function (buf) {
- var numChannels = buf.length;
- var size = buf[0].length;
- var newBuffer = ac.createBuffer(numChannels, size, ac.sampleRate);
- if (!(buf[0] instanceof Float32Array)) {
- buf[0] = new Float32Array(buf[0]);
- }
- for (var channelNum = 0; channelNum < numChannels; channelNum++) {
- var channel = newBuffer.getChannelData(channelNum);
- channel.set(buf[channelNum]);
- }
- this.buffer = newBuffer;
- // set numbers of channels on input to the panner
- this.panner.inputChannels(numChannels);
-// script processor node with an empty buffer to help
-// keep a sample-accurate position in playback buffer.
-// Inspired by Chinmay Pendharkar's technique for Sonoport --> http://bit.ly/1HwdCsV
-// Copyright [2015] [Sonoport (Asia) Pte. Ltd.],
-// Licensed under the Apache License http://apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-var _createCounterBuffer = function (buffer) {
- const len = buffer.length;
- const audioBuf = ac.createBuffer(1, buffer.length, ac.sampleRate);
- const arrayBuffer = audioBuf.getChannelData(0);
- for (var index = 0; index < len; index++) {
- arrayBuffer[index] = index;
- }
- return audioBuf;
-// initialize counterNode, set its initial buffer and playbackRate
-p5.SoundFile.prototype._initCounterNode = function () {
- var self = this;
- var now = ac.currentTime;
- var cNode = ac.createBufferSource();
- const workletBufferSize = safeBufferSize(256);
- // dispose of worklet node if it already exists
- if (self._workletNode) {
- self._workletNode.disconnect();
- delete self._workletNode;
- }
- self._workletNode = new AudioWorkletNode(
- ac,
- processorNames.soundFileProcessor,
- {
- processorOptions: { bufferSize: workletBufferSize },
- }
- );
- self._workletNode.port.onmessage = (event) => {
- if (event.data.name === 'position') {
- // event.data.position should only be 0 when paused
- if (event.data.position === 0) {
- return;
- }
- this._lastPos = event.data.position;
- // do any callbacks that have been scheduled
- this._onTimeUpdate(self._lastPos);
- }
- };
- // create counter buffer of the same length as self.buffer
- cNode.buffer = _createCounterBuffer(self.buffer);
- cNode.playbackRate.setValueAtTime(self.playbackRate, now);
- cNode.connect(self._workletNode);
- self._workletNode.connect(p5.soundOut._silentNode);
- return cNode;
-// initialize sourceNode, set its initial buffer and playbackRate
-p5.SoundFile.prototype._initSourceNode = function () {
- var bufferSourceNode = ac.createBufferSource();
- bufferSourceNode.buffer = this.buffer;
- bufferSourceNode.playbackRate.value = this.playbackRate;
- bufferSourceNode.connect(this.output);
- return bufferSourceNode;
- * processPeaks returns an array of timestamps where it thinks there is a beat.
- *
- * This is an asynchronous function that processes the soundfile in an offline audio context,
- * and sends the results to your callback function.
- *
- * The process involves running the soundfile through a lowpass filter, and finding all of the
- * peaks above the initial threshold. If the total number of peaks are below the minimum number of peaks,
- * it decreases the threshold and re-runs the analysis until either minPeaks or minThreshold are reached.
- *
- * @method processPeaks
- * @for p5.SoundFile
- * @param {Function} callback a function to call once this data is returned
- * @param {Number} [initThreshold] initial threshold defaults to 0.9
- * @param {Number} [minThreshold] minimum threshold defaults to 0.22
- * @param {Number} [minPeaks] minimum number of peaks defaults to 200
- * @return {Array} Array of timestamped peaks
- */
-p5.SoundFile.prototype.processPeaks = function (
- callback,
- _initThreshold,
- _minThreshold,
- _minPeaks
-) {
- var bufLen = this.buffer.length;
- var sampleRate = this.buffer.sampleRate;
- var buffer = this.buffer;
- var allPeaks = [];
- var initialThreshold = _initThreshold || 0.9,
- threshold = initialThreshold,
- minThreshold = _minThreshold || 0.22,
- minPeaks = _minPeaks || 200;
- // Create offline context
- var offlineContext = new window.OfflineAudioContext(1, bufLen, sampleRate);
- // create buffer source
- var source = offlineContext.createBufferSource();
- source.buffer = buffer;
- // Create filter. TO DO: allow custom setting of filter
- var filter = offlineContext.createBiquadFilter();
- filter.type = 'lowpass';
- source.connect(filter);
- filter.connect(offlineContext.destination);
- // start playing at time:0
- source.start(0);
- offlineContext.startRendering(); // Render the song
- // act on the result
- offlineContext.oncomplete = function (e) {
- if (!self.panner) return;
- var filteredBuffer = e.renderedBuffer;
- var bufferData = filteredBuffer.getChannelData(0);
- // step 1:
- // create Peak instances, add them to array, with strength and sampleIndex
- do {
- allPeaks = getPeaksAtThreshold(bufferData, threshold);
- threshold -= 0.005;
- } while (
- Object.keys(allPeaks).length < minPeaks &&
- threshold >= minThreshold
- );
- // step 2:
- // find intervals for each peak in the sampleIndex, add tempos array
- var intervalCounts = countIntervalsBetweenNearbyPeaks(allPeaks);
- // step 3: find top tempos
- var groups = groupNeighborsByTempo(
- intervalCounts,
- filteredBuffer.sampleRate
- );
- // sort top intervals
- var topTempos = groups
- .sort(function (intA, intB) {
- return intB.count - intA.count;
- })
- .splice(0, 5);
- // set this SoundFile's tempo to the top tempo ??
- this.tempo = topTempos[0].tempo;
- // step 4:
- // new array of peaks at top tempo within a bpmVariance
- var bpmVariance = 5;
- var tempoPeaks = getPeaksAtTopTempo(
- allPeaks,
- topTempos[0].tempo,
- filteredBuffer.sampleRate,
- bpmVariance
- );
- callback(tempoPeaks);
- };
-// process peaks
-var Peak = function (amp, i) {
- this.sampleIndex = i;
- this.amplitude = amp;
- this.tempos = [];
- this.intervals = [];
-// 1. for processPeaks() Function to identify peaks above a threshold
-// returns an array of peak indexes as frames (samples) of the original soundfile
-function getPeaksAtThreshold(data, threshold) {
- var peaksObj = {};
- var length = data.length;
- for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
- if (data[i] > threshold) {
- var amp = data[i];
- var peak = new Peak(amp, i);
- peaksObj[i] = peak;
- // Skip forward ~ 1/8s to get past this peak.
- i += 6000;
- }
- i++;
- }
- return peaksObj;
-// 2. for processPeaks()
-function countIntervalsBetweenNearbyPeaks(peaksObj) {
- var intervalCounts = [];
- var peaksArray = Object.keys(peaksObj).sort();
- for (var index = 0; index < peaksArray.length; index++) {
- // find intervals in comparison to nearby peaks
- for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
- var startPeak = peaksObj[peaksArray[index]];
- var endPeak = peaksObj[peaksArray[index + i]];
- if (startPeak && endPeak) {
- var startPos = startPeak.sampleIndex;
- var endPos = endPeak.sampleIndex;
- var interval = endPos - startPos;
- // add a sample interval to the startPeak in the allPeaks array
- if (interval > 0) {
- startPeak.intervals.push(interval);
- }
- // tally the intervals and return interval counts
- var foundInterval = intervalCounts.some(function (intervalCount) {
- if (intervalCount.interval === interval) {
- intervalCount.count++;
- return intervalCount;
- }
- });
- // store with JSON like formatting
- if (!foundInterval) {
- intervalCounts.push({
- interval: interval,
- count: 1,
- });
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return intervalCounts;
-// 3. for processPeaks --> find tempo
-function groupNeighborsByTempo(intervalCounts, sampleRate) {
- var tempoCounts = [];
- intervalCounts.forEach(function (intervalCount) {
- try {
- // Convert an interval to tempo
- var theoreticalTempo = Math.abs(
- 60 / (intervalCount.interval / sampleRate)
- );
- theoreticalTempo = mapTempo(theoreticalTempo);
- var foundTempo = tempoCounts.some(function (tempoCount) {
- if (tempoCount.tempo === theoreticalTempo)
- return (tempoCount.count += intervalCount.count);
- });
- if (!foundTempo) {
- if (isNaN(theoreticalTempo)) {
- return;
- }
- tempoCounts.push({
- tempo: Math.round(theoreticalTempo),
- count: intervalCount.count,
- });
- }
- } catch (e) {
- throw e;
- }
- });
- return tempoCounts;
-// 4. for processPeaks - get peaks at top tempo
-function getPeaksAtTopTempo(peaksObj, tempo, sampleRate, bpmVariance) {
- var peaksAtTopTempo = [];
- var peaksArray = Object.keys(peaksObj).sort();
- // TO DO: filter out peaks that have the tempo and return
- for (var i = 0; i < peaksArray.length; i++) {
- var key = peaksArray[i];
- var peak = peaksObj[key];
- for (var j = 0; j < peak.intervals.length; j++) {
- var intervalBPM = Math.round(
- Math.abs(60 / (peak.intervals[j] / sampleRate))
- );
- intervalBPM = mapTempo(intervalBPM);
- if (Math.abs(intervalBPM - tempo) < bpmVariance) {
- // convert sampleIndex to seconds
- peaksAtTopTempo.push(peak.sampleIndex / sampleRate);
- }
- }
- }
- // filter out peaks that are very close to each other
- peaksAtTopTempo = peaksAtTopTempo.filter(function (peakTime, index, arr) {
- var dif = arr[index + 1] - peakTime;
- if (dif > 0.01) {
- return true;
- }
- });
- return peaksAtTopTempo;
-// helper function for processPeaks
-function mapTempo(theoreticalTempo) {
- // these scenarios create infinite while loop
- if (!isFinite(theoreticalTempo) || theoreticalTempo === 0) {
- return;
- }
- // Adjust the tempo to fit within the 90-180 BPM range
- while (theoreticalTempo < 90) theoreticalTempo *= 2;
- while (theoreticalTempo > 180 && theoreticalTempo > 90) theoreticalTempo /= 2;
- return theoreticalTempo;
-// Cue inspired by JavaScript setTimeout, and the
-// Tone.js Transport Timeline Event, MIT License Yotam Mann 2015 tonejs.org
-var Cue = function (callback, time, id, val) {
- this.callback = callback;
- this.time = time;
- this.id = id;
- this.val = val;
- * Schedule events to trigger every time a MediaElement
- * (audio/video) reaches a playback cue point.
- *
- * Accepts a callback function, a time (in seconds) at which to trigger
- * the callback, and an optional parameter for the callback.
- *
- * Time will be passed as the first parameter to the callback function,
- * and param will be the second parameter.
- *
- *
- * @method addCue
- * @for p5.SoundFile
- * @param {Number} time Time in seconds, relative to this media
- * element's playback. For example, to trigger
- * an event every time playback reaches two
- * seconds, pass in the number 2. This will be
- * passed as the first parameter to
- * the callback function.
- * @param {Function} callback Name of a function that will be
- * called at the given time. The callback will
- * receive time and (optionally) param as its
- * two parameters.
- * @param {Object} [value] An object to be passed as the
- * second parameter to the
- * callback function.
- * @return {Number} id ID of this cue,
- * useful for removeCue(id)
- * @example
- *
- */
-p5.SoundFile.prototype.addCue = function (time, callback, val) {
- var id = this._cueIDCounter++;
- var cue = new Cue(callback, time, id, val);
- this._cues.push(cue);
- // if (!this.elt.ontimeupdate) {
- // this.elt.ontimeupdate = this._onTimeUpdate.bind(this);
- // }
- return id;
- * Remove a callback based on its ID. The ID is returned by the
- * addCue method.
- *
- * @method removeCue
- * @for p5.SoundFile
- * @param {Number} id ID of the cue, as returned by addCue
- */
-p5.SoundFile.prototype.removeCue = function (id) {
- var cueLength = this._cues.length;
- for (var i = 0; i < cueLength; i++) {
- var cue = this._cues[i];
- if (cue.id === id) {
- this._cues.splice(i, 1);
- break;
- }
- }
- if (this._cues.length === 0) {
- // TO DO: remove callback
- // this.elt.ontimeupdate = null
- }
- * Remove all of the callbacks that had originally been scheduled
- * via the addCue method.
- *
- * @method clearCues
- */
-p5.SoundFile.prototype.clearCues = function () {
- this._cues = [];
- // this.elt.ontimeupdate = null;
-// private method that checks for cues to be fired if events
-// have been scheduled using addCue(callback, time).
-p5.SoundFile.prototype._onTimeUpdate = function (position) {
- var playbackTime = position / this.buffer.sampleRate;
- var cueLength = this._cues.length;
- for (var i = 0; i < cueLength; i++) {
- var cue = this._cues[i];
- var callbackTime = cue.time;
- var val = cue.val;
- var leftLimit = this._prevUpdateTime || 0;
- var rightLimit = playbackTime;
- if (leftLimit <= callbackTime && callbackTime <= rightLimit) {
- // pass the scheduled callbackTime as parameter to the callback
- cue.callback(val);
- }
- }
- this._prevUpdateTime = playbackTime;
- * Save a p5.SoundFile as a .wav file. The browser will prompt the user
- * to download the file to their device. To upload a file to a server, see
- * getBlob
- *
- * @method save
- * @for p5.SoundFile
- * @param {String} [fileName] name of the resulting .wav file.
- * @example
- *
- */
-p5.SoundFile.prototype.save = function (fileName) {
- p5.prototype.saveSound(this, fileName, 'wav');
- * This method is useful for sending a SoundFile to a server. It returns the
- * .wav-encoded audio data as a "Blob".
- * A Blob is a file-like data object that can be uploaded to a server
- * with an http request. We'll
- * use the `httpDo` options object to send a POST request with some
- * specific options: we encode the request as `multipart/form-data`,
- * and attach the blob as one of the form values using `FormData`.
- *
- *
- * @method getBlob
- * @for p5.SoundFile
- * @returns {Blob} A file-like data object
- * @example
- *
- * function preload() {
- * mySound = loadSound('assets/doorbell.mp3');
- * }
- *
- * function setup() {
- * noCanvas();
- * let soundBlob = mySound.getBlob();
- *
- * // Now we can send the blob to a server...
- * let serverUrl = 'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts';
- * let httpRequestOptions = {
- * method: 'POST',
- * body: new FormData().append('soundBlob', soundBlob),
- * headers: new Headers({
- * 'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data'
- * })
- * };
- * httpDo(serverUrl, httpRequestOptions);
- *
- * // We can also create an `ObjectURL` pointing to the Blob
- * let blobUrl = URL.createObjectURL(soundBlob);
- *
- * // The `
- */
-p5.SoundFile.prototype.getBlob = function () {
- const dataView = convertToWav(this.buffer);
- return new Blob([dataView], { type: 'audio/wav' });
-// event handler to remove references to the bufferSourceNode when it is done playing
-function _clearOnEnd(e) {
- const thisBufferSourceNode = e.target;
- const soundFile = this;
- // delete this.bufferSourceNode from the sources array when it is done playing:
- thisBufferSourceNode._playing = false;
- thisBufferSourceNode.removeEventListener('ended', soundFile._clearOnEnd);
- // call the onended callback
- soundFile._onended(soundFile);
- // delete bufferSourceNode(s) in soundFile.bufferSourceNodes
- // iterate in reverse order because the index changes by splice
- soundFile.bufferSourceNodes
- .map((_, i) => i)
- .reverse()
- .forEach(function (i) {
- const n = soundFile.bufferSourceNodes[i];
- if (n._playing === false) {
- soundFile.bufferSourceNodes.splice(i, 1);
- }
- });
- if (soundFile.bufferSourceNodes.length === 0) {
- soundFile._playing = false;
- }
+export default SoundFile;
+export { loadSound };