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BruteSniffing fisher

This repo is depricated, it will be replaced by its CLI version BruteSniffing_Fisher-CLI


Welcome to the ButeSniffing_Ficher, a multiplatform python hacking tool in a menu style.

Launch the program by the command line by


It allows you do to:

  • Sniffing
  • Zip-file Bruteforce
  • Website attacks
    • Information gathering
    • Web Server Bruteforcing
    • Cloning
    • Fishing
  • Crypto Analysis
    • RSA encryption schema
    • DGHV encryption schema with public key compression

At the moment only enrcyption and decryption by the two schemas are possible, mathematical attacks on RSA will come in the further commits. The RSA encryption scheme does not work for big keys, this is because the key is stored in an SQLite DB which cannot store such big integers. A fix for it will be applied in the next commits by using a session variables or a temporary file as session storage.

Python version

The program has been developed using python3.6. However, no issue should occur with older 3. versions.

Requirements Installation

Automatically checks for the presence of the required libraries and installs them if you consent it. If you don't consent it, it shows you the command to perform the installation of the libraries. The libraries to install are read from the Setup/requirements.txt file.

Libraries to install:

  • requests
  • urllib3
  • BeautifulSoup
  • ctypes
  • netaddr
  • python-nmap
  • lxml
  • crypto_pkg package for the cryptography ( still by me - - I am currently looking for a solution to use the SageMath library (crypto schemes and attack work well with it) and automatise its installation in python venvs - I think that docker is the solution.


Hirerchy of the project:

  • Logs - exceptions logs
    • main.txt - exceptions raised from
    • controller.txt - exceptions raised from
  • Setup
    • - sets the python version, the menus to show, the unix-windows commands generalisation and Proxychains and Tor settings
    • - checks on the required libraries
    • server.config - constant to set if using localhost (choose between MAMP , XAMPP aphache servers and apache2 server)
    • menus.txt - file from which the menus are read. Edit here to add/remove menus
    • - python file to extract the menus into dictionaries from the 'menu.txt' file
  • Includes
    • - some functions used by the modules
  • modules - objects for the controller (navigator between menus) and the attacks. Edit here to add/remove features. Each attack should be a class with a run method to be reached by the core class.
  • data - Where the cloned pages and the found credentials are stored - the relative directories will be created. A password list is also found in the BruteForce subdirectory.
  • Server - code to put in the index.php file on the server for the fishing

You can add more menus by updating the file Setup/menus.txt - RESPECT THE FORMAT!!

You can add the corresponding features by updating the modules/Attack directory adding the file with the corresposiding non-spaced name and the non-spaced uppersized first letter class name.

Example - add an Exploit

Add "Exploit Name" in the Setup/menu.txt file, create the file in the modules/Attack directory and implement the ExplotName class containing a run() method.

Proxychains and Tor

Proxychains and Tor are supported for Linux platforms. Edit the settings in the Setup/ file


Issues and Improvements

  • Functionalities can be added 'menus' in the Setup/menus.txt file, modules in the modules directories and functions in the Includes/ file.
  • The server settings may be improved, the goal would be to make the fishing attack available using the default web server of a system
  • In the fishing attack the python program waits for a tmp.txt file to be created by the php code, then deletes it. The process has to be slowed down for the python program to grab the tmp.txt file.
  • The encryption schemes (mostly the RSA one) does not work for big keys, this is because the key is stored in an SQLite DB which cannot store such big integers. A solution will be applied by using a session variables or a temporary file as storage.