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Verification infrastructure for table of connections #232
First approachThe first alternative depends on a generalization of let grows (#a:eqtype) (#b:a -> Type)
(#inv:(partial_dependent_map a b -> Type))
(rel: (x:a) -> Preorder.preorder (b x)) : Preorder.preorder (imap a b inv) =
fun (m1:imap a b inv) (m2:imap a b inv) ->
forall x.{:pattern (Some? (sel m1 x))}
Some? (sel m1 x) ==>
(Some? (sel m2 x) /\ rel x (Some?.v (sel m1 x)) (Some?.v (sel m2 x))) That is, the table can be extended, or entries can be updated according to We keep a monotonic dependent table mapping connection IDs to values of an inductive type encoding the state of the connection. We insantiate type connection_table (r:erid) =
T.t r connection_id (fun id -> connection) (fun _ -> True) (closure step) This allows for an API for extending and updating the table, as well as witnessing correspondence assertions. The properties we witness must be stable with respect to Two main drawbacks of this alternative: |
Second approachThe second alternative uses a table mapping connection IDs to monotonic references to values of the same inductive type of connection states as before. We use the table invariant to keep correspondence assertions, expressed in terms of witnesses (i.e. val inv: partial_dependent_map connection_id (c:mreference connection rel{recallable c}) -> Type0
let inv m =
forall (id:connection_id{Some? (DM.sel m id)}) (r:nat) (ck:cookie).
let c = Some?.v (DM.sel m id) in
token_p c (fun h ->
is_retry (sel h c) /\ cookie_of (sel h c) == ck /\ nonce_of (sel h c) == r)
(exists (id':connection_id{Some? (DM.sel m id')}).
let c' = Some?.v (DM.sel m id') in
token_p c' (fun h ->
Sent_HRR? (sel h c') /\
nonce_of (sel h c') == r /\
ck `matches` Sent_HRR?.ch (sel h c')))
type connection_table (r:erid) =
T.t r connection_id (fun _ -> c:mreference connection rel{recallable c})
inv (fun _ _ _ -> True) Here the challenge is to manipulate val token_not:
-> #rel:Preorder.preorder a
-> r:mreference a rel{recallable r}
-> p:mem_predicate
-> ST unit
(requires fun h -> token_p r (fun h -> ~(p h)))
(ensures fun h0 _ h1 -> h0 == h1 /\ ~(token_p r p)) Two main drawbacks of this alternative: |
Third approachThe third alternative uses a table mapping connection IDs to monotonic references storing the connection state. In contrast to the previous representation the references are manually managed and freeable. let connection_ref (id:connection_id) = r:mmmref connection rel{frameOf r `extends` rgn}
let minv (m:partial_dependent_map connection_id connection_ref) =
forall id1 id2.{:pattern (Some? (DM.sel m id1)); (Some? (DM.sel m id2))}
(id1 <> id2 /\ Some? (DM.sel m id1) /\ Some? (DM.sel m id2)) ==>
frameOf (Some?.v (DM.sel m id1)) `disjoint` frameOf (Some?.v (DM.sel m id2))
type connection_table = T.t rgn connection_id connection_ref minv We keep correspondence assertions in a separate stateful invariant, with a stateful left-hand-side and a stable right-hand-side expressed in terms of let connection_inv m c =
match c with
| Sent_ServerHello ch id1 | Complete ch id1 ->
if has_cookie ch then
match T.sel m id1 with
| Some c' ->
token_p c' (fun h0 ->
Sent_HRR? (sel h0 c') /\
ch_of_cookie ch == Sent_HRR?.ch (sel h0 c'))
| _ -> False
else True
| _ -> True
val inv: t:connection_table -> h:mem -> Type0
let inv t h =
h `contains` t /\
(let m = sel h t in
forall (id:connection_id).{:pattern (T.defined t id h)}
(T.defined t id h /\ h `contains` (T.value_of t id h))
==> connection_inv m (sel h (Some?.v (T.sel m id)))) This is more flexible than the previous approach because it does not require the negation of the left-hand-side to be stable, which is required to establish the invariant. This problem shows when adding an This mix of stateful and monotonic assertions in the table invariant means that the end event of a correspondence assertion might become unprovable when a connection is freed, while the begin event will continue to hold by monotonicity. This is enough because we typically need to invoke the correspondence assertion for live connections, and all bets are off once the connection is freed. |
By allocating a global connection let phi s =
Seq.length s >= 32 /\
(if model then
let random = Seq.slice s 0 32 in
let id = id_of_random random in
let t:_connection_table = table in
token_p t (fun h ->
T.defined t id h /\
(let c = T.value_of t id h in
token_p c (fun h' ->
Sent_HRR? (sel h' c) /\
CH1 random == Sent_HRR?.ch (sel h' c))))
else True) Upon successful decryption of a cookie appearing in a See this test for a working example of this. The only complication in the proof is threading the connection table invariant val framing: h0:mem -> t:_connection_table -> l:B.loc -> h1:mem -> Lemma
(requires B.modifies l h0 h1 /\
B.loc_disjoint l (B.loc_all_regions_from true rgn) /\
h0 `contains` t /\
(forall a rel (r:mreference a rel).
frameOf r `extends` table_rgn ==>
h1 `contains` r ==> h0 `contains` r) /\
inv t h0)
(ensures inv t h1) Adding a pattern to this lemma would suffice to automate framing. However, while developing the experiment, which uses (forall a rel (r:mreference a rel).
frameOf r `extends` table_rgn ==>
h1 `contains` r ==> h0 `contains` r) After discussing this issue, we agreed that a solution would be to add a new conjunct in |
We need to maintain a table of connections, mapping a unique connection ID to the connection state.
Each connection evolves monotonically according to the reflexive transitive closure of a
relation encoding the TLS state machine.For instance: if there is a server connection in the table that has received a ClientHello with a cookie extension then there must have been an earlier connection where a HelloRetryRequest was sent, and the cookie must match the original ClientHello message.
We would like to avoid as much as possible stateful invariants on the connection table, and rely instead on monotonicity, so as not to have to prove and apply framing lemmas, etc.
We want to extract invididual connections to e.g. a single C struct. Whatever representation we chose for the table of connections the table itself and any additional ideal state must be erased at extraction.
We want to be able to free memory allocated for storing the state of a connection. E.g. after sending a HelloRetryRequest a server may close the connection and free any allocated memory. This means that any non-ideal state in the table of connections must be manually managed and freeable.
We want the infrastructure to verifiably support stateless retry using
for cookie encryption. For this, we should be able to attach a predicate to plaintext cookies that witnesses stable properties of the connection table: e.g. an authenticated encrypted cookie must match a ClientHello received in a previous connection that ended with a HelloRetryRequest message.We explored 3 alternative representations for the table of connections.
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