- Register an account (new or from your private key)
- Login an account
- Save an account to ProximaX Data Central
- Recovery an account from ProximaX Data Central
- Upload a file with public, encrypt keys, encrypt password
- Sharing a file to friend with public, encrypt keys, encrypt password
- View a file, such as pdf, video...
- Edit a simple text file
- OS Window, Mac OS, Linux
- Java 1.8
- Java SDK 1.8 and javafx (GUI)
- ProximaX Storage Java SDK: java-chain-xipfs-sdk
- ProximaX Java Chain SDK: java-xpx-chain-sdk
- Login
- Sign-up
- Network Configuration
- Home
- Upload Dialog
- Sharing Dialog
- User Profile Dialog
- View a text file
- Play a video
- Simple editor
Proximax Limited Copyright (c) 2019