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Examples: Get Accounts info

Eleazar Garrido edited this page Oct 2, 2018 · 26 revisions

Get AccountInfo for an account.

Returns AccountInfo for an account.

package main

import (

// Simple Account API request
func main() {

        networkType := sdk.MijinTest

	alicePrivateKey := "814DA2775296E71D461CACA6CB8BF3D0485C522AAAD99C1681A9AE12C402188E"

	aliceAddress, _ := sdk.NewAddressFromPublicKey(alicePrivateKey, networkType)

	conf, err := sdk.LoadTestnetConfig("")
	if err != nil {

	// Use the default http client
	client := sdk.NewClient(nil, conf)

	// Get AccountInfo for an account.
	// Param address - A Address struct.
	accountInfo, resp, err := client.Account.GetAccountInfo(context.Background(), aliceAddress)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Account.GetAccountInfo returned error: %s", err)
	accountInfoJson, _ := json.Marshal(accountInfo)
	fmt.Printf("Response Status Code == %d\n", resp.StatusCode)
	fmt.Printf("%s\n\n", string(accountInfoJson))

Get AccountsInfo for different accounts.

Returns AccountsInfo for different accounts.

package main

import (

// Simple Account API request
func main() {

	networkType := sdk.MijinTest

	alicePrivateKey := "814DA2775296E71D461CACA6CB8BF3D0485C522AAAD99C1681A9AE12C402188E"

	carolPrivateKey := "04dd376196603c44a19fd500492e5de12de9ed353de070a788cb21f210645613"

	conf, err := sdk.LoadTestnetConfig("")
	if err != nil {

	// Use the default http client
	client := sdk.NewClient(nil, conf)

	aliceAddress, _ := sdk.NewAddressFromPublicKey(alicePrivateKey, networkType)

	carolAddress, _ := sdk.NewAddressFromPublicKey(carolPrivateKey, networkType)

	var adds []*sdk.Address

	// Append attachment into Address
	adds = append(adds, aliceAddress)
	// Append attachment into Address
	adds = append(adds, carolAddress)

	// Get AccountsInfo for different accounts.
	// Param adds - slice of Address.
	accountsInfo, resp, err := client.Account.GetAccountsInfo(context.Background(), adds)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Account.GetAccountsInfo returned error: %s", err)
	accountsInfoJson, _ := json.Marshal(accountsInfo)
	fmt.Printf("Response Status Code == %d\n", resp.StatusCode)
	fmt.Printf("%s\n\n", string(accountsInfoJson))

Get confirmed transactions information.

Gets an array of confirmed transaction for which an account is signer or recipient.

package main

import (

// Simple Account API request
func main() {

	networkType := sdk.MijinTest

	alicePrivateKey := "0F3CC33190A49ABB32E7172E348EA927F975F8829107AAA3D6349BB10797D4F6"

	aliceAccount, _ := sdk.NewAccount(alicePrivateKey, networkType)

	conf, err := sdk.LoadTestnetConfig("")
	if err != nil {

	// Use the default http client
	client := sdk.NewClient(nil, conf)

	opt := sdk.AccountTransactionsOption{
		// The number of transactions to return. Should be between 10 and 100, otherwise 10.
		PageSize: 10,
		// Identifier of the transaction after which we want the transactions to be returned. Eje: "5B2B0F61415CD864572BDA46".
		Id:       "",

	// Get confirmed transactions information.
	// Param PublicAccount - A PublicAccount struct
	// Param opt - A AccountTransactionsOption struct
	transactions, resp, err := client.Account.Transactions(context.Background(), aliceAccount.PublicAccount, &opt )
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Account.Transactions returned error: %s", err)
	transactionsJson, _ := json.Marshal(transactions)
	fmt.Printf("Response Status Code == %d\n", resp.StatusCode)
	fmt.Printf("%s\n\n", string(transactionsJson))

Get incoming transactions information.

  • Gets an array of transactions for which an account is the recipient. A transaction is said to be incoming regarding an account if the account is the recipient of a transaction.
    • Param PublicAccount - A PublicAccount struct
    • Param opt - A AccountTransactionsOption struct
incomingTransactions, resp, err := client.Account.IncomingTransactions(context.Background(), aliceAccount.PublicAccount, &opt )
if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("Account.IncomingTransactions returned error: %s", err)
incomingTransactionsJson, _ := json.Marshal(incomingTransactions)
fmt.Printf("Response Status Code == %d\n", resp.StatusCode)
fmt.Printf("%s\n\n", string(incomingTransactionsJson))

Get outgoing transactions information.

  • Gets an array of transactions for which an account is the sender. A transaction is said to be outgoing egarding an account if the account is the sender of a transaction.
    • Param PublicAccount - A PublicAccount struct
    • Param opt - A AccountTransactionsOption struct
outgoingTransactions, resp, err := client.Account.OutgoingTransactions(context.Background(), aliceAccount.PublicAccount, &opt )
if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("Account.OutgoingTransactions returned error: %s", err)
outgoingTransactionsJson, _ := json.Marshal(outgoingTransactions)
fmt.Printf("Response Status Code == %d\n", resp.StatusCode)
fmt.Printf("%s\n\n", string(outgoingTransactionsJson))

Get unconfirmed transactions information.

  • Gets the array of transactions for which an account is the sender or receiver and which have not yet been included in a block.
    • Param PublicAccount - A PublicAccount struct
    • Param opt - A AccountTransactionsOption struct
unconfirmedTransactions, resp, err := client.Account.UnconfirmedTransactions(context.Background(), aliceAccount.PublicAccount, &opt )
if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("Account.unconfirmedTransactions returned error: %s", err)
unconfirmedTransactionsJson, _ := json.Marshal(unconfirmedTransactions)
fmt.Printf("Response Status Code == %d\n", resp.StatusCode)
fmt.Printf("%s\n\n", string(unconfirmedTransactionsJson))

Get multisig account information.

  • Param aliceAddress - Address struct.
getMultisigAccountInfo, resp, err := client.Account.GetMultisigAccountInfo(context.Background(), aliceAddress)
if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("Account.GetMultisigAccountInfo returned error: %s", err)
getMultisigAccountInfoJson, _ := json.Marshal(getMultisigAccountInfo)
fmt.Printf("Response Status Code == %d\n", resp.StatusCode)
fmt.Printf("%s\n\n", string(getMultisigAccountInfoJson))