openshift-auto-upi assumes that SELinux is enabled and running on your Helper host. Both Enforcing and Permissive SELinux modes are supported. If you cannot enable SELinux on your Helper host, you will have to manually modify the Ansible scripts to correct SELinux related errors as you encounter them.
Note that at this time (April 2020) I could not find oVirt Engine SDK packages for Python 3 for RHEL8 and Fedora. If you are installing OpenShift on oVirt, I recommend to use RHEL7 on your Helper host as this is supported by the openshift-auto-upi scripts. You can make oVirt work on Fedora and RHEL8 by installing oVirt Engine SDK for Python 3 using pip:
$ pip install ovirt-engine-sdk-python
You will need to modify openshift-auto-upi scripts and remove the installation of the oVirt Engine SDK rpm package.
If you use RHEL7 on your Helper host, you will need to apply an additional configuration that is described in this section.
Enable additional Red Hat repositories:
$ subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-7-server-optional-rpms
$ subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-7-server-extras-rpms
Ansible >= 2.9 is required in order to run openshift-auto-upi scripts. Before installing Ansible on RHEL7, enable the Ansible version 2.9 repository:
$ subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-7-server-ansible-2.9-rpms
If installing OpenShift on bare metal, the pyghmi library is required on Helper host. This library implements the IPMI protocol which is used to control bare metal machines during the OpenShift installation. To enable a yum repository which contains the python-pyghmi rpm package:
$ subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-7-server-openstack-14-rpms
If installing OpenShift on oVirt (RHEV), the Python SDK for oVirt Engine API is required on Helper host. To enable a yum repository which contains the python-ovirt-engine-sdk4 rpm package:
$ subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-7-server-rh-common-rpms
If you use RHEL8 on your Helper host, you will need to apply an additional configuration that is described in this section.
Enable additional Red Hat repositories:
$ subscription-manager repos --enable ansible-2-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
If installing OpenShift on bare metal, the pyghmi library is required on Helper host. This library implements the IPMI protocol which is used to control bare metal machines during the OpenShift installation. To enable a yum repository which contains the python3-pyghmi rpm package:
$ subscription-manager repos --enable openstack-15-for-rhel-8-x86_64-rpms
If installing OpenShift on vSphere, the pyvmomi library is required on Helper host. You can download the python3-pyvmomi rpm package from the Red Hat Customer Portal.
No additional configuration is required for Fedora.