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File metadata and controls

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Model Management Service (preview) provides programmatic management of your Azure Machine Learning models, manifests, and images.

Common parameters and header fields

All of the MMS API REST operations conform to the HTTP/1.1 protocol specification and each operation returns an x-ms-request-id response header that can be used to obtain information about the request. You must also make sure that requests made to these resources are secure.

  • Replace {subscriptionId} in the request URI with your subscription identifier. resourceGroup
  • Replace {resourceGroup} in the request URI with the Resource Group in which your Hosting Account exists.
  • Replace {hostingAccount} in the request URI with your Hosting Account.
  • Replace {api-version} with .
  • Set the Content-Type request header to application/json.
  • Set the Authorization request header to an OAuth bearer token formatted as a JSON Web Token, which you obtain from Azure Active Directory. For more information, see Azure REST API Reference.


Before you call the MMS API, you must set up your Azure Machine Learning operationalization environment.

For set up information, see Operationalizing ML Models on Azure (Preview) .

The Create Service operation requires that you supply Kubernetes configuration information for the call.

The kubeconfig file is located in the .kube folder.

  • On linux: ~/.kube/config
  • On Windows: c:\users\<user name>\.kube

If you do not find the kubeconfig file, you can retrieve it by running the following command:

az acs kubernetes get-credentials --resource-group=<resource group name> --name=<kubernetes cluster name>

Before passing the file in the payload for the Create Service operation, remove new lines from the file. From bash a bash shell, you can use the following command to remove new lines:

tr -d "\n\r" < config

You must supply an ACR image pull secret when calling the following operations:

  • Create Service
  • Update Service

To create an ACR image pull secret, run the following command:

kubectl create secret docker-registry <registry key name> --docker-server=<Docker server URL> --docker-username=<user name> --docker-password=<password> --docker-email=<email address>

How to use the MMS API to deploy a web service

  1. Set up your environment
    1. Get kubeconfig
    2. Create ACR image pull secret
  2. Create Hosting Account
  3. Register a Model in the Hosting account
  4. Create a Manifest based on the model
  5. Create an Image based on the manifest
    1. Call the Operation Status operation to poll to determine when the Image is successfully created
    2. Retrieve the Image ID
  6. Create the web service based on the Image
    1. Call the Operation Status operation to poll to determine when the Web Service is successfully created