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Win32::Mechanize::NotepadPlusPlus v0.004

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@pryrt pryrt released this 04 Jun 22:49
  • fix bug in propertyNames() which deleted final char (#45)
  • implemented helper methods: forEachLine, deleteLine, replaceWholeLine, replaceLine, flash, getWord, getCurrentWord, getUserLineSelection, getUserCharSelection (#15)
  • make setTarget an alias of setTargetRange, and write an alias of addText, for PythonScript compatibility (#15)
  • implemented new auto-wrapper to get searchInTarget and similar calls to work right (#42)
  • fixed replaceTarget() and replaceTargetRE() replacing target with the empty string (#41)
  • fixed length bug in getTargetText() (#40)
  • fixed bug in editor->setText('') which had empty strings cause crash (#39)