Releases: psu-libraries/myaccount
Releases · psu-libraries/myaccount
#354 Exclude more sirsi responses from datadog
Creates session life tracking cookies and actions (#342)
adding error code 238 to sirsi translation (#351)
excluding more 500 sirsi responses from datadog since these are non-error expected responses (#353)
Monkey patching datadog to not mark the expected records in use
responses as error #335
Pickup date fixes for Safari and Edge #346
holds pickup date fixes for Safari #347
Bump nokogiri from 1.10.10 to 1.11.1 (#345)
adding array length check to navigationType (#344)
Bump ini from 1.3.5 to 1.3.8 (#338)
adds an announcement bar (#337)
Adds polling/Sidekiq back for view holds and checkouts and dials down Sidekiq retries to just 1.(#329)
Forces Warden to be cleared in cleanup of specs using login_permanently_as. (#330)
Renewals fix: Using existing data from request to process renewal (#332)
404s with formats other than html (#320)
Removes Sidekiq for view holds (#327)
Adds knockout prefix documentation (#326)
Adds a knockout_prefix (#324)
Adds an accessibility test for patron show (#323)
Allows multiple emails (#322)
Removes polling aparatus for viewing checkouts (#318)
Changes parameters provided by default for checkouts (#319)
fix for checkouts info (#317)
Making the default patron creation call's item details slimmed down to just alternateID (#316)
attempt for a workaround to back button to holds/result issue (#314)
links to illiad and medianet (#315)
Moving it up so it also shows up when there are no checkouts (#313)
If default location is not in pickup locations list, add a blank option to force selection (#310)
Info message for checkouts and holds (#311)