Releases: ptarmiganlabs/butler-sos
butler-sos: v9.10.2
9.10.2 (2024-04-09)
The Linux build broken in this release - will be fixed shortly.
Bug Fixes
- Fix broken Docker image build (2c3a291)
- Fix incorrect zip file names for pre-compiled binaries (f506ce1)
- Supress experimental/deprecated warnings on startup (e2090a7), closes #762
- master: release butler-sos 9.10.1 (6c7b297)
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butler-sos: v9.10.1
9.10.1 (2024-04-09)
This release fixes a bunch of behind-the-scenes things related to code quality and security.
Details really, nothing that impacts daily use.
Bug Fixes
- Fix incorrect zip file names for pre-compiled binaries (f506ce1)
- Add defender-for-devops code scanning (cfd29f3)
- Configure scheduled Snaky code scanning (518bffd)
- Debug MS Defender code scanning (179a1df)
- deps: Update dependencies (03b8118)
- Disable MS Defender for DevOps action due to Node 16 no longer supported by GHA (9cbe018)
- Make insiders build more robust (890962c)
- Rename code quality GH action (e8dc094)
- Update Snyk config (ed36d1d)
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9.9.1 (2024-02-17)
Test release. Nothing new in it.
Bug Fixes
- Version debugging (6c0b6ea)
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9.9.0 (2024-02-17)
A small release focusing on getting dependencies up to date, and setting the stage for some coming, major refactoring work.
Miscellaneous Chores
- deps: Upgrade to latest versions of build tools
- chore(deps): Update dependencies
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9.7.0 (2023-11-26)
App id/name as well as browser and OS of the connecting users is now included in the user event data sent to InfluxDB, New Relic and MQTT.
This release add new data to the user events collected from Qlik Sense.
If you store user events in InfluxDB it's a good idea to delete the existing database there and let Butler SOS create a new one on startup.
That way you ensure that the correct database schema will be used.
You can also try keeping your existing InfluxDB database, it usually works - but starting over with an empty db is the recommended option.
9.6.4 (2023-11-25)
Bug Fixes
- Change default Influxdb config settings to avoid startup warning (7e9ef40)
- deps: Bump setup-node to v4 (8bda3b0)
- deps: Update dependencies to stay safe and secure (684417a)
- deps: Update deps Snyk and Prettier (ae5bc0c)
- Switch to Node 20 (a4bf1bf)
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9.6.3 (2023-09-23)
Bug Fixes
- deps: update dependency eslint to v8.50.0 (bb15f73)
- deps: update actions/checkout action to v4 (d4906ab)
- deps: update crazy-max/ghaction-virustotal action to v4 (7e18183)
- deps: Update dependencies (750790d)
- deps: update docker/build-push-action action to v5 (52b8773)
- deps: update docker/login-action action to v3 (9693cc9)
- deps: update docker/metadata-action action to v5 (18c3934)
- deps: update docker/setup-buildx-action action to v3 (a3dc2c2)
- deps: update docker/setup-qemu-action action to v3 (eae1706)
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