- Fix: White $ with tspath on svelte
- Feature:
method now has purple color like function/async/await
- Feature: support .svelte
- Feature: support .vue
- Fix: theme/colors with typescript source
- Fix: jsdoc syntax
- New: background now is #090909
- Fix: security issue
- Fix: jsdoc/comments better opacity
- Fix: lint json (space after two dots)
- Fix: key-value object in js with the same color as json key-value
- Fix: template literal `` now is white, like as double and single apos
- Revert: color highlight recommended extensions
- Fix: hover popup (ctrl + hover on function/method) now is more readable
- Update: Readme
- Update: Recommended extensions
- Fix: comment block regex
- Fix: opacity of comment description of @param
- Themes: Type 0, A, B, AB
- Support: jsdoc syntax
- Update: fix misprints
- Support: nunjucks
- Support: markdownfix misprints
- Feature: recommended extensions
- Fix: braces template literals
- Fix:
from #FFFFFF to #ba8baf - Fix: support object (ex. arr.
) now is #7cafc2 - New:
Operator from #FFFFFF to #dc9656, class #f7ca88 and function call #7cafc2 - New:
from #AC4142 (variable red) to #ac4154 (fucsia) - New: Template Literals variable brace color
now is #ba8baf
- Fix: add more css unit
- Fix:
- First Release.