GOAL: Assist plugin developers to convert their plugins to the Plugin Manager system which:
- Uses tarballs and metadata.xml files to store the necessary files and provide information.
- Deploys directly to Cloudsmith repositories (or another location)
- Files are accessed by OpenCPN Plugin Manager
- Installed via options > Plugins > Plugin Manager Catalogs "master" and "beta" url in the metadata files
- During installation.
This "Frontend2" configuration is found in jongough/testplugin_pi and is easier to configure all from CMakeLists.txt. "Frontend1" can be found in the current versions of bdbcat/Oesenc_pi and rgleason/Vdr_pi.
- Make these changes on a new branch "frontend2" or "ci" (if possible).
- Keep your currently working "master" branch intact.
- Create a new branch EG: 'git checkout -b frontend2 master'
- Work in the new branch.
- Rename CMakeLists.txt ----> CMakeLists.save.txt for reference
- Rename appveyor.yml ----> appveyor.save.yml for reference
- Rename .travis.yml ----> .travis.save.yml for reference
- Rename the cmake directory ---> "cmake.save" for reference
- Keep any other specialized plugin directories
- Include
- Data
- src
- po
- Any other specific plugin directories essential to your plugin.
Copy the following directories and files from testplugin_pi to the same location in the plugin directory you are working on:
- testplugin_pi/.circleci
- testplugin_pi/api-16
- testplugin_pi/ci
- testplugin_pi/cmake
- testplugin_pi/buildosx
- testplugin_pi/mingw
- testplugin_pi/extinclude (JSON Validation - only Ocpn_draw, watchdog, weather_routing)
- testplugin_pi/extsrc (JSON Validation - only Ocpn_draw, watchdog, weather_routing)
Review and Compare these files, deployment to Cloudsmith is required.
- testplugin_pi/appveyor.yml (compare with your file)
- testplugin_pi/.travis.yml (compare with your file)
- testplugin_pi/CMakeLists.txt (see in line notes, major editing comparing to old file)
- See notes below for more detail
The following directories and files are not needed from testplugin_pi
- testplugin_pi/data
- testplugin_pi/forms
- testplugin_pi/include
- testplugin_pi/lib
- testplugin_pi/ocpninclude
- testplugin_pi/ocpnsrc
- testplugin_pi/src
- Rename CMakeLists.txt, appveyor.yml, .travis.yml adding .save for reference.
- Modify CMakeLists.txt file, following the in-line notes
- Modify Personal Specifics about Line 20 to 75.
- Enter setup information:
- Plugin name types
- CommonName -search "plugin"_pi.cpp for "GetCommon"
- Version numbers and date
- Parent, Package and Git User. Git Repository
- Cloudsmith User
- Cloudsmith Base Repository (optional)
- Plugin XML Info_url, Summary and Description
- In the section that replaces testplugin specific code:
- Modify/configure the set(SRCS and HDRS and 'Include' Directories using CMakeLists.save.txt
- Modify/configure 'Set(SRCS & HDRS' Directories using CMakeLists.save.txt
- Modify/configure 'Add Library' listings for the plugin.
- Make sure all your necessary libraries are found.
- Add/Modify a statement like this to join all of your project's set(
- EG: add_library(${PACKAGE_NAME} SHARED ${SRCS} ${HDRS} ${NMEA0183} ${LIBSSRC})
- API Number must be at least 1.16 for the new Plugin Manager, due to a change in how directories are found and location.
- OCPN_API_VERSION_MAJOR/MINOR are now used in cmake/in-files/version.h.in
- In the file (pluginname_pi).cpp the are several lines which need to be changed from MY_API_VERSION_MAJOR/MINOR to
- Also in file (pluginname_pi).cpp find wxString (pluginname_pi)::GetCommonName() and change
- return _("(pluginname-pi)"); to
- In the file (plugin_pi).h there are several lines which need to be commented out.
- // #define MY_API_VERSION_MAJOR 1
- // #define MY_API_VERSION_MINOR 16
- or removed.
- Because the new values definitions are defined in cmake/in-files/version.h.in
- Cmake Files are somewhat generic, but often can be plugin specific, depending on the plugin.
- Review the cmake.save files one by one with the new ones and make necessary adjustments.
- Configuring this is not simple and requires knowledge about the plugin operation.
- Get the ci/environment scripts working on Circleci, Appveyor and .travis-ci
- Then get the uploads to Cloudsmith working.
- First create your Cloudsmith Account, then join the OpenCPN Organization as a member of the Plugins Team.
- Once you are accepted as a member, you will be able to create three repositories for your plugin.
- The management of Cloudsmith has advised that Organizations will in the future be restricted to having repositories in the Organization's Folder, so it is best to start out that way.
- Configuration of uploads to Cloudsmith destinations:
- ci\cloudsmith-upload.sh points to ..cmake\in-files\cloudsmith-upload.sh.in
- See for standard repository directories.
- The Frontend2 defaults to 'CLOUDSMITH_BASE_REPOSTORY' = 'yoour Github Repository', however you should set this value in CMakeLists.txt as "opencpn"
- In the organization "OpenCPN" create (pluginname)-alpha, (pluginname)-beta and (pluginname)-alpha repositories.
- Make sure that you select "Open Source", not just "public". It must be "Open Source"
- See the more detailed instructions in the Developer's Manual wiki.
- For custom Cloudsmith repository destinations, modify if needed.
The current setup for Frontend2 plugins does this:
- Non-Master branch - Push with no tag -> Alpha repository
- Non-Master branch - Push with tag -> Beta repository
- Master branch - Push with no tag -> Beta repository
- Master branch - Push with tag -> Prod repository
There are several ways to issue a "push with tag" or "tagged push" - See https://opencpn.org/wiki/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=opencpn:developer_manual:pi_installer_procedure#deploy_to_prod_repository $ git commit -am "my last changes") $ git tag v[new version number] $ git push OR $ git push origin refs/tags/tag_a
Not preferred: $ git push --tags origin master:master <--- Is not preferred due possibility of pushing all old tags..
- Change version number and date in CMakeLists.txt . Save
- git add CMakeLists.txt
- git commit -am "v1.9.5.10"
- git tag v1.9.5.10
- git push origin refs/tags/v1.9.5.10
- Enumerating objects: 5, done.
- remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (2/2), completed with 2 local objects.
- To https://github.com/xxxx/weatherfax_pi.git
- [new tag] v1.9.5.10 -> v1.9.5.10
- git push origin master
For information about building locally for local deployment refer to Read-Build.md
Weatherfax_pi needs to have sound support for Windows and Mingw, additionally use with rtlsdr requires additional files.
- circleci/config.yml -same
- ci/ all scripts same except
- ci/control weatherfax has 'build librtlsdr-dev'
- ci/circleci-build-mingw.sh downloads and installs portauduio & PVWcon32.exe
- wget https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/opencpnplugins/opencpn_packaging_data/PVW32Con.exe
- wget https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/opencpnplugins/opencpn_packaging_data/portaudio-vc12.7z
- 7za e portaudio-vc12.7z -o../buildwin -y
- mv PVW32Con.exe ../buildwin/.
- cmake/ all the files in testplugin are used in weatherfax and are identical
- cmake/ weatherfax has 3-4 of its own files too
- cmake/in-files/ has all the same files
- extinclude all the same
- extsrc all the same
- mingw
- opencpn-deps.spec file has
- BuildRequires: p7zip
- BuildRequires: wget
- opencpn-deps.spec file has
- .travis.yml same
- appveyor.yml (same except the path & name of plugin and the api key)
- CMakeLists.txt -similar, very different in places,
- personnal settings,
- "USE_GL ON" for weatherfax,
- plugin name is different,
- libraries and includes all different.