Tool to create XML file for OPC UA SCA Server and calibrate FEAST temperature sensors (MMFE8,L1DDC,ADDC) for ATLAS NSW FELIX Readout
source AXX
python -mode U/C/S -sector A12 -opcHost pcatlnswfelix04 -location BB5 -m -l -a
Mode Arguments:
- U for Uncalibrated
- C for Calibrated
- S for Simulation
Sector Argument: Endcap [A][C] Sector 01-16 e.g. A12 for Endcap A and Sector 12
opcHost Argument: e.g. pcatlnswfelix04
location Argument: e.g. BB5 or 191
Enable Boards:
- -m for MMFE8
- -l for L1DDC
- -a for ADDC
source AXX
Questions, comments, suggestions, or help?
Polyneikis Tzanis: <[email protected]