Releases: publishpress/PublishPress-Blocks
Releases · publishpress/PublishPress-Blocks
- Add: List item block
- Add: Reordering items support to List block
- Add: Submenu for Reusable blocks
- Fix: Transforms for List block
- Fix: Selected PublishPress block icon contrast in List view
- Fix: Default undefined "width" for single Column block
- Fix: Columns width in editor
- Fix: Vertical alignment in editor for PublishPress Columns block
- Fix: All tabs content displayed at once
- Add: Days of the week and time range settings to Schedule control
- Add: Term archives and pages control
- Add: Bring back map files
- Add: Display timezone below dates
- Add: Minify compiled JSX files
- Add: Support for Accordion items in Table of Contents block for Pro version
- Add: Hide from everyone option to User roles control
- Add: aria-label to overlay link for Images Slider block
- Fix: For User role control, when no role is selected, the block is hidden to everyone
- Fix: Hide widgets HTML wrapper when its block is not visible
- Fix: Set autoload to 'no' for bigger size options
- Fix: Load dashicons in frontend if blocks are using it
- Fix: Optimize PublishPress blocks code to enqueue assets
- Add: Base path constant
- Add: Reusable methods for FormTokenField
- Fix: Vendor path constant
- Fix: Undefined window._wpGutenbergDefaultPost in initializeEditor()
- Fix: Make title and subtitle linkable for Image block custom URL
- Fix: Reset icon moved to a new line when date is longer in Schedule block control
- Fix: Padding for date picker popup
- Fix: Can't select items from core List block
- Fix: Forced 100% width for core Button block
- Fix: Bring back Upgrade to Pro boxes in editor
- Add: Block Controls admin page
- Add: User roles block control
- Add: Rename old accordions and tabs blocks as deprecated
- Add: Edit Block style title above the class name
- Add: Allow to dynamically exclude blocks when calling advgbGetBlocksFeature()
- Fix: Server check to active Legacy widget block for Block Permissions
- Fix: Adjust force active/inactive blocks javascript check in Block Permissions
- Fix: Add each block control at the time and when enabled
- Fix: Disabled menu features should be hidden always
- Remove: Edit Block style title through the styles list
- Fix: Potential non load of version notices library
- Fix: Don't add Blocks menu custom CSS classes if menu is not created
- Fix: Settings panel title for Video block
- Fix: Block styles label in editor dropdown
- Fix: Links to settings from Login & Register, Map, Newsletter and Contact Form blocks
- Fix: Wrong tab name returns a "not found" message
- Add: Extend supported blocks setting to support blocks not listed in Block access
- Fix: Authors and Series order by from Content Display make some legacy widgets to disappear in frontend
- Fix: Allow to enable Container block through Block access
- Fix: Cropped read more link when having padding in Content Display block
- Add: Pre-populate title and text with image properties from media library (title, alt, caption and description) for Images Slider block
- Fix: Block Access support for third party plugins blocks
- Fix: Block access for super admin in multisite child site
- Fix: Custom styles conflict with Block controls class in editor preview
- Fix: Images slider inside Advanced Tabs