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Solutions to leetcode problems


Name Status Tags Languages
Add Two Numbers ✔️ #linked-list #math C++
Add Two Numbers ✔️ #linked-list #math Python
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock ✔️ #array #dynamic-programming Python
Climbing Stairs ✔️ #recursion #memoization Python
Container with Most Water ✔️ #array #two-pointers #greedy Python
Contains Duplicate ✔️ #array #hash-table #sorting Python
Delete Node in a Linked List ✔️ #linkedlist Python
Encode and Decode Strings ✔️ #array #string Python
Fibonacci Number ✔️ #recursion #memoization Python
Group Anagrams ✔️ #array #hash-table #sorting #string Python
Integer to Roman ✔️ #string #math Python
Invert Binary Tree ✔️ #tree Python
K-th Symbol in Grammar ✔️ #recursion Python
Longest Common Prefix ✔️ #trie #string Python
Longest Consecutive Sequence ✔️ #array #hash-table #union-find Python
Longest Substring without repeating characters ✔️ #hash table #two pointers #string #sliding window Python
Maximum Depth Of Binary Tree ✔️ #recursion #tree Python
Maximum Subarray ✔️ #kadane #array Python
Merge Sort ✔️ #recursion #sorting Python
Merge Two Sorted Lists ✔️ #recursion #linked-list Python
N Queens II ✔️ #recursion #backtracking Python
Palindrome Number ✔️ #math Python
Palindromic Substrings 🚀 #recursion #dynamic-programming #memoization Python
Pascal's Triangle II ✔️ #recursion Python
Pow(x,n) ✔️ #recursion #memoization Python
Product of array except self ✔️ #array #prefix-sum Python
Reverse Integer ✔️ #math Python
Reverse Linked List ✔️ #linkedlist #recursion Python
Reverse String ✔️ #recursion Python
Roman to Integer ✔️ #hash-table #math #string Python
Search a 2D Matrix II ✔️ #recursion #searching #matrix Python
Search BST ✔️ #recursion #bst Python
String to Integer (atoi) ✔️ #math #string Python
Sudoku Solver ✔️ #recursion #backtracking Python
Swap nodes in pairs ✔️ #recursion #linked-list Python
Three Sum 🚀 #array #two-pointers #sorting Python
Top K Frequent ✔️ #array #hash-table #divide-and-conquer #sorting #heap #bucket-sort #counting #quick-select Python
Two Sum ✔️ #array #hash-table Python
Validate Binary Search Tree ✔️ #recursion #tree Python
Validate Anagram ✔️ #hash-table #string sorting Python
Validate Palindrome ✔️ #two-pointers #string Python
Valid Parantheses ✔️ #string #stack Python
ZipZag Conversion ✔️ #string Python


  • ✔️ : Done
  • 🕊️ : Incomplete
  • 🚀 : Needs optimization