Releases: pupil-labs/pupil
Pupil Capture and Player v0.5 for Windows
Beta Release
This is a beta release for Pupil Player and Capture. Pupil Player is provided as Windows bundle for the first time and might still be unstable. Please raise an issue for every problem you experience!
To use Capture and Player you have to download and extract the corresponding archive. The archive format is 7-Zip.
- Run Pupil Capture by double clicking on
Pupil Capture\pupil_capture.exe
- Run Pupil Player by double clicking on
Pupil Player\pupil_player.exe
. Afterwards you can drag'n'drop a record folder to the Player window from the Windows file explorer that was previously created by Pupil Capture.
Hot-Fix release Pupil Player
Fixed issue #178
Windows Test Release 4
Updated test bundle for Pupil Capture on Windows.
Pupil Player Hotfix release
This release fixed a bug that prevented mjpeg recordings to be exported in player.
Pupil Player and Pupil Capture release v0.5.4
This is a quick update following release of version 0.5.
MJPEG recording is now officially implemented and supported on Mac and Linux both in bundle and running from source. Unlike version 0.5.3 we no longer rely on a ffmpeg executable to be present for this. Its back to simply download and install the bundle
New Feature: MJPEG direct recording
By setting bigger file, less CPU
in the recorder options, CPU load of recording is reduced to almost 0. While the file size of this recoding type is more that the MPEG4 compressed format we usually use, we can save substantial CPU time by simply saving camera jpeg frames into a .mkv container. This also yields the best possible image quality.
We really recommend this option when disk space is plentiful (most cases) while CPU load directly affects battery lifetime on mobile computers.
If you are running Pupil from source please make sure to use our fork of PyAV
Pupil Capture and Player v0.5
Pupil Capture and Player release version 0.5
We are happy to release the latest version of Pupil software. As usual the installers for Mac OS and Linux are below. Windows will follow.
New Features
- New unified video capture backend: pyUVC - No more patching of Linux. Single USB support everywhere!
- MJPEG recording option. (Uses no CPU but makes bigger files, currently for Linux only -Mac works when running from source).
- Fixation detector for Pupil Player.
- Pupil and gaze data is now also saved in a pickled file. We use this internally for Pupil Player
- Now you can open a different recording in Pupil Player simply by dragging it onto an existing window.
- Pupil Player now opens a blank window when started without recording. You can drag and drop a recording into this "dummy" to open a recording.
Bugfixes minor Improvements
- Windows and menus always remember their size and position
- Settings from previous software versions are ignored.
- Many minor UI tweaks
- Mac OS cursor does not hide on resize
- Fixed bug that occurred on some Ubuntu machines on window resize
- Simplified hdpi handling
- Multiple Player export bugfixes
- Various other bugfixes
- Now using GLFW3.1
- Updated and streamlined GLFW bindings
- Updated pyglui to v0.3
Simply install the bundle below. Please raise an issue if you find a bug!
V0.5 Capture and Player Pre release 2
bug-fixes in player and capture.
V0.5 Capture and Player pre-release
The is a pre-release. Proper release notes will follow.
Unified Capture Backend Test-Release
This is a test bundle for the new unified capture backend.
Pupil Capture and Player: Incremental release
Bugfixes & Enhancements
- Manual gaze correction now applies to offline marker surfaces too
- Seek bar works on retina displays
- Renamed player variables to reflect changes in capture.
- Recording directory is now remembered and user settable.
- Calibration routines now have user settable sample duration.
- Fixed bug in Pupil remote and pupil server plugin.