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Network Device Sensor Interface Protocol Specification

Protocol version: v4 Protocol status: draft

Network Device Sensor Interface protocol specifies the communication between a set of hosts that provide sensor information to a set of clients. Examples for these include Pupil Mobile as host and Pupil Capture as client.

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.



NDSI actors (Hosts and Clients) find each other using the ZeroMQ Realtime Exchange Protocol. We recommend the usage of existing libraries (e.g. zyre, Pyre) that implement the ZRE protocol. See the protocol spec for definitons of SHOUT, WHISPER, and join.

All actors MUST join the ZRE group pupil-mobile-v4 -- hereinafter referred to as GROUP.

Hosts (e.g. Android app):

  • Hosts SHOULD ignore incoming SHOUT and WHISPER messages.
  • Hosts MUST SHOUT <attach> and <detach> notifications to the GROUP when sensors become available or unavailable respectively.
  • Hosts MUST WHISPER all currently available sensors as a series of <attach> notifications when a client joins the GROUP.
  • Hosts MUST open at least one socket for each following type:
    • Notify zmq.PUB socket, publishes sensor specific control notifications (update and remove), randomly choosen port
    • Command zmq.PULL socket, receives sensor specific commands, randomly choosen port
    • Data zmq.PUB socket, publishes stream data, format depends on sensor type, randomly choosen port
  • All messages send over these sockets MUST follow the format described below in Sensor Messages
  • Hosts MUST listen for messages on the command socket.
  • Hosts MUST publish all control state changes over its notify socket.
  • Hosts MUST respond to <refresh_controls> by publishing all available control states as a series of <control_update>

Clients (e.g. the pyndsi library)

  • Clients MUST listen to incoming SHOUT and WHISPER messages.

    • Messages including invalid json SHOULD be dropped (silently).
  • Clients SHOULD maintain a list of available sensors including their static information (this includes especially the unique identifier defined by the host, see Sensor Messages below).

  • To receive control updates of a specific sensor, Clients MUST:

    1. Create a zmq.SUB socket, connected to notify_endpoint,
    2. Subscribe to the sensors unique identifier (zmq_setsockopt(<socket>,ZMQ_SUBSCRIBE,<unique identifier>)) and start listening for update and remove notifications.
    3. Create a zmq.PUSH socket, connected to command_endpoint (see <attach> below), send <refresh_controls> command.
    • All messages send over these sockets MUST follow the format described below in Sensor Messages

Host Representation Hierarchy

Each host has multiple sensor instances. These can be of different types. The "hardware" type includes all device specific controls. Each sensor has a list of controls and a unique identifier which is assigned by the host. This ID is used for addressing purposes.

 pupil-mobile-host ------------     Notifications:          Send/Recv Context:
        +-- <sensor "hardware">     (attach/detach)         WHISPER or SHOUT
        |       +-- <control>       (update/remove)         PUB/SUB socket
        |       |       :
        +-- <sensor "video">        (attach/detach)         WHISPER or SHOUT
        |       +-- <control>       (update/remove)         PUB/SUB socket
        |       |       :
        |       :

Sensor Messages

All sensor related messages MUST be zeromq multi-part messages with at least two frames. The first frame MUST include the sensor's unique identifier and the second the json-encoded content of a notification or a command. The unique identfier MUST be formatted as an unicode string.

Note: The corresponding value of missing message keys SHALL be handled as null.


Sequence numbers

All notifications and data messages MUST include a sequence number. Sequence numbers are cycling uint32_t integers.

Sequence number counters are per sensor and per message type. This means that each sensor needs to maintain a counter for notifications and an other counter for its data messages. Sequence numbers can have an arbitrary start but MUST be strictly increasing afterwards.

<attach> and <detach> notifications already include implicit sequence numbers through the ZRE protocol specification and therefore do not need an own sequence number.

<control_update>, <control_remove>, and <error> include a seq field which MUST contain the sequence number of the message.

Clients SHOULD use the sequence number to detect loss of messages.

Send/Recv Context: WHISPER or SHOUT

notification = <attach> XOR <detach>

attach = {
    "subject"         : "attach",
    "sensor_name"     : <String>,
    "sensor_uuid"     : <String>,
    "sensor_type"     : <sensor_type>,
    "notify_endpoint" : <String>,
    "command_endpoint": <String>,
    "data_endpoint"   : <String> // required for sensors that stream data

detach = {
    "subject"         : "detach",
    "sensor_uuid"     : <String>

sensor_type = <String>

Defined sesnor types are:


Endpoints are strings which are used for zmq sockets and follow the <protocol>://<address>:<port> scheme.

Send/Recv Context: PUB/SUB socket

sensor specific notifications only, since they can only be received through subscribing to the sensor announced notify socket.

notification = <control_update> XOR <control_remove> XOR <error>

control_update = {
    "subject"         : "update",
    "control_id"      : <String>,
    "seq"             : <sequence_no>,
    "changes"         : <Dict control_info>

control_remove = {
    "subject"         : "remove",
    "control_id"      : <String>,
    "seq"             : <sequence_no>

error = {
    "subject"         : "error",
    "control_id"      : <String> XOR null,
    "seq"             : <sequence_no>,
    "error_no"        : <Integer>,
    "error_str"       : <String>

control_info = {
    "value"           : <value>,
    "dtype"           : <dtype>,
    "min"             : <number> or null, // minimal value
    "max"             : <number> or null, // maximal value
    "res"             : <number> or null, // resolution or step size
    "def"             : <value>,          // default value
    "caption"         : <String>,
    "readonly"        : <Bool>,
    "map"             : [<str_map>,...]  if <dtype> == "strmapping" XOR
                        [<int_map>,...]  if <dtype> == "intmapping"  XOR
                        null             else

str_map = {
    "value"           : <String>
    "caption"         : <String>

int_map = {
    "value"           : <Integer>
    "caption"         : <String>

sequence_no = <Unsigned Short> // Cycling sequence number
dtype  = "string" XOR "integer" XOR "float" XOR "bool" XOR "strmapping" XOR "intmapping"
value  = <String> XOR <Bool> XOR <number>
number = <Integer> XOR <Float>

Required controls:

Required controls are pre-defined controls which sensors need to implement in case they support the according action.


Sensors that support data streaming need to specify an data_endpoint in <attach>. It must be specified at anytime -- including when streaming is turned off. Although, the data_endpoint only needs to be reachable when streaming is turned on.

Additionally, these sensors need to implement the following control:

streaming_control_id = "streaming"
streaming_control = {
    "value"           : false,
    "dtype"           : "bool",
    "min"             : null, // minimal value
    "max"             : null, // maximal value
    "res"             : null, // resolution or step size
    "def"             : false,// default value
    "caption"         : "Streaming",
    "readonly"        : false,
    "selector"        : null

Sensors that support local capture need to implement the following two controls:

local_capture_control_id = "local_capture"
local_capture_control = {
    "value"           : false,
    "dtype"           : "bool",
    "min"             : null, // minimal value
    "max"             : null, // maximal value
    "res"             : null, // resolution or step size
    "def"             : false,// default value
    "caption"         : "Local Capture",
    "readonly"        : false,
    "selector"        : null

capture_name_control_id = "capture_session_name"
capture_name_control = {
    "value"           : "Unnamed recording",
    "dtype"           : "string",
    "min"             : null, // minimal value
    "max"             : null, // maximal value
    "res"             : null, // resolution or step size
    "def"             : "Default",// default value
    "caption"         : "Recording name",
    "readonly"        : false,
    "selector"        : null


Commands are sensor specific, since they can only be send through the sensor announced command socket.

command = <refresh_controls> XOR <set_control_value>

refresh_controls = {
    "action"          : "refresh_controls"

set_control_value = {
    "action"          : "set_control_value",
    "control_id"      : <String>,
    "value"           : <value>


Data messages MUST contain at least three frames:

  1. The sensor's unique identifier as unicode string.
  2. The data header as 32 bit aligned, little-endian binary
  3. The data body as binary

Data header according to <sensor_type>:


typedef struct publish_header {
    uint32_t format_le; // MJPEG, H264, (YUYV, VP8)
    uint32_t width_le;
    uint32_t height_le;
    uint32_t sequence_le;
    uint64_t presentation_time_ns_le;
    uint32_t data_bytes_le;
    uint32_t reserved_le;
} __attribute__ ((packed)) publish_header_t;

 VIDEO_FRAME_FORMAT_UNKNOWN     = 0     // supported, unknown
 VIDEO_FRAME_FORMAT_YUYV        = 0x01  // supported, YUYV
(VIDEO_FRAME_FORMAT_BY8         = 0x04)
(VIDEO_FRAME_FORMAT_NV21        = 0x05)
(VIDEO_FRAME_FORMAT_YV12        = 0x06)
(VIDEO_FRAME_FORMAT_I420        = 0x07)
(VIDEO_FRAME_FORMAT_Y16         = 0x08)
(VIDEO_FRAME_FORMAT_M420        = 0x0a)
(VIDEO_FRAME_FORMAT_NV12        = 0x0b)
(VIDEO_FRAME_FORMAT_RGB565      = 0x0c)
(VIDEO_FRAME_FORMAT_RGB         = 0x0d)
(VIDEO_FRAME_FORMAT_BGR         = 0x0e)
 VIDEO_FRAME_FORMAT_MJPEG       = 0x10  // supported, MJPEG
 VIDEO_FRAME_FORMAT_H264        = 0x12  // supported, H264
 VIDEO_FRAME_FORMAT_VP8         = 0x13  // supported, VP8
(VIDEO_FRAME_FORMAT_YCbCr       = 0x14)
(VIDEO_FRAME_FORMAT_DV          = 0x17)


typedef struct audio_header {
    uint32_t format_le;  // PCM8, PCM16, etc., usually use PCM8 on most of Android devices.
    uint32_t channel_le; // 1 or 2, but most of Android devices just support 1
    uint32_t sequence_le;
    uint64_t presentation_time_ns_le;
    uint32_t data_bytes_le;
} __attribute__ ((packed)) audio_header;


frame data = imu_header_t + data body; data body: imu_data_t[from 1 to 80]

typedef struct imu_header {
    uint32_t format_le;	 // always 0
    uint32_t channel_le; // 3
    uint32_t sequence_le;
    uint32_t data_bytes_le;
    uint32_t reserved_le;
} __attribute__ ((packed)) imu_header_t;

typedef struct imu_data {
    uint64_t time_ns_le;
    float32_t accel_x_le;
    float32_t accel_y_le;
    float32_t accel_z_le;
    float32_t gyro_x_le;
    float32_t gyro_y_le;
    float32_t gyro_z_le;
} __attribute__ ((packed)) imu_data_t;


frame data: location_header_t + data body data body: location_data_t

typedef struct location_header {
    uint32_t format_le;	 // always 0
    uint32_t sequence_le;
    uint64_t presentation_time_ns_le;
    uint32_t data_bytes_le;
    uint32_t reserved_le;
} __attribute__ ((packed)) location_header_t;

typedef location_data {
    float64_t longitude_le;
    float64_t latitude_le;
    float64_t altitude_le;
    float64_t accuracy_le;
    float64_t bearing_le;
    float64_t speed_le;
} __attribute__ ((packed)) location_data_t;


frame data: keyboard_header_t + data body; data body: key_data_t

typedef struct keyboard_header {
    uint32_t sequence_le;
    uint64_t presentation_time_ns_le;
    uint32_t data_bytes_le;
} __attribute__ ((packed)) keyboard_header_t;

typedef struct key_data {
    int16_t char_le;
    int32_t meta_state_le;
    int8_t action;
} __attribute__ ((packed)) key_data_t;

Note: Key sensor is only available if the screen of device is ON and when device is not locked because of limitation of Android OS.


frame data: gaze_header_t + data body data body: gaze_data_t

typedef struct location_header {
    uint64_t time_ns_le;
} __attribute__ ((packed)) location_header_t;

typedef location_data {
    float32_t gaze_x;  // 0.0 - 1088.0
    float32_t gaze_y;  // 0.0 - 1080.0
} __attribute__ ((packed)) location_data_t;