- UFI Token contract: 0xcDa4e840411C00a614aD9205CAEC807c7458a0E3
- Payment Plan contract (Fixed Dates unlock): 0xDeE6e64F14f51BeDD3AB76DBb9DBAD1762c5Ea4b
- Payment Plan contract (Linear unlock): 0xF9da2dE9E04561f69AB770a846eE7DDCfc2c53F6
- Farming contract: 0xafAb7848AaB0F9EEF9F9e29a83BdBBBdDE02ECe5
- UFI Token contract: 0xe2a59D5E33c6540E18aAA46BF98917aC3158Db0D
- Payment Plan contract (Fixed Dates unlock): 0x9ed4B0a2B8345EEb1e43A4D0298e351fc320D278
- Payment Plan contract (Linear unlock): 0xafAb7848AaB0F9EEF9F9e29a83BdBBBdDE02ECe5
- Farming contract: 0x33f86fDc03387A066c4395677658747c696932Eb
- UFI Token contract: 0x3c205C8B3e02421Da82064646788c82f7bd753B9
Token codebase is Truffle based.
npm i
then truffle compile
PureFi ERC20 Token implementation is based on the Open Zeppelin contracts.
- Pausable
- ACL Enabled
- Integrated Bot Protection
The payment plan is designed for vesting tokens that unlock on exact dates.
The payment plan is designed for vesting tokens with a cliff, and linear unlock every time (specified by the period
parameter) with exact percentage until 100% are unlocked.
PureFi farming is designed to reward a fixed amount of tokens per block. Therefore, APY would be dynamic and based on users who staked their tokens on the Farming contract. The farming contract supports farming in multiple pools with different liquidity tokens