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Distributed deployment of pomelo

palmtoy edited this page Nov 19, 2013 · 4 revisions

Methods and steps of the distributed deployment

1. Build and configure the system and application software environment

All machines which are participanting in the distributed deployment:

  • must be the same type of operating system (recommended for the same operating system. In this article, 4 machine's operating system are "Debian GNU/Linux 7.0").
  • must have a same user name (such as "pomelo" and so on. In this article, every machine has a user named "pomelo").
  • Node.js version must be identical. The absolute path to the installation must also be identical (In this article, the absolute path to the installation is "/home/pomelo/node-v0.10.21-linux-x64").
  • The absolute path of "lordofpomelo" must also be identical (In this article, the absolute path is "/home/pomelo/lordofpomelo").
  • Configure the ssh login options in all machines participating in a distributed deployment. The method is: to create a file called "config"(In this article, the directory is "/home/pomelo/.ssh") in "~/.ssh" directory. The file content is as follows:
Host *
HashKnownHosts no
CheckHostIP no
StrictHostKeyChecking no

The purpose of the above-mentioned file is to make ssh login smoothly between machines. The meaning of each option, please refer to the ssh_config.

2. Install Pomelo in the global environment; install packages which lordofpomelo depends on

$ npm install pomelo -g
$ cd lordofpomelo
$ sh

Detailed steps, please refer to Pomelo Installation and LordOfPomelo Installation Guide.

3. Modify the related configuration files of lordofpomelo

  • Modify "lordofpomelo/shared/config/mysql.json": change the host address to the IP address of the mysql machine. Note: Do not fill out the "" or "localhost". The specific configuration as shown below, you can modify the corresponding configuration items according to actual situation:
	"development": {
	  "host" : "",
	  "port" : "3306",
	  "database" : "Pomelo",
	  "user" : "xy",
	  "password" : "dev"
	"production": {
  • Modify "lordofpomelo/game-server/config/master.json": change the host address to the master machine IP address (That is the machine's IP which you will use pomelo start to start game-server server cluster). Note: Do not fill out the "" or "localhost". The specific configuration as shown below, you can modify the corresponding configuration items according to actual situation:
        "id": "master-server-1", "host": "", "port": 3005
  • Modify "lordofpomelo/game-server/config/servers.json": change the host address to the machine's IP address which the corresponding service process is running on (That is the machine which the service process will run on). Note: Do not fill out the "" or "localhost". The specific configuration as shown below, you can modify the corresponding configuration items according to actual situation:
	"development": {
		"area": [
			{"id": "area-server-1", "host": "", "port": 3250, "area": 1},
			{"id": "area-server-2", "host": "", "port": 3251, "area": 2},
			{"id": "area-server-3", "host": "", "port": 3252, "area": 3},
		"gate": [
			{"id": "gate-server-1", "host": "", "clientPort": 3014, "frontend": true}
	"production": {
  • Modify "lordofpomelo/game-server/config/servers.json": change the GATE_HOST and GATE_PORT to the machine IP address and port which the game-server's gate service process is running on. Note: If the web server and game-server's gate service process are running on the same machine, GATE_HOST can be configured to window.location.hostname, otherwise, it should be configured to the corresponding IP. This configuration should be correspond to gate configuration in "lordofpomelo/game-server/config/servers.json". Specific configuration as shown below, you can modify the corresponding configuration items according to actual situation:
    IMAGE_URL: '',
    GATE_HOST: '',
    GATE_PORT: 3014

After the above steps are completed, you can use pomelo start command in the lordofpomelo/game-server directory to start game-server server cluster on the master machine(Example in this article is ""). You can use pomelo stop command in the lordofpomelo/game-server directory to stop game-server server cluster. You can use the node app.js command in the lordofpomelo/web-server directory to start web-server in another machine(The example in this article is "". Also you can do it at the master machine). Because the web-server is stateless web server, you can use the kill/Ctrl+c to stop it.

4. Description

  • In the distributed deployment, the code about "start/stop" the application server can refer to sshrun function and related parts in lordofpomelo/game-server/node_modules/pomelo/lib/master/starter.js.
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