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Design of PageRank algorithm for link analysis.

All seventeen graphs used in below experiments are stored in the MatrixMarket (.mtx) file format, and obtained from the SuiteSparse Matrix Collection. These include: web-Stanford, web-BerkStan, web-Google, web-NotreDame, soc-Slashdot0811, soc-Slashdot0902, soc-Epinions1, coAuthorsDBLP, coAuthorsCiteseer, soc-LiveJournal1, coPapersCiteseer, coPapersDBLP, indochina-2004, italy_osm, great-britain_osm, germany_osm, asia_osm. The experiments are implemented in C++, and compiled using GCC 9 with optimization level 3 (-O3). The system used is a Dell PowerEdge R740 Rack server with two Intel Xeon Silver 4116 CPUs @ 2.10GHz, 128GB DIMM DDR4 Synchronous Registered (Buffered) 2666 MHz (8x16GB) DRAM, and running CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core). The execution time of each test case is measured using std::chrono::high_performance_timer. This is done 5 times for each test case, and timings are averaged (AM). The iterations taken with each test case is also measured. 500 is the maximum iterations allowed. Statistics of each test case is printed to standard output (stdout), and redirected to a log file, which is then processed with a script to generate a CSV file, with each row representing the details of a single test case. This CSV file is imported into Google Sheets, and necessary tables are set up with the help of the FILTER function to create the charts.

Comparing with Push computation

There are two ways (algorithmically) to think of the pagerank calculation.

  1. Find pagerank by pushing contribution to out-vertices.
  2. Find pagerank by pulling contribution from in-vertices.

This experiment (approach-push) was to try both of these approaches on a number of different graphs, running each approach 5 times per graph to get a good time measure. The push method is somewhat easier to implement, and is described in this lecture. However, it requires multiple writes per source vertex. On the other hand, the pull method requires 2 additional calculations per-vertex, i.e., non-teleport contribution of each vertex, and, total teleport contribution (to all vertices). However, it requires only 1 write per destination vertex.

While it might seem that pull method would be a clear winner, the results indicate that although pull is always faster than push approach, the difference between the two depends on the nature of the graph. Note that neither approach makes use of SIMD instructions which are available on all modern hardware.

Comparing with Direct (class) computation

This experiment (approach-class) was for comparing the performance between:

  1. Find pagerank using C++ DiGraph class directly.
  2. Find pagerank using CSR representation of DiGraph.

Both these approaches were tried on a number of different graphs, running each approach 5 times per graph to get a good time measure. Using a CSR (Compressed Sparse Row) representation has the potential for performance improvement for both the methods due to information on vertices and edges being stored contiguously. Note that neither approach makes use of SIMD instructions which are available on all modern hardware.

Comparing with Ordered approach

We generally compute PageRank by initialize the rank of each vertex (to say 1/N, where N is the total number of vertices in the graph), and iteratively updating the ranks such that the new rank of each vertex is dependent upon the ranks of its in-neighbors in the previous iteration. We are calling this the unordered approach, since we can alter the vertex processing order without affecting the result (order does not matter). We use two rank vectors (previous and current) with the ordered approach.

In a standard multi-threaded implementation, we split the workload of updating the ranks of vertices among the threads. Each thread operates on the ranks of vertices in the previous iteration, and all threads join together at the end of each iteration. Hemalatha Eedi et al. (1) discuss barrierless non-blocking implementations of the PageRank algorithm, where threads do not join together, and thus may be on different iteration number at a time. A single rank vector is used, and the rank of each vertex is updated once it is computed (so we should call this the ordered approach, where the processing order of vertices does matter).

In this experiment (approach-ordered), we compare the ordered and unordered approaches with a sequential PageRank implementation. We use a damping factor of α = 0.85, a tolerance of τ = 10⁻⁶, and limit the maximum number of iterations to L = 500. The error between iterations is calculated with L1 norm, and the error between the two approaches is also calculated with L1 norm. The unordered approach is considered the gold standard, as it has been described in the original paper by Larry Page et al. (2). Dead ends in the graph are handled by always teleporting any vertex in the graph at random (teleport approach (3)). The teleport contribution to all vertices is calculated once (for all vertices) at the begining of each iteration.

From the results, we observe that the ordered approach is faster than the unordered approach, in terms of the number of iterations. This seems to make sense, as using newer ranks of vertices may accelerate convergence (especially in case of long chains). However, the ordered approach is only slightly faster in terms of time. Why does this happen? This might be due to having to access two different vectors (factors f = α/d, where d is the out-degree of each vertex; and ranks r), when compared to the unordered approach where we need to access a single vector (contributions c = αr/d, where r denotes rank of each vertex in the previous iteration). This suggests that ordered approach may not be significatly faster than the unordered approach.

Adjusting Damping factor

Adjustment of the damping factor α is a delicate balancing act. For smaller values of α, the convergence is fast, but the link structure of the graph used to determine ranks is less true. Slightly different values for α can produce very different rank vectors. Moreover, as α → 1, convergence slows down drastically, and sensitivity issues begin to surface.

For this experiment (adjust-damping-factor), the damping factor α (which is usually 0.85) is varied from 0.50 to 1.00 in steps of 0.05. This is in order to compare the performance variation with each damping factor. The calculated error is the L1 norm with respect to default PageRank (α = 0.85). The PageRank algorithm used here is the standard power-iteration (pull) based PageRank. The rank of a vertex in an iteration is calculated as c₀ + αΣrₙ/dₙ, where c₀ is the common teleport contribution, α is the damping factor, rₙ is the previous rank of vertex with an incoming edge, dₙ is the out-degree of the incoming-edge vertex, and N is the total number of vertices in the graph. The common teleport contribution c₀, calculated as (1-α)/N + αΣrₙ/N , includes the contribution due to a teleport from any vertex in the graph due to the damping factor (1-α)/N, and teleport from dangling vertices (with no outgoing edges) in the graph αΣrₙ/N. This is because a random surfer jumps to a random page upon visiting a page with no links, in order to avoid the rank-sink effect.

Results indicate that increasing the damping factor α beyond 0.85 significantly increases convergence time , and lowering it below 0.85 decreases convergence time. As the damping factor α increases linearly, the iterations needed for PageRank computation increases almost exponentially. On average, using a damping factor α = 0.95 increases iterations needed by 190% (~2.9x), and using a damping factor α = 0.75 decreases it by 41% (~0.6x), compared to damping factor α = 0.85. Note that a higher damping factor implies that a random surfer follows links with higher probability (and jumps to a random page with lower probability).

Adjusting Tolerance function

It is observed that a number of error functions are in use for checking convergence of PageRank computation. Although [L1 norm] is commonly used for convergence check, it appears [nvGraph] uses [L2 norm] instead. Another person in stackoverflow seems to suggest the use of per-vertex tolerance comparison, which is essentially the [L∞ norm]. The L1 norm ||E||₁ between two (rank) vectors r and s is calculated as Σ|rₙ - sₙ|, or as the sum of absolute errors. The L2 norm ||E||₂ is calculated as √Σ|rₙ - sₙ|2, or as the square-root of the sum of squared errors (euclidean distance between the two vectors). The L∞ norm ||E||ᵢ is calculated as max(|rₙ - sₙ|), or as the maximum of absolute errors.

This experiment (adjust-tolerance-function) was for comparing the performance between PageRank computation with L1, L2 and L∞ norms as convergence check, for damping factor α = 0.85, and tolerance τ = 10⁻⁶. The PageRank algorithm used here is the standard power-iteration (pull) based PageRank. The rank of a vertex in an iteration is calculated as c₀ + αΣrₙ/dₙ, where c₀ is the common teleport contribution, α is the damping factor, rₙ is the previous rank of vertex with an incoming edge, dₙ is the out-degree of the incoming-edge vertex, and N is the total number of vertices in the graph. The common teleport contribution c₀, calculated as (1-α)/N + αΣrₙ/N , includes the contribution due to a teleport from any vertex in the graph due to the damping factor (1-α)/N, and teleport from dangling vertices (with no outgoing edges) in the graph αΣrₙ/N. This is because a random surfer jumps to a random page upon visiting a page with no links, in order to avoid the rank-sink effect.

From the results it is clear that PageRank computation with L∞ norm as convergence check is the fastest , quickly followed by L2 norm, and finally L1 norm. Thus, when comparing two or more approaches for an iterative algorithm, it is important to ensure that all of them use the same error function as convergence check (and the same parameter values). This would help ensure a level ground for a good relative performance comparison.

Also note that PageRank computation with L∞ norm as convergence check completes in a single iteration for all the road networks (ending with _osm). This is likely because it is calculated as ||E||ᵢ = max(|rₙ - sₙ|), and depending upon the order (number of vertices) N of the graph (those graphs are quite large), the maximum rank change for any single vertex does not exceed the tolerance τ value of 10⁻⁶.

Adjusting Tolerance

Similar to the damping factor α and the error function used for convergence check, adjusting the value of tolerance τ can have a significant effect. This experiment (adjust-tolerance) was for comparing the performance between PageRank computation with L1, L2 and L∞ norms as convergence check, for various tolerance τ values ranging from 10⁻⁰ to 10⁻¹⁰ (10⁻⁰, 5×10⁻⁰, 10⁻¹, 5×10⁻¹, ...). The PageRank algorithm used here is the standard power-iteration (pull) based PageRank. The rank of a vertex in an iteration is calculated as c₀ + αΣrₙ/dₙ, where c₀ is the common teleport contribution, α is the damping factor, rₙ is the previous rank of vertex with an incoming edge, dₙ is the out-degree of the incoming-edge vertex, and N is the total number of vertices in the graph. The common teleport contribution c₀, calculated as (1-α)/N + αΣrₙ/N , includes the contribution due to a teleport from any vertex in the graph due to the damping factor (1-α)/N, and teleport from dangling vertices (with no outgoing edges) in the graph αΣrₙ/N. This is because a random surfer jumps to a random page upon visiting a page with no links, in order to avoid the rank-sink effect.

For various graphs it is observed that PageRank computation with L1, L2, or L∞ norm as convergence check suffers from sensitivity issues beyond certain (smaller) tolerance τ values, causing the computation to halt at maximum iteration limit (500) without convergence. As tolerance τ is decreased from 10⁻⁰ to 10⁻¹⁰, L1 norm is the first to suffer from this issue, followed by L2 and L∞ norms (except road networks). This sensitivity issue was recognized by the fact that a given approach abruptly takes 500 iterations for the next lower tolerance τ value.

It is also observed that PageRank computation with L∞ norm as convergence check completes in just one iteration (even for tolerance τ ≥ 10⁻⁶) for large graphs (road networks). This again, as mentioned above, is likely because the maximum rank change for any single vertex for L∞ norm, and the sum of squares of total rank change for all vertices, is quite low for such large graphs. Thus, it does not exceed the given tolerance τ value, causing a single iteration convergence.

On average, PageRank computation with L∞ norm as the error function is the fastest, quickly followed by L2 norm, and then L1 norm. This is the case with both geometric mean (GM) and arithmetic mean (AM) comparisons of iterations needed for convergence with each of the three error functions. In fact, this trend is observed with each of the individual graphs separately.

Based on GM-RATIO comparison, the relative iterations between PageRank computation with L1, L2, and L∞ norm as convergence check is 1.00 : 0.30 : 0.20. Hence L2 norm is on average 70% faster than L1 norm, and L∞ norm is 33% faster than L2 norm. This ratio is calculated by first finding the GM of iterations based on each error function for each tolerance τ value separately. These tolerance τ specific means are then combined with GM to obtain a single mean value for each error function (norm). The GM-RATIO is then the ratio of each norm with respect to the L∞ norm. The variation of tolerance τ specific means with L∞ norm as baseline for various tolerance τ values is shown below.

On the other hand, based on AM-RATIO comparison, the relative iterations between PageRank computation with L1, L2, and L∞ norm as convergence check is 1.00 : 0.39 : 0.31. Hence, L2 norm is on average 61% faster than L1 norm, and L∞ norm is 26% faster than L2 norm. This ratio is calculated in a manner similar to that of GM-RATIO, except that it uses AM instead of GM. The variation of tolerance τ specific means with L∞ norm as baseline for various tolerance τ values is shown below as well.

Adjusting Tolerance (Ordered approach)

Unordered PageRank is the standard way of computing PageRank computation, where two different rank vectors are maintained; one representing the current ranks of vertices, and the other representing the previous ranks. Conversely, ordered PageRank uses a single rank vector for the current ranks of vertices (1). This is similar to barrierfree non-blocking implementation of PageRank by Hemalatha Eedi et al. (2). Since ranks are updated in the same vector (with each iteration), the order in which vertices are processed affects the final outcome (hence the modifier ordered). Nonetheless, as PageRank is a converging algorithm, ranks obtained with either approach are mostly the same.

In this experiment (adjust-tolerance-ordered), we perform ordered PageRank while adjusting the tolerance τ from 10^-1 to 10^-14 with three different tolerance functions: L1-norm, L2-norm, and L∞-norm. We also compare it with unordered PageRank for the same tolerance and tolerance function. We use a damping factor of α = 0.85 and limit the maximum number of iterations to L = 500. The error between the two approaches is calculated with L1-norm. The unordered approach is considered to be the gold standard, as it has been described in the original paper by Larry Page et al. (3). Dead ends in the graph are handled by always teleporting any vertex in the graph at random (teleport approach (4)). The teleport contribution to all vertices is calculated once (for all vertices) at the begining of each iteration.

From the results, we observe that the ordered approach is always faster than the unordered approach, in terms of the number of iterations. This seems to make sense, as using newer ranks of vertices may accelerate convergence (especially in case of long chains). However, the ordered approach is not always faster in terms of time. When L2-norm is used for convergence check, ordered approach is generally faster for a tolerance less than τ = 10^-4. and when L∞-norm is used, it is generally faster for a tolerance less than τ = 10^-6. It looks like a suitable value of tolerance with any tolerance function for the ordered approach would be τ ∈ [10^-6, 10^-11]. This could be due to the ordered approach having to access two different vectors (factors f = α/d, where d is the out-degree of each vertex; and ranks r), when compared to the unordered approach where we need to access a single vector (contributions c = αr/d, where r denotes rank of each vertex in the previous iteration). This suggests that ordered approach is better than the unordered approach when tighter tolerance is used (but not too tight).

Adjusting Iteration scaling

nvGraph PageRank appears to use L2-norm per-iteration scaling. This is (probably) required for finding a solution to eigenvalue problem. However, as the eigenvalue for PageRank is 1, this is not necessary. This experiement (adjust-iteration-scaling) was for observing if this was indeed true, and that any such per-iteration scaling doesn't affect the number of iterations needed to converge. PageRank was computed with L1, L2, or L∞-norm and the effect of L1 or L2-norm scaling of ranks was compared with baseline (L0).

Results match the above assumptions, and indeed no performance benefit is observed (except a reduction in a single iteration for web-Google and web-NotreDame graphs).


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  • A Survey on PageRank Computing
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  • Identifying Key Users in Online Social Networks: A PageRank Based Approach
  • RIoTBench: An IoT benchmark for distributed stream processing systems
  • Efficient PageRank Tracking in Evolving Networks
  • Efficient Computation of PageRank
  • Deeper Inside PageRank
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  • The PageRank Problem, Multiagent Consensus, and Web Aggregation: A Systems and Control Viewpoint
  • Cognitive spammer: A Framework for PageRank analysis with Split by Over-sampling and Train by Under-fitting
  • FrogWild! -- Fast PageRank Approximations on Graph Engines
  • RIoTBench: A Real-time IoT Benchmark for Distributed Stream Processing Platforms
  • Approximate Personalized PageRank on Dynamic Graphs
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  • Performance evaluation of big data frameworks for large-scale data analytics
  • SP-Partitioner: A novel partition method to handle intermediate data skew in spark streaming
  • Practice of Streaming Processing of Dynamic Graphs: Concepts, Models, and Systems
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  • Scalability! But at what COST?
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  • SuiteSparse Matrix Collection