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Design of bitset for storing key-value pairs.

With Unordered map

This experiment (unordered-map) was for comparing the performance between:

  1. Storing DiGraph edges using vector.
  2. Storing DiGraph edges using unordered_map.

Each approach was attempted with a number of different graphs, performing 2 graph structure operations, readMtx and addRandomEdge. Surprisingly, unordered_map approach performs works in all cases compared to using vector for edges. That possibly means that even though a vector needs O(n) search time for checking existence of edge, it still tends to be faster that unordered_map, especially since many vertices will have a small number of edges, where a simple linear search is usually better. A hybrid approach might yield better results.

With Sorted vs Unsorted Vector

This experiment (vector-sorted-vs-unsorted) was for comparing performance between:

  1. Read graph edges to sorted bitset based DiGraph & transpose.
  2. Read graph edges to unsorted bitset based DiGraph & transpose.

Each approach was attempted on a number of temporal graphs, running each with multiple batch sizes (1, 5, 10, 50, ...). Each batch size was run 5 times for each approach to get a good time measure. Transpose of DiGraph based on sorted bitset is clearly faster than the unsorted one. However, with reading graph edges there is no clear winner (sometimes sorted is faster especially for large graphs, and sometimes unsorted). Maybe when new edges have many duplicates, inserts are less, and hence sorted version is faster (since sorted bitset has slow insert time).

Adjusting Unsorted size of Partially sorted Vector

The partially sorted bitset maintains 2 sublists in the same vector, sorted and unsorted. New items are added to the unsorted sublist at the end. When unsorted sublist grows beyond limit, it is merged with the sorted sublist (unsorted sublist becomes empty). Lookup can be performed in either the sorted sublist first, or the unsorted one.

This experiment (vector-partially-sorted-adjust-unsorted) was for comparing performance of reading graph edges (readSnapTemporal) and transpose (transposeWithDegree) between:

  1. Merge sublists using sort (modes 0, 1).
  2. Merge sublists in-place (modes 2, 3).
  3. Merge sublists using extra space for sorted sublist (modes 4, 5).
  4. Merge sublists using extra space for unsorted sublist (modes 6, 7).

In each case given above, lookup in bitset is done either in sorted sublist first, or in unsorted sublist:

  1. Lookup first in sorted sublist (modes 0, 2, 4, 6).
  2. Lookup first in unsorted sublist (modes 1, 3, 5, 7).

For all of the total 8 modes above, unsorted limit for unsorted sublist was adjusted with multiple sizes (1, 2, 3, ..., 10, 20, ..., 10000). Merge using sort simply sorts the entire list. Merging in-place uses std::inplace_merge(). Merge using extra space for sorted sublist uses a shared temporary buffer for storing sorted values (which could be large) and then performs a std::merge() after sorting the unsorted sublist. On the other hand, merge using extra space for unsorted sublist uses a shared temporary buffer for storing unsorted values (which is potentially much smaller than the sorted sublist), and performs a reverse merge after sorting the unsorted sublist. From the result it appears that merging sublists in-place, and using extra space for unsorted sublist, both with first lookup in sorted sublist are fast (modes inplace-s=2, extrau-s=6). For both cases, a limit of 128 appears to be a good choice.

With Fully vs Partially sorted Vector

This experiment (vector-sorted-full-vs-partial) was for comparing performance between:

  1. Read graph edges to sorted bitset based DiGraph & transpose.
  2. Read graph edges to partially sorted bitset based DiGraph & transpose.

Each approach was attempted on a number of temporal graphs, running each 5 times to get a good time measure. Transpose of DiGraph based on sorted bitset is clearly faster than the partially sorted one. This is possibly because partially sorted bitset based DiGraph causes higher cache misses due to random accesses (while reversing edges). However, with reading graph edges there is no clear winner (sometimes partially sorted is faster especially for large graphs, and sometimes unsorted). On average, it is better to stick with simple fully sorted bitset.

Adjusting In-built buffer of Vector

This experiment (vector-adjust-inbuilt-buffer) is for comparing various buffer sizes for BitSet with small vector optimization. Read graph edges, and transpose, was attempted on a number of temporal graphs, running each with multiple buffer sizes (1, 2, 4, ...4096). Each buffer size was run 5 times for for both read and transpose to get a good time measure.

On average, a buffer size of 4 seems to give small improvement. Any further increase in buffer size slows down performance. This is possibly because of unnecessaryily large contiguous large memory allocation needed by the buffer, and low cache-hit percent due to widely separated edge data (due to the static buffer). In fact it even crashes when 26 instances of graphs with varying buffer sizes can't all be held in memory. Hence, small vector optimization is not useful, atleast when used for graphs.

With Sorted vs Unsorted 16-bit Subranged Vector

This experiment (vector-subrange16-sorted-vs-unsorted) is for comparing sorted vs unsorted for 16-bit subrange based BitSet. Each approach was attempted on a number of temporal graphs, running each with multiple read sizes (1E+3, 5E+3, 1E+4, 5E+4, ...). Each read size was run 5 times for each approach to get a good time measure. 16-bit subrange bitset is similar to [Roaring bitmap], which also breaks up all integers into buckets of 2^16 integers.

Although both sorted and unsorted 16-bit subrange based bitsets perform similarly, on average unsorted approach performs slightly better than sorted approach.

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