Recon tool based on LazyRecon & MagicRecon
__________ ___. .__ /\ __________
\______ \ ____ \_ |__ |__| ____)/ ______ \______ \ ____ ____ ____ ____
| _/ / _ \ | __ \ | | / \ / ___/ | _/_/ __ \_/ ___\ / _ \ / \
| | \( <_> )| \_\ \| || | \ \___ \ | | \\ ___/\ \___( <_> )| | \
|____|_ / \____/ |___ /|__||___| //____ > |____|_ / \___ >\___ >\____/ |___| /
\/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
- Supports colors and is optimized for bash
- Static definition of output and tool directories at top of script for easy customization
- Error checks for logging and debugging
- Optimized for multi-threading where possible using Interlace
- Add logging to support scripts (use files!)
- Rewrite LazyRecon for Interlace and debugging!
- Support recursion over subdomains
- Move functions from to this script for recursiveness
- Add checking for SQLI automatically
- Add checking for request smuggling automatically
- Refactor to have 1 main script and 2 sub-scripts: 1 for recon and one for vuln detection.
- Rewrite in Python?