diff --git a/docs/configuration.md b/docs/configuration.md
index 7744afa221..0820ff07ed 100644
--- a/docs/configuration.md
+++ b/docs/configuration.md
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ hide:
| cache-size | 域名结果缓存个数 | 自动,根据系统内存自动调整大小 | 大于等于 0 的数字 | cache-size 512 |
| cache-persist | 是否持久化缓存 | 自动。
当 cache-file 所在的位置有超过 128 MB 的可用空间时启用,否则禁用。 | [yes\|no] | cache-persist yes |
| cache-file | 缓存持久化文件路径 | /var/cache/
smartdns.cache | 合法路径字符串 | cache-file /tmp/smartdns.cache |
-| cache-checkpoint-time | 缓存持久化时间 | 0 | 0 或 大于120的数字, 0表示禁用周期持久化, 其他值表示定期持久化的时间。 | cache-checkpoint-time 0
+| cache-checkpoint-time | 缓存持久化时间 | 24小时 | 0 或 大于120的数字, 0表示禁用周期持久化, 其他值表示定期持久化的时间。 | cache-checkpoint-time 0
| tcp-idle-time | TCP 链接空闲超时时间 | 120 | 大于等于 0 的数字 | tcp-idle-time 120 |
| rr-ttl | 域名结果 TTL | 远程查询结果 | 大于 0 的数字 | rr-ttl 600 |
| rr-ttl-min | 允许的最小 TTL 值 | 远程查询结果 | 大于 0 的数字 | rr-ttl-min 60 |
diff --git a/en/docs/configuration.md b/en/docs/configuration.md
index 889926dd9c..4beec40dd5 100644
--- a/en/docs/configuration.md
+++ b/en/docs/configuration.md
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ hide:
|cache-size|Domain name result cache number|Auto: Set cache site by memory size. |integer|cache-size 512
|cache-persist|enable persist cache|Auto: Enabled if the location of `cache-file` has more than 128MB of free space.|[yes\|no]|cache-persist yes
|cache-file|cache persist file|/var/cache/
smartdns.cache|path|cache-file /tmp/smartdns.cache
-|cache-checkpoint-time| cache persist time | 0 | 0 or greater than 120, 0: disable, other: persis time in seconds | cache-checkpoint-time 0
+|cache-checkpoint-time| cache persist time | 24 hours | 0 or greater than 120, 0: disable, other: persis time in seconds | cache-checkpoint-time 0
|tcp-idle-time|TCP connection idle timeout|120|integer|tcp-idle-time 120
|rr-ttl|Domain name TTL|Remote query result|number greater than 0|rr-ttl 600
|rr-ttl-min|Domain name Minimum TTL|Remote query result|number greater than 0|rr-ttl-min 60