diff --git a/pyro/contrib/epidemiology/models.py b/pyro/contrib/epidemiology/models.py
index 3bc1a1e7bb..393b94f0fd 100644
--- a/pyro/contrib/epidemiology/models.py
+++ b/pyro/contrib/epidemiology/models.py
@@ -150,6 +150,113 @@ def transition(self, params, state, t):
                     obs=self.data[t] if t_is_observed else None)
+class SimpleSEIRDModel(CompartmentalModel):
+    """
+    Susceptible-Exposed-Infected-Recovered-Dead model.
+    To customize this model we recommend forking and editing this class.
+    This is a stochastic discrete-time discrete-state model with four
+    compartments: "S" for susceptible, "E" for exposed, "I" for infected, "D"
+    for deceased individuals, and "R" for recovered individuals (the recovered
+    individuals are implicit: ``R = population - S - E - I - D``) with
+    transitions ``S -> E -> I -> R`` and ``I -> D``.
+    Because the transitions are not simple linear succession, this model
+    implements a custom :meth:`compute_flows()` method.
+    :param int population: Total ``population = S + E + I + R + D``.
+    :param float incubation_time: Mean incubation time (duration in state
+        ``E``). Must be greater than 1.
+    :param float recovery_time: Mean recovery time (duration in state
+        ``I``). Must be greater than 1.
+    :param float mortality_rate: Portion of infections resulting in death.
+        Must be in the open interval ``(0, 1)``.
+    :param iterable data: Time series of new observed infections. Each time
+        step is Binomial distributed between 0 and the number of ``S -> E``
+        transitions. This allows false negative but no false positives.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, population, incubation_time, recovery_time,
+                 mortality_rate, data):
+        compartments = ("S", "E", "I", "D")  # R is implicit.
+        duration = len(data)
+        super().__init__(compartments, duration, population)
+        assert isinstance(incubation_time, float)
+        assert incubation_time > 1
+        self.incubation_time = incubation_time
+        assert isinstance(recovery_time, float)
+        assert recovery_time > 1
+        self.recovery_time = recovery_time
+        assert isinstance(mortality_rate, float)
+        assert 0 < mortality_rate < 1
+        self.mortality_rate = mortality_rate
+        self.data = data
+    def global_model(self):
+        tau_e = self.incubation_time
+        tau_i = self.recovery_time
+        mu = self.mortality_rate
+        R0 = pyro.sample("R0", dist.LogNormal(0., 1.))
+        rho = pyro.sample("rho", dist.Beta(10, 10))
+        return R0, tau_e, tau_i, mu, rho
+    def initialize(self, params):
+        # Start with a single infection.
+        return {"S": self.population - 1, "E": 0, "I": 1, "D": 0}
+    def transition(self, params, state, t):
+        R0, tau_e, tau_i, mu, rho = params
+        # Sample flows between compartments.
+        S2E = pyro.sample("S2E_{}".format(t),
+                          infection_dist(individual_rate=R0 / tau_i,
+                                         num_susceptible=state["S"],
+                                         num_infectious=state["I"],
+                                         population=self.population))
+        E2I = pyro.sample("E2I_{}".format(t),
+                          binomial_dist(state["E"], 1 / tau_e))
+        # Of the 1/tau_i expected recoveries-or-deaths, a portion mu die and
+        # the remaining recover. Alternatively we could model this with a
+        # Multinomial distribution I2_ and extract the two components I2D and
+        # I2R, however the Multinomial distribution does not currently
+        # implement overdispersion or moment matching.
+        I2D = pyro.sample("I2D_{}".format(t),
+                          binomial_dist(state["I"], mu / tau_i))
+        I2R = pyro.sample("I2R_{}".format(t),
+                          binomial_dist(state["I"] - I2D, 1 / tau_i))
+        # Update compartments with flows.
+        state["S"] = state["S"] - S2E
+        state["E"] = state["E"] + S2E - E2I
+        state["I"] = state["I"] + E2I - I2R - I2D
+        state["D"] = state["D"] + I2D
+        # Condition on observations.
+        t_is_observed = isinstance(t, slice) or t < self.duration
+        pyro.sample("obs_{}".format(t),
+                    binomial_dist(S2E, rho),
+                    obs=self.data[t] if t_is_observed else None)
+    def compute_flows(self, prev, curr, t):
+        S2E = prev["S"] - curr["S"]  # S can only go to E.
+        I2D = curr["D"] - prev["D"]  # D can only have come from I.
+        # We deduce the remaining flows by conservation of mass:
+        #   curr - prev = inflows - outflows
+        E2I = prev["E"] - curr["E"] + S2E
+        I2R = prev["I"] - curr["I"] + E2I - I2D
+        return {
+            "S2E_{}".format(t): S2E,
+            "E2I_{}".format(t): E2I,
+            "I2D_{}".format(t): I2D,
+            "I2R_{}".format(t): I2R,
+        }
 class OverdispersedSIRModel(CompartmentalModel):
     Generalizes :class:`SimpleSIRModel` with overdispersed distributions.
diff --git a/tests/contrib/epidemiology/test_models.py b/tests/contrib/epidemiology/test_models.py
index 5a1e2bfae3..2aea21c6d6 100644
--- a/tests/contrib/epidemiology/test_models.py
+++ b/tests/contrib/epidemiology/test_models.py
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
 import pyro.distributions as dist
 from pyro.contrib.epidemiology.models import (HeterogeneousRegionalSIRModel, HeterogeneousSIRModel,
                                               OverdispersedSEIRModel, OverdispersedSIRModel, RegionalSIRModel,
-                                              SimpleSEIRModel, SimpleSIRModel, SparseSIRModel, SuperspreadingSEIRModel,
-                                              SuperspreadingSIRModel, UnknownStartSIRModel)
+                                              SimpleSEIRDModel, SimpleSEIRModel, SimpleSIRModel, SparseSIRModel,
+                                              SuperspreadingSEIRModel, SuperspreadingSIRModel, UnknownStartSIRModel)
 from tests.common import xfail_param
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -111,6 +111,46 @@ def test_simple_seir_smoke(duration, forecast, options, algo):
     assert samples["I"].shape == (num_samples, duration + forecast)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("duration", [3, 7])
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("forecast", [0, 7])
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("algo,options", [
+    ("svi", {}),
+    ("mcmc", {}),
+    ("mcmc", {"haar_full_mass": 2}),
+], ids=str)
+def test_simple_seird_smoke(duration, forecast, options, algo):
+    population = 100
+    incubation_time = 2.0
+    recovery_time = 7.0
+    mortality_rate = 0.1
+    # Generate data.
+    model = SimpleSEIRDModel(population, incubation_time, recovery_time,
+                             mortality_rate, [None] * duration)
+    assert model.full_mass == [("R0", "rho")]
+    for attempt in range(100):
+        data = model.generate({"R0": 1.5, "rho": 0.5})["obs"]
+        if data.sum():
+            break
+    assert data.sum() > 0, "failed to generate positive data"
+    # Infer.
+    model = SimpleSEIRDModel(population, incubation_time, recovery_time,
+                             mortality_rate, data)
+    num_samples = 5
+    if algo == "mcmc":
+        model.fit_mcmc(warmup_steps=1, num_samples=num_samples, max_tree_depth=2, **options)
+    else:
+        model.fit_svi(num_steps=2, num_samples=num_samples, **options)
+    # Predict and forecast.
+    samples = model.predict(forecast=forecast)
+    assert samples["S"].shape == (num_samples, duration + forecast)
+    assert samples["E"].shape == (num_samples, duration + forecast)
+    assert samples["I"].shape == (num_samples, duration + forecast)
+    assert samples["D"].shape == (num_samples, duration + forecast)
 @pytest.mark.parametrize("duration", [3])
 @pytest.mark.parametrize("forecast", [7])
 @pytest.mark.parametrize("options", [
diff --git a/tutorial/source/epi_intro.ipynb b/tutorial/source/epi_intro.ipynb
index 699b24246d..fe01e87cf4 100644
--- a/tutorial/source/epi_intro.ipynb
+++ b/tutorial/source/epi_intro.ipynb
@@ -876,7 +876,9 @@
     "+ state[\"S\"] = state[\"S\"] - S2I  # Correct\n",
     "- state[\"S\"] -= S2I              # AVOID: may corrupt tensors\n",
-    "```"
+    "```\n",
+    "\n",
+    "For a slightly more complex example, take a look at the [SimpleSEIRDModel](http://docs.pyro.ai/en/latest/contrib.epidemiology.html#pyro.contrib.epidemiology.models.SimpleSEIRDModel)."