- Fix parsing path on windows
- Bump jinja2, pycryptodomex and black version
- Added implied key to JSON SNMP table index structure
- Rebased MIB importing code onto importlib because imp is long deprecated
- Fixed Py file borrower to become functional
- Added mibcopy.py documentation
- Copyright notice bumped up to year 2019
- Bumped upper Python version to 3.7 and enabled pip cache
- Exit code indication of the command-line tools aligned with sysexits.h to report more useful termination status
- Fixed pysnmp lower version in test-requirements.txt
- Fixed compiler crash when building comments at a platform which has broken users/groups databases
- The mibcopy tool implemented to copy MIB modules from files with potentially messed up names into a directory under canonical MIB names picking up the latest MIB revision along the way.
- ZIP archive reader implemented to pull ASN.1 MIB files from .zip archives pretty much in the same way as from plain directories
- HTTP/S proxy support added (through respecting http_proxy environment variable) by switching from httplib to urllib2 internally
- Copyright notice bumped up to year 2018
- Project site in the docs changes from SourceForge to snmplabs.com
- PRODUCT-RELEASE generation added to the JSON code generator
- Added special handling of BITS-like DEFVAL syntax for Integers that occurs in buggy MIBs
- Fixed missing REVISIONS generations in MODULE-IDENTITY
- Library documentation refactored and updated
- Fixed malformed Python code being produced by pysnmp code generator
- Added MIB status, product release and revision description set calls at pysnmp code generator
- Changed REVISION field format in JSON representation - it is now a list of dicts each with revision timestamp and description text
- MIB REFERENCE fields are only exported if --with-mib-text is on
- Sphinx documentation theme changed to Alabaster
- Multiple fixes to pysnmp codegen not to produce function calls with more than 255 parameters
- Fix to SMI lexer to treat tokens starting from a digit as belonging to a lower-cased class. This fixes sub-OID parsing bug (specifically, 802dot3(10006))
- Fix to the mibdump.py local MIB path automatic injection in front of existing --mib-sources
- INET-ADDRESS-MIB configured as pre-built at pysnmp codegen
- JSON codegen produces "nodetype" element for OBJECT-TYPE
- Fix to mibdump.py --destination-directory option
- Fix to pysnmp and JSON code generators to properly refer to MIB module defining particular MIB object
- The @mib@ magic in reader's URL template made optional. If it is not present, MIB module name is just appended to URL template
- Send User-Agent containing pysmi and Python versions as well as platform name.
- Fixed missing STATUS/DISPLAY-HINT/REFERENCE/etc fields generation at pysnmp backend when running in the non-full-text mode
- Fixed broken ordereddict dependency on Python 2.6-
- Generate REFERENCE and STATUS fields at various SMI objects
- Generate DESCRIPTION field followed REVISION field at MODULE-IDENTITY objects
- Generated Python source aligned with PEP8
- MIB texts cleaned up by default, --keep-texts-layout preserves original formatting
- Fix to the ordereddict conditional dependency
- Missing test module recovered
- Failing tests fixed
- JSON code generating backend implemented
- Experimental JSON OID->MIB indices generation implemented
- Package structure flattened for easier use
- Minor refactoring to the test suite
- Source code statically analyzed, hardened and PEP8-ized
- Files closed explicitly to mute ResourceWarnings
- Fixed to Python 2.4 (and aged ply) compatibility
- Added a workaround to avoid generating pysnmp TextualConvention classes inheriting from TextualConvention (when MIB defines a TEXTUAL-CONVENTION based on another TEXTUAL-CONVENTION as SYNTAX)
- Author's e-mail changed, copyright extended to year 2017
- Crash on existing .py file handling fixed.
- Fix to __doc__ use in setup.py to make -O0 installation mode working.
- Fix to PyPackageSearcher not to fail on broken Python packages.
- Source code pep8'ed
- Copyright added to source files.
- Several typos fixed, source code linted again.
- Some dead code cleaned up.
- Wheel distribution format now supported.
- Handle the case of MIB symbols conflict with Python reserved words.
- Handle binary DEFVAL initializer for INTEGER's.
- Generate LAST-UPDATED at pysnmp code generator.
- Fix to MRO compliance for mixin classes generation at pysnmp backend
- Fix to repeated imports in generated code at pysnmp backend
- Fix to mibdump tool to properly handle the --generate-mib-texts option.
- Fix to Python compile() - optimize flag is valid only past Python 3.1
- Fix to SMIv1 INDEX clause code generation for pysnmp backend.
- Tighten file creation security at pysmi.writer.pyfile
- Two-pass compiler design allows for much accurate code generation.
- Sphinx-based documentation first introduced
- First public release, not fully operational yet